flattening a slice from a point cloud in autocad / recap - autocad

So I took a scan from a steel building and I'm trying to map the deformation of the plates. Therefore I edited the file in Autodesk Recap and exported a 1cm slice of the building to a .RCS file.
This file I was able to reference in my autocad 2015 version.
Then I wanted to explode the reference and flatten (z value = 0) it so that I have a 2D base plan to map the deformations, but couldn't.
No worries i thought, I just mark and measure the deformations on top of the slice/reference and plot it to a PDF file.
But when I plot the drawing, the the reference loses all its sharpness.
Is there a command to just load the points into autocad instead of referencing it?


Xcode custom symbol image set asset

From Apples documentation I read:
An alternative to creating bitmap images is to use template images or symbol images instead. Template images specify the shape you want to draw, but not the associated color information. Symbol images are similar to template images but are vector based, so they scale to different sizes. Both types of images simplify the process for supporting Dark Mode. They also reduce the number of image assets you must ship with your app.
Do I understand this correct that I can not use a vector based symbol image set as a replacement for bitmap but scalable?
My situation:
I've an Image Set in my iOS project. There I can add three bitmaps for the three scaling options iOS devices support. Those images must be of type *.png
Now I would like to replace those three bitmaps with a single vector graphic file *.svg. This seems not possible. If I want to use vector graphic images I've to add another asset type called "symbol image set" (Xcode -> Editor -> Add Assets -> New Symbol Image Set).
So far so good but now my question. Those "symbol image set" assets only the the shape but not the color information into account. That's why I would like the "old" way where the color information is taken into account but the file being a vector graphics file (*.svg).
You don't actually need a Symbol Set for what you are trying to achieve.
All you need is a vector image in pdf format, marking it as Single Scale
Then, you can mark the asset as template (meaning you can tint it with any color) or original if you want to retain its original colors.
Finally, note that although you supply vector images, Xcode by default will produce png versions for all scales behind the scenes. If you need to preserve the vector data (which can help in some cases where you need to upscale) you can enable Preserve Vector Data as well.

How to format customized SF-Symbols SVG files for import into Xcode11

Has anyone figured out how to create customized SF-Symbols using the techniques outlined in the WWDC video, the only existing documentation that I can find on the subject? According to the video one can simply edit the exported SVG file and reimport it as a symbol set.
And while this does work for minor edits, I'm finding it very difficult to produce a working customized symbol file with more than a minor edit. The errors and/or bugs produced are numerous and I've tried many things to produce an acceptable file (removing strokes, converting to shapes, etc). Most imported files produce an error similar to:
The SVG file provided for the symbol image set ’doc.test3‘ is not
suitable: Symbol image file '(null)' has glyph node Regular-M that is
not a group got type:'2' expected:'1'"
Does anyone have any suggestions? I don't have a specific project goal here. I'm simply trying to learn the appropriate way to create a custom symbol in the absence of any documentation.
The overview documentation suggests that one take an existing symbol file and open it in Sketch or some other SVG editor. Specifically the documentation on creating a new symbol gives a bit of a walkthrough. I believe the workflow will be something like this...
Export any symbol from the SF Symbols app 1.0 (12) to an svg file
Grab an SVG file of your favorite image that you want to make a new
Using an editor (eg. Sketch) drag the exported SF Symbol file onto an empty page (it'll show multiple images)
Make a second page in Sketch and drag in your new image
Using the layers in Sketch you will see that the SF Symbol has the
shape defined within a layer with a name called Shape
For each Shape layer substitute (copy/paste) a comparable shape/path from the set of shapes/paths on a layer from your new image
Adjust the linewidth and positioning to match the corresponding
shape contents within the SF Symbol
Remove the SF Symbol for the specified weight
When Finished modifying all shape/paths for the Symbol -> Export/Save the updated Symbol page as an SVG from Sketch.
You should then be able to add the svg file to the Assets container
as a new symbol image set
Note - As part of my test, I noted that although the header of the SVG
was different when I exported the symbol file from Sketch when I added
the file to Xcode (drag/drop), the new symbols did appear.
Also, the font used in the edited File defaulted to Helvetica instead
of the new SF font in the original exported SF Symbol file.
Go back into the SF Symbols app after creating the SVG. Click on File - Prepare Custom Symbol for XCode.... Select your SVG and let the SF Symbols app do its magic.
The function is still rather buggy though. Sometimes the SVG gets altered. You also cannot overwrite an existing SVG when choosing the destination to save the modified file created by the SF Symbols app.

