MudDatePicker how to add PickerActions programmatically? - mudblazor

I've created a component MyMudDateRangePicker.razor which inherits from MudDateRangePicker.
Is it possible to add PickerActions programmatically? I'm trying to create a component which has a default OK action button as in the example:


Trying to disable remove on a per file-pond item basis

I'm investigating adding custom functionality via my own plugins, and here's what I've done so far
Create a plugin which will disable the remove button for relevant items
Attempted so far
Registered a plugin and during DID_LOAD_ITEM tried the below
const removeItemButtons = el.querySelectorAll('.filepond--action-remove-item');
removeItemButtons.forEach(removeItemButton => {
removeItemButton.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled");
But the button is not disabled. The attribute does not appear on the remove button. Am I missing something in the lifecycle on how plugins interact with the DOM? The button does get returned by the querySelector all, is it modified after the plugin is called?
did the removeItemButtons have been rendered before your function? it seems like your selector did not get the items

Xamarin Forms Map pin renderer open page

I am prety new with Renderers on Xamarin. I am following this tutorial ( to make a custom pin. The problem it's the following:
I need to do a custom pin, the custom pin only has 2 default labels and 1 Button. That button needs open a page from PCL project. How can I do that click button go to PCL page?
You can send a message from your custom MapRenderer whenever a pin is clicked using the Xamarin MessagingCenter like so:
Xamarin.Forms.MessagingCenter.Send(YourObject, "PinClicked");
And then subscribe to that message somewhere in your PCL, like so:
MessagingCenter.Subscribe<string> (this, "PinClicked", (YourObject) => {
// show the correct page whenever the "PinClicked" message
// is sent, using the details in YourObject
Don't forget to unsubscribe when you no longer wish to receive messages.

How do I connect my Navigation Controller to every screen of my storyboard?

I am using Swift and Xcode 6.1.1, I used a navigation controller in my story board and set it as the initial view. I have a sign up screen and a login screen and I use buttons to navigate with segues between them. After the user logs in I segue to the main app view but how would I do this using my navigation controller.
In my app delegate didFinishLoadingWithOptions is create a var navController = UINavigationController() but how do I let this variable connect with the navigation controller in my Storyboard. I want to be able to set new views as the root view once an action has succeeded like a successful login.
I am still learning alot about iOS development please explain like I am a 5 year old.
you don't have to manual create a UINavigationController in "app delegate".
as you said,you have edit "initial view controller" setting in "Interface builder" already! so when the app startup,the "initial view controller"(also UINavigationController,as you set) is created automatic!
All you have to do is create a relationship bettween the first UINavigationController(login view) with another UIViewController(login sucess view).
How to do this?
Just hold "control" key and from "UINavigationController" drag a blue line to the "login sucess UIViewController",and select "init root viewcontroller" in "releationship segue" section at the popmenu!
you can read this article for more detail
enter storyboards-tutorial-in-ios-7-part-1

NSUndoManager in non-document based application

I am writing a non-NSDocument-based application similar in style to, say, It has a single window located in MainMenu.nib.
Currently, I am struggling with integrating NSUndoManager with this application. If I create an instance of NSUndoManager and store it into an instance variable of my AppController class, the "Undo" menu item doesn't get enabled on registering undos with the manager.
What do I have to do in order to connect the NSUndoManager instance to the menu items and have it manage the window's dirty state?
You can create in your AppDelegate class, your undo manager as member of the class.Then you set AppDelegate to be the delegate of the window in interface builder.After this you write this method in AppDelegate:
- (NSUndoManager*) windowWillReturnUndoManager: (NSWindow*) window
< return the undo manager created >

How to display custom Entity under 'Extensions' tab on workplace?

I have created a new custom entity called Sports Leagues.
Now i am wondering how to display/ accessible this under 'Extensions' tab on workplace?
On the screen where you customize the new entity there's a section on the General tab called 'Areas that display this entity' - check the 'Workplace' checkbox.
Export Site Map, look for Area with Id="Workplace". Look for the Extensions group, or add:
<Group Id="Extensions" ResourceId="Group_Extensions">
<SubArea Id="sportsleagues" Entity="new_sportsleagues" />
Import the SiteMap back into the system. (Settings then Customization)
did you remember to publish the new entity? ticking the workplace box and publishing the entity should be all you need to do.
