How can I write relationship for indices in CPLEX? - set

I am stucking at this stage.
U[t][i][v] is the quantity picked up at node i by vehicle v at period t (decision variable)
QT[t][p][m][w] is the quantity of product p produced in manufacturer m in time period t (decision variable)
enter image description here
How can I write this constraint with a correspodence among i, p, and m?
Note that we have 4 pick-up node, 2 manufacturers, and 2 products so <i,m,p> must be 1 of these <1,1,1>, <2,2,1>, <3,1,2>, <4,2,2>
Thank you for your help

You could start with
range PN=1..4;
range P=1..2;
range M=1..2;
range T=1..3;
range V=1..4;
range W=1..2;
tuple pm
int p;
int m;
pm pms[PN]=[<1,1>,<1,2>,<2,1>,<2,2>];
dvar float U[T][PN][V];
dvar float+ QT[T][P][M][W];
subject to
forall(i in PN,t in T)
sum(v in V) U[t][i][v]==sum(w in W)QT[t][pms[i].p][pms[i].m][w];


Add water between in a bar chart

Recently came across an interview question in glassdoor-like site and I can't find an optimized solution to solve this problem:
This is nothing like trapping water problem. Please read through the examples.
Given an input array whose each element represents the height of towers, the amount of water will be poured and the index number indicates the pouring water position.The width of every tower is 1. Print the graph after pouring water.
Use * to indicate the tower, w to represent 1 amount water.
The pouring position will never at the peak position.No need to consider the divide water case.
(A Bonus point if you gave a solution for this case, you may assume that if Pouring N water at peak position, N/2 water goes to left, N/2 water goes to right.)
The definition for a peak: the height of peak position is greater than the both left and right index next to it.)
Assume there are 2 extreme high walls sits close to the histogram.
So if the water amount is over the capacity of the histogram,
you should indicate the capacity number and keep going. See Example 2.
Assume the water would go left first, see Example 1
Example 1:
int[] heights = {4,2,1,2,3,2,1,0,4,2,1}
It look like:
* *
* * **
** *** **
******* ***
+++++++++++ <- there'll always be a base layer
Assume given this heights array, water amout 3, position 2:
* *
*ww * **
**w*** **
******* ***
Example 2:
int[] heights = {4,2,1,2,3,2,1,0,4,2,1}, water amout 32, position 2
At first I though it's like the trapping water problem but I was wrong. Does anyone have an algorithm to solve this problem?
An explanation or comments in the code would be welcomed.
The trapping water problem is asked for the capacity, but this question introduced two variables: water amount and the pouring index. Besides, the water has the flowing preference. So it not like trapping water problem.
I found a Python solution to this question. However, I'm not familiar with Python so I quote the code here. Hopefully, someone knows Python could help.
Code by #z026
def pour_water(terrains, location, water):
print 'location', location
print 'len terrains', len(terrains)
waters = [0] * len(terrains)
while water > 0:
left = location - 1
while left >= 0:
if terrains[left] + waters[left] > terrains[left + 1] + waters[left + 1]:
left -= 1
if terrains[left + 1] + waters[left + 1] < terrains[location] + waters[location]:
location_to_pour = left + 1
print 'set by left', location_to_pour
right = location + 1
while right < len(terrains):
if terrains[right] + waters[right] > terrains[right - 1] + waters[right - 1]:
print 'break, right: {}, right - 1:{}'.format(right, right - 1)
right += 1
if terrains[right - 1] + waters[right - 1] < terrains[location] + waters[right - 1]:
location_to_pour = right - 1
print 'set by right', location_to_pour
location_to_pour = location
print 'set to location', location_to_pour
waters[location_to_pour] += 1
print location_to_pour
water -= 1
max_height = max(terrains)
for height in xrange(max_height, -1, -1):
for i in xrange(len(terrains)):
if terrains + waters < height:
print ' ',
elif terrains < height <= terrains + waters:
print 'w',
print '+',
print ''
Since you have to generate and print out the array anyway, I'd probably opt for a recursive approach keeping to the O(rows*columns) complexity. Note each cell can be "visited" at most twice.
On a high level: first recurse down, then left, then right, then fill the current cell.
However, this runs into a little problem: (assuming this is a problem)
*w * * *
**ww* * instead of **ww*w*
This can be fixed by updating the algorithm to go left and right first to fill cells below the current row, then to go both left and right again to fill the current row. Let's say state = v means we came from above, state = h1 means it's the first horizontal pass, state = h2 means it's the second horizontal pass.
You might be able to avoid this repeated visiting of cells by using a stack, but it's more complex.
array[][] // populated with towers, as shown in the question
visited[][] // starts with all false
// call at the position you're inserting water (at the very top)
define fill(x, y, state):
