Heroku New button not working or is there any error prompt - heroku

anybody can explain what's issue or steps needs to be done before I create new server/dyno? Last used to reset github connection after the data breach. The new button simply does not work or respond.
enter image description here
Pretty much, all I can access at the moment is my existing apps. Features of existing app is accessible as usual.


Hyperledger-Composer REST Authentication

Request assistance with hyperledger composer. I have created a network and web app around the REST API that was built with the composer-rest-server. I am able to add participants, assets and execute transaction with the default settings. I am now trying to add authentication to the REST server as well as add identities to new participants. However I got stuck. I have reviewed the information at
But I'm not sure where I should place the export COMPOSER_PROVIDERS='{.... information to continue the setup.
Any assistance, tips and tricks are much appreciated.
Ok so I figured it out. The problem was that I was running off an older version of composer-rest-server.
I installed the developer tool back in Sep 17 and did the tutorial soon after. I tried the tutorial again and noticed that the deployment command was different and it would not let me deploy my network.
So I updated the composer-rest-server and component cli and it deployed fine. I then followed the steps on the authentication webpage that I referenced above and it worked as intended. I deployed my personal network with the new command and it worked as intended.
Lesson learned this stuff is still being updated and I should be more aware on what changes. Thank you very much #nilakantha singh deo
Open a new terminal from inside the project folder.Format your COMPOSER_PROVIDERS in notepad according to the document you mentioned and copy the whole message and paste it in the terminal.Then you can echo it (see it) by typing the following.
It should ideally return the same json file.
Then make sure that the compopser-rest-server is running with multiuser mode and authentication enabled in the same terminal where you echoed and saw the COMPOSER_PROVIDERS.
In browser now type
It should ask for authentication .Rest of the steps are listed in the document you mentioned.

Google API authentication: Not valid origin for the client

When making an auth request to the Google API (gapi), it's returning false on the checkOrigin.
I have removed any client id's or anything that would link directly to my account and replaced it with a regex indicating what the data is for reference.
Url: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/iframerpc?action=checkOrigin&origin=https%3A%2F%2Flocal.tools&client_id=(\d{21})
My origin url is a local url, which is https://local.tools
Result: {valid: false}
I'm using the example found here without deviation (except for replacing clientid with my 21 digit clientid): https://ga-dev-tools.appspot.com/embed-api/third-party-visualizations/
The items I'm trying to display show up nicely on the demo site, but aren't getting past the Not valid origin for the client error on my local.tools site.
Clear your browser cache. Started getting this error in Chrome and then I created a new client id and was still getting the issue. Opened firefox and it worked, so I cleared the cache on Chrome and it started working.
I received the same console error message when working with this example: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/embed/v1/getting-started
The documentation says not to overlook two critical steps ("As you go through the instructions, it's important that you not overlook these two critical steps:
Enable the Analytics API [&] Set the correct origins"), but does not clearly state WHERE to set the correct origins.
Since the client ID I had was not working, I created a new project and a new client ID. The new project may not have been necessary, but I'm retaining (and using) it.
Here's what worked:
Create a new project
Add and Enable the Analytics API
Create a new credential - ensure that it is an OAUTH credential (scroll to the bottom of this page for instructions https://developers.google.com/api-client-library/javascript/start/start-js#Setup).
During creation of the credentials, you will see a section called "Restrictions
Enter JavaScript origins, redirect URIs, or both". This is where you can enter your origins.
Save and copy your client ID (and secret).
My script worked after I created the new OAUTH credential, assigned the origin, and used the newly generated client ID following this process.
try clear caches and then hard reload, i had same error but when i tried to run on incognito browser in chrome it worked.
Key Point: Add both http://localhost and http://localhost:port_number to the Authorized JavaScript origins box for local tests or development.
Credentials do not work if API is not enabled. In my case the next steps were needed:
Go to https://console.developers.google.com/apis/library
Enter 'People'
From the result choose 'Google People API'
Click 'Enable'
Creating new oauth credentials worked for me
You probably use Client ID like this: <CLIENT_ID>.apps.google.com
Make sure your client ID is without ".apps.google.com"
For me - I just went here:
Then chose the right project; then choose the credential with the same ID shown in your console error message. When editing the credentials you can add multiple origins to the white list.
After updated Authorized JavaScript origins browser still caching old data, so I need to Empty cache and hard reload then it works
1. Change Authorized origins
2. Open Dev Tool (F12) then right-click into reload button
Clearing the cache on chrome works!
Please find the steps below to clear the cache.
Open dev tools (Right-click on the page and select inspect/ press F12)
Right-click on the chrome reload button while the dev tool is opened. (You will find the option to clear the cache and reload the site)
clearing the cache works for me.
for React developers try to restart the project otherwise it will show the same error again and again.
It was a referrer-policy problem.
This has been such a pain for a long time to me too...
Found the issue, my website instance had a referrer policy set to
no-referrer. After setting it to no-referrer-when-downgrade, the One
Tap prompt showed up as expected.
If you are using Django, SECURE_REFERRER_POLICY is 'same-origin' by default. Change it by adding the below code in your settings file.
# settings.py
SECURE_REFERRER_POLICY = 'no-referrer-when-downgrade'
Similar to few answers at above but with screenshots. If you created project for Firebase, may also use the same steps to configure at Google Cloud Platform console.
Select the project at https://console.cloud.google.com/
Navigate to Credentials
Click Edit button for the related OAuth 2.0 Client ID
Add URI into Authorized JavaScript origins
Don't forget to Save
That worked for me after trying for an hour:
On https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials :
Edit Client Outh (mine was: Web Client (Auto Created by Google Service), which was created by my Firebase Web Project)
Enter JavaScript Origin for the Client ID (mine was: localhost:NNNN)
and don't forget to Save.
Try google login for half an hour: didn't work
Enabled Google Analytics as suggested above
Empty Chrome cache and hard reload as suggested above
Try google login for half an hour: didn't work
Sign Out from https://console.cloud.google.com, and sign in again
Empty Chrome cache and hard reload
Now it worked
I don't know which one of the above fixed the problem.
May be it was just a matter of time for cloud.google to
recognize my new JavaScript Origin.
I got the error because of Allow-Control-Allow-Origin: * browser extension.
Trying on a different browser(chrome) worked for me and clearing cache on firefox cleared the issue.
(PS: Not add the hosting URIs to Authorized JavaScript origins in API credentials would give you Error:redirect_uri_mismatch)
I was getting the same error but tried publishing my app and now it shows as below:

