JetBrains WebStorm: How can I disable highlight only current block text - settings

After updating WebStorm today, editor text highlights only current block.
How can I disable that? I want to have text always highlighted like this:
I've searched all options in Settings and try to disabled Rainbow Brackets plugin but that did not helped.


Keyboard Shortcut Ctrl+B and Ctrl+I in RMarkdown and RStudio

When writing reports in RMarkdown I realized that hitting Ctrl+B for bold or Ctrl+I for italic won't emphasize the text marked. Many other Markdown editors (for example the editor on StackOverflow) do this job.
For the moment I work with Shift+* after marking the text I want to show in bold which returns *text* which would be displayed in italic. However for making something bold I need to do this twice. And returning the action (removing the **) is not possible with this procedure.
Is there a hidden button somewhere in RStudio where I can turn this option on? Or is there some other solution to this problem like a package who does the job?
One way to do it is installing the addin remedy remotes::install_github("ThinkR-open/remedy") and then to map your preferred key combination to the bold formatting offered by the addon.
So, it's a two-step process. First, install remedy, and then modify the keyboard shortcuts (Tools > Modify Keyboard Shortcuts...).
After installing remedy, there should be a 'bold' option for you in the shortcuts' list to make the binding.

Is it possible to visualize tabs and spaces on Cloud9 IDE?

On Sublime Text you can visualize a tab (as a line), and space (as a dot) - as per this StackOverflow forum.
Please is there something similar for the Cloud9 IDE?
Many thanks!
In order to view invisible characters within the Cloud9 Editor, please visit the preferences panel (Cloud9 > Preferences), then click on User Settings, and then Code Editor (Ace) within Editors. Enable 'Show Invisible Characters' and you should be all set.

Change color of caret in sublime text 3

Trying to configure a custom caret color..Here is what I have done so far but had no result in a successful output..
I have dowloaded the PackageResourceViewer and gone into my theme and changed the <key>caret</key> <string>#F8F8F0</string> to my own custom hex color.
Once this is done I then overwrite the current theme by choosing save as and restarting Sublime Text. After restart, I see no change made to the caret...Hmmm
I have also followed this post on
How do I edit the Solarized (Light) theme in Sublime Text 3
Any one have and suggestions? I would greatly appreciate your help.
When you say you "gone into your theme", did you open or extract? By open, you are essentially viewing a read-only version, so saving it doesn't do anything really.
If you do extract it, try saving it into your user folder, then make sure you choose it via the preferences menu

Sublime MarkdownEditing plugin color scheme and line numbers

I like to utilize Markdown for a lot of the text that I write. To that end I wanted to try out the MarkdownEditing plugin for Sublime Text 3, but am having some user experience issues:
I cannot figure out how to change the color scheme such that it affects the MarkdownEditing syntax editor. Changes to .Packages\User\Preferences.sublime-settings do not effect display settings when in this syntax highlighting mode. However, those changes are reflected in other tabs. How do I change the color scheme when making use of the MarkdownEditing syntax highlighting?
How do I turn on line numbers when making use of this syntax plugin?
If you are using Markdown GFM syntax, open/create "Data/Packages/User/Markdown.sublime-settings" and add:
"color_scheme": "Packages/your/custom.tmTheme",
"line_numbers": true
See menu: Preferences > Package Settings > MarkdownEditing.
There are 3 different settings there for 3 different syntaxes. First check what "default" settings does and then undo it in "user" settings.
To stop the MarkdownEditing package from overriding your color scheme on Markdown files:
Open Preferences > Settings - User
Find your color_scheme line - e.g. it looks like
"color_scheme": "Packages/Color Scheme - Default/Monokai.tmTheme",
Copy the entire line
Open Preferences > Package Settings > Markdown Editing > Markdown GFM Settings - Default
Comment out the other color_scheme lines by adding // in front of them
Paste your line instead
Save the file
Markdown files will now use your regular color scheme rather than using their own scheme just for .md files.
If you get an error about "Error trying to parse settings", make sure your line ends with a , if there are lines below it, and does not end with , if it is the last line.
This was one of the most annoying things about this plugin when I installed it a while back, so I promptly got rid of it. However, before doing so, I figured out how to solve your problems. First, since you're using ST3, you'll need to install the quite-useful PackageResourceViewer plugin. Open the Command Palette (CtrlShiftP on Windows), type in prv to bring up the PackageResourceViewer options, and select Extract Package. Scroll down and select MarkdownEditing, hit Enter, and you're all set. You can now open Packages/MarkdownEditing (Packages should be in C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3, also available by selecting Preferences -> Browse Packages...) in the sidebar and browse through all the different .sublime-settings files for the different syntaxes and for the main plugin, changing things as you want. The syntax-specific files use all the same options found in Preferences -> Settings-Default, so for example you can set "line_numbers": true to turn line numbering back on, and change the value of "color_scheme" to your preferred value.
I had another packaged named Markdownlight which was overriding the color scheme. I had to uninstall it before the color_scheme in the MarkdownEditing user settings took affect.

How to change background color of line highlighting during debug process in Netbeans?

how to change background color of line highlighting during debug process in Netbeans?
Tried to change "Highlight Caret Row". No success. It only changes bg color of line where cursor blinks, but not debugging line:
Annotations Tab
Try the "Fonts & Colors" > "Annotions" tab.
Restart NetBeans (or re-open editors) for changes to take effect.
Open Tools->Options->Fonts&Colors then go to "Annotations" tab.
Color options for debug line in "Current Program Counter" item.
It is works for me.
You must restart Netbeans to changes takes effects
There is a breakpoint selection in the Annotations tab.
Tools -> Options -> Fonts & Colors -> Annotations Tab -> Breakpoint
Change the background color of this.
Change all of the Current Program Counter categories too, all of them will be run into in various scenarios.
If you don't see highlighted lines, it's possible that the project settings aren't configured correctly.
E.g. when using a htaccess redirect from the root folder to folder myapplication, be sure to edit Project->Properties->Sources->Web Root to the redirect folder.
That solved the issue for me.