Displaying labels of polygons of a kml file in google earth

I want to have the names of the polygons of kml file, displayed in google earth.
I converted the kml file from a shapefile in qgis. The kml file is loaded normally, i can see the name and the description in the list on the google earth panel. I cannot see it on the map though. How can I visualize the names?
I know that i can create a second kml file with points and have those displayed but I need to have one single file for all.
How could I do that?
Thank you
If you don't want to use a 2nd KML file for the centroid points + labels, then you can take your original KML file, wrap each polygon in a MultiGeometry tag, and add the polygon's centroid Point feature into each MuiltiGeometry. Then you can have the labels on those points, and have them be part of the same file as the polygons. Unfortunately I don't know of any easy way to create such a thing in QGIS, so you're probably left with hand-editing or programatically generating the KML.

How to install Tom's Terrain Tool for the Unity Game Engine?

I just bought and downloaded Tom's Terrain Tool but I can't find instructions for how to install it. I've looked in the downloaded file - it's a compiled file. I've looked on his website and only find instructions for what to do after it's installed. I've googled around for instructions and can't find them anywhere. In fact, the only file I got with the download is a gzip that extracts into TTT.file. Is that the only thing that was supposed to come with the tool? Why isn't there a readme file with it? Can anyone help me out here? Thanks.
From the installation instructions here:
Created a new terrain
1) Imported a heightmap
2) Calculated the light map
3) Imported all the splatmaps, treemaps, etc. you wish to use into Unity as RGB 24bit textures.
4) If using Unity 2.6, all the textures/maps you intend to use must be set to "readable" in the import settings.
5) If using Unity 3, all the textures/maps must have their Texture Type set to "Advanced" and then checked the "Read/Write
enabled" option.
Once you're installed the Terrain Tools, you will find them in Terrain
=> Tom's Terrain Tools in the Unity editor.
RoyS describes this process in his post here:
Here's the steps I use to get my terrain into Unity.
1 - Generate your L3DT map via the Wizard if you're unfamiliar with
it. Then... File-->Export map-->(select) Heightfield File format -
(pulldown) select "RAW"
-type in a File Name
-check "resize for export"
-1025 size (default) Operations-->Alpha Map-->Alpha Express (png)
The raw is your heightmap and the png is your splatmap. Move those to
your Assets folder.
2 - Make sure "Tom's Terrain Tools" is installed per his instructions.
3 - In Unity Terrain-->Create Terrain Add your 4 textures in Unity as
normal (you can get some nice terrain textures from
http://cgtextures.com ) Terrain-->Import Heightmap RAW
Now you should see your heightmap in your first colour chosen. If the
mountains are too high, then go Terrain-->Set Resolution and change
the 600 value. Just change those numbers until you get the desired
height of your mountains and valleys.
Now for the rest of the colour of your terrain.
In Unity, select your png texture in the Project folder and in
Inspector change it to ARGB 32 bit and hit the Apply button. Now you
won't get an error message to change it to 32 bit RBGA as you've just
done it. Now to add the splatmap...
Terrain-->Tom's Terrain Tools-->Splatmap
If you're sand is in your mountain area and your grass under the sea,
then just change the order of your textures until it's right (ie, the
terrain paintbrush textures as if you were painting one from scratch -
the same ones you loaded above).

How to Automatically Create ImageMaps of Grey Maps from Wikipedia?

