Configure 3 XbeeS2C which have 2 end-device and 1 coordinator - configure

I have 3 xbee. I have already config xbee 1 and xbee 2 become coordinator and end-device by using XCTU software and all value tha I configure is in the table below.
enter image description here
Now, i want to configure the remain xbee to become end-device and it can send and receive data from coordinator but I dont know the value DH DL. Can anybody help me with this?


How can I make LIN master off by using CAPL?

I'm a newbie of canoe and capl.
I'm trying to make a lin slave tester by using canoe, capl, panel.
LIN netwotk has 2 channel.
ch1 - a bldc motor
ch2 - an actuator
And i made some functions such as voltage, current monitoring and check pass or fail.
i also need to make error condition like LIN off status for a while.
there were many capl functions similar what i wanna make.
but none of them stop sending master frame.
it shows a message
"Node 'tesr' (CAPL) LIN channel 2: LIN API call LINStopScheduler() ignored! due to LIN Interactive Master settings!"
So i turned of master simulation but schedule table also disabled forever.
how can i make it?

High Availability in SymmetricDS

To all those SymmetricDS nerds over there, this one's for you all.
Right, so we have a main db, DB-01. We have 3 instances of our application running namely R1,R2,R3. Each instance has its own in-memory db namely D1,D2,D3 which it(application) is accessing respectively. We are using SymmetricDS to do one-way sync from DB-01 to D1,D2,D3. So, there is a server node, corporate C0, pointing to DB-01 and 3 client nodes, stores S1,S2,S3 pointing to D1,D2,D3 respectively.
All is working fine.
But now, we would like to introduce High Availability and there by FAILOVER into this topology i.e., at any time there will be 2 server nodes running, say Master and Slave, that would be accessing the same DB-01. If Master server goes down, clients should automatically connect to the Slave node and continue operation.
What all might be the configuration changes required to accomplish this? Are there any examples or documentations that i can reproduce to understand this concept?
We do this via clustering with 2 SymmetricDS services running on 2 app servers pointing to the High Availability (HA) connections. Then all you need is HA connections to failover like normal and Symmetric DS clustering does the rest.
Link for the user manual on clustering.
EDIT let me get some configs for you on here service 1:<SDS_SERVICE_1>
Service 2:<SDS_SERVICE_2>

Redis sync fails. Redis copy keys and values works

I have two redis instances both running on the same machine on win64. The version is the one from with no amendments and the binaries are running as per download from github (ie version 2.6.12).
I would like to create a slave and sync it to the master. I am doing this on the same machine to ensure it works before creating a slave on a WAN located machine which will take around an hour to transfer the data that exists in the primary.
However, I get the following error:
[4100] 15 May 18:54:04.620 * Connecting to MASTER...
[4100] 15 May 18:54:04.620 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync started
[4100] 15 May 18:54:04.620 * Non blocking connect for SYNC fired the event.
[4100] 15 May 18:54:04.620 * Master replied to PING, replication can continue...
[4100] 15 May 18:54:28.364 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync: receiving 2147483647 bytes from master
[4100] 15 May 18:55:05.772 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync: Loading DB in memory
[4100] 15 May 18:55:14.508 # Short read or OOM loading DB. Unrecoverable error, aborting now.
The only way I can sync up is via a mini script something along the lines of :
import orm.model
if __name__ == "__main__":
src = orm.model.caching.Redis(**{"host":"source_host","port":6379})
dest = orm.model.caching.Redis(**{"host":"source_host","port":7777})
ks = src.handle.keys()
for i,k in enumerate(ks):
if i % 1000 == 0:
print i, "%2.1f %%" % ( (i * 100.0) / len(ks))
where orm.model.caching.* are my middleware cache implementation bits (which for redis is just creating a self.handle instance variable).
Firstly, I am very suspicious of the number in the receiving bytes as that is 2^32-1 .. a very strange coincidence. Secondly, OOM can mean out of memory, yet I can fire up a 2nd process and sync that via the script but doing this via redis --slaveof fails with what appears to be out of memory. Surely this can't be right?
redis-check-dump does not run as this is the windows implementation.
Unfortunately there is sensitive data in the keys I am syncing so I can't offer it to anybody to investigate. Sorry about that.
I am definitely running the 64 bit version as it states this upon startup in the header.
I don't mind syncing via my mini script and then just enabling slave mode, but I don't think that is possible as the moment slaveof is executed, it drops all known data and resyncs from scratch (and then fails).
Any ideas ??
I have also seen this error earlier, but the latest bits from 2.8.4 seem to have resolved it

