When I was playing around with terminal settings, my terminal started spacing out the characters a lot. I haven't played around with Geany settings other than that and I use it for C++. The computer I'm running Geany on is a Macbook Pro 14" M1 Pro. Also, a black bar was intentionally put over some text in the terminal because it was my name. Terminal with spaced out text for no good reason Terminal settings
I tried changing the settings back to default for the terminal, didn't work. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Geany. I tried restarting my computer and opening the app. Maybe resetting Geany would work, but I don't know how to do it on Mac.
Figured out how to reset Geany to fix the issue. First I typed in, "defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles true", into the Terminal, then I typed in "killall Finder". This allowed me to see the ".config" folder which was hidden. I then went into Finder, where on the top menu I pressed "Go" "Go to Folder...", typed in "/users/" and went to the ".config" folder in my user account. I then deleted the geany folder inside of it and it reset all my settings which fixed the issue. Don't change the terminal font from Menlo.
I realize my directory at the top is spelled wrongly and now I can't do any cmd on my terminal. How do I go about to change it back or undo it?
The path is wrong
You likely need to edit your ~/.bash_profile and fix what is wrong there.
This file might be invisible, so when you open Finder, press CMD+Shift+. to make these files appear. You can press that combination again to hide them, after you're done.
In their terminal app go to Terminal > Preferences. Under "Shells open with," select "Command (complete path)," then enter the path /usr/bin/bash.
I would like to set up my iterm2 to open hyperlink file to pycharm on my mac. With default setting of iterm2, file is open by Xcode App and do some research online from this post open-file-on-intellij-from-iterm-2 and set up my iterm2 from Preferences/Profiles/Advanced/Semantic History -> Run command -> /usr/local/bin/charm \1 --line \2 or /Applications/PyCharm.app/Contents/MacOS/pycharm \1 --line \2. Neither of them works. How I can open file in Pycharm with a command + click in iterm2?
I was looking for the same thing in RubyMine. Turns out I just needed to associate .rb files with RubyMine in the Finder. No changes to iTerm config were needed.
Pick any .py file in Finder, and do Get Info (cmd-i) on the file. Under 'Open with:' pick PyCharm. You might have to first select 'Other...' and then you can pick PyCharm. Under that dropdown menu is a button that says 'Change All...', use that to associate all .py files, not just the one you initially selected.
Works like a charm (no pun intended) in RubyMine. The particular file I tried to open was already contained in a project that RM had opened, so it focused that project window, and opened that file.
I encounted a problem after I change the syntax of mac's terminal vim. Right now, when I open vim, it just shows up under many line's of my shell command (screenshot below) instead of like before open a clean window and cannot see my shell command. So how can I reset it back that open my vim that in a clean terminal window?
Finally find out that because of the TERM is not set to xterm, so I fixed this issue by adding export TERM=xterm-color in my .bash_profile file. If you have the same issue, hope this would help.
The issue I am having is when I open a file via emacs it will open another window in the emacs text editor, but lock out the terminal. What I mean by lock out is that the terminal seems to be linked to the window of emacs that had opened up. When I first downloaded the software I did not have this issue and was able to open multiple emacs windows at once but now I have to close out of the current emacs window to open another. Any suggestions on fixing this?
It sounds like you want to have the file pop up in a window when you open it, rather than fill the whole terminal.
If that's the case, you should
install a graphical version of Emacs from http://emacsformacosx.com/
put alias emacs=/Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs in you ~/.bashrc
open files with emacs file.txt &. The file will open in a separate window and you can keep using your terminal
Recently, Vim started behaving strangely.
Whenever I open a file with Vim in the terminal, I see the line that is normally at the bottom of vim:
"<filename>" [dos] ###L, ###C
But instead of the buffer being displayed above, the screen is blank.
When I press Enter, however, the buffer displays normally.
What did I change to make Vim behave this way when I open files, and how can I change it back?
Here's my .vimrc.
I'm on a Mac, running OS X 10.8, using Vim 7.3.