"New version available" with service worker and sw-precache

I'm trying to use sw-precache, but I must be doing something wrong!
I'm mostly using the demo code available from the github repo and can't seem to get updates to the app to come through. Once it's cached the first time, it never checks for new versions.
I was expecting that when I publish a new service worker, the browser would request the new service worker and update the cache accordingly in the background. Then using the registration code in the example, I would be able to prompt the user to refresh and get the latest version from their newly refreshed cache.
Would really appreciate if someone could please point me in the right direction.
To demonstrate the problem, I've created an isolated example here:
The example uses a basic skeleton from create-react-app which has a built in build task which take care of fingerprinting the filenames, etc.
I suspect the problem is with me caching everything by using the following sw-precache config:
"staticFileGlobs": [ "build/**/*.*" ],
"stripPrefix": "build/"
There are more accurate steps in the repo's readme, but the basic steps I'm taking to reproduce the problem are as follows (with my probably incorrect expectations).
Steps and Assumptions
Browse to the app for the first
I should see Content is now available offline! in the console
Reload the page
The message in the console should not appear again because the service worker is installed, but the page should still work.
Go offline and reload the page
The page should still work
Make a visible change to the source code
Rebuild (run the build task and sw-precache)
This is where my understanding must be wrong
Reload the page
The service worker should update the cache in the background
When its done, you should see New or updated content is available. in the console
The actual visible changes should not be visible until the next reload
Reload the page again
The browser will use the new cache this time around
The changes should be visible now!
There shouldn't be any messages in the console
The problem
Once the app has been cached initially, it will never update unless you unregister the service worker or force a reload.
I'm not sure how to make this work - any help would be greatly appreciated!
After replicating your development hosting environment, I can see that you're serving your service-worker.js file with a browser HTTP cache lifetime of one hour:
There's more information as to why this is leading to the behavior you're seeing, along with best practices, in this previous answer. As mentioned at the top of that answer, browsers plan on changing their behavior to stop honoring the HTTP cache for the service worker file by default, mainly due to the type of confusion that you're experiencing here. For the time being, though, the production versions of both Chrome and Firefox continue to honor those headers.

Cannot re-create app due to error "This Firebase URL is not available"

I decided to try out Firebase hosting and wanted to start fresh so I deleted my one and only app, but when I tried to create a new app with the same name I was unable to due to the error:
"This Firebase URL is not available"
I can only guess this is because of caching of app names/URLs? Hopefully it will become available (unless someone else beats me to it) after some timeout? Any info from others who have experience with this issue or otherwise know the answer is appreciated!
Not sure whether this is the right place to ask although Firebase suggest coming to SO because they apparently monitor Firebase-related questions closely according to their website.
Once you delete a Firebase URL, it is permanently unavailable. It cannot be recovered.
During confirmation, you should see a message like this, which explains in detail:
This stems from a number of abuse vectors that are possible by misappropriating a project id that the prior owner believes is deleted and could still have apps/releases in the wild attached to the defunct backend. Since compliance requires that we purge all data related to the project, including information about ownership, there's not even a way to restore one you personally deleted.

Heroku error logs without heroku command

How can I check the error logs of Heroku,
without running:
heroku logs
Since I'm using Codeship.io, I can't use 'heroku' commands
There is a free heroku add on, Papertrail.
And this to your heroku app (can be done command line or via the heroku UI)
then on your Resources tab you can click Papertrail.
Helpfull note with Papertaril, you can set up email notifications on string comparisons. This can help for early fault detection.
If you have access to the heroku app you could view the logs from there:
(open the app page then press the dotted more button on the top right then press view logs)
(requires you to keep the logs page open)
logs one
logs two
or set up a webhook
(open the app page then press the dotted more button on the top right then press view webhooks and once the page has loaded click create webhook then set-up your webhook)
(i use it with discord: Ohttps://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks)
(may not have an error option)
webhooks one
webhooks two
webhooks three
or like gregmcpugh said you could use the add on papertrail. (which i also use)
There is a free heroku add on, Papertrail.
And this to your heroku app (can be done command line or via the heroku UI) then on your Resources tab you can click Papertrail.
Helpful note with Papertrail, you can set up email notifications on string comparisons. This can help for early fault detection.
(no bad thing i can say about this one!)
papertrail one
papertrail two
papertrail three
damn people being before me :P
hope i helped! :D
