Tag accounts created from users coming with UTM URL - magento

I need to recognize which accounts were created coming from an UTM campaign, anyone knows how to do it?
I thought about triggering a function when $_GET['utm_id'] matches with the campaign code, but i'm a complete beginner with Magento


how to get attendances Track from the Google API?

We are using the API of google calendar to create events and we have some invites to that, the problem is that we want to get the Attendance, we know that calendar has the feature Attendance Tracking, and that works perfectly, but we need to get that information from the google API. for now it sends me a email at the end of the meet with an excel with that information. but I need to get it from the API cos, we have a lot of meeting and need to update this information automaticly.
thanks a lot if you give some route or some idea to reach it!!!
I am triging to get this information from the caelndar API V3 following this doc but I just get the event info and attendees, but I need to get the Attendance.

How to track UTM tags in App Store URLs

I'm working on implementing my own analytics system. One part of it consists of tracking where users originated from. I use UTM tags for this. Reading UTM tags from the query parameters is quite easy in Android, iOS and web. However, I also want to track app installs.
I want to be able to share URLs to the Play/App store with UTM tags and mark the user's first session in the app with those tags. Android has a great solution for this: pass the referrer query parameter containing the UTM tags to the Play Store URL and after installation, the UTM tags will be available. (source: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/android/v4/campaigns)
However, the App store doesn't support this kind of tracking. I'm trying to figure out what the industry standard is for tracking app installs. I've seen the following solution:
Share a URL to your own domain. (e.g. myredirectdomain.com?utm_campaign=test)
Save the client ip, screen resolution and UTM tags in a DB table if the client is an iOS device
Redirect the user to the App Store
Once the user installs the app, the app will send the client ip and screen resolution to your server which checks if those are recently added in the DB.
If so, the corresponding UTM tags are returned and the user's session will be marked with those.
Of course, this will most definitely result in some false positives. I've been trying to figure how other companies do this. I've stumbled upon Google Analytics' implementation which utilizes the iPhones IDFA (source: https://developers.google.com/analytics/solutions/ios-install-tracking). However, the IDFA doesn't seem to be available to the mobile browser.
Do you know what the industry standard is for tracking app install campaigns?
Short answer: there is no industry standard in attribution tracking for iOS. Just google the term "app attribution tracking" and see how many service providers show up. They all use some kind of device fingerprinting and call it their "secret sauce". I've used different services in parallel in the past and results were most of the time very different. (Localytics, Flurry, Tapstream)
The "official" recommended way from Apple is to use their own App Analytics attribution tracking. For that you add a provider token(pt=) and a campaign token (ct=) to your store links. You can get your provider token directly in iTunes Connect. You can nicely combine this with the App Store Affiliate program. The only downside is getting the information out of Apple's App Analytics/iTunes Connect. There are no official APIs to get your hands automatically on the raw data.
App Store Connect gives you the possibility to create Campaign Link that you can use to track Install. I can't remember when it was release but you can find it in :
App analysis -> Sources -> Campaigns -> Generate Campaign Link.
Of course, this is not a classic UTM to track it in Google Analytics, but it can help
There is a solution for IOS apps to track campaign via Google Analytics.
For IOS you do not need to add UTM parameter but you have to make URL as below:
tid=UA-1234-1 // Google Analytics Tracking ID.
&idfa=BBA44F63-E469-42BA-833A-2AC550310CB3 // Identifier for Advertising (IDFA)
&aid=com.bundle.myapp // App ID.
&cs=network // Campaign source.
&cm=cpc // Campaign medium.
&cn=campaign_name // Campaign name.
&url=https%3A//itunes.apple.com/us/app/myApp/id123%3Fmt%3D8 // Redirect URL to iTunes.
For reference please view the link:

Add user review to Google map from my application(Android)

I am trying to create a location-based services Android application. I had successfully getting the user reviews from Google Places API by following the guidance from this link.
I also found many posts regarding how to get user reviews from Google Places. But Now I want to create a function which user can insert reviews from my application. Is there anyway to do that?
No. There is no API for writing review. Also the Google+ mobile URL doesn't have the write review option from last year. Its a bug , but Google is not fixing this.
There is only one way to write review is through desktop URL. I have a similar location base app in play store where I have done some workaround to show desktop site to write review.

MVC3 - How to check if user clicked on the link you sent through e-mail in .net?

I'm running an e-commerce website and I send my customers regular newsletters.
I'm using nopcommerce v2.40.
I just see who all are subscribed. I want to develop a detailed newsletter management system, something like MailChimp.
I want a report on how many users actually clicked on the link that I sent them via e-mail.
Can anyone tell me how to do that??
This is a pretty generalized question but I'm new at this and I have no idea how to do it.
Thank you !
You can do this sort of thing quite simply with Google Analytics.
Here are some links worth looking at.
Google Analytics Email Tracking
Setting up campaign tracking in Google Analytics
in your email newsletter add params you need to collect.
click to view
Everytime someone would click on the above link, they would be taken to your default controller that collects clicks and other parameters you want. You would then save that data and redirect to an actual page you want them to see via "redirect" parameter provided in the url.

Is an email form to dynamic assigned recipients and senders in Rails possible?

I'm creating Rails app as a guide to restaurants whereby information is displayed regarding each restaurant, menus etc. It is a supporting website to an iOS app.
I would like to do allow the user to book or send an email to book a table on a restaurant. I'm storing both user and restaurant e-mails in my app.
I could easily do this in the iOS app using the Mail app but I'd like to offer the same functionality within my Rails version also. Is this possible?
As #CarlZulauf commented, you are looking for Rails e-mail interface. It is hard to help you here because you didn't explain to us what did you tried and what is not working. If you have problems, you might want to create a new question, or edit this one, including the info, otherwise it is impossible for any one to help you more than just give you the doc link.
