How to rename .env variables in package.json? - shell

What I have
I have multiple projects using Percy for Cypress where I set the PERCY_TOKEN env variable inside the .env file. The token is different for each project. In the CI I set different env variables for each project, but locally I have to do it in the .env file. Because of this, I have to edit the .env file whenever I change between projects.
I would like to set them in the .env file this way:
So later I could rename these variables to PERCY_TOKEN, eliminating the need to constantly change the .env file.
What I tried
I'm trying to do this inside the package.json file's scripts property. Unfortunately echo $PROJECT_A_PERCY_TOKEN prints nothing. I know that I could create a shell/python/js script that parses the .env file, then passes the value back or calls npm run directly but I would like to do this without an external script.
It appears to me that I can't access the env variables inside package.json. Is there a way to rename the variable only using the npm script?

If the package you try to configure has the ability to do configuration via a JavaScript file, you can add the renaming at the beginning of it:
While this isn't the solution I was looking for, it is a workaround for this specific use case. Percy supports JavaScript config files so I migrated my YAML config file, then I logged process.env and the .env file's variables were there, so I just need to copy the correct one. This might work for other packages that support JavaScript config files (or some alternative kind of hook/preloader where custom code can be placed), but if they don't, then the question is still unanswered.


Environment variable returns an empty string from a function in golang library

So currently I am trying to use the spotify wrapper API for golang and am now facing issues with retrieving the environment for my SPOTIFY_ID and SPOTIFY_SECRET. I set my environment variables in a .env file and the .env file is stored in my project directory.
I am using the library godotenv to load the env variables from my .env, and they are successfully getting outputted from my server binary. However, when I make a call to a function in the Spotify API module, I notice the environment returns an empty string, but it is set in my .env variables. I think it's because the module for the Spotify API module is in a go directory that is located outside of my project folder, so I suspect the scoping may be causing an issue but I am not entirely sure, because if I set the environment variables in terminal I have no issues. I was hoping I could set it in a .env file instead.
A process's env is from its father process. Go process and the Spotify API module 's father process probably is terminal.
So if you want to set env through go and the Spotify API module can get it. Maybe, You can only start the Spotify API moduleby using go.

How to handle support files during Homebrew Formula update

I'm following the Scripts with Support Files answer from here which works great but running into a problem during the update of my script.
If not found, my script creates an .env file for the users to pass some variables in the same directory as the .sh file lives: /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/myscript/1.0.2/libexec/.env the problem is that upon releasing a new version, the .env file won't be in the new directory i.e. /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/myscript/1.0.3/libexec/ and thus will be recreated losing the modifications.
Any ideas for keeping that .env file during updates or an acceptable design pattern for my use case? I was thinking about keeping the .env file outside that directory somewhere, but I don't know the Homebrew directory structure well enough to store it in the right place.

Is there a way to set non-secret environment variables in Github Actions on the Settings page?

As far as I know, there are two ways to set environment variables in Github Actions:
Hardcoding them into YAML file
Adding them as repository secrets on the settings page
Repository secrets page
But what if I don't want them to be secret? On the picture above, SERVER_PREFIX and ANALYTICS_ENABLED shouldn't be secret. Is there a way to set up env variables on the settings page and make them visible? In Travis we had that option.
There isn't an option to add non-secret ENV variables on GitHub page at now.
You can create workflow-scope ENV variables in workflow step.
Then access by:
${{ env.SERVER_PREFIX }}
If you don't need to use them in the Action's YAML, just define your variables in a downloadable file and then use something like curl or wget to get them into your build environment.
For instance, I've done something similar for common CI files and now I've multiple projects running the same project building scripts, their local action is simply like: download an .sh file, run it.
If you need to set up variables in one of your build steps, to be used later by some other action, have a look at this (but I've never tried it myself).

Ruby scripting - how to keep track of configurations

I am writing a system script in Ruby.
I'm using the classic gem structure: lib, bin, spec for RSpec.
I want to build a configurable script: I want to be able to provide options like --set-stuff and alike. A perfect example is:
git config --global "Andrea"
which writes the given information out to a file, in order to be able to retrieve this information later.
How can I do this in a clean way?
I'd rather not use the environment variable solution: I know I could just set an env variable to point to a configuration file, but then I'd have to save this env variable in, say, .bashrc. Then again, how do I deal with zsh? Or how do I deal with people (like me) who keep their .bashrcs super-neat or even have a separate .env-variables file in their system?
Just stick the configuration into a Hash and serialize it into a file in the user's home directory as YAML or JSON...

Set an environment variable in a Sinatra app?

I want to set MONGOHQ_URL in my sinatra app in order to be able to do this:
uri = URI.parse(ENV['MONGOHQ_URL'])
How do I setup the MONGOHQ_URL?
on Windows: set MONGOHQ_URL=test
on Unix (bash): export MONGOHQ_URL=test
on Unix (csh): setenv MONGOHQ_URL test
In order for your environment variables to always be available to your app, you will need to make sure they get exported whenever a new terminal session launches. It's common to put these in .bashrc for example
export MONGOHQ_URL= # for example
But for your local development purposes you might want to check out dotenv gem which allows you to store local environment variables in .env file in root of your project. For production, you should be able to Figaro with Sinatra, for more see answer to this question or see readme on the github repo
In general you should always make sure not to commit sensitive config information in your codebase so make sure to add any files like .env or config/application.yml to your .gitignore file.