I have a project using various members of Wikipedia's grey maps: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Blank_maps. I fill them in with colors depending on which countries, states or provinces a user selects by clicking on the shape or by checking a checkbox.
I would like to write a script that creates imagemaps automatically of each country, state or province by somehow getting the X and Y pixel location of the borders of a country, state or province albeit without the names of these entities, which I will fill in later. I have already done the World map by hand and found a open source US map image map demo. I would now like to create my maps more rapidly.
I use PHP and GD to floodfill the shapes, so I guess I could use one central pixel location of the shapes as well. Any suggestions? This script is a possibility but is still somewhat manual: http://abhinavsingh.com/blog/2009/03/using-image-maps-in-javascript-a-demo-application/. Also Mapedit, http://www.boutell.com/mapedit/, has a magic wand feature that works pretty well, but again I have a feeling this can be done automatically.
An almost perfect solution to this issue is by using SVG images and this translator of the svg code to imagmap area tags: http://www.electricfairground.com/polygonator/. The result is an appropriate image map, although the svg image may need to be resized, and the countries or provinces all seem to be offset and occasionally jumbled up. So this require opening a page generated with the SVG image or exported PNG copy of the SVG file, in a wysiwig editor that allows you to move imagemap elements.
I'm trying to figure out what the pattern of the offset is and if I do I'll post it here: http://wherehaveibeen.info/images/polye.html. The author of the "Polygonator" clued me into his service and using svg map images from his article here: http://www.electricfairground.com/2009/08/08/image-map-rollover-effects-using-jquerys-maphilight-plugin/. He advocates there, the tracing of png images into svg images via Inkscape. But since Wikipedia already has maps in SVG format, why not go straight to the code? It turns out that svg files basically already have the polygons separated and the border regions speciied, at least in the Wikipedia grey maps, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Blank_maps, they just need some cleaning up with the Polygonator.
I found if I opened up the SVG code in Notepad++ i could copy and paste in the entire contents of the SVG file and the polygonator will remove the unneeded code. A little clean up of the imagemap area tags is required afterwards but not much. The biggest problem is the mentioned generated area tags regions offests and the occasionl jumbled up overlapping locations of the imagemap areas in the generated code.
Well the real answer here appears to be that SVG files are almost imagemaps already and can be mildly processed to turn them into imagemaps, and Wikipedia certainly has plenty of SVG maps.
There are at least three projects that attempt to do this, with only some success at the moment. I'm kind of more interested in making an SVG file processing online image mapper service now that so might work on that project instead of just the map coloring one:
Polygonator - described here: http://www.electricfairground.com/2009/08/08/image-map-rollover-effects-using-jquerys-maphilight-plugin/ but the actual service is here: http://www.electricfairground.com/polygonator/index.html - is the simplest and best service or software so far I think. You have to manually dump the SVG XML text into the input field, but despite what the author says, I think you can dump the entire SVG file in the in field, not just the "M-z tag". The resulting area tags need editing to remove empty ones without coordinates and polygons with only two points.
Inkscapemap - http://sourceforge.net/projects/inkscapemap/ - chokes on complex SVG files such as those with shading. Also I couldn't get it to display as an HTML service even though I followed advice about using the main class of the jar file which I found described in the manifest file as well referring to the main jar file and the support file in an "archive" attribute.
http://davidlynch.org/blog/2008/03/creating-an-image-map-from-svg/ - very interesting project with many blog comments. The image maps again are not quite perfect and need editing.
I see I can use GD PHP's imagecolorat and cycle through all the pixels to find those that are black. This works:
$im = ImageCreateFromPNG("india.png");
$width = imagesx($im);
$height = imagesy($im);
for ($cy=0;$cy<$height;$cy++) {
echo '<p>';
for ($cx=0;$cx<$width;$cx++) {
$rgb = ImageColorAt($im, $cx, $cy);
$col = imagecolorsforindex($im, $rgb);
if ($col["red"] == 0 && $col["green"] == 0 && $col["blue"] ==0){
echo $cx.", ".$cy." ";
} else {echo "";}
Can anybody suggest how to find the polygons in the huge multipolygon complex that results from running the above code on say a black and white 2 color map of India, where all the borders are black and the interior of the states and Indian Ocean is white??
Here is image of India: http://wherehaveibeen.info/images/india.png and the mess now of the coordinates for the imagemap that needs to be split up into separate polygons: http://wherehaveibeen.info/images/black.php
