Starting KDE instead of Gnome on headless Ubuntu 20.04 nomachine setup - ubuntu-20.04

I have Kubuntu 20.04.5 LTS installed on this Intel box with the latest update. I had a cheap monitor in there and although its resolution was only 1080, I was able to write an xrand script and bypass the issue. However due to datacenter constraints I have now to remove the monitor, which leaves the computer headless.
Without the monitor I can actually connect and change the resolution much easier. It asks to start a new X session though, which is not an issue at all.
However it now always start with Gnome instead of KDE. The issue with that is although Gnome is not bad I need KDE for several professional reasons.
I have attempted to change /usr/NX/etc/server.cfg ConnectPolicy to several combinations of values, enabling and disabling features to no avail.
ConnectPolicy autocreate=1,autoconnect=1,automigrate=1,desktop=1,dialog=1,xsessions=1,udp=1
DefaultDesktopCommand "dbus-launch --exit-with-session startkde"
I also created ~/.xinitrc and ~/.xsession files with these commands
exec startkde
Every time I reconnect it jumps straight into Gnome as it can be seen in the picture below. Is there any way to make it start KDE instead?
$ sudo nano /usr/NX/etc/server.cfg
$ sudo /etc/NX/nxserver --restart
NX> 162 Disabled service: nxserver.
NX> 162 Service: nxnode already disabled.
NX> 162 Disabled service: nxd.
NX> 111 New connections to NoMachine server are enabled.
NX> 161 Enabled service: nxserver.
NX> 162 WARNING: Cannot find X servers running on this machine.
NX> 162 WARNING: A new virtual display will be created on demand.
NX> 161 Enabled service: nxd.
Thank you!!!


No internet access for npm when using cellular hotspot

On Windows 10 npm suddenly can't get internet access in any terminal (Powershell, cmd, wsl, or the terminal in VS Code) when I'm connected to the internet via a mobile phone's hotspot. This was working for years and I don't see what the catalyst was to break it (I hadn't installed anything new or changed any internet settings). If I go to any browser, the internet works fine, it's just from the terminal that it doesn't work. I've tried totally deactivating the firewall and that doesn't fix it. I did run a wsl --shutdown command a few days before noticing this, but I don't see how that would have such a sweeping impact even outside of wsl. All terminals also connect to the internet normally when over wifi that isn't from a cellphone hotspot. After the problem started, I updated Windows to the latest version of Windows 10 but that didn't do anything. The cellphone I'm using is a Pixel4A.
Update: I can still pip install packages but I can't use npm for anything that requires the internet. For example, running npm outdated returned this:
22 verbose Windows_NT 10.0.19042
23 verbose argv "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe" "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "outdated"
24 verbose node v12.18.4
25 verbose npm v6.14.6
26 error code ECONNRESET
27 error errno ECONNRESET
28 error network request to failed, reason: read ECONNRESET
29 error network This is a problem related to network connectivity.
29 error network In most cases you are behind a proxy or have bad network settings.
29 error network
29 error network If you are behind a proxy, please make sure that the
29 error network 'proxy' config is set properly. See: 'npm help config'
I don't think I'm behind a proxy but I do get this error when I run an app I'm building locally in the browser (the app still builds):
Proxy error: Could not proxy request /favicon.ico from localhost:3000 to http://localhost/.
This is what nslookup returns in cmd and powershell:
PS C:\> nslookup
Server: UnKnown
Non-authoritative answer:
Addresses: 2607:f8b0:4006:80a::200e
It may be possible your carrier started enforcing a 'no tethering' rule that they likely have in their ToS.
It's really hard to say much more without looking into your network settings but judging by the fact your browser traffic is still fine I'd suspect some sort of proxy does indeed get injected into your pipeline: it can either be somehow pushed onto your windows host or be transparently handling all http traffic on the network.
I think one way to test whether this theory is true or not would be to stand up a VPN client on your phone and route all tethered traffic there.
You could attempt editing the hosts file to manually assign DNS entries and use Bluetooth tethering.
You can try first with a cache clean
$ npm cache clean --force
I know it is not related, but in your situation is harmless,
if this not work.
Then, maybe you could use a mirror
$ npm config set registry
and use npm install
$ npm install your-lib-name
you can reset this later with npm set registry
$ npm set registry
First of all, check a list of latest Windows updtating, any installed kb at this period? NO? try to load your OS in safe mode with Network supporting, is it solve problem and works in safe mode? NO? Check result of [ipconfig /all , route print, tracert] by using mobile Accsess Point, and [ipconfig /all , route print, tracert] by using Wi-fi Compare the results.
Final and most hard, but 100% way.. load and install WireShark, set filter to sniff http, https and start internet connection in your shell, in what step it stucks?
If you have Dynatrace installed, this program could be corrupting the normal npm working. After you uninstall Dynatrace, the problem might solve.
Also, doing a full scan for rootkits, spywares, virus, etc with different Antivirus, Anti-malware software's and cleaning what was found could help solve the issue.

