Sequential Circuits for data select bits - logic

How can I build a sequential circuit of data selects for seven segment display project using 4:1 Multiplexer?
I want to convert 2 single data input to 2 data select..


higher SAS voluntary wait time reading observations

I have a unique requriment. I have 4 SAS datasets in sas library (p4,A,B,C). I have to read 1 observation from A,do some processing , store in temp dataset. Read 1 observation from B,do some process and store in temp dataset. Read 1 observation from C and do some processing and store in temp dataset. Then write all the temp dataset in JSON format. I am using multiple data steps and PROC JSON. It is taking lot of 'wall clock ' unusually. below is the sample code. Is there any way better to do this to avoid program load delay and voluntary wait.

How good is the parallelism of Stream Processing Systems?

Consider that we are going to compute the average of a number of temperature sensors in a given period of time and this computation will be done in a parallel fashion using a SPE. Usually, this computation is done by at least four UDF:
map -> keyBy -> window -> aggregate
If my keyBy operator is responsible to get the ID of each sensor and I have only 2 sensors, the parallelism of 2 is enough to my application (disclaimer: I don't want to consider how large is the window or the tuples to be fit in memory for now).
If I have 1000 sensors it will be very nice to increase the parallelism. Let's say to 100 nodes.
But what if my parallelism is set to 100 and I am processing tuples only of 2 sensors. Will I have 98 nodes idle? Do Spark, Flink, or Storm knows that they don't have to shuffle data to the 98 nodes?
The motivation for my question is this other question.
What kind of application and scenario can I implement which shows that the current Stream Processing Engines (Storm, Flink, Spark) don't know how to optimize the parallelism internally in order to shuffle fewer data across the network?
Can they predict any characteristic of the data volume or variety? or the resources underneath the hood?
The whole point of keyBy() is to distribute items with the same key to the same operator. If you have 2 keys, your items are literally being split into 2 groups and your max parallelism for this stream is 2. Items with key A will be sent to one operator and items with key B will be sent to another operator.
Within Flink, if you want to just distribute the processing of your items amongst all of the parallel operators then you can use DataStream::shuffle().

