I have a line and want to split it with specified delimiter and each section has been written in one line. for example:
with , delimiter converted to
I want do this in terminal.
Is there any extension to do it on splitting multi-lines input file?
I use cut command but it is not suitable
I have 10 files which contain one columnar vertical data that i converted to consolidate one file
with data in horizontal form
file 1 :
file 2 :
file 3 :
similarly like above their will be remaing files
I consolidated all files using below script
cd /path/
#storing all file names to array_list to club data of all into one file
array_list=`( awk -F'/' '{print $2}' )`
for i in {array_list[#]}
sed 's/"/""/g; s/.*/"&"/' /path/$i | paste -s -d, >> /path/consolidate.txt
Output obtained from above script :
Why the second line as last entry -> "" -> "P","W","R","S",""
when their are only four values in file 2 , it should be : "P","W","R","S"
Is it happening because of empty line in that file 2 at last ?
Solution will be appreciated
I assume it is indeed from an empty line. You could remove such 'mistakes' by
updating your script to include sed 's/,""$//' like:
sed 's/"/""/g; s/.*/"&"/' /path/$i | paste -s -d, | sed 's/,""$//' >> /path/consolidate.txt
Explanation of the above command, piece by piece
Substitute a double quote for two double quotes (the g option means do this
for every match on each line, rather than just the first match):
sed 's/"/""/g;
We use a semi-colon to tell sed that we will issue another command. The next
substitute command to sed matches the entire line, and replaces it with itself,
but surrounded by double quotes (the & represents the matched pattern):
This is an argument to the above sed command, expanding the variable i in the
for loop:
The above commands produce some output ('stdout'), which would by default be
sent to the terminal. Instead of that, we use it as input ('stdin') to a
subsequent command (this is called a 'pipeline'):
The next command joins the lines of 'stdin' by replacing the newline characters
with , delimiters (be default the delimiter would be a tab):
paste -s -d,
We pipe the 'stdout' of the last command into another command (continuing the
The next command is another sed, this time substituting any occurrences of
,"" that happen at the end of the line (in sed, $ means end of line) with
nothing (in effect deleting the matched patter):
sed 's/,""$//'
The output of the above pipeline is appended to our text file (>> appends,
whilst > overwrites):
>> /path/consolidate.txt
I am testing the sed command to substitute one line with 3 lines and, then, to delete the last line. (I could have substituted it with only the 2 first lines, but this is deliberately stated like this to showcase the main issue).
Let's say that I have the following text :
// ##OPTION_NAME: xxxx
I want to replace the token ##OPTION_NAME by ##OP-NAME and surround it by 2 new lines; Like so :
// ##OP-NAME: xxxx
// ##OP-END
To illustrate this, I put this text in a code.c file, and the sed commands in a sed script named script.sed.
Then, I call the following shell command :
Shell command
sed -f script.sed code.c
# Begin by replacing patterns by their equivalents, surrounding them with ##OP-START and ##OP-END lines
The problem
Now, I add another sed command in script.sed to delete the line containing ##OP-END. Surprise ! all 3 lines are removed !
# Begin by replacing patterns by their equivalents, surrounding them with ##OP-START and ##OP-END lines
# Last parse; delete ##OP-END
I tried \r\n instead of \n in the sustitution command
s/\(.*\)##OPTION_NAME:\(.*\)/\1##OP-START\n\1##OP-NAME:\2\n\1##OP-END/g, but it does not work.
I also tested on ##OP-START to see if it makes some difference,
but alas ! All 3 lines were removed too.
It seems that sed is considering it as one line !
This is not a surprise, d operates on the pattern space, not on a per line basis. After the modification with the s command, your pattern space contains 3 lines. The content of it matches the expression and gets therefore deleted.
To delete this line from the pattern space, you need to use the s command again:
s/\n\/\/ ##OP-END//
About pattern and hold space: https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/sed.html#tag_20_116_13
Is there a way to append LINEFEED after every line containing the String
"Specialty" here are example of some lines:
Now, all the above three lines contain "Specialty" and i would like to append LINEFEED in linux after the end of line , as in right after :
If not in vim,perhaps in perl , or bash / awk ?
I am not sure if it is what you need, yet you can use sed in bash. I also assume that your data is stored in a file called temptest2
sed "s/\(.*Specialty.*\)\"/\1\n/g" temptest2
Use -i to save the output to the temptest2
() specify a field for you, which is being called by \1 and then sed adds \n to the end of it.
Using a bash script, I am trying to insert a line in a file (eventually there will be 4 extra lines, one after the other).
I am trying to implement the answer by iiSeymour to the thread:
Insert lines in a file starting from a specific line
which I think is the same comment that dgibbs made in his own thread:
Bash: Inserting a line in a file at a specific location
The line after which I want to insert the new text is very long, so I save it in a variable first:
field1=$(head -2 file847script0.xml | tail -1)
The text I want to insert is:
When running:
sed -i".bak" "s/$field1/$field1\n$insert/" file847script0.xml
I get the error:
sed: 1: "s/<ImageAnnotation xmln ...": bad flag in substitute command: 'c'
I also tried following the thread
sed throws 'bad flag in substitute command'
but the command
sed -i".bak" "s/\/$field1/$field1\n$insert/" file847script0.xml
still gives me the same error:
sed: 1: "s/\/<ImageAnnotation xm ...": bad flag in substitute command: 'c'
I am using a Mac OS X 10.5.
Any idea of what am I doing wrong? Thank you!
Good grief, just use awk. No need to worry about special characters in your replacement text or random single-character commands and punctuation.
In this case it looks like all you need is to print some new text after the 2nd line so that's just:
$ cat file
$ insert='absolutely any text you want, including newlines
slashes (/), backslashes (\\), whatever...'
$ awk -v insert="$insert" '{print} NR==2{print insert}' file
absolutely any text you want, including newlines
slashes (/), backslashes (\), whatever...
Isn't it easier to do it by line number? If you know it's the second line or the nth line (and grep will tell you line numbers if you are pattern matching) then you can simply use sed to find the correct line and then append a new line (or 4 new lines).
cat <<EOF > testfile
one two three
four five six
seven eight nine
sed -re '2a\hello there' testfile
will output
one two three
four five six
hello there
seven eight nine
For example , A text file has:
Then , i would like to find a way to obtain the line number of sf
and insert a paragraph before sf
Are there any ways to doing it in bash programming ???thanks
If you want to find out the line number, you could use grep -n.
If you just want to insert a line on the preceding line, you could use sed like this:
sed "s/sd/paragraph\nsd/" file
This will insert the text "paragraph" above the line with "sd".
To only do this for the first match:
sed "0,/sd/ { s/sd/paragraph\nsd/ }" file
Here, we only match lines until the first matching "sd", so any later sd's will not match.
sed has more commands than just s///. To insert text before each matching line:
sed '/pattern/ i \
text to be \
inserted goes \
Possibly a regex replace, replacing \nsf\n with \n\nsf\n, or something similar depending on your specific requirements. Doesn't get you the actual line number, but if all you want to do is insert a paragraph, that may not be necessary.