XBee - XBee-API and multiple endpoints

Using Andrew Rapp's XBee-API, how can I sample I/O data via a coordinator from more than two endpoints?
I have 17 Series 1 XBees. I have programmed one to be a coordinator (API mode = 2) and the rest to be endpoints. Using XBee-API I am sending a Force I/O Sample ("IS") remote AT command, unicast to each endpoint. This works perfectly well when there are up to two endpoints, but as soon as a third is added, one of the three always becomes non-responsive (times out with XBeeTimeoutException). It's not always the same physical unit that stops responding, but it is always the third one (for example, if I send Force I/O Sample to Device1, Device2, and Device3, Device3 will time out, and if I change the order to Device3, Device1, Device2, Device2 will time out.
If I set up more than three XBees, about 1 out of 3 will time out - but not every third one.
I've verified that the XBees themselves are fine. I've searched the Internet and Stack Overflow in particular to no avail. I've tried using a simple ZNetRemoteAtRequest. I've tried opening and closing the XBee coordinator serial connection once for all three devices, once per device, and once per program run. I've tried varying the distance between the coordinator and endpoints (never more than five feet apart). I've tried different coordinator configuration parameters (from the Digi documentation). I've tried changing out the XBee for the coordinator.
This is the code I'm using to send the Force I/O Sample request to each endpoint and read the response:
xbee = new XBee(); // Coordinator"/dev/ttyUSB0, 115200)); // Happens before any of the endpoints are contacted
... // Loop through known endpoint addresses
XBeeRequest request = new ZBForceSampleRequest(new XBeeAddress64(endpointAddress));
ZNetRemoteAtResponse response = null;
response = (ZNetRemoteAtResponse) xbee.sendSynchronous(request, remoteXBeeTimeout);
if (response.isOk()) {
// Process response payload
... // End loop and finally close coordinator connection
What might help polling I/O samples from more than two endpoints?
EDIT: I found that Andrew Rapp's XBee-API library fakes multithreaded behavior, which causes the synchronization issues described in this question. I wrote a replacement library that is actually multithreaded and correctly maps responses from multiple XBee endpoints: When I wrote it Java 1.4 was necessary for use on the BeagleBone, Plug, and Zotac single-board PCs but it's an easy conversion to 1.7+.
Are you using hardware flow control on your serial port? Is it possible that you're sending requests out when the local XBee has deasserted CTS (e.g., asking you to stop sending)? I assume you're running at 115200 bps, so the XBee serial port can keep up with the network data rate.
Can you turn on debugging information, or connect some port monitoring hardware/software to display the data going over the serial port to the local XBee?

NTP working modes

I am new to NTP protocol. I read the RFC1305 and have some questions about NTP.
My questions are related to NTP working modes.
According to RFC1305 there are 8 modes
| 0 | reserved
| 1 | symmetric active
| 2 | symmetric passive
| 3 | client
| 4 | server
| 5 | broadcast
| 6 | NTP control message
| 7 | reserved for private use
My questions:
1- What are the differences between the symmetric passive device and symmetric active one?
2- Two symmetric active device can sync each other and Two passive active device can sync each other too ,but Can a symmetric passive device been synced by a symmetric active one and vice versa?
3- When a Symmetric passive device is connected to symmetric active one which one sends the NTP packet first?
4- What happens in broadcasting mode? Does the client send any NTP packet or only the broadcaster does that?
5- ”in order to sync some clients who have CLASS D IP ‘s , the server fills the 3 time stamp fields(receive time stamp is null) and set the mode to 5 and send the packet to and clients get that packet and they send nothing in this procedure” Is this true?
6- Who sends the NTP control message? Client or broadcaster? What’s it for? What’s the appropriate answer for it?is it always 12 bytes long?
7- “A stratum 1 NTP server (GPS connected) acts like this: answer mode 1 requests with mode 2, mode 3 with mode 4 and mode 6 with 7” Is this true?
can only reply to a few questions:
-4. only the server (broadcaster) is allowed to send any ntp-packet in this mode
clients only listen to the interface, parse the received packet and set their clock accordingly - there is no reply being send.
but clients may send a ntp-request too, the server should then not reply to this one.
-5. right. there is no answer supposed to be send by this clients.
Mode 6 is used by the ntpq program. It can for example query "a list of the peers known to the server as well as a summary of their state" (from the man page).
This has recently be exploited to do DDOS reflection attacks, because it can be triggered with spoofed IP address, and the reply is larger than the query. 1
For this reason mode 6 and 7 queries should be blocked from outside sources.
