how to add extra value to query in ruby - ruby

hello i have query to fill list box with this query how i can add an static value to select all clients
tipo = $evm.root['dialog_param_type']
option = $evm.root['dialog_param_action']
dialog_field = $evm.object
if tipo == "ALL"
puts option
dialog_field['read_only'] = "true"
$evm.object['values'] = {1 => "-- Please select an option from above --"}
puts option
dialog_field['read_only'] = "false"
values= {}
customer_list= {}
get_query($evm.object.decrypt('query')).each do |$evm.object['values'] = {1 => "-- Please select an option from above --"}|item|
customer_list["#{item['customer_id']}", Customer id: *] = item['customer_name'].to_s
dialog_field['values'] = customer_list
it fills it with clients on my db; so i wanted to add an option to select them all like aditional value
values= {ALL=> *}}


Struggleing to validate a user entry in tkinter

Here is part of some code i create for a project in tkinter using sqlite3 as a database in python. Im trying to make it so that when a user enters their values into the entry fields it only accepts integer values, and tried to implement this into the validation function. Ive tried using the try and except method, but this still seems to allow all values to be added to the table. How else could i attempt to make this work?
def validation (self):
int( and int(self.out.get()) == True
except ValueError:
self.message['text'] = 'Value must be a number!'
def adding (self):
if self.validation:
query = 'INSERT INTO data VALUES (?,?)'
parameters = (, self.out.get())
self.run_query (query, parameters)
self.message ['text'] = 'Record [] added' .format ( ()) (0, END)
self.out.delete (0, END)
self.message['text'] = 'Income or outgoing field is empty'
def deleting (self):
self.message ['text'] = ''
self.tree.item(self.tree.selection ()) ['values'][0]
except IndexError as e:
self.message['text'] = 'Please, select record!'
self.message['text'] = ''
Income = self.tree.item (self.tree.selection ()) ['text']
query = 'DELETE FROM data WHERE totalinc = ?'
self.run_query (query, (Income, ))
self.message['text'] = 'Record [] deleted.'.format(Income)
def editing (self):
self.message['text'] = ''
self.tree.item (self.tree.selection ())['values'][0]
except IndexError as e:
self.message['text'] = 'Please select record'
name = self.tree.item (self.tree.selection ())['text']
old_out = self.tree.item (self.tree.selection ())['values'][0]
self.edit_wind = Toplevel ()
self.edit_wind.title ("Editing")
Label (self.edit_wind, text = 'Old income:').grid (row = 0, column = 1)
Entry (self.edit_wind, textvariable = StringVar(self.edit_wind, value = name), state = 'readonly').grid(row = 0, column = 2)
Label (self.edit_wind, text = 'New income:').grid(row = 1, column = 1)
new_inc = Entry (self.edit_wind)
new_inc.grid (row = 1, column = 2)
Label (self.edit_wind, text = 'Old outgoing:').grid (row = 2, column = 1)
Entry (self.edit_wind, textvariable = StringVar(self.edit_wind, value = old_out), state = 'readonly').grid(row = 2, column = 2)
Label (self.edit_wind, text = 'New outgoing: ').grid(row = 3, column = 1)
new_out = Entry (self.edit_wind)
new_out.grid (row = 3, column = 2)
Button (self.edit_wind, text = 'Save changes', command = lambda: self.edit_records (new_inc.get(), name, new_out.get(), old_out)).grid (row = 4, column = 2, sticky = W)
def edit_records (self, new_inc, name, new_out, old_out):
query = "UPDATE data SET totalinc = ?, totalout = ? WHERE totalinc = ? AND totalout = ?"
parameters = (new_inc, new_out, name, old_out)
self.run_query (query, parameters)
self.message['text'] = 'Record [] changed.' .format (name)
if __name__ == '__main__':
wind = Tk()
application = Product (wind)
str = '8'
if str.isdigit():
I suggest taking a look at is isdigit().

