So I am currently learning prolog and I can't get my head around how this language works.
"It tries all the possible solutions until it finds one, if it doesn't it returns false" is what I've read that this language does. You just Describe the solution and it finds it for you
With that in mind, I am trying to solve the 8 queens problem ( how to place 8 queens on a chess board without anyone threatening the others).
I have this predicate, 'safe' that gets a list of pairs, the positions of all the queens and succeeds when they are not threatening each other.
When I enter in the terminal
?- safe([(1,2),(3,5)]).
true ?
| ?- safe([(1,3),(1,7)]).
| ?- safe([(2,2),(3,3)]).
| ?- safe([(2,2),(3,4),(8,7)]).
true ?
it recognizes the correct from the wrong answers, so it knows if something is a possible solution
when I enter
| ?- safe(L).
L = [] ? ;
L = [_] ? ;
it gives me the default answers, even though it recognizes a solution for 2 queens when I enter them.
here is my code
threatens((Column1,Row1),(Column2,Row2)) :-
Diff1 is Column1 - Row1,
Diff2 is Column2 - Row2,
abs(Diff1) =:= abs(Diff2).
safe([A,B|T]) :-
\+ threatens(A,B),
One solution I found to the problem is to create predicates 'position' and modify the 'safe' one
safe([A,B|T]) :-
\+ threatens(A,B),
but this is just stupid, as you have to type everything explicitly and really really slow,
even for 6 queens.
My real problem here, is not with the code itself but with prolog, I am trying to think in prolog, But all I read is
Describe how the solution would look like and let it work out what is would be
Well that's what I have been doing but it does not seem to work,
Could somebody point me to some resources that don't teach you the semantics but how to think in prolog
Thank you
but this is just stupid, as you have to type everything explicitly and really really slow, even for 6 queens.
Regarding listing the positions, the two coordinates are independent, so you could write something like:
position((X, Y)) :-
This is already much less typing. It's even simpler if your Prolog has a between/3 predicate:
coordinate(X) :-
between(1, 8, X).
Regarding the predicate being very slow, this is because you are asking it to do too much duplicate work:
safe([A,B|T]) :-
Once you know that [A|T] is safe, T must be safe as well. You can remove the last goal and will get an exponential speedup.
Describe how the solution would look like and let it work out what is
would be
demands that the AI be very strong in general. We are not there yet.
You are on the right track though. Prolog essentially works by enumerating possible solutions and testing them, rejecting those that don't fit the conditions encoded in the program. The skill resides in performing a "good enumeration" (traversing the domain in certain ways, exploiting domain symmetries and overlaps etc) and subsequent "fast rejection" (quickly throwing away whole sectors of the search space as not promising). The basic pattern:
findstuff(X) :- generate(X),test(X).
And evidently the program must first generate X before it can test X, which may not be always evident to beginners.
findstuff(X) :- x_fulfills_test_conditions(X),x_fullfills_domain_conditions(X).
which is really another way of writing
findstuff(X) :- test(X),generate(X).
would be the same, but for Prolog, as a concrete implementation, there would be nothing to work with.
That X in the program always stands for a particular value (which may be uninstantiated at a given moment, but becomes more and more instantiated going "to the right"). Unlike in logic, where the X really stands for an unknown object onto which we pile constraints until -ideally- we can resolve X to a set of concrete values by applying a lot of thinking to reformulate constraints.
Which brings us the the approach of "Constraint Logic Programming (over finite domains)", aka CLP(FD) which is far more elegant and nearer what's going on when thinking mathematically or actually doing theorem proving, see here:
and the ECLiPSe logic programming system
N-Queens in Prolog on YouTube. as a must-watch
This is still technically Prolog (in fact, implemented on top of Prolog) but allows you to work on a more abstract level than raw generate-and-test.
Prolog is radically different in its approach to computing.
Arithmetic often is not required at all. But the complexity inherent in a solution to a problem show up in some place, where we control how relevant information are related.
No arithmetic at all, columns/rows are encoded in a clever choice of symbols (the numbers indeed are just that, identifiers), diagonals in two additional arguments.
The whole program just requires a (very) small subset of Prolog, namely a pure 2-clauses interpreter.
If you take the time to understand what place_queens/4 does (operationally, maybe, if you have above average attention capabilities), you'll gain a deeper understanding of what (pure) Prolog actually computes.
may be a strange and broad question and not a 100% programming question, but I hope this is ok. I recently had a discussion about, that a lot of programs in Prolog don´t follow strict predicate logic (of Frege) but often are "object oriented" which I am trying to grasp.
