Has anyone experienced an issue with not being able to create Asana tasks from Slack? - slack

I have connected Asana with Slack and added Asana to the channel. I have the option to create an Asana task from Slack but when I select any of the options from the dropdown, it tells me Sorry, that didn’t work. Try again?
I have connected Asana with Slack and added Asana to the channel. I have the option to create an Asana task from Slack but when I select any of the options from the dropdown, it tells me Sorry, that didn’t work. Try again?


How to trigger an existing Slack Workflow from a Slack Bot

I've built myself a slackbot which listens to emojis posted on a message.
I would like to be able to trigger a slack workflow (which I had build using the Saclk workflow builder) whenever a user tags a message using an emoji but I can't find any information on how I can do that.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

How to perform certain actions after a Slack workspace's admin approves the installation of the app?

Edit: I'm using Django and inside the DjangoInstallationStore.save method I create a channel, join the bot to it, and post a message into the channel.
It seems that if a user attempts to install the app to a workspace where there might be admin restrictions, the installation and bot are created but the channel cannot be created (restricted_action) or joined (channel_not_found ) and the members of the channel cannot be viewed (channel_not_found).
I'm investigating if I have a bug in my code but also wonder if there is anything I missed about Slack API as to if certain restrictions in the workspace could cause such scenarios to happen? Cheers.

Free Slack plan - how to configure default notifications for new users?

Does anyone know how to configure default notification settings for all new users who join a Slack workspace?
I've gotten feedback that new users are getting overwhelmed and many of them just stop using Slack instead of trying to change their notification settings.
I found the following answer but it does not address the problem: Slack default channel notifications

MS Skype bot isn't responding

I use Azure to create my bot. The Telegram, Web and S4B channels works as expected, but the Skype channel doesn't work. I don't get any error.
To create the Skype channel I just click the "Add channel" link and add the new contact to my Skype contacts. Is it enough?
Could you please help me? Thank you.
If you want to connect Skype to your bot, all you need to do is click on the Skype option in the 'Add a featured channel' and then configure the settings in Web control, Messaging, Calling, Groups and Publish.
In your case, click on the 'Messaging' tab and make sure that the 'enable messaging' option is selected. Once your changes are saved, you can add the bot to your contacts and it will work.
Skype can take up to 15 minutes to propagate the settings changes. Wait for a few minutes before sending a message to the bot.
If it still doesn't work, delete the channel and again following the steps above to add the Skype channel to your bot. You can also use ngrok to debug any channel locally.
The source of issue was the turned off ciphers the my IIS:
When I turn on all of these my skype bot start to work.

How to message a user in a slack App via API?

When creating a slack app, it creates a new "channel" in the left hand menu. I want to be able to send a message to specific users and not to all users in a workspace who have integrated with the app.
For example, if I make the following request:
curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data '{"text":"Hello, World!"}' https://hooks.slack.com/services/ABxxx/CDxxx/EFxxxxxx
It will send a message to all users who have integrated with my app with the text "Hello World".
But I only want to send a message to user A without User B being notified.
I don't want to message a user directly and it to appear to come from slack bot. I want the message to appear to come from my bot / app.
How can this be achieved via slack API?
I found this quite hard to explain so please let me know if you'd like me to clarify anything.
The problem of your request that you are using a hook URL which is bound to a particular channel (you pick it during Slack App installation).
To send a direct message to the user on behalf of your bot, you need to consider the following things (this is not the single way to achieve it, but works for me):
Ensure you have a bot registered for your Slack App.
Ask for bot and chat:write:bot permissions during App installation process (example for Slack Install button and here).
Store the bot access token on successful installation (see for details).
Now using the bot access token you can send Slack API requests.
To achieve what you need, use chat.postMessage API method. channel argument can be user ID (e.g. U0G9QF9C6). By setting up as_user argument to true, your message will be always sent on behalf (name and icon) of your bot (seems for bot tokens it's always like this, but it's recommend it to specify it explicitly).
Hope it helps. Feel free to ask for details.
