Implementacja summernote - summernote

I need help implementing summernote. I can't use summernote to save the content in an HTML file Can someone send an example page in Bootstrap with summernote implemented so that the edited text is saved permanently on the Bootstrap page.
I tried to use this:


CKEditor <object> tag is getting rendered as <cke:object> in the UI

I need to disable or prevent adding {cke_protected} commented code into backend DB when I try to add some content in the CKEditor. In the backend I can see these commented line. Can we prevent this?
I have to object tag in the editor but when its save into DB and render in the UI its showing as below.
<object class="pic2 transparent-opacity" data="https://xxxxxx/media/Head-Animation.svg" type="image/svg+xml"></object>
<cke:object class="pic2 transparent-opacity" data="https://xxxxxx/media/Head-Animation.svg" type="image/svg+xml"></cke:object>

Is there any way to change meta tag from the source code with vue js?

As you all know Vue js works in template. So it load the content the the page dynamically. so there is no way to change the meta tags manually. So there is a package called vue meta which is used to change the meta tags of the vue page dynamically. But the problem is when I change the meta tag dynamically It only changes in the inspect. But when I open the page source it isn't changing there.
you can see the meta tags in the inspector here
but there is no change in the page source
I even tried server side rendering for this. Is there any solutions??
Thanks in Advance

How to ignore html tags in tinymce | Vuejs and Laravel

I am building an application using laravel and vuejs but for some reason I cannot use tinymce properly.
I see the editor as I want and write whatever I want in it. But when I try to view the content, all the html tags show as you can see in the image
I installed it following the github documentation here
npm install #tinymce/tinymce-vue
Imported in my vue template
import Editor from '#tinymce/tinymce-vue';
components: {
'editor' : Editor
And then I bind the element
<editor v-model="post.description"></editor>
So instead of showing " This text will be bold", it should show me "This text will be bold"
After some research I ended up realising that I had to use the v-html in order to read the html tags
so instead of showing like this:
I am now doing the following:
<td v-html="post.description"><td>
I think you are using TinyMCE proper way. It returns HTML, not a plain text. And when you remove tags from that returned HTML, you will lost all formatting, images and links. But if this is what are you looking for, just dive into TinyMCE documentation - it's a question of configuration.

Get particular layout javascript and css

Currently I am trying to get the "checkout_onepage_index" layout css and javascript in another page. How Can i get the javascript and css in a controller or observer. I want to get all the css and javascript that was loaded in checkout_onepage_index layout.
I don't know much using observer but you can defiantly do this using xml just copu your checkout.xml js code and paste it into another file of xml like "catalog.xml".

Name or id of Iframe in CKEditor

I am trying to create a plugin for CKEditor. As ckeditor creates Iframe for each textarea we want to convert as rich text editor, I want to know the name or id of that iframe.
How would I get it.
Help will be appreciated.
If you use Firebug you'll see that the iframe doesn't have an id or name. Instead you should get the editor.document.$ and move from that point, for example editor.document.$.defaultView.frameElement
