I ran a simulation of the VEINS example in OMNET++ and in the results window under browse data, I cannot see the option of throughput or delay. What should I add in the code to include these in the results?
I there any other module I should add? If so how should go about that?
I'm about a week into learning JMeter and I've run a few test scripts which generate a summary.csv which contains your standard ; Samples, Average, Median etc...
[My Question]
I was wondering if there was a way to add a threshold for the summary.csv so if Average time is higher than x amount of milliseconds, then the user will be informed that the specific result was slower than expected. (Maybe this can be displayed on the summary.csv, I'm not sure what my options are tbh on how to output this)
I am aware that we can use assertions (specifically duration assertion) through the test script but the issue I have with assertions is that it stops the test once an assertion fails, stopping it from generating a summary.csv
Thank you for any input/opinions you guys have :) It is much appreciated!
Have a great day and stay safe everyone!
They are there already and they're controllable by the following JMeter Properties:
there is also a property which can apply thresholds to specific samplers or Transaction Controllers: jmeter.reportgenerator.apdex_per_transaction
Just declare the properties with the values of your choice in the user.properties file and next time you generate the dashboard its APPDEX section will reflect the thresholds.
More information: JMeter HTML Reporting Dashboard - General Settings
I just want to get the aggregate report include a column for latency.
I have already tried uncommenting jmeter.save.saveservice.latency=true in bin/jmeter.properties.
I am currently using JMeter 3.3
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
A little hack I tried that kind of worked was adding a JSR223 PostProcessor with the following 3 lines of code:
long startTime = prev.getStartTime();
long latency = prev.getLatency();
prev.setEndTime(startTime + latency);
I say kind of worked because it is a hack and even though it was able to correctly reset the average column from load time to latency, it started throwing off the throughput values.
The end goal in my case is just to get the latency along with the other values by running the CMDRunner.jar on the JTL file to output the summary results CSV file.
You can't .
Alternatively why not use the Web Report that exists since 3.0 and that provides a lot of rich information much better than all existing listeners.
I have been looking on the site and I don't see anything related to this topic, so I decided to ask.
Basically, I would like to know if there is a way to extract the error rate per page using a period of time. The reason is because we run a test in different stages, with different levels of throughput. Therefore, I am interested in obtain the degradation on page health. I already got the hits and response times. However, the error rate I don't see a way to get it.
If someone knows a way, please share!
Thank you in advance guys!
You can use the jp#gc - Hits per Second - listener. Just click on Errors check box to show only the failed requests which is the Error rate you are looking for!
For page level Error rate, you can jp#gc - Transactions per Second
You have the following options:
Response Codes Per Second chart available via HTML Reporting Dashboard
Response Codes Per Second chart available via JMeter Plugins
Use 3-rd party analysis solution like BM.Sense
I have recorded a script against the application that I want to test. Now, I am having a hard time arriving at the decision that what is that number that the application will run without any issue and to find out the max number of users. Here is what I have done-
I have run the Jmeter script for 10, 50, 100, 150 users
Until 50 users, it runs like a charm. After about 80 users the throughput starts to come down and some samples do not show up in Aggregate Report.
I see heap memory problems in my console for about 150 users over period of time. Is it the application problem or my machine problem?
Do you have an article where I could read about how to come to a conclusion about THE number?
UPDATE- after increasing the heap size, it is running smoothly for 100 users. I am even more confused now
Thank you
The problem can be anywhere!
Server Performance Metrics collector:
First you need an agent running in the application server to monitor the server performance while you are running the test.
This link will give you an idea about the set up.
JMeter Best Practices:
I think that you are running your test in GUI mode with listeners. Most likely the problem is with your machine/your test. Ensure that you follow this.
Samples not showing in aggregate Report:
You already asked a question on this in SO. Do not select 'Successes' in the Log/display only section of the listener while writing the results in the jtl. It will not write the failed requests details. You might need all the results. Once the jtl is created, you can always filter 'Success' only results as and when you want.
I want to be able to run a JMeter test for thousands of users and plot the results dynamically using a JQuery based charting library like HighCharts i.e. the response from every virtual user must be plotted in near real time to show a stock ticker like chart which gets updated dynamically. I am OK running the test in Non-GUI mode.
I have tried the following,
- Run the JMeter test in non-GUI mode and write the response to a file. What I notice is that the results get written to the file in a buffered manner which means even if I have a program monitoring the file for new records, I wont get it in real time.
I am looking for suggestions on how this can be achieved
1. Do I need to write a custom JMeter plugin? In this case how will it work?
2. Is there some listener which can give me the desired data
3. Can this be done via post processor?
I have seen real time reporting being done on some cloud based load testing websites which use JMeter, so I'm sure it can be done, but how?
There is some buffering when writing to a file, but it shouldn't be more than a few seconds worth of data.
I'd go with the route of reading the log file into something like statsD using something like logstash.net and from there you can probably find an existing solution that pushes it to a chart.
You can disable buffering by adding this in user.properties file:
This impacts slightly performances for test that have low or no pauses.
To do what you want you could use this kind of library: