I am getting error attached when i try to upload a file from angular. But, the same azure storage account configuration working from asp.net but not from angular. Can you please help me on this?cors error azure blob storage
I am trying to upload a file to azure blob storage from angular, the below is the code that, i implemented. I have directly added the sas token url instead of generating it to check whether file upload works or not.
below is the code
// environment file
export const environment = {
production: false,
accountName : "<accountname>",
// added in pollyfills
(window as any).global = window;
(window as any).process = require( 'process' );
(window as any).Buffer = require( 'buffer' ).Buffer
//file upload method`
async uploadFileToBlob() {
// generate account sas token
const accountName = environment.accountName;
const key = environment.key;
var str = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(StringToSign, CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(key));
var sig = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(str);
const sasToken = `sp=rac&st=2022-11-21T15:37:13Z&se=2023-12-31T23:37:13Z&spr=https&sv=2021-06-08&sr=c&sig=rYx4JWTcGPVSceUkuxJDSXN8u1%2BbNSFh3A7dYPqw3EA%3D`;
const containerName = environment.containerName;
const pipeline = newPipeline(new AnonymousCredential(), {
retryOptions: { maxTries: 4 }, // Retry options
userAgentOptions: { userAgentPrefix: "AdvancedSample V1.0.0" }, // Customized telemetry string
keepAliveOptions: {
// Keep alive is enabled by default, disable keep alive by setting false
enable: false
const blobServiceClient = new BlobServiceClient(`https://${accountName}.blob.core.windows.net?${sasToken}`,
const containerClient = blobServiceClient.getContainerClient(containerName)
if (!containerClient.exists()) {
console.log("the container does not exit")
await containerClient.create()
const client = containerClient.getBlockBlobClient(this.fileName.name)
const response = await client.uploadData(this.fileName, {
blockSize: 4 * 1024 * 1024, // 4MB block size
concurrency: 20, // 20 concurrency
onProgress: (ev) => console.log(ev),
blobHTTPHeaders: { blobContentType: this.fileName.type }
Can you help me to resolve this issue ?
I've this simple code from lighthouse. And when I'm using desktop configuration then somehow it automatically redirects to the mobile page and take out the mobile analytics.
const fs = require("fs");
const lighthouse = require("lighthouse");
const chromeLauncher = require("chrome-launcher");
(async () => {
const URL = "https://www.youtube.com/";
const chrome = await chromeLauncher.launch({
chromeFlags: ["--ignore-certificate-errors"],
port: 61736,
const options = {
extends: "lighthouse:default",
logLevel: "info",
output: "html",
onlyCategories: ["performance"],
port: chrome.port,
preset: "desktop",
const runnerResult = await lighthouse(URL, options);
// `.report` is the HTML report as a string
const reportHtml = runnerResult.report;
fs.writeFileSync("lhreport.html", reportHtml);
// `.lhr` is the Lighthouse Result as a JS object
console.log("Report is done for", runnerResult.lhr.finalUrl);
"Performance score was",
runnerResult.lhr.categories.performance.score * 100
// runnerResult.lhr.categories.performance
await chrome.kill();
However, if I'm using this command lighthouse https://www.youtube.com/ --preset=desktop --chrome-flags=ignore-certificate-errors --port=61736 then it's taking out the analytics of desktop only. Not sure why?
How can I take out the desktop analytics through code?
I am getting this error in my heroku logs.
Same Question
All the solutions provided here did not address the issue.
I tried the different variations of the get method:
app.get('*', function (req, res) {
What else could I try or am I missing from here?
const configuration = require('#feathersjs/configuration');
const feathers = require('#feathersjs/feathers');
const express = require('#feathersjs/express');
const socketio = require('#feathersjs/socketio');
const moment = require('moment');
class IdeaService {
constructor() {
this.ideas = [];
async find() {
return this.ideas;
async create(data) {
const idea = {
id: this.ideas.length,
text: data.text,
tech: data.tech,
viewer: data.viewer
idea.time = moment().format('h:mm:ss a');
return idea;
const app = express(feathers());
app.get('*', function (req, res) {
// Parse JSON
// Configure SocketIO realtime API
// Enable REST services
// Register services
app.use('/ideas', new IdeaService());
// Connect new streams
app.on('connection', conn => app.channel('stream').join(conn));
// Publish events to stream
app.publish(data => app.channel('stream'));
const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3030;
app.listen(PORT).on('listening', () => console.log(`Server running on port ${PORT}`));
text: 'Build a cool app',
tech: 'Node.js',
viewer: 'John Doe'
export default IdeaService;
I'm building a custom endpoint on Strapi. For this endpoint, I need to have the raw body content. Is it possible to obtain it from the ctx variable?
stripe : async(ctx) => {
// Handle the event
const sig = ctx.request.headers['stripe-signature']
let event = null
try {
// ctx.request.body needs to be the original raw body
event = stripe.webhooks.constructEvent(ctx.request.body,sig, endpointSecret)
}catch (e) {
Create a middleware (/config/middleware.js) and update it to the following
module.exports = {
settings: {
cors: {
enabled: true,
parser: {
enabled: true,
multipart: true,
includeUnparsed: true,
In the controller (/api/<model>/controllers/<model>.js):
const unparsed = require("koa-body/unparsed.js");
const unparsedBody = ctx.request.body[unparsed];
The official koa-bodyparser package actually does this out of the box. See: https://github.com/koajs/bodyparser#raw-body
Here is a small example:
import Koa from 'koa';
import KoaRouter from '#koa/router';
import koaBodyParser from 'koa-bodyparser';
const app = new Koa();
const router = new KoaRouter();
const stripeCheckout = (ctx, next) => {
const sig = ctx.request.header['stripe-signature'];
let event;
if (!process.env.STRIPE_ENDPOINT_SECRET) {
throw new Error('Missing Stripe endpoint secret.');
try {
event = stripe.webhooks.constructEvent(
endpointSecret: process.env.STRIPE_ENDPOINT_SECRET
} catch (err) {
logger('error', err);
ctx.status = 400;
ctx.body = `Webhook Error: ${err.message}`;
return next();
// ... do something with the event
if (event.type === 'checkout.session.completed') {
const session = event.data.object;
// ... do something with the checkout session
// return a response to acknowledge receipt of the event
ctx.status = 200;
ctx.body = { received: true };
return next();
router.post('/stripe-checkout', stripeCheckout);
app.listen(port, () => {
logger('log', `✅ Done! Server is listening on http://localhost:${port}`);
I'm not sure to understand your needs.
ctx.request.body contains the original body of your request.
After that if you want to send event as response body you can do this like that.
ctx.body = event;
And a warning in your code. You wrote define a const for event and you assign event withe the result of your strapi webhook. You have to define a let variable.
It actually works by switching on "includingUnparsed" in the request environment configuration (config/environments/development/request.json -> parser.includedUnparsed: true).
You can access the unparsed body using the koa-body built-in feature for that:
Some applications require crytopgraphic verification of request bodies, for example webhooks from slack or stripe. The unparsed body can be accessed if includeUnparsed is true in koa-body's options. When enabled, import the symbol for accessing the request body from unparsed = require('koa-body/unparsed.js'), or define your own accessor using unparsed = Symbol.for('unparsedBody'). Then the unparsed body is available using ctx.request.body[unparsed].
koa-body docs
Trying to follow the samples from https://github.com/Azure/ms-rest-nodeauth
When passing authresponse to a client to generate a client to ping resources, I end up getting:
Error: credentials argument needs to implement signRequest method
I am trying to read through the documents to see if I need to sign the token's I am getting back from the SDK/Azure AD, but the documentation for the new SDK doesnt show anything
Figured it out, have to call .credentials on the authresponse
Adding the code, using #azure/arm-billing, in case the full code file is helpful.
