Unable to generate pdf from HTML using Doppio - laravel

I am trying to use https://doc.doppio.sh/guide/cookbook/protected-url.html to convert a html to pdf. On this one, since my url is password protected I am having it difficult to print the page.
My code:
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->post('https://api.doppio.sh/v1/render/pdf/sync', [
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Authorization' => 'Bearer apikey',
'Content-Type' => 'application/json'
'json' => [
'page' => [
"pdf" => [
"printBackground" => true
"goto" => [
"url" => 'https://example.com/admin/property'
"authenticate" => [
"username" => 'user#domain.com',
"password" => 'password'
$responseBody = $response->getBody();
This is printing the page, however instead it is printing the login page. Its because when user is not authenticated, the system will redirect user to the login page.
Here, it has also mentioned about the https://doc.doppio.sh/guide/cookbook/protected-url.html#using-cookies cookie methods,however, I don't know what cookie should I pass on which name.

Your problem is more related to how does the login/auth works on the page you try to convert.
The "authenticate" prop you use here is related to HTTP Basic Authentication and I am not sure its what the page you want to access is using.
If you manually login into the page, check your browser, what is happening ? Do you see cookies ?


Laravel EBay API Client Credential Grant Request Gives Error, Unsupported Grant Type

I am using Laravel 8 and the Http Client library. Here is my code:
public function mintNewApplicationAccessToken()
$response = Http::withHeaders([
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode(config('ebay.ebay_client_id_sandbox') . ":" . config('ebay.ebay_client_secret_sandbox')),
])->post(config('ebay.ebay_token_request_endpoint_url_sandbox'), [
'grant_type' => 'client_credentials',
'scope' => urlencode(config('ebay.ebay_client_credentials_scopes_sandbox')),
I have double checked my client_id and client secret, I am using the Ebay sandbox at the moment, have checked the sandbox url is correct, I can't figure out what is wrong with my request? I get a 400 error back saying unsupported_grant_type and the error description says grant type in request is not supported by the authorization server. I have checked my scopes and everything seems in order?
I finally figured it out. As per the documentation on the Laravel website, I changed the code from:
public function mintNewApplicationAccessToken()
$response = Http::withHeaders([
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode(config('ebay.ebay_client_id_sandbox') . ":" . config('ebay.ebay_client_secret_sandbox')),
])->post(config('ebay.ebay_token_request_endpoint_url_sandbox'), [
'grant_type' => 'client_credentials',
'scope' => urlencode(config('ebay.ebay_client_credentials_scopes_sandbox')),
$auth = base64_encode(config('ebay.ebay_client_id_sandbox') . ':' . config('ebay.ebay_client_secret_sandbox'));
$response = Http::asForm()->withOptions([
'debug' => true,
'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . $auth,
])->post(config('ebay.ebay_token_request_endpoint_url_sandbox'), [
'grant_type' => 'client_credentials',
'scope' => config('ebay.ebay_client_credentials_scopes_sandbox'),
So. I added asForm to the code rather than the Content-Type line, and removed the url encode from the scopes.
What surprised me most was when I removed the url encode method from the scopes it started working? Very strange.
i have also same this problem and solution is that your account is not veriyfied or still waiting for aproval kindly contact support.

Laravel not making Guzzle HTTP POST request correctly

I am working on a megento integration and trying to get the admin access token by making a post request with form data. I tested the route out on Postman and it worked correctly:
However, when I tried to implement the same request in Laravel with Guzzle Http Client, it seem just cannot make the request properly as if the form data post body is not being recognized, and it keeps showing me errors saying the field values are required. Here is my request:
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->post($request['magento_domain'] . '/rest/V1/integration/admin/token', [
'form_params' => [
'username' => $magento_admin_username,
'password' => $magento_admin_password
], [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Type' => 'application/json'
and then this is the error I keep getting:
Update: I had also tried the request like this, it throws the same error:
$response = $client->post($request['magento_domain'] . '/rest/V1/integration/admin/token', [
'form_params' => [
'username' => $magento_admin_username,
'password' => $magento_admin_password
I would appreciate any help!
The "Content-Type: application/json" request header is incorrect when sending a form-data body.
Just remove it, Guzzle automatically adds the correct Content-Type when using "form_params". Just JSON is wrong because the body is obviously not JSON.
I am using a JSON request in production successfully:
$res = $this->client->request('POST', 'https://.../rest/V1/integration/admin/token', [
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'content-type' => 'application/json'
'json' => [
'username' => config('app.shopUser'),
'password' => config('app.shopPw')
Or try using "multipart" instead of "form_params" - this should send a multipart/form-data request which is what Postman means with "form-data".
"form_params" is equivalent to "x-www-form-urlencoded".