Docker - Replacement for `dockerd` on Mac

I wanted to start the docker daemon with an open TCP address like this: docker daemon -H tcp://, but the terminal suggested that I use dockerd instead, which is apparently not a program that comes with the Docker Client for mac. Is there a way I can either
A - get some form of dockerd on my mac machine.
B - get around the use of dockerd by some other method.
Install socat command: brew install socat
Choose a port: (in the example 8099)
Run: socat -d -d TCP-L:8099,fork UNIX:/var/run/docker.sock
and then use tcp://localhost:8099 as API URL
works for me, hope this helps
Finally I found the config of mac docker like dockerd.
Click the docker icon in the menu bar, preferences, advanced
get around the use of dockerd by some other method. (2016)
Note that in 2022, you can go without dockerd/Docker Desktop entirely.
See Batuhan Apaydin's article "A modern toolkit to start working with container images on macOS that meets your needs without requiring a Docker Daemon or even Docker Desktop".
It uses lima+nerdctl
The nerdctl tool is designed as a drop-in replacement for the Docker client
And Lima is a hypervisor that launches Linux virtual machines with automatic file sharing, port forwarding, and containerd.
The name of lima comes from an abbreviation of the first two capital letters of LInux MAchines.
The design of Lima is similar to WSL2, but Lima focuses on macOS as the primary target host.
Lima uses QEMU, which is a generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer, as a hypervisor under the hood to achieve the virtualization thing.
Lima can also work with other container engines such as Podman and even for non-container applications.
By default, when lima launches a VM, it runs buildkitd and containerd in a rootless way and also downloads necessary client tooling around them such as buildctl, nerdctl.
Everything will be set up for us. So, all that’s left is building, pulling, and running containers
For buildkit, Batuhan proposes developer-guy/buildkit-machine
buildkit-machine allows you to make buildkitd daemon accessible in your macOS environment.
To do so, it uses lima, which is a Linux subsystem for macOS, under the hood.
lima spins up a VM that runs buildkitd daemon in a rootless way which means that sock file of the buildkitd daemon is now be able to accessible from /run/user/<USERID>/buildkit/buildkitd.
So: no more Docker Desktop / dockerd, and use container in a rootless mode!
For more, see Bret Fisher's video "Free Docker Desktop Alternatives: DevOps and Docker Live Show (Ep 156)" (Jan. 2022)
I have found a workaround for this in the official forum
$socat TCP-LISTEN:2376,reuseaddr,fork UNIX-CLIENT:/var/run/docker.sock
That workaround opens port 2376 to the world... as TLS isn't enabled, this is a bad idea as anyone on the same network can hijack your docker daemon
It is not supported to run dockerd on Mac. From this issue:
I think on Darwin it should never suggest to run dockerd. The daemon runs in a Linux virtual machine, so you do not need to (and cannot) run it manually.
If you want to do any specific configuration on mac, you might have already installed Docker Desktop. Docker desktop supports configuration using UserInterface shown below in the screenshot.

