When importing a NetCDF into Geoserver Data Store a non obvious error occurs - geoserver

I've a brand new install of Geoserver 2.22 on Ubuntu 22.04 and installation was smooth. I've added the official NetCDF plugin by unzipping the contents to the WEB-INF/lib/ folder, and it shows up as a type in the data store. Great!
I have a selection of NEtCDFs that can be loaded successfully elsewhere (QGIS, ArcGIS Pro, Python via Xarray), however, when I attempt to create a new data store, choose NetCDF and select the .nc files, I get the following error message:
There was an error trying to connect to store AFDRS_FSE_curing. Do you want to save it anyway?
Original exception error:
Failed to create reader from file:efs/temp_surface.nc and hints Hints: FORCE_LONGITUDE_FIRST_AXIS_ORDER = true EXECUTOR_SERVICE = java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor#1242674b[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 0] FILTER_FACTORY = FilterFactoryImpl STYLE_FACTORY = StyleFactoryImpl FEATURE_FACTORY = org.geotools.feature.LenientFeatureFactoryImpl#6bfaa0a6 FORCE_AXIS_ORDER_HONORING = http GRID_COVERAGE_FACTORY = GridCoverageFactory TILE_ENCODING = null REPOSITORY = org.geoserver.catalog.CatalogRepository#3ef5cfc5 LENIENT_DATUM_SHIFT = true COMPARISON_TOLERANCE = 1.0E-8
What am I missing here? That error message doesn't seem to be highlighting somethign obviously as an error...
The NetCDFs are located in: /usr/share/geoserver/data_dir/data


I can't run a correlation with ggcorrmat

I am getting this error when running a correlation matrix with the R package ggstatsplo
ggcorrmat(data = d, type = "nonparametric", p.adjust.method = "hochberg",pch = "")
Error: 'data_to_numeric' is not an exported object from 'namespace:datawizard'
Somebody could help me.
I expected to have the script to run normally as I have used it before (around July) without any errors.
Is there anything that has changed about the ggstatsplot package?

index file with site entry not found

I have rendered a Quarto document successfully and wish to execute the publish command from the Console in RStudio but receive the above error when I try and publish the Quarto book.
Reproducible steps: In RStudio
File >> New project >> New Directory >> select Quarto Book and give the project a name
Render the book with Build and Render Book
Publish to bookdown using bookdown::publish_book(account='my_username', server='bookdown.org', render='none')
When I execute step 3 I receive the above error.
Could anyone help?
I notice when I use Rstudio to publish the book RStudio uses
rsconnect::deployApp(appDir = "C:/Users/XXXXXX/Documents/Work/R/Publish_book_text/_book", recordDir = "C:/Users/XXXXXX/Documents/Work/R/Publish_book_text", appFileManifest = "C:/Users/XXXXX~1.GLA/AppData/Local/Temp/c6e5-0e00-e5f1-5e3b", account = "XXXXX", server = "bookdown.org", appName = "publish_book_text", appId = 10936, contentCategory = "site", launch.browser = function(url) { message("Deployment completed: ", url) }, lint = FALSE, metadata = list(asMultiple = FALSE, asStatic = TRUE), logLevel = "verbose")
Should I use deployApp rather than publish_book?
I tried entering
site: bookdown::bookdown_site
in the yaml file of index.qmd
but this still gave me the above error.
I want to render and publish from the Console in RStudio as I am using the same Quarto code to publish reports for different customers and specify params at the command line.
Could anyone help?

