Spring-Batch ItermReader using REST Endpoint as source - spring

Could not find a source as REST endpoint using which ItemReader in spring-batch can can invoke it thousand times and read json.
I tried going through https://docs.spring.io/spring-batch/docs/current/reference/html/readersAndWriters.html#itemReader
and I could not see for ItemReader is hitting any REST endpoint.
My use case is,
Read DB for 200,000 unique value
Using this values call to REST point each time to get json results
Also at the same time using (1) read unique results from DB
Combine result 2 and 3 for each of the elements out of 200,000
Finally store them on to a DB for each element.
Including Error and Exception Handling with Transactional capabilities.
Deploy them to Kubernetes


What is the best approach while pooling data from DB and query DB again to fetch additional information?

The spring boot application that I am working on
pools 1000 messages from table X [ This table X is populated by another service s1]
From each message get the account number and query table Y to get additional information about account.
I am using spring integrating to pool messages from table X and reading additional information for account, I am planning to use Spring JDBC.
We are expecting about 10k messages very day.
Is above approach, to query table Y for each message, a good approach ?
No, that indeed not. If all of that data is in the same database, consider to write a proper SELECT to join those tables in a single query performed by that source polling channel adapter.
Another approach is to implement a stored procedure which will do that job for you and will return the whole needed data: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/reference/html/jdbc.html#stored-procedures.
Although if the memory for that number of records to handle at once is a limit in your environment or you don't care how fast all of them are processed, then indeed an integration flow with parallel processing of splitted polling result is OK. For that goal you can use a JdbcOutboundGateway as a service in your flow instead of playing with plain JdbcTemplate: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/reference/html/jdbc.html#jdbc-outbound-gateway

Uploding data to kafka producer

I am new to Kafka in Spring Boot, I have been through many tutorials and got fair knowledge about the same.
Currently I have been assigned a task and I am facing an issue. Hope to get some help here.
The scenario is as follows.
1)I have a DB which is getting updated continuously with millions of data.
2)I have to hit the DB after every 5 mins and pick the recently updated data and send it to Kafka.
Condition- The old data that I have picked in my previous iteration should not be picked in my next DB call and Kafka pushing.
I am done with the part of Spring Scheduling to pick the data by using findAll() of spring boot JPA, but how can I write the logic so that it does not pick the old DB records and just take the new record and push it to kafka.
My DB table also have a field called "Recent_timeStamp" of type "datetime"
Its hard to tell without really seeing your logic and the way you work with the database, but from what you've described you should do just "findAll" here.
Instead you should treat your DB table as a time-driven data:
Since it has a field of timestamp, make sure there is an index on it
Instead of "findAll" execute something like:
SELECT <...>
In this case you'll get the records ordered by the increasing timestamp
Now the ? denotes the last memorized timestamp that you've handled
So you'll have to maintain the state here
Another option is to query the data whose timestamp is "less" than 5 minutes, in this case the query will look like this (pseudocode since the actual syntax varies):
SELECT <...>
WHERE RECENT_TIMESTAMP < now() - 5 minutes
The first method is more robust because if your spring boot application is "down" for some reason you'll be able to recover and query all your records from the point it has failed to send the data. On the other hand you'll have to save this kind of pointer in some type of persistent storage.
The second solution is "easier" in a sense that you don't have a state to maintain but on the other hand you will miss the data after the restart.
In both of the cases you might want to use some kind of pagination because basically you don't know how many records you'll get from the database and if the amount of records exceeds your memory limits, the application with end up with OutOfMemory error thrown.
A Completely different approach is throwing the data to kafka when you write to the database instead of when you read from it. At that point you might have a data chunk of (probably) reasonably limited size and in general you don't need the state because you can store to db and send to kafka from the same service, if the architecture of your application permits to do so.
You can look into kafka connect component if it serves your purpose.
Kafka Connect is a tool for scalably and reliably streaming data between Apache Kafka® and other data systems. It makes it simple to quickly define connectors that move large data sets in and out of Kafka. Kafka Connect can ingest entire databases or collect metrics from all your application servers into Kafka topics, making the data available for stream processing with low latency. An export connector can deliver data from Kafka topics into secondary indexes like Elasticsearch, or into batch systems–such as Hadoop for offline analysis.

in Middleware IIB/ACE how to parse huge JSON messages and insert them into DB

in Middleware IIB/ACE how to parse huge JSON messages and insert them into DB
rather hitting every time into DB. how to parse json messages into records and insert in DB table
In this case you will need to use the aggregate nodes. You may find the official documentation of the Message Flow Aggregation in the following link https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/integration-bus/9.0.0?topic=aggregation-message-flow
I also found the below tutorial useful but I it is explaining how to aggregate messages from different resources but you can adapt the solution as per your requirements.

