sass - Changing a variable via a media query - sass

I have a function that calculates the value of vw from px depending on the maximum brackpoint. For the mobile version of the page I use a brackpoint of 360, but starting with a screen size of 768px I need to use a brackpoint of 1440.
Below I gave an example of how this works now, but maybe there is some solution to automate this process. In a real project it becomes very difficult to handle all sizes every time.
$bp-large: 1440;
#mixin _768 {
#media (min-width: 768px) {
#function get-vw($target, $base-vw: 360) {
$vw-context: ($base-vw * .01) * 1px;
#return calc($target / $vw-context) * 1vw;
.square {
width: get-vw(100px);
height: get-vw(100px);
#include _768 {
width: get-vw(200px, $bp-large);
height: get-vw(200px, $bp-large);


Is it possible to create functions (or something else) that include selectors with SASS?

I want to be able to write:
div {
background-size: 100%;
and have SASS produce something like:
div {
background-size: 100%;
/* Generated by the call to #bgimgfunction */
#media (max-width: 640px) {
#media (min-width: 1600px) {
/* End generated by the call to #bgimgfunction */
mixins I think don't work because I can't pass a parameter
functions I think don't work because they are only valid after a selector.
Is there a way to do this?
What you need is a #mixin which does take parameters. Given the structure of your image URLs, I think you need two arguments, one for the image name and one for its extension:
#mixin bgImageFunction($imageName, $imageExt) {
$path: '/img/' + $imageName;
background-image: url("#{$path}-medium.#{$imageExt}");
#media (max-width: 640px) {
background-image: url("#{$path}-low.#{$imageExt}");
#media (min-width: 1600px) {
background-image: url("#{$path}-high.#{$imageExt}");
div {
background-size: 100%;
#include bgImageFunction('img1', 'png');
You can also use a default parameter for the extension and only pass the name as argument:
#mixin bgImageFunction($imageName, $imageExt: 'png') {

How to use #if within #function to check the orientation of the screen in SCSS?

I've been trying to write conditional SCSS that sets the height of my device to one value if the device is landscape or another if it is in portrait.
I understand I can use a media query to determine the orientation but I don't believe I'm receiving the correct calculation. Currently this is what I have. How can I check that my condition is written properly?
#function calculateRootHeight ($width, $orientation: landscape)
$heightPaddedRatio: 1.0;
$heightToWidth: 2/3;
#if (orientation: portrait) {
$heightToWidth: 3/2;
#return $heightPaddedRatio * $heightToWidth * $width;
#mixin describeRoot($bodyWidth) {
#root {
background-color: #EAE5E5;
#media (orientation: portrait) {
#root {
height: calculateRootHeight($bodyWidth, portrait);
#media (orientation: landscape) {
#root {
height: calculateRootHeight($bodyWidth, landscape);
I think you only need to change the syntax in your #if statement slightly, the rest seems ok.
Using the #debug directive is helpful if you want to check a value in your Sass functions.
#function calculateRootHeight ($width, $orientation: landscape) {
$heightPaddedRatio: 1.0;
$heightToWidth: 2/3;
#if ($orientation == "portrait") {
$heightToWidth: 3/2;
#debug "Orientation is '#{$orientation}'";
#return $heightPaddedRatio * $heightToWidth * $width;
.portrait {
height: calculateRootHeight(200px, portrait); /* Orientation is 'portrait' */
.landscape {
height: calculateRootHeight(200px); /* Orientation is 'landscape' */

Sass: Function return value by screen

It's possible create a function that return value based on screen width.
My idea:
#function vw_pc( $num ) {
#media screen and (max-width: 1920)
#return a;
#media screen and (max-width: 1200)
#return b;
No, since the Sass compiler is creating a static CSS code regardless of your screen.

Dividing percentage variable in Sass?

I have a variable which is a number and a % eg 10%. How can I use it as a value in my SASS but apply a division on it?
I have this:
$value: 0.1;
$value-percent: $value * 1%;
$value-from-50: (50 - $value) * 1%;
.test {
padding-left: $value-percent;
.test2 {
width: $value-from-50;
Which outputs this:
.test {
padding-left: 10%;
.test2 {
width: 40%;
What I now need to do is apply half of the value of $value-percent:
.test3 {
padding-left: $value-percent / 2;
So that I can output:
.test3 {
width: 5%;
Ive tried various combinations of that example code with normal and curly brackets. I can get the correct number of 10 outputted into the CSS but the % is always missing from it.
If your initial var isn't a percentage and is just a number you may need to try this:
.test {
padding-right: ($var / 2) + 0%
Which is better practice as it'll convert the value you pass it into what you're adding it to, in this case a percentage.

SCSS How to change order of rendering included mixins

This is a hard question, so I am aware that no one may come up with solution, but that's the problem I really need to solve in my framework.
I have a screen() mixin written in SCSS, which takes $size as an argument, to return any #content wrapped in a media query.
The problem occurs when one element #includes multiple screen() mixins, because resulting media queries will overwrite each other in the same order as they were included. How can I make sure the resulting media queries will be rendered in the correct order (biggest screen to smallest), even if I forget to include them in the right order?
#mixin screen(
$size: null
#if $size == md {
#media (max-width: 1024px) {
#if $size == sm {
#media (max-width: 768px) {
#if $size == xs {
#media (max-width: 320px) {
/* output should be 1024, 768, 320 */
.screen {
&:before {
// this should be included as the Last one
#include screen(xs){
content: "xs";
#include screen(sm){
content: "sm";
// this should be included as the First one
#include screen(md){
content: "md";
I tried to solve that issue by creating placeholder selectors in the right order %media-sm{...}, %media-xs {...}..., and #extend them from the mixin, but #content can't be passed through the #extend directive.
Another solution is a hard one - create an array of keys - sizes, and values - #contents and render them from another function.
No. Sass only does exactly what you tell it to do. If you want your styles to appear in a specific order, write them in that specific order.
Might be easier to pass in the media width you are trying to target:
#mixin media($width) {
#media only screen and (max-width: $width) {
#include media(320px) {
background: red;