pig script to sample 10 chunks of training data, pig script is jammed

I have a binary classification task where the data is highly imbalanced. Specifically, there are
way more data with label 0 than that with label 1. In order to solve this problem, I plan to subsampling
data with label 0 to roughly match the size of data with label 1. I did this in a pig script. Instead of
only sampling one chunk of training data, I did this 10 times to generate 10 data chunks to train 10 classifiers
similar to bagging to reduce variance.
-- generate training chunk i
-- subsampling data with label 0
labelZeroTrainingDataChunki = SAMPLE labelZeroTrainingData '$RATIO';
-- combine data with label 0 and label 1
trainingChunkiRaw = UNION labelZeroTrainingDataChunk1,labelOneTrainingData;
-- join two tables to get all the features back from table 'dataFeatures'
trainingChunkiFeatures = JOIN trainingChunkiRaw BY id, dataFeatures BY id;
-- in order to shuffle data, I give a random number to each data
trainingChunki = FOREACH trainingChunkiFeatures GENERATE
trainingChunkiRaw::id AS id,
trainingChunkiRaw::label AS label,
dataFeatures::features AS features,
-- shuffle the data
trainingChunkiShuffledRandom = ORDER trainingChunki BY r;
-- store this chunk of data into s3
trainingChunkiToStore = FOREACH trainingChunkiShuffledRandom GENERATE
id AS id,
label AS label,
features AS features;
STORE trainingChunkiToStore INTO '$training_data_i_s3_path' USING PigStorage(',');
In my real pig script, I do this 10 times to generate 10 data chunks.
The problem I have is that if I choose to generate 10 chunks of data, there are so many mapper/reducer tasks, more than 10K. The majority of
mappers do very little things (runs less 1 min). And at some point, the whole pig script is jammed. Only one mapper/reducer task could run and all other mapper/reducer tasks are blocked.
In order to figure out what happens, I first reduced the number of chunks to generate to 3. The situation was less severe.
There were roughly 7 or 8 mappers running at the same time. Again these mappers did very little things (runs about
1 min).
Then, I increased the number of chunks to 5, at this point, I observed the the same problem I have when I set the number of chunks
to be 10. At some point, there was only one mapper or reducer running and all other mappers and reducers were blocked.
I removed some part of script to only store id, label without features
-- generate training chunk i
-- subsampling data with label 0
labelZeroTrainingDataChunki = SAMPLE labelZeroTrainingData $RATIO;
-- combine data with label 0 and label 1
trainingChunkiRaw = UNION labelZeroTrainingDataChunki, labelOneTrainingData;
STORE trainingChunkiRaw INTO '$training_data_i_s3_path' USING PigStorage(',');
This worked without any problem.
Then I added the shuffling back
-- generate training chunk i
-- subsampling data with label 0
labelZeroTrainingDataChunki = SAMPLE labelZeroTrainingData $RATIO;
-- combine data with label 0 and label 1
trainingChunkiRaw = UNION labelZeroTrainingDataChunki, labelOneTrainingData;
trainingChunki = FOREACH trainingChunkiRaw GENERATE
-- shuffle data
trainingChunkiShuffledRandom = ORDER trainingChunki BY r;
trainingChunkiToStore = FOREACH trainingChunkiShuffledRandom GENERATE
id AS id,
label AS label,
features AS features;
STORE trainingChunkiToStore INTO '$training_data_i_s3_path' USING PigStorage(',');
The same problem reappears. Even worse, at some point, there was no mapper/reducer running. The whole program hanged without making any progress. I added another machine and the program ran for a few minutes before it jammed again. Looks like there are some dependency issues here.
I suspect there are some dependency which leads to deadlock. The confusing thing is that before shuffling, I already
generate the data chunks. I was expecting the shuffling could be executed in parallel since these data chunks are independent
with each other.
Also I noticed there are many mappers/reducers do very little thing (exists less than 1 min). In such case, I would
imagine the overhead to launch mappers/reducers would be high, is there any way to control this?
What's the problem, any suggestions?
Is there standard way to do this sampling. I would imagine there are many cases where we need to do these subsampling like bootstrapping or bagging. So, there might be some standard way to do this in pig. I couldn't find anything useful online.
Thanks a lot
The size of table 'labelZeroTrainingData' is really small, around 16MB gziped.
table 'labelZeroTrainingData' is also generated in the same pig script by filtering.
I ran the pig script on 3 aws c3.2xlarge machines.
table 'dataFeatures' could be large, around 15GB gziped.
I didn't modify any default configuration of hadoop.
I checked the disk space and memory usage. Disk space usage is around 40%. Memory usage is around 90%. I'm not sure memory is the problem. Since
I was told if the memory is the issue, the whole task should fail.
After a while, I think I figure out something. The problem is likely to be the multiple STORE statements there. Looks like pig script will be running in batch by default. So, for each chunk of the data, there is a job running which leads to lack of resource, e.g. slots for mapper and reducer. None of the job could finish because each needs more mapper/reducer slots.
use piggybank. There is a storage function called MultiStorage which might be useful in this case. I had some version incompatible issue between piggybank and hadoop. But it might work.
Disable pig executing operations in batch. Pig tries to optimize the execution. I simply disable this multiquery feature by adding -M. So, when you run pig script, it looks like something pig -M -f which executes one statement at a time without any optimization. This might not be ideal because no optimization is done. For me, it's acceptable.
Use EXEC in pig to enforce certain execution order which is helpful in this case.