Using Option Group Toggle Buttons to Filter Data in Form

I have an Access 2010 database with a form that pulls up a list of all of the students that a teacher teaches. One of the fields is "Classperiod"; each teacher teaches 5 classes. I have a set of toggle buttons in an option group (Frame 103) that I'd like to use to filter the list of records by "Classperiod". So, for example, clicking on one of the toggle buttons would only show students from a particular class. Here's the code that I have for the option group in the "After Update" of the Events for the option group:
Private Sub Frame103_AfterUpdate()
Select Case Frame103
Case 1
Me.Filter = "Schedules.Classperiod = 1"
Me.FilterOn = True
Case 2
Me.Filter = "Schedules.Classperiod = 2"
Me.FilterOn = True
Case 3
Me.Filter = "Schedules.Classperiod = 3"
Me.FilterOn = True
Case 5
Me.Filter = "Schedules.Classperiod = 5"
Me.FilterOn = True
Case 6
Me.Filter = "Schedules.Classperiod = 6"
Me.FilterOn = True
Case 7
Me.Filter = "Schedules.Classperiod = 7"
Me.FilterOn = True
Case 8
Me.Filter = "Schedules.Classperiod = 8"
Me.FilterOn = True
Case Else
Me.FilterOn = False
End Select
End Sub
Schedules is the Table that Classperiod is a field for.
Right now the code isn't doing anything. Any suggestions would be welcome!
Your filter can still work if you remove your "Schedule". Just use the fieldname:
Case 7
Me.Filter = "Classperiod = 7"
Me.FilterOn = True
The best way however, would be to restrict your record source by the data meeting your criteria:
Case ....
Me.RecordSource = "Select * FROM Schedules WHERE Classperiod =..."
If you want to filter based on five different class periods, make your option group with five toggle buttons, the caption of each corresponding to a different class period e.g. toggle button 1 has caption "1" and so on. Here's the code:
Private Sub Frame103_Click()
Dim Caption As String
Caption = Frame103.Controls.Item(Frame103.Value - 1).Caption
Me.SubformName.Form.Filter = "[Classperiod] = """ & Caption & """"
Me.SubformName.Form.FilterOn = True
End Sub

"Not all variables are bound" Error when passing parameters

I'm using PL/SQL and I get the "Not all variables are bound" when I execute the sql expression. I'm selecting data by passing values into 3 parameters. Therefore "host variables" do not help me in here.
SELECT SomeApi1_Api.Get_Part_No(t.or_no, t.l_no, t.rel_no, t.item_no),
SomeApi1_Api.Get_State(t.or_no, t.l_no, t.rel_no, t.item_no)
FROM TableView1 c,
TableView2 t
WHERE c.or_no = t.or_no
AND c.l_no = t.l_no
AND c.rel_no = t.rel_no
AND c.item_no = t.item_no
AND deliv_no IN (SELECT deliv_no
FROM TableView3 a
WHERE a.del_no IN (SELECT DISTINCT dele_no
FROM TableView3 cod,
TableView4 cdi
WHERE cod.deliv_no = cdi.deliv_no
AND cdi.i_id = t.i_id
AND cdi.item_id = t.item_id
AND a.or_no = t.or_no
AND a.l_no = l_no
AND a.rel_no = rel_no
AND a.item_no = item_no))
AND t.i_id = '&A'
AND t.item_id = '&B'
AND = '&C'