if x or y out of bounds
or array[x][y] == '*'
or waterCount == 0
visited = true
// we came from above
if state == v
fill(x, y+1, v) // down
fill(x-1, y, h1) // left , 1st pass
fill(x+1, y, h1) // right, 1st pass
fill(x-1, y, h2) // left , 2nd pass
fill(x+1, y, h2) // right, 2nd pass
// this is a 1st horizontal pass
if state == h1
fill(x, y+1, v) // down
fill(x-1, y, h1) // left , 1st pass
fill(x+1, y, h1) // right, 1st pass
visited = false // need to revisit cell later
return // skip filling the current cell
// this is a 2nd horizontal pass
if state == h2
fill(x-1, y, h2) // left , 2nd pass
fill(x+1, y, h2) // right, 2nd pass
// fill current cell
if waterCount > 0
array[x][y] = 'w'
You have an array height with the height of the terrain in each column, so I would create a copy of this array (let's call it w for water) to indicate how high the water is in each column. Like this you also get rid of the problem not knowing how many rows to initialize when transforming into a grid and you can skip that step entirely.
The algorithm in Java code would look something like this:
public int[] getWaterHeight(int index, int drops, int[] heights) {
int[] w = Arrays.copyOf(heights);
for (; drops > 0; drops--) {
int idx = index;
// go left first
while (idx > 0 && w[idx - 1] <= w[idx])
// go right
for (;;) {
int t = idx + 1;
while (t < w.length && w[t] == w[idx])
if (t >= w.length || w[t] >= w[idx]) {
} else { // we can go down to the right side here
idx = t;
return w;
Even though there are many loops, the complexity is only O(drops * columns). If you expect huge amount of drops then it could be wise to count the number of empty spaces in regard to the highest terrain point O(columns), then if the number of drops exceeds the free spaces, the calculation of the column heights becomes trivial O(1), however setting them all still takes O(columns).
You can iterate over the 2D grid from bottom to top, create a node for every horizontal run of connected cells, and then string these nodes together into a linked list that represents the order in which the cells are filled.
After row one, you have one horizontal run, with a volume of 1:
In row two, you find three runs, one of which is connected to node 1:
1(1)->2(1) 3(1) 4(1)
In row three, you find three runs, one of which connects runs 2 and 3; run 3 is closest to the column where the water is added, so it comes first:
3(1)->1(1)->2(1)->5(3) 6(1) 4(1)->7(1)
In row four you find two runs, one of which connects runs 6 and 7; run 6 is closest to the column where the water is added, so it comes first:
3(1)->1(1)->2(1)->5(3)->8(4) 6(1)->4(1)->7(1)->9(3)
In row five you find a run which connects runs 8 and 9; they are on opposite sides of the column where the water is added, so the run on the left goes first:
Run A combines all the columns, so it becomes the last node and is given infinite volume; any excess drops will simply be stacked up:
then we fill the runs in the order in which they are listed, until we run out of drops.
Thats my 20 minutes solution. Each drop is telling the client where it will stay, so the difficult task is done.(Copy-Paste in your IDE) Only the printing have to be done now, but the drops are taking their position. Take a look:
class Test2{
private static int[] heights = {3,4,4,4,3,2,1,0,4,2,1};
public static void main(String args[]){
int wAmount = 10;
int position = 2;
for(int i=0; i<wAmount; i++){
private static void aDropLeft(int position){
int canFallTo = getFallPositionLeft(position);
if(canFallTo==-1){canFallTo = getFallPositionRight(position);}
private static void stayThere(int position) {
System.out.print("Staying at: ");log(position);
//the position or -1 if it cant fall
private static int getFallPositionLeft(int position) {
int tempHeight = getHight(position);
int tempPosition = position;
//check left , if no, then check right
return tempPosition-1;
}else tempPosition--;
return -1;
private static int getFallPositionRight(int position) {
int tempHeight = getHight(position);
int tempPosition = position;
return tempPosition+1;
}else if(tempHeight<getHight(tempPosition+1)){
return -1;
}else tempPosition++;
return -1;
private static int getHight(int position) {
return heights[position];
private static void log(int position) {
System.out.println("I am at position: " + position + " height: " + getHight(position));
Of course the code can be optimized, but thats my straightforward solution
def findwater(l):
for i in range(0,len(l)-1):
if i==0:
num = min(max(l[:i]),max(l[i:]))-l[i]
if num>0:
return w
col_names=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13] #for visualization
pd.DataFrame(dict(zip(col_names,bars)),index=range(1)).plot(kind='bar') # Plotting bars
def measure_water(l):
for i in range(len(l)-1): # iterate over bars (list)
if i==0: # case to avoid max(:i) situation in case no item on left
vol_at_curr_bar=min(max(l[:i]),max(l[i:]))-l[i] #select min of max heighted bar on both side and minus current height
if vol_at_curr_bar>0: # case to aviod any negative sum
return water

