Pymongo/ How to add the same user for another server into the database -

So, I'm trying to make a command that saves the roles of a user in the MongoDB. But now I'm struggling when the same user executes the command in an other server. How do I check form what server the command was executed and how do I save the roles per server
check = cursor.find({"guild_id": guild_id, "_id":})
if check is None:
cursor.insert_one({"guild_id": guild_id, "_id":, "name": str(user_name), "roles": [str( for r in[1:]]})
cursor.update_one({"guild_id": guild_id, "_id":}, {"$set": {"roles": [str( for r in[1:]]}})
I tried something like this, but I only get an error that the user already exists

Honestly: In many ways, it might be smarter not to store the role in a database, but instead rely on Discord, and look it up every time you need it, so using something like this for adding roles, for example:
async def change_role(
member: discord.Member,
role: discord.Role,
if role in member.roles:
await member.remove_roles(role)
await payload.member.add_roles(role)
except discord.Forbidden:
print("could not add role with current permissions") # Do with this what you want
However, if you insist on storing them, probably the best way is to use mongo for what it is good at, and store a json object. This is to say that you would create a json object for every server, which contains a list of members, each of which again contains it roles, this way, every member is stored per-server, and can therefore have different settings in each one. Right now, you're using Mongo like it's Postgres, and, in that case, it's probably better to use Postgres.
However, if you do want to do that. I'm expecting the error you're currently getting is because you have set the username field as a unique index in the header. You should remove that setting, as clearly, you now allow for multiple users to exist.
I hope that helps! :-)

Related | How do I get a User Tag from an ID?

I am programming an entertainment bot with, and I want to code a function that allows you to look at other users' in game money and stuff with replit databases. Since making data with a user tag is inefficient since people change their usernames and tags all the time, I am using IDs. I am trying to find a way to get a user tag (eg. Dude#1234) from a user number id (eg. 871954599731396648). I couldn't find a solution. I already know how to use but I can't find a way to make that work with every discord user.
To get the tag you can use the following method
user = await bot.fetch_user(ID) # ID must be an int and this could be could be client for you, be careful as this pings the API and can be abused if not correctly limited.
# user.discriminator will return their tag.
You can check all attributes that user can have here
To get the tag, you first have to get the user object from the id using discord.utils.get:
user_id = #insert the id of the user which you want the tag of
user = await discord.utils.get(client.get_all_members(), id =user_id)#might by something like bot.get_all_members for you
tag =

Association Exclude Based on Field

I'm looking for the best Ruby way to accomplish this.
I have a Person that has_many Feeds through Subscriptions. So we can do things like Person.feeds, and it gets all the feeds a person is subscribed to.
Problem is, subscriptions are either authorized or deauthorized. What is the best way to make Person.feeds respect the Authorized status bit on the Subscription model?
So we can do something like Person.feeds.where(:status => authorized).
You can call this with a command like the following:
#person.feeds.joins(:subscription).where(subscriptions: { status: 'authorized' })
N.B. the joins takes the association's format, singular in this case, while where takes the table name, typically pluralised.
What this does in order is:
Loads the feeds belonging to a person
Joins these feeds to their subscription
Queries the subscriptions table to return only the feeds where the subscription is active
To refactor this, I'd include a couple of methods in the relevant models:
# feed.rb
scope :active, -> { joins(:subscription).where(subscriptions: { status: 'authorized' }) }
# person.rb
def active_feeds
Then, you can just call #person.active_feeds to get the results you want from anywhere in your code base.
(There's also the added bonus of being available anywhere should you wish to display active feeds outside of a user's scope.)
Hope that helps - let me know if you've any questions.