I know that Prolog is based on first order predicate logic especially Horn Clauses and that they are a special form of modus ponens. A fact and a rule if they occur solo are simply clauses, but as soon as I add more than one occurrence they become a predicate.
How are the quantors of first order predicate logic represented and related to fact , rule , predicate or the Prolog concept in general? What does the functor express and what the arguments in relation to predicate logic. How is predicate logic and first order predicate logic reflected in Prolog and where does prolog leave their concepts? e.g. how would I define a point, a line and a vertical line in predicate logic and first order predicate logic.
How do I formulate this in predicate logic and first order predicate logic what is the semantic and logic difference between
Or a line and point in this example. Are point and line not predicate logic?
For me it is " point(X) the set of all points" and when I pick a concrete point "there exists one point(110, 12)."
line(point(W,X), point(Y,Z)).
vertical(line(point(X,Y), point(X,Z))).
horizontal(line(point(X,Y), point(Z,Y))).
Any info helps! Many thanks, H
A chapter of Programming in Prolog by W.Clocksin and C.Mellish is devoted to explain the relation of Prolog with logic. Citing from there
If we wish to discuss how Prolog is related to logic, we must first establish what we
mean by logic. Logic was originally devised as a way of representing the form of
arguments, so that it would be possible to check in a formal way whether or not they
are valid. Thus we can use logic to express propositions, the relations between propositions and how one can validly infer some propositions from others. The particular
form of logic that we will be talking about here is called the Predicate Calculus. We
will only be able to say a few words about it here. There are scores of good basic
introductions to logic you can turn to for background reading.
If we wish to express propositions about the world, we must be able to describe
the objects that are involved in them. In Predicate Calculus, we represent objects by
terms. A term is of one of the following forms:
A constant symbol. This is a symbol that stands for a single individual or concept.
We can think of this as a Prolog atom, and we will use the Prolog syntax. So
greek, agatha, and peace are constant symbols.
A variable symbol. This is a symbol that we may want to stand for different
individuals at different times. Variables are really only introduced in conjunction
with quantifiers, which are discussed below. We can think of them as Prolog
variables and will use the Prolog syntax. Thus X, Man, and Greek are variable
A compound term. A compound term consists of a function symbol, together
with an ordered set of terms as its arguments. The idea is that the compound
term represents some individual that depends on the individuals represented by
the arguments. The function symbol represents how the first depends on the second. For instance, we could have a function symbol standing for the notion of
"distance" and two arguments. In this case, the compound term stands for the
distance between the objects represented by the arguments. We can think of a
compound term as a Prolog structure with the function symbol as the functor.
We will write Predicate Calculus compound terms using the Prolog syntax, so
that, for instance, wife(henry) might mean Henry's wife, distance(point1, X)
might mean the distance between some particular point and some other place to
be specified, and classes(mary, dayafter(W)) might mean the classes that Mary
teaches on the day after some day W to be specified.
Thus in Predicate Calculus the ways of representing objects are just like the ways available in Prolog.
Seems not appropriate to put the entire chapter here... there is also a program, very explanatory, in appendix B, that performs an automatic translation of WFFs into clauses.
The book is very readable, just a pity it's not among the titles in Free Prolog Programming Books section.
I know that Prolog is based on first order predicate logic especially Horn Clauses and that they are a special form of modus ponens.
In a sense, inverse "modus ponens":
a :- b
You want to show "a true", and to do so, you have to show "b true"
A fact and a rule if they occur solo are simply clauses, but as soon as I add more than one occurrence they become a predicate.
No, they are all predicates. The "predicate" is an object/agent/program/platonic-phenomenon which expresses that there (objectively) is some "relationship" between "things", and you can ask the Prolog Processor about that relationship. There is no direct meaning associated to all of that though, it's "strings related to strings via strings". We are working with syntactic machines after all (i.e. computers).
Enter this logic program:
p(x,y). % Predicate p/2 states that there is a relationship p between x and y
And now, you can query the database about what the program is saying:
?- p(x,y).
true. % a p relationship exists (fact, but could also be rule)
?- p(x,A).
A = y. % the thing related to x via p is y
?- p(A,y).
A = x. % the thing related to x via p is y
?- p(A,B).
A = x, % things related via p are x and y
B = y.
