error Installing CNTK for Python 3.9 on anaconda - anaconda

I want to install CNTK with anaconda prompt (Python version 3.9.12)
I used following command:
pip install
and got this error:
ERROR: cntk_gpu-2.7.post1-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform.
What is the right link that support my platform?

CNTK is no longer actively developed, latest version is 2.7 which works with Python 3.6
That means, Python 3.9 isn't supported.
You can refer to official CNTK page


How to install Python 3.10 on the base enviornment of Anaconda?

I have python 3.9 installed in the anaconda base environment and have trouble installing the latest 3.10 version. I have tried to use "conda install -c conda-forge python=3.10" but it does not help resolve my problem. Over half a day, I have iteratively applied the command in the terminal but the package would not be installed. Any suggestion?
I've tried to use "conda install -c conda-forge python=3.10" and it did not work. My software still is Python 3.9 and I cannot apply the latest python version there.
Anaconda currently doesn't support versions higher than 3.9.
You can create your own environment using your IDE that utilize Python 3.11 and install all the required libraries via pip install from the command line interface.

Cannot install Pip for a fresh Python 3.2 installation "No matching distribution found for pip<8"

I created a fresh Python 3.2.2 installation on Windows 10.
I got from here:
I ran: C:\Python32\python.exe
My output:
Collecting pip<8
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pip<8 (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for pip<8
I have other versions of Python and Pip installed. What am I missing?
Instead of
The problem is because you are using an older version of pip.

Can't figure out how to upgrade my python version from 3.4 to 3.7 in my virtual environment

In my virtual environment I am running on python 3.4.3 but need to upgrade to python 3.7 .
Show version and brew install
I have tried brew install python3 and changing the link and homebrew tells me python 3.7 is installed. When I do python --version it states python 3.4.3.
i think the best method is to leave Python 3.4.3 as is and install python 3.7. Then after installing 3.7 create a new virtual environment for python 3.7. To run 3.7 you just activate that environment.

Anaconda import error for rpy2

I have a problem with using rpy2 on Anaconda Python. The issue is that it fails to import due to the following TypeError:
TypeError: type 'rpy2.rinterface.StrSexpVector' is not an acceptable
base type
My python version is 3.5, my anaconda version is 4.0.0, my rpy2 version is 2.7.0.
The problem seems to be that Anaconda now uses version 3.5 which is not compatible with rpy2 2.7.3 or lower, see - as Anaconda currently default installs 2.7.0 the import fails. How can this issue be fixed?
The issue is similar to the one asked here, Error when loading rpy2 with anaconda, however, the old solution of installing 2.7.0 is no longer compatible as explained above.
If you happen to be on OS X, I've built Conda packages for rpy2 2.8.0 which you can get with:
conda install -c ijstokes rpy2=2.8.0
These are available for Python 2.7 and 3.5. The problem stems from this rpy2 bug which has now been fixed:
If you're not on OS X, then you can build your own version with something like:
conda skeleton pypi rpy2 --version=2.8.0 --python=3.5
conda build rpy2
conda install --use-local rpy2
Those commands are from memory, but they should work or be close enough you can figure out the exact options.

Install packages for python 3.x using pip

My OS is Mac where the inbuilt python is 2.7 but I only want to use python 3.x.
Now I want to install some packages using pip for 3.x version, but the function pip is not defined in shell.
So how should I proceed?
Starting with 3.4.0, the PSF Mac OS X installer installs pip by default. If you do not have 3.4 already, I recommend that you install 3.4.2rc1 now or wait a few days or a week for the final 3.4.2 download. And do check the mac and tkinter info link on that page.