InDesign Server Crashing on Data Merge

I'm trying to do a very basic data merge with InDesign Server and keep getting a crash.
I begin the server with ./InDesignServer -port 18383 starts with no problems.
I call the script with ./sampleclient ./scripts/test.jsx
The .jsx looks like this:
var source = File("/Users/me/Desktop/InDesign Server/example/example.indd")
var destination = File("/Users/me/Desktop/InDesign Server/example/example.pdf")
var sourceData = File("/Users/me/Desktop/InDesign Server/example/example.csv")
var doc = app.open(source);
doc.dataMergeProperties.dataMergePreferences.recordNumber = 1;
doc.dataMergeProperties.mergeRecords(); // <-- Crashes here
var myPDFExportPreset = app.pdfExportPresets.item(0);
app.documents.item(0).exportFile(ExportFormat.pdfType, destination, false, myPDFExportPreset);
InDesign Server responds with:
Tue Sep 18 09:48:21 2018 INFO [javascript] Executing Script
./InDesignServer: line 13: 30363 Segmentation fault: 11 "$installed_name" "$#"
And crashes. This script runs perfectly fine in InDesign CC Desktop. Server appears to crash on the .mergeRecords() call. Any ideas why?
Edit: I've modified the code to 1) Have no spaces in the file path 2) check that my objects all exist before performing the merge.
var source = File("/Users/me/Desktop/example/example.indd");
var destination = File("/Users/me/Desktop/example/example.pdf");
var sourceData = File("/Users/me/Desktop/example/example.csv");
var doc = app.open(source);
if (source.exists && destination.exists && sourceData.exists) {
try {
app.consoleout("Performing merge...");
doc.dataMergeProperties.mergeRecords(); // <-- Crashes here
} catch (err) {
} else {
app.consoleout("Something doesn't exist...");
It logs "Performing merge..." so my file paths do in fact point to files that exist. What's more, it full on crashes, and does not report any errors.
Edit 2:
It should be noted, this is the error the Terminal window which launched sampleclient gets from IDS: Error -1 fault: SOAP-ENV:Client [no subcode]
"End of file or no input: Operation interrupted or timed out"
Detail: [no detail]
The folks at Adobe took notice, and fixed this issue for the 2019 release of InDesign Server. The same script, with a similar merging document, no longer produces the error.
So, for a solution, update to 2019.
More information:
Adobe Forums Post
Found a solution, if others find themselves in my situation.
Still a mystery why mergeRecords() seems broken in Server.
Props to Colecandoo: https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2478708
My code is now:
var source = File("/Users/me/Desktop/example/example.indd");
var destination = File("/Users/me/Desktop/example/example.pdf");
var sourceData = File("Macintosh HD:Users:me:Desktop:example:example.csv");
var doc = app.open(source);
var myExport = File(doc.filePath + "/" + doc.name.split(".indd")[0] + ".pdf");
doc.dataMergeProperties.dataMergePreferences.recordNumber = 3;
with (doc.dataMergeProperties.dataMergePreferences) {
recordSelection = RecordSelection.ONE_RECORD;
app.dataMergeOptions.removeBlankLines = true;
doc.dataMergeProperties.exportFile(myExport, "[High Quality Print]", );
Still takes some tweaking, but it's performing the merge - this is what I needed.

how do I extract attachments from integrity PTC items using Java API

I'm trying to extract attachments from integrity PTC items that are on a linux server from my Windows PC but it keeps giving me errors. The exact same command worked in command line
IntegrationPoint integrationPoint =
System.out.println("Start download Attachment");
// Start the Integrity client.
// Connect to the Integrity server.
Session session = integrationPoint.createSession(username, password);
Command command = new Command(Command.IM, "extractattachments");
command.addOption(new Option("issue", itemID));
command.addOption(new Option("field", "Text Attachments"));
Response response = session.createCmdRunner().execute(command);
I'm getting an error that says
Error encountered trying to get the next name: File paths must be rooted in /export/home/ptc/Integrity/ILMServer11.0/data/tmp: Current file is /export/home/ptc/Integrity/ILMServer11.0/bin/C:\Workspace\document/bear.jpg
Anytime I add cwd to the command it just appends whatever I put after the /bin/ It says it's a InvalidCommandSelectionException and a CommandException
You're missing the outputFile option on the extractattachments command.
This code worked the way I expected it to ...
IntegrationPointFactory ipfact = IntegrationPointFactory.getInstance();
IntegrationPoint ip = ipfact.createIntegrationPoint(hostname, port, APIVersion.API_4_16);
Session session = ip.createNamedSession("test", APIVersion.API_4_16, user, passwd);
CmdRunner cr = session.createCmdRunner();
Command cmd = new Command(Command.IM, "extractattachments");
cmd.addOption(new Option("issue", issueid));
cmd.addOption(new FileOption("outputFile", "d:/data/" + attachmentName));

Attaching to process in Visual Studio Package

I'm trying to write a Visual Studio Package that will attach the debugger to a named process.
I am using the following code in my package.
var info = new VsDebugTargetInfo
bstrExe = strProcessName,
bstrCurDir = "c:\\",
bstrArg = "",
bstrEnv = "",
bstrOptions = null,
bstrPortName = null,
bstrMdmRegisteredName = null,
bstrRemoteMachine = "",
cbSize = (uint)System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf<VsDebugTargetInfo>(),
fSendStdoutToOutputWindow = 1,
clsidCustom = VSConstants.CLSID_ComPlusOnlyDebugEngine
VsShellUtilities.LaunchDebugger(ServiceProvider, info);
However I get the following, unhelpful, error:
Exception : Unable to attach. Operation not supported. Unknown error: 0x80070057.
The code is obviously doing something because if the process has not started I get this error
Exception : Unable to attach. Process 'xxxxxxxx' is not running on 'xxxxxxxx'.
The process is a managed .net 4 process and I am able to attach to it through the VS UI.
For context I am trying to replace a simple Macro I was using in VS 2010 to do the same job but that obviously can't be run in newer versions of Visual Studio.
I found a totally different piece of code, inspited by https://github.com/whut/AttachTo, worked much better to achieve the same result
foreach (Process process in (DTE)GetService(typeof(DTE)).Debugger.LocalProcesses)
if (process.Name.EndsWith(strProcessName,StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
I had to use 'ends with' because the process names include the full path to the running exe.