?- p(c,d).
false. % not REALLY "false" but "as far as I can tell, there
% is no relationship p between c and d"
Note the interpretation of "false", which is not the "strong false" of classical logic. Even though it is traditionally state that Prolog works in classical logic, this is not really the case:
From "Logic Programming with Strong Negation" (David Pearce, Gerd Wagner, FU Berlin, 1991), appears in Springer LNAI 475: Extensions of Logic Programming, International Workshop Tübingen, FRG, December 8–10, 1989 Proceedings):
According to the standard view, a logic program is a set of definite Horn clauses. Thus, logic programs are regarded as syntactically restricted first-order theories within the framework of classical logic. Correspondingly, the proof theory of logic programs is considered as the specialized version of classical resolution, known as SLD-resolution. This view, however, neglects the fact that a program clause, a_0 <— a_1, a_2, • • •, a_n, is an expression of a fragment of positive logic (a subsystem of intuitionistic logic) rather than an implicational formula of classical logic. The classical interpretation of logic programs, therefore, seems to be a semantical overkill.
It should be clear that in order to explain the deduction mechanism of Prolog one does not have to refer to the indirect method of SLD-resolution which checks for the refutability of the contrary. It is certainly more natural to view Prolog's proof procedure as a kind of natural deduction, as, for example, in [Hallnäs & Schroeder-Heister 1987] and [Miller 1989]. This also is more in line with the intuitions of a Prolog programmer. Since Prolog is the paradigm, logic programming semantics should take it as a point of departure.
How are the quantors of first order predicate logic represented and related
to fact, rule, predicate or the Prolog concept in general?
That is a long story. Note that Prolog is primarily about "programming using logic", and also about "modeling using logic". The two aspects certainly overlap well for problems that can be solved using explicit enumeration, but Prolog is not made for specifying general FOL constraints describing a sought-for solution. In fact, certain FOL constraints cannot be represented and other have to be transformed into nominally equivalent expression that are agreeable to the machine. Look up "skolemization". For example:
On the flip side, Prolog provides "meta-predicates" which generate solutions by calling other predicates, so it's making forays into second-order logic. As it must - nobody can survive in the FOL desert for long.
What does the functor express
Nothing. It just stands for itself. Pure syntax. Look up "Herbrand Universe".
How do I formulate this in predicate logic and first order predicate logic
what is the semantic and logic difference between
It's you who imbues vertical and line with meaning. So, feelings. You want a "vertial line", so you would say, the "thing" is the "line" and "vertical" is an attribute of the "line". So vertical(line) sounds appropriate. Or maybe attribute(line,vertical). It depends.
line(point(W,X), point(Y,Z)).
You have to aspects:
Predicates express "relationships". "Function symbols" are used to construct "things with structure": you can form trees of stuff with function symbols on nodes and integers/strings/variables on leaves. These are called "term". But terms can appear as predicates or as things, depending on the context, it's quite fluid. So you can for example construct a Prolog program with another Prolog program.
line(point(W,X), point(Y,Z))
These are terms!
If you type this into a file
point_on_line(point(X,Y),line(point(W,X), point(Y,Z))).
The terms appear as "things" related by predicate point_on_line/2. The whole line is itself a term.
If you type this into a file
line(point(W,X), point(Y,Z)).
The terms appear as "predicates", and point appears both as predicate point/2 and as "thing" about which predicate line/2 is talking.
This is actually a vast subject and it takes some time getting used to it, much more than functional programming. I had some Prolog and Logic courses at uni but 20 years later I found out that I had badly misunderstood a lot of aspects.
I want to solve following problem using inference making power of prolog.
One day, 3 persons, a, b, c were caught by police at the crime spot. When police settled interrogating them:
i) a says I am innocent
ii) b says a is criminal
iii) c says I am innocent.
Its known that
i) Exactly one person speaks true.
ii) Exactly one criminal is there.
Who is criminal?
To model above problem in First Order logic:
Consider c/1 is a predicate returns true when argument is Criminal
we can write:
(not(c(a)),c(c)) ; (c(c),c(a)).
c(a); c(b); c(c).
(not(c(a)),not(c(b))) ; (not(c(a)),not(c(c))) ; (not(c(b)),not(c(c))).
After modelling above statements in prolog, I will query:
it should return:
But error I got:
"No permission to modify static procedure `(;)/2'"
Since PROLOG does indeed work with Horn clauses, you'll need things of form head :- tail, reading :- as "if."
solve(Solution) :- ...
%With a Solution looking something like:
% solve(a(truth,innocent),b(false,criminal),c(false,innocent)).
