Solr Slow on Kubernetes - Possible Solution - performance

I am writing this question to share the solution we found in our company.
We migrated Solr over a docker only solution to a kubernetes solution.
On kubernetes the environment ended up with slowness.
At least for me the solution was atypical.
solr(8.2.0) with just one node
solr database with 250GB on disk
kubernetes over Rancher
Node with 24vcpus and 32GB of Ram
Node hosts Solr and nginx ingress
Reserved 30GB for the Solr pod in kubernetes
Reserved 25GB for the Solr
Expected Load:
350 updates/min (pdf documents and html documents)
50 selects/min
The result was Solr degrading over time having high loads on host. The culpirit was heavy disk access.

After one week of frustrated adjustments this is the simple solution we found:
Solr JVM had 25 GB. We decreased the value to 10GB.
This is the command to start solr with the new values:
/opt/solr/bin/solr start -f -force -a '-Xms10g -Xmx10g' -p 8983
If someone can explain what happened that would be great.
My guess is that solr was trying to make cash and kubernetes was reapping this cache. So Solr ended up in a continuous reading of the disk trying to build its cache.


change persistent disk type to ssd

I have an elasticsearch running as a ECK on a GKE cluster for production purposes and in order to increase its performance I'm thinking of changing the persistent disk type to ssd. I came accross solutions that incite the need to create a snapshot of the disk in GCE and then create another ssd disk with the data stored in the snapshot. I'm still concerned whether it still has a risk of data loss and if I create another disk will my elastic be able to match it or not as it is statefulset.
Since this is a production deployment I would advise to do as follows:
Create a volume snapshot (doc).
Set up a secondary cluster (doc).
Modify the deployment so that it uses an SSD (doc).
Deploy to the second cluster.
Once this new deployment has been fully tested you can switch over the traffic.

Elastic search cluster on Kubernetes Cluster vs VM

I want to setup elastic stack (elastic search, logstash, beats and kibana) for monitoring my kubernetes cluster which is running on on-prem bare metals. I need some recommendations on the following 2 approaches, like which one would be more robust,fault-tolerant and of production grade. Let's say I have a K8 cluster named as K8-abc.
Approach 1- Will be it be good to setup the elastic stack outside the kubernetes cluster?
In this approach, all the logs from pods running in kube-system namespace and user-defined namespaces would be fetched by beats(running on K8-abc) and put into into the ES Cluster which is configured on Linux Bare Metals via Logstash (which is also running on VMs). And for fetching the kubernetes node logs, the beats running on respective VMs (which are participating in forming the K8-abc) would fetch the logs and put it into the ES Cluster which is configured on VMs. The thing to note here is the VMs used for forming the ES Cluster are not the part of the K8-abc.
Approach 2- Will be it be good to setup the elastic stack on the kubernetes cluster k8-abc itself?
In this approach, all the logs from pods running in kube-system namespace and user-defined namespaces would be send to Elastic search cluster configured on the K8-abc via logstash and beats (both running on K8-abc). For fetching the K8-abc node logs, the beats running on VMs (which are participating in forming the K8-abc) would put the logs into ES running on K8-abc via logstash which is running on k8-abc.
Can some one help me in evaluating the pros and cons of the before mentioned two approaches? It will be helpful even if the relevant links to blogs and case studies is provided.
I would be more inclined to the second solution. It has many advantages over the first one however it may seem more complex as it comes to the initial setup. You can actually ask similar question when it comes to migrate any other type of workload to Kubernetes. It has many advantages over VM. To name just a few:
self-healing cluster,
service discovery and integrated load balancing,
Such solution is much easier to scale (HPA) in comparison with VMs,
Storage orchestration. Kubernetes allows you to automatically mount a storage system of your choice, such as local storage, public cloud providers, and many more including Dynamic Volume Provisioning mechanism.
All the above points could be easily applied to any other workload and may bee seen as Kubernetes advantages in general so let's look why to use it for implementing Elastic Stack:
It looks like Elastic is actively promoting use of Kubernetes on their website. See also this article.
They also provide an official elasticsearch helm chart so it is already quite well supported by Elastic.
Probably there are many other reasons in favour of Kubernetes solution I didn't mention here. Here you can find a hands-on article about setting up Highly Available and Scalable Elasticsearch on Kubernetes.

ELK Stack using Docker on EC2 Container Service

I am contemplating setting up an ELK (ElasticSearch, LogStash and Kibana) stack on AWS using Docker images. But I am unsure about performance and persistent storage.
If I just deploy the docker images to the EC2 Container service with my configuration, then I guess I need to also point to a place for persistent storage for both LogStash and ElasticSearch. Is S3 storage fast enough, or does that even matter when I am talking about logs. I am pretty sure I can live with some minutes delay on the indexing, but using Kibana, I would like to get data reasonably fast.
Is this a viable solution for a production setup with a couple of gigs worth of logs daily. I expect the log volume to rise once we see the value of this and start logging more to get more insight.
Is it fast enough to use S3 for storage of log files?
Is it a viable solution for a production site that produces 5+ gigs of data a day?
You might take a look at AWS Elasticsearch Service. It's Elastic Search and Kibana as a service on AWS that you don't have to manually manage. I've just started using it for application-level events that my (desktop app) users are voluntarily reporting, and it's been really useful.

SonarQube 5.1 too busy due to ElasticSearch

I have recently migrated from SonarQube 3.7.2 to SonarQube 5.1. Update was successfull and I was able to run analysis.
However now I cannot reach the server and from log it seems ElasticSearch is slowly eating away my disk space.
I tried to restart the server and to delete the data/es directory, but nothing helped.
sonar.log is full of these lines:
2015.05.18 00:00:13 WARN es[o.e.c.r.a.decider] [sonar-1431686361188] high disk watermark [10%] exceeded on [Jbz_O0pFRKecav4NT3DWzQ][sonar-1431686361188] free: 5.6gb[3.8%], shards will be relocated away from this node
2015.05.18 00:00:13 INFO es[o.e.c.r.a.decider] [sonar-1431686361188] high disk watermark exceeded on one or more nodes, rerouting shards
There are just a few Java projects, but two of them are around a couple million lines of code (LOC).
Your server does not have enough available disk space to feed its internal Elasticsearch indices.
Note that an external volume can be used by setting the property (see conf/

ElasticSearch Increase Memory No Service Wrapper

Im running ElasticSearch 1.3.2 on Centos 6.5 with the terminal like so:
bin/elasticsearch -console
My server has 16GB of RAM. How do I give 8GB of it to ES?
This post may have the answer but I just couldnt piece it together. Further the docs have only confused me more...
Its good practice to should keep 50% memory for Elasticsearch Heap Size. As you mentioned you don't have service wrapper. In this case you can assign heap size while starting elasticsearch services.
bin/elasticsearch ES_HEAP_SIZE=8000m