Check OptionMenu selection and update GUI

I'm working on a class project and I'm trying to take it beyond the requirements a little here (I'm doing my own homework, just need help improving it!) so I want to update the GUI based on certain selections the user makes instead of just having all irrelevent options available all the time (requirements are to just present the options).
I'm still new to Python and even more new to Tkinter so my only attempt has been the following:
#Step Type
ttk.Label(mainframe, text = "Step Type").grid(column = 1, row = 16)
type_entry = OptionMenu(mainframe, StepType, "Kill", "Explore" , "Conversation")
type_entry.grid(column = 2, row = 16, sticky = (E))
#Step Goal
if StepType.get() == "Kill":
ttk.Label(mainframe, text = "Required Kills").grid(column = 1, row = 17)
goal_entry = ttk.Entry(mainframe, width = 20, textvariable = StepGoal)
goal_entry.grid(column = 2, row = 17, sticky = (E))
elif StepType.get() == "Explore":
ttk.Label(mainframe, text = "Location ID").grid(column = 1, row = 17)
goal_entry = ttk.Entry(mainframe, width = 20, textvariable = StepGoal)
goal_entry.grid(column = 2, row = 17, sticky = (E))
elif StepType.get() == "Conversation":
ttk.Label(mainframe, text = "NPC ID").grid(column = 1, row = 17)
goal_entry = ttk.Entry(mainframe, width = 20, textvariable = StepGoal)
goal_entry.grid(column = 2, row = 17, sticky = (E))
Obviously what I want to do here is when the user selects one of the options from the menu, to display the corresponding entry box and label instead of having all 3 all the time.
Also looking for the same situation for CheckButton
Full working example: tested od 2.7.5 and 3.3.2
It use command= in OptionMenu to call function when user changed option.
import tkinter as ttk
def on_option_change(event):
selected = step_type.get()
if selected == "Kill":
goal_label['text'] = "Required Kills"
elif selected == "Explore":
goal_label['text'] = "Location ID"
elif selected == "Conversation":
goal_label['text'] = "NPC ID"
# show label and entry
#goal_label.grid(column=1, row=17)
#goal_entry.grid(column=2, row=17, sticky='E')
mainframe = ttk.Tk()
# Step Type
step_type = ttk.StringVar() # there is the rule: variable name lowercase with _
ttk.Label(mainframe, text="Step Type").grid(column=1, row=16)
type_entry = ttk.OptionMenu(mainframe, step_type, "Kill", "Explore" , "Conversation", command=on_option_change)
type_entry.grid(column=2, row=16, sticky='E')
# Step Goal
step_goal = ttk.StringVar()
goal_label = ttk.Label(mainframe, text="Required Kills")
goal_label.grid(column=1, row=17)
goal_entry = ttk.Entry(mainframe, width=20, textvariable=step_goal)
goal_entry.grid(column=2, row=17, sticky='E')
# hide label and entry
# --- star the engine ---
BTW: you can use grid() and grid_forget() to show and hide elements.
EDIT: example with Radiobutton using trace on StringVar
import tkinter as ttk
def on_variable_change(a,b,c): # `trace` send 3 argument to `on_variable_change`
#print(a, b, c)
selected = step_type.get()
if selected == "Kill":
goal_label['text'] = "Required Kills"
elif selected == "Explore":
goal_label['text'] = "Location ID"
elif selected == "Conversation":
goal_label['text'] = "NPC ID"
mainframe = ttk.Tk()
# Step Type
step_type = ttk.StringVar() # there is the rule: variable name lowercase with _
ttk.Label(mainframe, text="Step Type").grid(column=1, row=16)
ttk.Radiobutton(mainframe, text="Kill", value="Kill", variable=step_type).grid(column=2, row=16, sticky='E')
ttk.Radiobutton(mainframe, text="Explore", value="Explore", variable=step_type).grid(column=3, row=16, sticky='E')
ttk.Radiobutton(mainframe, text="Conversation", value="Conversation", variable=step_type).grid(column=4, row=16, sticky='E')
# use `trace` after `set` because `on_variable_change` use `goal_label` which is not created yet.
step_type.trace("w", on_variable_change)
# Step Goal
step_goal = ttk.StringVar()
goal_label = ttk.Label(mainframe, text="Required Kills")
goal_label.grid(column=1, row=17)
goal_entry = ttk.Entry(mainframe, width=20, textvariable=step_goal)
goal_entry.grid(column=2, row=17, sticky='E')
# --- star the engine ---

ajax and ruby script only returning 1 record instead of many

I am doing an Ajax call, using Ruby and Sinatra. The query should return multiple rows, it only returns one though.
The ajax script is:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".showmembers").click(function(e) {
var short_id = $('#shortmembers').val();
{ 'id' : short_id },
function(res, status) {
$('#result').append('<input type=checkbox value=' + res["email"] + '>');
$('#result').append( res["first"] );
$('#result').append( res["last"] );
$('#result').append( res["email"] );
and the Ruby script is:
get '/show' do
id = params['id']
DB["select shortname, first, last, email from shortlists sh JOIN shortmembers sm ON sm.short_id = sh.list_id JOIN candidates ca ON = sm.candidate_id where sh.list_id = ?", id].each do |row|
#shortname = row[:shortname]
#first = row[:first]
#last = row[:last]
#email = row[:email]
puts #shortname
puts #first
puts #last
puts #email
halt 200, { shortname: #shortname, first: #first, last: #last, email: #email }.to_json
If I run the query directly in the terminal on postgres I get 9 rows returned but, as above on my website, it just returns the first row only.
What's the problem? No error in the console, just one record.
You have halt 200 inside your loop. This will cause Sinatra to terminate the request processing and return the result back up the stack.
To return a full set of results, you will need to do something like the following:
get '/show' do
id = params['id']
results = DB["select shortname, first, last, email from shortlists sh
JOIN shortmembers sm ON sm.short_id = sh.list_id
JOIN candidates ca ON = sm.candidate_id
where sh.list_id = ?", id].map do |row|
:short_name => row[:shortname],
halt 200, results.to_json
This will return the selected fields from each row as an array of hashes.
In fact, as I look at the above, the solution might even be as simple as:
get '/show' do
id = params['id']
results = DB["select shortname, first, last, email from shortlists sh
JOIN shortmembers sm ON sm.short_id = sh.list_id
JOIN candidates ca ON = sm.candidate_id
where sh.list_id = ?", id]
halt 200, results.to_json
since you don't seem to be selecting anything but the columns you desire in the first place.