Docker unreachable after computer sleep

I have just installed docker using docker-toolbox 1.8.2 on Windows 10.
Due to due to this issue I had to recreate the docker image using these commands
docker-machine rm default
docker-machine --native-ssh create -d virtualbox default
After that it has been working fine, except for one problem:
When the PC has gone to sleep and then wakes again, the docker commands can no longer connect. Example:
> docker images
An error occurred trying to connect: Get
dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: A connection attempt failed because the
connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection
failed because connected host has failed to respond.
However the docker-machine lists the machine as running:
> docker-machine ls
default * virtualbox Running tcp://
I can also confirm in VirtualBox that the VM screen seems to be active.
I have tried starting and stopping the machine, but that does not help
C:\x> docker-machine stop default
C:\x> docker-machine start default
Starting VM...
Started machines may have new IP addresses. You may need to re-run the `docker-machine env` command.
C:\x> docker-machine env default --shell=powershell
Ironically, the last command hangs, so I never get any environment settings.
The only thing that helps is to restart the whole PC. But that should be unnecessary?
I have also posted this as an issue on the docker github repository,but that was closed. A related issue seems to be this one, but no workaround or solution has been posted for Windows.
After hous of fighting with VirtualBox + Docker Toolbox, I finally found the way, how to make Docker working again (even without restarting all the containers):
Wake up PC from sleep
Try docker images (won`t work)
Open VirtualBox -> Close VM with saving state (CTRL+V)
Run your VM again
Try docker images again (now should work)
Please note: All steps are in VirtualBox only! Running docker-machine restart default will create another host-only adapter, which is something you do not want. If you did it anyway, delete all additionally created adapters (File->Preferences->Network on VirtualBox), then follow steps 1-5.
I have experienced the exact same symptoms on Windows 8.1... The thing is that it's not really a docker-specific issue, but more how Windows manages the VirtualBox network adapters after sleep (I think...). The culprit in my case is that the network adapter's addresses were becoming private after sleep (they became 169.* addresses).
Credits to this guy who gave me the idea:
Start a command prompt as Administrator
Find out the "useful" network adapters: ipconfig /all. The useful ones in my case were the ones labeled "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter" that didn't have private ips (not starting with 169.*).
Run this command and note the "Idx" of the useful VirtualBox network adapters: netsh interface ipv4 show inter.
Run this command to disable the IP auto configuration: netsh interface ipv4 set interface <idx> dadtransmits=0 store=persistent. Replace <idx> with each index found in the previous step.
Restart Windows
Afterwards, I was able to docker-machine start default, then docker-machine env default --shell cmd, put the PC to sleep, wake up and run docker-machine env default --shell cmd again.
I found that removing 'host only adapter' (File->Preferences->Network on VirtualBox), and restart the docker-machine helps.
Not a real solution. But probably better over restart the computer.
Having tried all the other answers here, and having varying but not consistent success, the following seems to reliably bring it back for me after this problem occurs.
Open a powershell/command window (I have most success if I run all docker-machine commands in a powershell window opened as administrator, I don't know if that's important or not) then run (where "dev" is the name of your docker machine instance):
docker-machine ssh dev
Then on the terminal that is opened, run:
sudo shutdown -r now
When the machine restarts, it seems to refresh the network and work correctly. Note, however, that simply running docker-machine restart dev did not have the same effect for me.
Your machine needs to be running before you can do the ssh, so if it's not running, execute docker-machine start dev before trying to SSH.
Had the same problem on Windows 8.1 and docker toolbox 1.12.0
None of the above solutions worked for me, too.
Found another way to make docker work after system wake up:
In the docker Quickstart Terminal window, stop docker process Ctrl-C (if it is still running)
Run command docker-compose down
Shut down docker with docker-machine stop default
Exit terminal window Ctrl-D
Run Quickstart Terminal again and do all subsequent steps you need.
This worked for me, on Windows host machine.
Configure your network adapter to
1) Allow the network adapter to wake the computer,
2) Allow a magic packet to wake the computer,
3) Allow IPV6
Also, on virtual box network settings, go to advanced, and allow promiscuous mode to VM machines, or allow all

Start OpenSSH sshd automatically on the BeagleBone Black

Does anybody know how to start sshd automatically on the BeagleBone Black ? I've replaced dropbear with OpenSSH. The standard systemctl enable sshd doesn't work, but strangely systemctl start sshd does. I'm quite new to systems with systemd replacing init, so hopefully I'm not just missing something trivial / simple. The BeagleBone Black in question is running Angstrom Linux and is using the opkg package manager. OpenSSH was installed with opkg install openssh. When I run systemctl enable sshd#.service, I get the following message:
The unit files have no [Install] section. They are not meant to be enabled
using systemctl.
Possible reasons for having this kind of units are:
1) A unit may be statically enabled by being symlinked from another unit's
.wants/ or .requires/ directory.
2) A unit's purpose may be to act as a helper for some other unit which has
a requirement dependency on it.
3) A unit may be started when needed via activation (socket, path, timer,
D-Bus, udev, scripted systemctl call, ...).
The version I have installed is OpenSSH_6.0p1, OpenSSL 1.0.1e 11 Feb 2013
Apparently systemd has both an sshd.service unit and an sshd.socket unit, that are intended to be used mutually exclusively of each other. The sshd daemon should be started and connected automatically by systemd every time an outside process connects to port 22.