To use the generate and test method, which is a common and reasonable way to solve this, you'd do something like this:
solve(Solution) :-
Solution = [a(_,_),b(_,_),c(_,_)],
generate should give you a well-formed Solution, that is, one having all the variables filled in with values that make some kind of sense (that is, false, true, criminal, innocent).
validate should ensure that the Solution matches the constraints you gave.
solve only completes when one of generate's solutions makes it past validate's constraints.
For an introduction to the generate and test method, see this tutorial.
But if you're writing code that isn't Horn clauses, you might need a tutorial on writing PROLOG functions (OK, relations), like this one.
I meet some problem when I try to implement
friends(mia, ellen).
friends(mia, lucy).
friends(X,Y) :-
and when i ask ?- friends(mia, X)., it run out of local stack.
Then I add
friends(ellen, mia) friends(lucy, mia)
I ask ?- friends(mia, X). ,it keeps replying X = mia.
I can't understand, why it is recursive?
First, two assumptions:
the actual code you wanted to write is the following one, with appropriate dots:
friends(X,Y) :-
transivity holds: friends of friends are my friends too (I would rather model friendship as a distance: "A is near B" and "B is near C" does not necessarly imply "A is near C"). repeat's answer is right about figuring out first what you want to model.
Now, let's see why we go into infinite recursion.
So, what happens when we ask: friends(mia,X) ?
First clause gives Y=ellen (you ask for more solutions)
Second clause gives Y=lucy (you ask again for more solutions)
Stack overflow !
Let's detail the third clause:
I want to know if friends(mia,Y) holds for some variable Y.
Is there a variable Z such that friends(mia,Z) holds ?
Notice that apart from a renaming from Y to Z, we are asking the same question as step 1 above? This smells like infinite recursion, but let's see...
We try the first two clauses of friends, but then we fail because there is no friends(ellen,Y) nor friends(lucy,Y), so...
We call the third clause in order to find if there is a transitive friendship, and we are back to step 1 without having progressed any further => infinite recursion.
This problem is analogous to infinite Left recursion in context-free grammars.
A fix
Have two predicates:
known_friends/2, which gives direct relationships.
friends/2, which also encodes transitivity
friends(X,Y) :- known_friends(X,Y).
friends(X,Y) :- known_friends(X,Z), friends(Z,Y).
Now, when we ask friends(mia,X), friends/2 gives the same answer as the two clauses of known_friends/2, but does not find any answer for the transitive clause: the difference here is that known_friends will make a little progress, namely find a known friend of mia (without recursion), and try to find (recursively) if that friend is a friend of some other people.
Friends' friends
If we add known_friends(ellen, bishop) :-) then friends will also find Y=bishop, because:
known_friends(mia,ellen) holds, and
friends(ellen,bishop) is found recursively.
If you add cyclic dependencies in the friendship graph (in known_friends), then you will have an infinite traversal of this graph with friends. Before you can fix that, you have to consider the following questions:
Does friends(X,Y) <=> friends(Y,X) hold for all (X,Y) ?
What about friends(X,X), for all X ?
Then, you should keep a set of all seen people when evaluating friends in order to detect when you are looping through known_friends, while taking into account the above properties. This should not be too difficult too implement, if you want to try.
This clause of friends/2 is flawed:
friends(X,Y) :- friends(X,Z),friends(Y,Z).
Translate that into English: "If X and Y have a mutual friend Z, then X and Y are friends."
Or, let's specialize, let X be "me", let Y be my neighbour "FooBert", and let Z be "you": So if I am your friend and FooBert is your friend... does that make me and FooBert friends? I don't think so, I hate that guy---he always slams the door when he gets home. :)
I suggest you consider the algebraic properties that the relation friends/2 should have, the ones it may have, and ones it should not have. What about reflexivity, symmetry, anti-symmetry, transitivity?
I'm learning Prolog from "Learn prolog now" book. I'm quite newbie in prolog and sorry for that stupid question :).
I have such knowledge base:
jealous(X,Y):- loves(X,Z), loves(Y,Z).
we see that vincent and marsellus both loves mia. We also have jealous complex terms to identify jealous persons. So, if I query KB with jealous(vincent, X). logically, I should get all persons who is in love with mia, except vincent (marsellus in this case), but the query returns both vincent and marsellus. I understand that the query works correctly technically, but my question is, how can I query jealous peoples in the way to ommit the first parameter (vincent in this case) from query result?
Write the complex query like this:
jealous(X,Y):- loves(X,Z), loves(Y,Z), X \== Y.
Which means, X and Y cannot be the same.