Spring batch fetch huge amount of data from DB-A and store them in DB-B

I have the following scenario. In a database A I have a table with huge amount of records (several millions); these records increase day by day very rapidly (also 100.000 records at day).
I need to fetch these records, check if these records are valid and import them in my own database. At the first interaction I should take all the stored records. Then I can take only the new records saved. I have a timestamp column I can use for this filter but I can't figure how to create a JpaPagingItemReader or a JdbcPagingItemReader and pass the dynamic filter based on the date (e.g. select all records where timestamp is greater than job last execution date)
I'm using spring boot, spring data jpa and spring batch.I'm configuring the Job instance in chunks with dimension 1000. I can also use a paging query (is it useful if I use chunks?)
I have a micro service (let's call this MSA) with all the business logic needed to check if records are valid and insert the valid records.
I have another service on a separate server. This service contains all the batch operation (let's call this MSB).
I'm wondering what is the best approach to the batch. I was thinking to these solutions:
in MSB I duplicate all the entities, repositories and services I use in the MSA. Then in MSB I can make all needed queries
in MSA I create all the rest API needed. The ItemProcessor of MSB will call these rest API to perform checks on items to be processed and finally in the ItemWriter I'll call the rest API for saving data
The first solution would avoid the http calls but it forces me to duplicate all repositories and services between the 2 micro services. Sadly I can't use a common project where to place all the common objects.
The second solution, on the other hand, would avoid the code duplication but it would imply a lot of http calls (above all in the ItemProcessor to check if an item is valid or less).
Do you have any other suggestion? Is there a better approach?
Thank you

spring batch: process large file

I have 10 large files in production, and we need to read each line from the file and convert comma separated values into some value object and send it to JMS queue and also insert into 3 different table in the database
if we take 10 files we will have 33 million lines. We are using spring batch(MultiResourceItemReader) to read the earch line and have write to write it o db and also send it to JMS. it roughly takes 25 hrs to completed all.
Eventhough we have 10 system in production, presently we use only one system to run this job( i am new to spring batch, and not aware how spring supports in load balancing)
Since we have only one system we configured data source to connect to db and max connection is specified as 25.
To improve the performance we thought to use spring multi thread support. started to use 5 threads. we could see the performance improvement and could see everything completed in 10 hours.
Here i Have below questions:
1) if i process using 5 threads, we will publish huge amount of data into JMS queue. Will queue support huge data.Note we have 10 systems in production to read JMS Message from the queue.
2) Using thread(5) and 1 production system is good approach (or) instead of spring batch insert the data into db i can create a rest service and spring batch calls the rest api to insert the data into db and let spring api inserts data into JmS queue(again, if spring batch process file annd use rest to insert data into db, per second i will read 4 or 5 lines and will call the rest api. Note we have 10 production system). If use rest API approach will my system support(rest can handle huge request using load balancer, and also JMS can handle huge and huge message) or using thread in spring batch app using 1 production system is better approach.
Different JMS providers are going to have different limits, but in general messaging can easily handle millions of rows in a small period of time.
Messaging is going to be faster than inserting directly into the database because a message has very little data to manage (other than JMS properties) instead of the overhead of a complete RDBMS or NoSQL database or whatever, messaging out performs them all.
Assuming the individual lines can be processed in any order, then sending all data to the same queue and have n consumers working the back-end is a sound solution.
Your big bottleneck, however, is getting the data into the database. If the destination table(s) have m/any keys/indices on them, there is going to be serious contention because each insert/update/delete needs to rebuild the indices, so even though you have n different consumers trying to update the database, they're going to trounce on each other as the transactions are completed.
One solution I've seen is disabling all database constrains before you start and enabling at the end, and hopefully if things worked the data is consistent and usable; of course, the risk is there was bad data that you didn't catch and now you need to clean up or reattempt the load
A better solution might be to transform the files into a single file that can be batch loaded into the database using a platform-specific tool. These tools often disable indexes, contraint checking, and anything else that's going to slow things down - often times bypassing SQL itself - to get performance.