How can I get Request Parameter of this below code in JSON Format For Logging it into Db

$result = Http::withHeaders([
'Authorization' => config(''),
])->post($endPoint, [
"username" => '',
"password" => '',
// "username" => $user->username,
// "password" => $user->password,
"days" => 7
In this code I want to save the request and request parameter in JsonFormat for logging into mysql db.
Laravel testing
Postman offers a sleek user interface with which to make HTML requests, without the hassle of writing a bunch of code just to test an API's functionality

File upload corruption

Im trying to upload a file to sharepoint
Successful try with just axios is the following
Failure if i upload using Guzzle
Uploaded file at the end is corrupted
There are a few things you need to modify to get this working (tested on my end):
To get the contents of the file, you need $request->file('file') and then use file_get_contents() on it. You can lose the get() part.
Make sure you're sending the header to accept multipart/form-data too:
"Accept" => "multipart/form-data"
Fields name and filename in a form are two different things. Former is the name of the field while the latter is the name of the file. You need to send both.
Try this:
protected function uploadFile(Request $request){
$file = $request->file('file');
$body = [
"headers" => [
"Accept" => "multipart/form-data",
"Authorization" => "Bearer {$this->token}"
"multipart" => [
"name" => "file",
"contents" => file_get_contents($file),
"filename" => $file->getClientOriginalName()
return (new Client)->request('POST', 'https://.sharepoint.com/...', $body);
P.S. - You can check whether a file is valid or not using isValid():
if ($request->file('file')->isValid()) {
Official docs on this: https://laravel.com/docs/7.x/requests#retrieving-uploaded-files
When providing content to be uploaded to Guzzle client as string,
Guzzle tries to infer necessary information about the file such as filename, content-type.
You can help Guzzle to infer these information correctly to build the multipart request by passing information about about the filename and content-type in the multipart payload.
'multipart' => [
'name' => 'fileName',
'contents' => $request->file('file')->get(),
'filename' => $request->file('file')->getName(),
'headers' => [
'content-type' => $request->file('file')->getMimeType(),
Add content-type as blob.
'headers' {
'Authorization': `Bearer ${this.token}`
,'Content-Type': 'blob',
Try something like this.
Remove the ->get() of your $request->file()
//Get the file object from the request.
$file = $request->file('file');
//Make the request
return (new Client)->request('POST', 'https://.sharepoint.com/sites....', [
'headers' => [ 'Authorization' => "Bearer {$this->token}" ],
'multipart' => [
'name' => 'FileContents',
'contents' => $file,
'filename' => $file->getClientOriginalName()
In my opinion, you should store it somewhere in your local server temporarily first, and then you sent that file to sharepoint, deleted the temporary file, I think if you send it right away without storing it, the file will be corrupted. Please try the way below
$file = $request->file('logo');
$original_name = $file->getClientOriginalName(); // get original file
$name = time() . '_' . $original_name; // store it in different name so it would not be duplicated
$path = base_path() .'/public_html/your_project/public/temporary/'; // full path of file folder
// store the uploaded file
$file->move($path, $name);
$body = [
"headers" => [
"Authorization" => "Bearer {$this->token}"
"multipart" => [
"name" => "logo",
"contents" => fopen($path . $name, 'r')
$response = (new Client)->request('POST', 'https://.sharepoint.com/...', $body);
// remove the file after done
unlink($path . $name);
return $response;
Hope this would work for you! Please correct me if I was wrong

Guzzle Post Null/Empty Values in Laravel

I've been trying to work with Guzzle and learn my way around it, but I'm a bit confused about using a request in conjunction with empty or null values.
For example:
$response = $client->request('POST',
'https://www.testsite.com/coep/public/api/donations', [
'form_params' => [
'client' => [
'web_id' => NULL,
'name' => 'Test Name',
'address1' => '123 E 45th Avenue',
'address2' => 'Ste. 1',
'city' => 'Nowhere',
'state' => 'CO',
'zip' => '80002'
'contact' => [],
'donation' => [
'status_id' => 1,
'amount' => $donation->amount,
'balance' => $donation->balance,
'date' => $donation->date,
'group_id' => $group->id,
After running a test, I found out that 'web_id' completely disappears from my request if set to NULL. My question is how do I ensure that it is kept around on the request to work with my conditionals?
At this point, if I dd the $request->client, all I get back is everything but the web_id. Thanks!
I ran into this issue yesterday and your question is very well ranked on Google. Shame that it has no answer.
The problem here is that form_params uses http_build_query() under the hood and as stated in this user contributed note, null params are not present in the function's output.
I suggest that you pass this information via a JSON body (by using json as key instead of form_params) or via multipart (by using multipart instead of form_params).
Note: those 2 keys are available as constants, respectively GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::JSON and GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::MULTIPART
Try to define anything like form_params, headers or base_uri before creating a client, so:
// set options, data, params BEFORE...
$settings = [
'base_uri' => 'api.test',
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Authorization' => 'ajustneedatokenheredontworry'
'form_params' => [
'cash' => $request->cash,
'reason' => 'I have a good soul'
// ...THEN create your client,
$client = new GuzzleClient($settings);
// ...and finally check your response.
$response = $client->request('POST', 'donations');
If you check $request->all() at the controller function that you are calling, you should see that were sent successfully.
For those using laravel, use this:
