Heroku app error, previously working fine - heroku

We have an app that was working fine in Heroku, now stopped working, suddenly.
As per logs, it is throwing these lines:
2022-12-04T15:54:00.247653+00:00 heroku[router]: at=error code=H14 desc="No web processes running" method=GET path="/socket.io/?EIO=4&transport=polling&t=OJTs1y-" host=mentee-h4i.herokuapp.com request_id=5c69dcdd-083a-4b78-a125-cdd39778e5c9 fwd="" dyno= connect= service= status=503 bytes= protocol=https
2022-12-04T15:54:05.806894+00:00 heroku[router]: at=error code=H14 desc="No web processes running" method=GET path="/socket.io/?EIO=4&transport=polling&t=OJTs3NA" host=mentee-h4i.herokuapp.com request_id=9bf65614-31e0-49e4-a2e6-affb15592aec fwd="" dyno= connect= service= status=503 bytes= protocol=https

Refer to this.
But I think the reason for the problem is that Heroku shut down the free tier on November 28, 2022.

#Hukys is correct. Heroku no longer provides free dyno plans.
Although if you have previously deployed apps, you can still access them after subscribing to one of their plans. If you are still experiencing an H14 error, try to reconfigure your dyno. Just change your dyno type to the subscribed plan and make sure you have toggle the selected dyno to the right in order to enable it.


Teams proactive notifications not working

I am not getting any proactive notification to my teams bot.
After using attached references for proactive message I tried to send proactive message using bot framework emulator and added localhost url, MicrosoftAppId and MicrosoftAppPassword in emulator also added the MicrosoftAppId and MicrosoftAppPassword to proactive code, when I started process to test this app on emulator I am getting unauthorize error.
Now I'll try to host it on any web server to check this issue.
I have followed these references :
- https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/msteams-docs/blob/master/msteams-platform/assets/downloads/SendProactiveMessages.zip
- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/sbs-send-proactive?tutorial-step=3

in bot framework how to fix issue while debugging facebook messenger channel with ngrok

I want to debug my bot framework using Facebook messenger channel.
I am using ngrok to test locally. Now when the user (who is an admin for the Facebook page) enters a message in messenger it reaches properly to my localhost and breakpoints are getting hit. But the problem is that the response from the bot is not going back to messenger, nothing is getting displayed in FB messenger.
For debugging I also want the response from bot should be displayed on FB messenger. I have also looked at other responses but I tried all, nothing working

Grafana - Slack alert doesn't show images

Following on from the documentation and answers to similar questions here, I've created a Slack app with a bot user and connected it to my public channel in Slack. I've also invited the bot user and gave it files:write:user OAuth Scope. After all this, I reinstalled the app to apply the changes.
My configuration in Grafana has:
Include image ticked
The correct webhook URL from Slack
Recipient contains my channel name
My bot token
The Send Test works fine, even in private channels. I first receive a notification from the app and then a pretty image from the bot user. From the Javascript console, my Grafana version is 5.0.3. I've repeated this process several times with no luck. The only I can imagine is that I'm not an Admin but then I wouldn't have expected the test to work.
I've also looked through the Grafana log files and it seems to come from Grafana's side; specifically, it has trouble rendering the image.
lvl=info msg="New state change" logger=alerting.resultHandler alertId=1 newState=ok prev state=alerting
lvl=info msg=Rendering logger=png-renderer path="somepath?panelId=11111"
lvl=eror msg="failed to render an image" logger=png-renderer error="exit status 127"
lvl=info msg=uploaded logger=alerting.notifier url=
lvl=info msg="Executing slack notification" logger=alerting.notifier.slack ruleId=6 notification="myalert"
lvl=info msg="Uploading to slack via file.upload API" logger=alerting.notifier.slack
lvl=info msg="Request Completed" logger=context userId=1111 orgId=1111 uname= method=GET path=/ status=302 remote_addr= time_ms=0 size=29 referer=
Answering after long time, but I hope if this can be helpful to someone, To upload images on slack bot from Grafana, set files:write in Oauth and permission setting on app in slack setting(as stated in question than in particular channel invite your bot( try typing #botname it will automatically ask that invite bot to this channel)
The solution was to install missing fonts, specifically libfontconfig in Ubuntu, if you are using the tar.gz file rather than the deb file (for some reason, it doesn't include the fonts by default). As a note to future users of other distros, each one has their own requirements so be sure to check out the Grafana docs.

MethodNotAllowed on Skype for Business Channel

I am running in to an error when trying to reach my bot over SfB. The dashboard shows "There was an error sending this message to your bot: HTTP status code MethodNotAllowed" and SfB chat window shows "Error happened in Skype for business when reaching bot service"
The bot works fine on the web control, bot emulator and skype channel. I am running Bot.Builder 3.8.5 . I tried commenting out [BotAuthentication] but then every channel started to fail after that. Any ideas ?
Turns out an update to Bot.Builder was pushed out and took it to version . After that re publish to Azure and it started working

unauthorized then endpoint authorization succeeded then unathorized

Curious if anyone else is experiencing problems with the botframework today?
My bot works, and then it doesn't, repeat. This is happening for all enabled channels: Facebook, Skype and Web Chat. Nothing has changed on the server end.
When I click on My Bots, and click Test, it will say: Unauthorized. Click a few more times and then it will say: Endpoint authorization succeeded. Click again and it goes back to Unauthorized.
As far as I can tell, this just started happening today and has been like this for the past four hours.
It appears to be completely working now. Even Facebook specific channel data is being processed by the bot. Nothing new was deployed. I'm not sure what happened. Keeping fingers crossed it continues...