MPI in parallel programming

I have a project but I didn't solve it.
Computing the sum of the elements of an array
The objective of the problem is to write a serial, then a parallel program that takes as input an array of integers, stored in an ASCII file with one integer per line, and prints out the sum of the elements in the file. For instance:
% cat input
% my_program input
Write a serial program to solve this problem. Name the source code sum-serial.c then write an MPI implementation of the above program in which a master process reads in the entire input file and then dispatches pieces of it to workers, which these pieces being of as equal size as possible. The master must also perform computation. Each processor computes a local sum and results are then collected and aggregated by the master. This implementation should not use any collective communications, but only point-to-point.

Cassandra Wide Vs Skinny Rows for large columns

I need to insert 60GB of data into cassandra per day.
This breaks down into
100 sets of keys
150,000 keys per set
4KB of data per key
In terms of write performance am I better off using
1 row per set with 150,000 keys per row
10 rows per set with 15,000 keys per row
100 rows per set with 1,500 keys per row
1000 rows per set with 150 keys per row
Another variable to consider, my data expires after 24 hours so I am using TTL=86400 to automate expiration
More specific details about my configuration:
stuff_id text,
stuff_column text,
value blob,
PRIMARY KEY (stuff_id, stuff_column)
bloom_filter_fp_chance=0.100000 AND
caching='KEYS_ONLY' AND
comment='' AND
dclocal_read_repair_chance=0.000000 AND
gc_grace_seconds=39600 AND
read_repair_chance=0.100000 AND
replicate_on_write='true' AND
populate_io_cache_on_flush='false' AND
compaction={'tombstone_compaction_interval': '43200', 'class': 'LeveledCompactionStrategy'} AND
compression={'sstable_compression': 'SnappyCompressor'};
Access pattern details:
The 4KB value is a set of 1000 4 byte floats packed into a string.
A typical request is going to need a random selection of 20 - 60 of those floats.
Initially, those floats are all stored in the same logical row and column. A logical row here represents a set of data at a given time if it were all written to one row with 150,000 columns.
As time passes some of the data is updated, within a logical row within the set of columns, a random set of levels within the packed string will be updated. Instead of updating in place, the new levels are written to a new logical row combined with other new data to avoid rewriting all of the data which is still valid. This leads to fragmentation as multiple rows now need to be accessed to retrieve that set of 20 - 60 values. A request will now typically read from the same column across 1 - 5 different rows.
Test Method
I wrote 5 samples of random data for each configuration and averaged the results. Rates were calculated as (Bytes_written / (time * 10^6)). Time was measured in seconds with millisecond precision. Pycassa was used as the Cassandra interface. The Pycassa batch insert operator was used. Each insert inserts multiple columns to a single row, insert sizes are limited to 12 MB. The queue is flushed at 12MB or less. Sizes do not account for row and column overhead, just data. The data source and data sink are on the same network on different systems.
Write results
Keep in mind there are a number of other variables in play due to the complexity of the Cassandra configuration.
1 row 150,000 keys per row: 14 MBps
10 rows 15,000 keys per row: 15 MBps
100 rows 1,500 keys per row: 18 MBps
1000 rows 150 keys per row: 11 MBps
The answer depends on what your data retrieval pattern is, and how your data is logically grouped. Broadly, here is what I think:
Wide row (1 row per set): This could be the best solution as it prevents the request from hitting several nodes at once, and with secondary indexing or composite column names, you can quickly filter data to your needs. This is best if you need to access one set of data per request. However, doing too many multigets on wide rows can increase memory pressure on nodes, and degrade performance.
Skinny row (1000 rows per set): On the other hand, a wide row can give rise to read hotspots in the cluster. This is especially true if you need to make a high volume of requests for a subset of data that exists entirely in one wide row. In such a case, a skinny row will distribute your requests more uniformly throughout the cluster, and avoid hotspots. Also, in my experience, "skinnier" rows tend to behave better with multigets.
I would suggest, analyze your data access pattern, and finalize your data model based on that, rather than the other way around.
You'd be better off using 1 row per set with 150,000 columns per row. Using TTL is good idea to have an auto-cleaning process.