Does anyone here uses Linux host/VMWare/VirtualKD debug environment?

Does anyone had a successful experience with VirtualKD setup on Linux host running VMWare Workstation 8 (with Win7 guests)?
Despite the facts there's a lot of admiring comments about 'speed' and 'other benefits' of that VirtualKD, most of them come from Windows/VirtualBox users, and I really don't want to waste my time on trying to get it working on unsupported configuration.
P.S. Official VirtualKD forum has a similar thread that is still unanswered for two years, so decided to ask for reviews here.
P.P.S. My actual problem is that VMWare's socket-based COM port debugging is very slow.. it takes 10 to 20x more time to copy debug output from debuggee to debugger machine, than it takes to print same output to DbgView.
Does anyone had a successful experience with VirtualKD setup on Linux host running VMWare Workstation 8 (with Win7 guests)?
VirtualKD is a Windows-only application. The poster on the forum has worked around the problem of it being Windows-only by redirecting a Unix socket to TCP, therefore allowing Windows clients to connect over the network.
I've used socat to successfully bridge two VMs using a tcp socket. I created pipes in /tmp and ran socat between them; one VM can then debug the other.
In my case, because I'd configured the debugger to use serial connections I was rate limited by the serial connections. I haven't tried the VirtualKD-style setup; however, my bet is it won't work. From the VirtualKD explanation of its internals on VMWare, the client-side code is basically using hypervisor provided functionality. VirtualBox has to be patched by VirtualKD; I expect this is to provide such functionality to VirtualBox clients.
The bad news is this means, ultimately, that the Linux host hypervisor (VMware/VirtualBox on the host) must know to process that information and pass it out to the appropriate location. By default, it won't know how to do this.
I have a successful experience running it on Windows if anyone is looking for that:
Install VirtualBox 5.x or less and create a virtual machine with a Windows .iso SATA device and set it up
Download VirtualKD-3.0
Open the VM and run vminstall.exe on the guest
On admin cmd on the guest: bcdedit /dbgsettings SERIAL DEBUGPORT:1 BAUDRATE:115200
Shut down VM, close VirtualBox and kill the VBoxSVC.exe process
Run VirtualIntegration.exe. If it crashes open an admin cmd and cd to C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox and then type vboxmanage setextradata <VMNAME> VBoxInternal/Devices/VirtualKD/0/Config/Path <VirtualKD-3.0 folder> i.e. vboxmanage setextradata Windows7 VBoxInternal/Devices/VirtualKD/0/Config/Path C:\Users\lewis\Downloads\VirtualKD-3.0
Open vmmon64.exe and set the debugger path i.e C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows (x64)\windbg.exe, and then select WINDBG.EXE and start debugger automatically
Launch VM and highlight the VirtualKD entry and press f8 and disable driver signature enforcement and you will soon break into the debugger at nt!RtlpBreakWithStatusInstruction, which is a debugger symbol for the first address of the DbgBreakPointWithStatus, which is called from InitBootProcessor, which is the breakpoint you'd get from sxe ibp;.reboot. There is an earlier breakpoint of sxe ld:nt
You will need to unpatch the VM in order to be able to boot it without vmmon open. VirtualKD is good for logging with debugging protocol packets and automating windbg connection but you can't boot debug with it. In order for boot debugging to work you will need to create a COM1 serial port on the VM and set it to create a pipe \\.\pipe\pipename. You then need to connect to the pipe via windbg manually. Make sure that you have done bcdedit /bootdebug /on && bcdedit /bootdebug {bootmgr} /on && bcdedit /set {bootmgr} debugtype serial && bcdedit /set {bootmgr} baudrate 115200 && bcdedit /set {bootmgr} debugport 1 on the guest before booting.
