Version of arch x64 not found - continuous-integration

Run actions/setup-python#v1
python-version: 2.7
architecture: x64
Error: Version 2.7 with arch x64 not found
Available versions:
3.10.9 (x64)
3.11.1 (x64)
3.7.15 (x64)
3.8.15 (x64)
3.9.16 (x64)
I don't get which things to change to remove this issue and I am expecting , this 2.7 Version should be installed with x64 architecture.

To add to the comment, there was actions/runner-images issues 810 which request support for Python 2.7 back in... 2020.
An pull request like actions/runner-images PR 1705 illustrated in Sept. 2020 the new states:
Currently, Python 2.7 is set by default on Ubuntu 20.04. Python 2
was sunsetted on Jan 1 2020 and this version is not supported anymore.
In scope of this PR we set the default Python to 3.8 on Ubuntu 20.04.
Alias: bash /usr/bin/python -> /usr/bin/python3 -> /usr/bin/python3.8 /usr/bin/pip -> /usr/bin/pip3
So you would need to install it.


visual studio code Jupyter notebook and debug mode : ipykernel setup required for this feature

I've just setup jupyter nodebooks up on visual studio code and whenever i run it it says "ipykernel setup required for this feature". Any ideas on how to get this working?
this website says to check versions, the only discrepancy i can see is the Jupiter plug in which says I should be at Jupyter Extension v2021.9 but im at Jupyter Extension v2021.8. I cant see a version 9... The version i have installed is the latest one.
*** update, ive installed the latest version of vscode and that allowed me to install a later version of jupyter. Howeverm im still getting the same issue. I'm now running jpyter ver v2021.10.1101450599
import ipykernel
import sys
3.8.8 (default, Apr 13 2021, 15:08:03) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
Im using visual stduio code Version: 1.60.2 (system setup)
Commit: 7f6ab5485bbc008386c4386d08766667e155244e
Date: 2021-09-22T12:00:31.514Z
Electron: 13.1.8
Chrome: 91.0.4472.164
Node.js: 14.16.0
OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.19041
Jupyter notebook ver v2021.8.2041215044

Vagrant cannot be started on Windows 7 64 bits requires version upgrades

I downloaded vagrant for Windows at this link
I have just installed Vagrant on Windows 7 64 bit. When I type vagrant up to start it, it displays the following error below at command prompt. How do I upgrade from version 2 to 3
C:\hhvm-vagrant>vagrant up
Vagrant failed to initialize at a very early stage:
The version of powershell currently installed on this host is less than
the required minimum version. Please upgrade the installed version of
powershell to the minimum required version and run the command again.
Installed version: 2
Minimum required version: 3
It was resolved by installing windows management Framework version 3.0
If you update the powershell version to 3.0, the problem will be resolved.

How to install or configure C++ 14 for building pytorch

I have a 2020 macbook pro with catalina 10.15 on which I installed the latest Xcode in May. So it would be unlikely the version is out of date. What then needs to be configured to fix the following when building pytorch
#error C++14 or later compatible compiler is required to use PyTorch
This occurred as part of building pytorch via npm:
npm install #idn/torchjs

pip install cx_Freeze-5.0.2-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl to my window 10 machine

Tryng to pip install cx_Freeze using:
python -m pip install c:\Users\yosief\Downloads\cx_Freeze-5.0.2-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl
on Window 10 based laptop and I end up with an error
cx_Freeze-5.0.2-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform
There are several reasons why you may not be able to install cx_Freeze but luckily it is generally easy to correct.
You should just be able to install cx_Freeze with pip install cx_Freeze. No need to download the wheel.
However if you want to use the wheel file. You should know have downloaded the x64 version for Python 3.6. Your Python installation must be an x64 build and the Python version 3.6.
Check the Python version and build by opening the Python interpreter. The version will be displayed at the top as well as the build.
For example on my PC the interpreter reads:
Python 3.6.3 (v3.6.3:2c5fed8, Oct 3 2017, 17:26:49) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
So I know the version is 3.6.3 and is 32 bit (MSC v.1900 32 bit). Take no notice of on win32 it does not give you the right windows build in some cases.
If the build or version is different from what you have downloaded then you must re download the wheel to match the Python build and version.
Then install the wheel file as you did above.

Error while installing GLPK on Windows 10 64-bit

I am trying to install GLPK on Python 2.7.11 64-bit version. I am running it on Windows 10 Home 64-bit and I already installed MS Visual C++ compiler package for Python 2.7 V9. I managed to install pulp and had no problem. But when try to install GLPK it gives me this error:
What am I missing? Thanks.
