Ag-grid filter not working for (rich text(bold.,italic) + normal text comibination - filter

Filter for the ag-grid is working fine for the [noraml-normal] or [rich text +rich text] text but if the column contain the normal text along with the rich text(bold italic)
then the filter is not working only filter out the same part (normal text ) not (normal text + rich text)
1.E.g. suppose I have row data like this
2.If i apply the filter for filtering the contain that letters
3.but of we apply the filter for (normal +rich text) then it was not able to filter it out.
what will be the solution if want all text should filter out e-respect of any text styling comibnations.


TIBCO spotfire date filter control - apply greater than date expression on date filter control

I am a sportfire beginner and just learned to customize Date filter using below URL,
Spotfire Calendar Filter
Just want to filter and display report data (report mapping column : LastModifiedDate) greater than date based on this filter date selected value.
Please help.
From the main tool bar: Insert > New Text Area
From the text area: Right Click > Edit Text Area
Then, Click the Insert Filter button. If you don't see it, click the >> button on the top right to see all of your options.
Select the column which contains your dates. Click Ok.
From the text area: Right Click > Un-select Edit Text Area
Tibco's Documentation lists in detail how to accomplish most everything you need. Be sure to keep this reference handy. About 3/4 of the way down on this specific page you'll see instructions on how to do what I listed above.
I added 2 Date text filters on the text Area.
As you can see there is one filter text for the start date and one for end date.
Exist any possibility to use then as a range filter because they only filter matching equal date. I want to use them as minimum(start date) and maximum date(end date).
Text filter 1 : 10/10/2000
Text filter 2 : 09/09/2015
Result : all records between the 2 dates.

Highlight the matching cell text while filtering in angular UI-Grid

I am using angular UI grid and applied filter on my column, whenever i am entering any text on the filter box, the rows in the grid are filtered.
Now, i want to highlight the matching filter text in the cell as well. So ones i type anything on to the filter text box, the matching text for that cell is highlighted.

script to select and change font color in a filemaker field on specific records

I am trying to create a script in Filemaker, so that when one field contains a specific value it will go to another field, select the text and change that field text color, just on that specific record. Is there an applescript method to change selected text from one color to another?
(I run a small B&B and am trying to get fields to change to red when the reservation cancelled field is selected.)
You can do this by applying Conditional Formatting to the text field when in Layout mode; no script required.

Crossfilter filter based on textbox

I would like to filter my data based on the input in a textbox. Is this possible? Something like this but with crossfilter.
Certainly possible with crossfilter, just create dimension objects from your raw data and then apply a filter by the input of the text box.
myDimension.filter(valueFromBox); // selects values who equal the value in the text box
Check out the API docs here.

SSRS 2008 partial string formatting

Say I have a data field (call it Results.MyString) that looks like this in a text box in my report:
Some text here for all to read.
Also, say that I have a data field (call it Results.MyParam) that has this value:
Is there a way to conditionally format the text box so that it would search Results.MyString for any matches to Results.MyParam and change the color of them?
The end result would have the word "here" be a different color (ie Red), but the rest of the text in the text box be Black.
Selected Text is what you are looking for.
Two parts to the answer. 1. Hook into the code window by opening the Report parameters Code tab. Place your functions in the code window. 2. You can make a textbox expression placeholder react to HTML tags by enabling that property on the expression placeholder. (You can Google 'ssrs placeholder expression' for specifics.)
Your function could parse the text, find target string, dynamically surround the target with the appropriate HTML color tags and return the expression to the textbox.