// auth.json
// Create auth file with Azure CLI:`az ad sp create-for-rbac --sdk-auth > auth.json`
"clientId": "",
"clientSecret": "",
"subscriptionId": "",
"tenantId": "",
"activeDirectoryEndpointUrl": "https://login.microsoftonline.com",
"resourceManagerEndpointUrl": "https://management.azure.com/",
"activeDirectoryGraphResourceId": "https://graph.windows.net/",
"sqlManagementEndpointUrl": "https://management.core.windows.net:8443/",
"galleryEndpointUrl": "https://gallery.azure.com/",
"managementEndpointUrl": "https://management.core.windows.net/"
// index.js
const msRest = require("#azure/ms-rest-js");
const msRestAzure = require("#azure/ms-rest-azure-js");
const msRestNodeAuth = require("#azure/ms-rest-nodeauth");
const armBilling = require("#azure/arm-billing");
const path = require('path');
// list billing information
const lists = async (client) => {
try {
let lists = [];
const enrollmentAccounts = await client.enrollmentAccounts.list();
const billingPeriods = await client.billingPeriods.list();
const invoices = await client.invoices.list();
return lists;
} catch (err) {
throw (err);
// sample auth file created from Azure CLI - removed PII
const authenticationFile = path.join(__dirname, "./auth.json");
const options = {
filePath: authenticationFile
// get subscriptionId from auth file
const subscriptionIdFromAuthFile = require('./auth.json').subscriptionId;
// authenticate and getting billing information
msRestNodeAuth.loginWithAuthFileWithAuthResponse(options).then(async (response) => {
// --- CHANGE response parameter to -> response.credentials
const client = new armBilling.BillingManagementClient(response.credentials, subscriptionIdFromAuthFile);
console.log("client created");
const results = await lists(client);
console.log(`The result is:${JSON.stringify(results)}`);
}).catch((err) => {
I am trying to implement Firebase authentication with server-side sessions using koa, koa-session, koa-redis.
I just can't grasp it. When reading the koa-session readme, this is particularly cryptic to me (link):
You can store the session content in external stores (Redis, MongoDB or other DBs) by passing options.store with three methods (these need to be async functions):
get(key, maxAge, { rolling }): get session object by key
set(key, sess, maxAge, { rolling, changed }): set session object for key, with a maxAge (in ms)
destroy(key): destroy session for key
After asking around, I did this:
// middleware/installSession.js
const session = require('koa-session');
const RedisStore = require('koa-redis');
const ONE_DAY = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
module.exports = function installSession(app) {
app.keys = [process.env.SECRET];
store: new RedisStore({
url: process.env.REDIS_URL,
key: process.env.REDIS_STORE_KEY,
async get(key) {
const res = await redis.get(key);
if (!res) return null;
return JSON.parse(res);
async set(key, value, maxAge) {
maxAge = typeof maxAge === 'number' ? maxAge : ONE_DAY;
value = JSON.stringify(value);
await redis.set(key, value, 'PX', maxAge);
async destroy(key) {
await redis.del(key);
}, app));
Then in my main server.js file:
// server.js
const middleware = require('./middleware');
const app = new Koa();
const server = http.createServer(app.callback());
// session middleware
// other middleware, which also get app as a parameter
const PORT = parseInt(process.env.PORT, 10) || 3000;
console.log(`Listening on port ${PORT}`);
But then how do I access the session and its methods from inside other middlewares? Like in the installFirebaseAuth middleware, I want to finally get/set session values:
// installFirebaseAuth.js
module.exports = function installFirebaseAuth(app) {
const verifyAccessToken = async (ctx, next) => {
// trying to access the session, none work
console.log('ctx.session', ctx.session);
console.log('ctx.req.session', ctx.req.session);
const redisValue = await ctx.req.session.get(process.env.REDIS_STORE_KEY);
ctx.session returns {}
ctx.session.get() returns ctx.session.get is not a function
ctx.req.session returns undefined
Any clues?
It works in my case, hope it helps you
const Koa = require('koa')
const app = new Koa()
const Router = require('koa-router')
const router = new Router()
const static = require('koa-static')
const session = require('koa-session')
// const ioredis = require('ioredis')
// const redisStore = new ioredis()
const redisStore = require('koa-redis')
const bodyparser = require('koa-bodyparser')
app.keys = ['ohkeydoekey']
key: 'yokiijay:sess',
maxAge: 1000*20,
store: redisStore()
}, app))
app.use(router.routes(), router.allowedMethods())
router.post('/login', async ctx=>{
const {username} = ctx.request.body
if(username == 'yokiijay'){
ctx.session.user = username
const count = ctx.session.count || 0
ctx.session.code = count
ctx.body = `wellcome ${username} logged in`
}else {
ctx.body = `sorry, you can't login`
router.get('/iflogin', async ctx=>{
ctx.body = ctx.session
}else {
ctx.body = 'you need login'
app.listen(3000, ()=>{
console.log( 'app running' )