Get instances during serializer validation in DRF

I am starting to work with the Django REST framework for a mini-reddit project I already developed.
The problem is that I am stuck in this situation:
A Minisub is like a subreddit. It has, among others, a field named managers which is ManyToMany with User.
An Ad is an advertising which will be displayed on the minisub, and it has a field named minisubs which is ManyToMany with Minisub. It has also a author field, foreign key with User.
I would like to allow these managers to add some ads on their minisubs through a DRF API. It is actually working. But I want to check that they put in minisubs only minisubs where they are managers.
I found a way like that:
class AdSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
# ...
def validate_minisubs(self, value):
for m in value:
if user not in m.managers.all():
raise serializers.ValidationError("...")
return value
My question is: How to get user ? I can't find a way to get the value (this field is set automatically in the serial data according to the user authentication). Maybe I don't find a way because there is no ways ? The place to do this is somewhere else ?
Thanks in advance.
You may get it out of the serializer this way:
class YourModelSeializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
class Meta:
def validate_myfield(self):
instance = getattr(self, 'instance', None)
I believe that this is a job for the permissions, if you are performing CRUD operations for inserting that into a database then u can have a permission class returns True if the user is a manager.
a permissions instance has access to the request which u can use to get the user and check if he is a manager:

New Feature - Update Responses

We have an internal database ID for each course we have. When using the batch function to create courses, the returned information doesn’t not give us any way to get this ID back so we cannot update our database and let it know that the course has been created.
Also updating the deletion response for the same reason would also be handy.
The response for a batch of deletes looks like:
If they are all successful then it's not really a problem, but if something goes wrong then it's impossible to tell which ones were deleted and which ones were not deleted, because according to the API:
" The server may perform your calls in any order. Don't count on their being executed in the order in which you specified them."
A simple message that said "course #123 has been deleted" would be very helpful. That way I could program the callback code to update the database using the ID
For the course creation the response looks like:
"id": "208571459",
"name": "***",
"section": "***",
"ownerId": "123456",
"creationTime": "2015-09-14T13:13:59.622Z",
"updateTime": "2015-09-14T13:14:02.820Z",
"enrollmentCode": "***",
"courseState": "PROVISIONED",
"alternateLink": "***"
I only put in one response to save space. The ID is the new GoogleID of the course, the ID we actually send in which corresponds to the records in our DB does not get returned. So we have to use a combination of other data (ownerID + name) to get the record and update it, but this is not ideal and may not work fro everyone. Again adding in all of the information that get's sent into the response would be very helpful so we can use the callback properly.
I also want to add the more useful specific information should also be added to all error messages. In fact every batch response should have some sort of ID, that way the callback functions can be more useful.
As mentioned briefly in the documentation, you can pass an alias into when creating a course to assign an alias to a course as you create it. The alias can include your internal identifier for the course and can be used in future requests.
Alternatively, each request in a batch can be assigned a unique Content-ID header, which will be returned in the response. Many client libraries provide built-in support for setting and getting these IDs.

How to work with not (yet) registered devise Users

I have a User model, for login and registration, its email field is used (everything vanilla from the devise gem).
I want (other) users to be able to e.g. add Users to a team, with the email-address as the identifier.
That is fine when the User is already existing (pseudo #team.users.add(User.find_by(email: other_users_email))) but I am unsure how to handle situations where the user does not yet exist (did not [yet] register).
When a (new) User sets up a new account, for the example above after successfull registration current_user.teams should show up correctly.
I do not want to force these potentially new users to use the system (e.g. using devise_invitable) and bother them with an email.
I followed the path of creating the User when a user with the given email does not yet exist, but then when the user actually tries to setup an account, it fails (email not unique).
Alternatively, I could remodel the TeamMember-part and let it optionally either store an email-adress or the reference to an existing User. Then what I would need is to check for "open" TeamMembers directly after User-Account-creation (so, TeamMembers with the given email). I could also do this on each requst, but that looks too expensive to me. There might be race conditions, but I could live with that (and check for the every-now-in-a-millenia-gap with a cron-job).
Any pointers? I am sure this is not that unusual.
I'd do this:
When a user A adds user B to a team by email, create the object for that user B, but set a flag, something like auto_created_and_inactive: true
When user B signs up on the site, you just have to handle this in your users#create: first, try to find an auto-created record and update it (set a password or whatever; also reset the flag). Or otherwise proceed with the usual route of creating a new record.
I have to admit that I did not yet tried #sergio-tulentsevs approach (implement RegistrationController#create). But to complete what I sketched in my question:
User model can define an after_confirmation method, which is called after ... confirmation! So, if I store every information about a potential user with a reference to his/her email-adress, once he/she registered I can query this information and e.g. complete Team-Memberships.
# app/models/user.rb
def after_confirmation
# (pseudo-code, did not try)
self.teams <
