I need to create a prototype of a phone receiving an incoming call using Adobe XD, that is controlled remotely. Ideally, I would hook up a Bluetooth device (a keyboard for example) and trigger the movent from an artboard that's back (to simulate the phone being off) to an incoming call screen. Does anyone know a way of achieving this in Adobe XD?
tldr Why don't I receive PBT_APMRESUMEAUTOMATIC, PBT_APMRESUMESUSPEND, and PBT_APMSUSPEND as the payload to service events of type SERVICE_ACCEPT_POWEREVENT?
I'm trying to detect when a windows device as woken back up from sleep. I have a constellation of processes that interact via IPC, which includes both UI applications with an event handler function provided to RegisterClassEx and services using RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerExW.
My preference is to receive these events in a service. My understanding is that I can get SERVICE_ACCEPT_POWEREVENT in dwControlsAccepted, and can then distinguish specific kinds of power event by looking at the dwEventType parameter, as per these docs https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winsvc/nc-winsvc-lphandler_function_ex. However, I only ever receive PBT_APMPOWERSTATUSCHANGE, corresponding to fiddling with the power cord on the laptop. I expected to also receive some combination of PBT_APMRESUMEAUTOMATIC, PBT_APMRESUMESUSPEND, and PBT_APMSUSPEND.
When testing on the UI side, I do get WM_POWERBROADCAST events of any kind. Obviously I've missed some part of setup there. Again, the process that actually needs this info is a service, so I would have to IPC the event to a service if this is what ended up working.
For full credit, I also experimented with SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE and SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE (enabled via SERVICE_ACCEPT_PAUSE_CONTINUE), but never receive these events at all. I had expected those to correlate with sleeping the laptop but apparently not.
I'm aware there is an idle timer and event in Windows that we can hook onto.
Is there an event for the opposite of this?
i.e. i.e. an event that fires when there is activity on one of the HID devices?
I'm aware of GetLastInputState, but that is polling.
Global hooking is also an overkill.
My interest is in that the monitor switches on when the keyboard/mouse has activity, is there a way to hook into that?
Thank you.
Do we have any alternative for chatting app becuase iOS silent push notifications are highly highly unreliable, for example
if the app was terminated by the user they are not delivered at all
if the battery power is <= 40%, the OS receives the push but often delays delivering it to the app for a few minutes
if the batter pwer is >= 20, the OS receives the push but decides not to forward it to the app at all
many other criteria affect whether the OS actually delivers the push to the app or not
We tried using Voip push to achieve smooth chatting behavior for apps not suspended state. But the problem is in iOS 13 its must to report incoming call on voip push arrival.
Do we have any other option or way around so that chatting apps like ours can work in background/suspended state (for short time)?
If your server has all the information you need to write the notification text, you can send regular push notifications that won't wake up your app.
There's no other way than using silent push notifications to run your app in background, but one alternative is to use Notification Service app extension. It won't wake up your app, only this app extension, but you'll be able to write code for it to modify the notification text before presenting it to the user
It's possible to share data between your app and this extension - by sharing the database or just some data using app groups or the keychain. Your app extension will only have 30 seconds to run, but that should be enough.
Silent push notifications are unreliable and should not be used to notify about a new message.
VoIP pushes are exclusive for reporting incoming calls.
I'm sure this must have been answered but i cant find it.
What are the techniques used to test a server side application that generates apple push notifications?
We have a host based service that waits on an event, and then generates an APN, and our IOS application will receives this notification.
So, I'd like to write a test that simulates the event being received and sends the APN and then determine if it was delivered. From what i understand, apple will does not support this?
Only think i can think of is to write an IOS application, that simulates the event has occurred and tells our host to send back a Push notification to the testing device. Then the IOS application could detect that it was received or not. We could put it on an IPOD touch that is always running in our server rack. I dont really like that approach but dont know what else to do.
If we used Urban Airship would that make it easier?
You can send push notification using below url :
You'll just need three thing as below :
1)Pem file
2)Device token(s)
I have a client company with a simple web app that users can interact with via a desktop/mobile website. Recently they asked to implement a notification functionality. The users, if they wish to, can sign up to real time notifications from the web app.
The really interesting requirements though is that the notificaitons should:
Be delivered in real time (60+ seconds delay is a failure);
Have guaranteed delivery, i.e. my client wants to be sure that each user gets all his/her notifications.
Be able to somehow notify the user from background, i.e. a typical user would not wait for a notification with a browser window open on his/her Android, for example. The preferred way is to make the phone ring and/or vibrate and put some messages into the notification area so that a user can notice a notification even if the phone lies in her pocket or a bag.
a typical notification message is rather short, here is an example: "Hello! You have a meeting with $John today at $5pm";
all the users have smartphones (iPhone/Android) with 3G connection enabled.
Since the requirement 3 can not be met with the current state of modern mobile browsers, the only two ways to fully achieve the spec is to:
A. Make an app for iOS/Android and use the native APIs to make the
phone ring and vibrate upon notification receipt;
B. Use an IVR like
Asterisk to call the user via SIP, play a sound with notification and
ask him/her to press 1 to confirm the receipt of the notification
(the sound can be something like "You have a meeting with John today
at 5pm. Please press 1 to confirm").
But when I started to test those A and B options, I found that (1) and (2) can not be satisfied via a regular 3G connection (the company is in Europe and the connection is quite okay). For example, a Jabber client on an Android device can get some messages with a long delay (a few minutes) and even loose some messages.
So, the only option left to meet the requirements 1, 2 and 3 is to use B (automated IVR - Asterisk).
Is my reasoning correct? Are any other mechanisms to deliver short notifications to smartphone-enabled users in real time, with 100% guarantee and make the smartphones ring and/or vibrate upon notification? Should I try to use anything else instead of the automated IVR calls?
P.S. I do not consider the SMS technology in my research, since to my knowledge there is no guaranteed delivery of messages.
If all your users have smartphones, your choices are IVR, SMS, or push notifications. If the mobile phone network is unavailable, all bets are off for IVR and SMS, but iOS and Android users may receive push notifications over wifi. If the phone network is present but weak (as in, no 3G or LTE), IVR and SMS are about just as good - SMS may be slightly better, because a bad phone connection can turn your message into "Hello, you have an appointment with KRRRZZZZT today at [call drops]".