react.development.js:1622 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'useState') - react-hooks

enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description hereHello guys I'm having trouble with this error.
I have checked the useState in every component, looked for a solution on google but couldn't find anything.


Error IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException: query did not return a unique result: 2

I have a problem, why generate this error?
I want more comments to be placed in a bug
enter image description here
enter image description here

I keep getting this error on my console regarding the missing variable declaration plus the MSB3703 error which i dont get,Im fairly new

enter image description here
enter image description here
You can see the image with the code in it to get a better idea

Oracle Unifier image data to be displayed in BI Report, image data is showing just a number

Oracle Unifier image data to be displayed in BI Publisher Report, image data in the field is showing just a number. like 446 and there is another field which show a jpg file name only like 2121.jpg. And when I looked at many post around found that there is some data inside.
like below. You might have noticed on right side the example is blob i.e. some string data is there. In the unfier i just got a field value 446. So my question is how do I go about displaying the image.
I refered to this document but could not get anywhere
and I also tried Another way to work on getting the image
but again i have the same problem my field is in numnber the people trying it out have field value in blob
enter link description here
Below is what I worked on and got to this point.
Image in BI Publisher report from the data is not displaying. I have followed the instructions and created the url and saved it in the ALT text of the image in RTF it is not displaying the image. Below are the instructions that I have followed.
Page 16 --> Configuring BI Publisher Reports to Use Unifier Images from the below document
The ALT Text in the image is --> url:{concat($uuu_p_urlF,'/',COMLOGO,'/',//security_token/SEC_TOKEN1)}
It id generating the correct url -->http://IPADD/bluedoor/rest/image/453/A30DEAC4-4C63-12C7-3071-7A19048E848F
If i use this url i can see the image in the browser but the same link in the ALT Text field of the image does not display the image.
Would like to to what I am doign wrong

Session storage values not showing up with convertered to pdf

Hi i am having trouble getting the session storage value to show up on the pdf when i convert it. It shows on the page no problem but can not get it to show on the pdf. Can anyone point me in the right direction thanks i am using pdfcrowd converter

How do I display a MediaWiki image's file description as its caption?

I want to display an image on our MediaWiki site using the description from its file description page as the caption in the syntax [[File:imagename.png|frame|caption]]. To clarify, I'm not trying to link to the image's description page.
I've read some things about querying the API on this question but I'm struggling to see how I can display the result of the query on the property (be it iiprop=comment or rvprop=content or...something else) in the source itself.
If this is a locally uploaded file, and your description pages don't have extraneous formatting, you could get away with something like this:
But there's plenty of ways that can go wrong...