RX LINQ partition the input stream

I have a input stream where the input element consist of Date, Depth and Area.
I want to plot the Area against the Depth and want therefor to take out a window of Depth e.g. between 1.0-100.0m.
The problem is that I want to down sample the input stream since there can be many inputs with close Depth values.
I want to partition the input into x bins, e.g. 2 bins means all depth values between 1-50 is averaged in the first bin and 51-100 in the second bin.
I was thinking something like this:
var q = from e in input
where (e.Depth > 1) && (e.Depth <= 100)
// here I need some way of partition the sequence into bins
// and averaging the elements.
Split a collection into `n` parts with LINQ? wants to do something similar without rx.
Modified answer as per your comment. steps = number of buckets.
var min = 1, max = 100;
var steps = 10;
var f = (max - min + 1) / steps; // The extra 1 is really an epsilon. #hack
var q = from e in input
where e.Depth > 1 && e.depth <= 100
let x = e.Depth - min
group e by x < max ? (x - (x % f)) : ;
This is the function we're grouping by for the given e.Depth.
This probably won't work so great with floating point values (due to precision), unless you floor/ceil the selection, but then you might run out of integers, so you may need to scale a bit... something like group e by Math.Floor((x - (x % f)) * scaleFactor).
This should do what you want
static int GetBucket(double value, double min, double max, int bucketCount)
return (int)((value - min) / (max - min) * bucketCount + 0.5);
var grouped = input.GroupBy(e => GetBucket(e.Depth, 1, 100, 50));

Algorithm: Determine if a combination of min/max values fall within a given range

Imagine you have 3 buckets, but each of them has a hole in it. I'm trying to fill a bath tub. The bath tub has a minimum level of water it needs and a maximum level of water it can contain. By the time you reach the tub with the bucket it is not clear how much water will be in the bucket, but you have a range of possible values.
Is it possible to adequately fill the tub with water?
Pretty much you have 3 ranges (min,max), is there some sum of them that will fall within a 4th range?
For example:
Bucket 1 : 5-10L
Bucket 2 : 15-25L
Bucket 3 : 10-50L
Bathtub 100-150L
Is there some guaranteed combination of 1 2 and 3 that will fill the bathtub within the requisite range? Multiples of each bucket can be used.
EDIT: Now imagine there are 50 different buckets?
If the capacity of the tub is not very large ( not greater than 10^6 for an example), we can solve it using dynamic programming.
Initialization: memo[X][Y] is an array to memorize the result. X = number of buckets, Y = maximum capacity of the tub. Initialize memo[][] with -1.
bool dp(int bucketNum, int curVolume){
if(curVolume > maxCap)return false; // pruning extra branches
if(curVolume>=minCap && curVolume<=maxCap){ // base case on success
return true;
int &ret = memo[bucketNum][curVolume];
if(ret != -1){ // this state has been visited earlier
return false;
ret = false;
for(int i = minC[bucketNum]; i < = maxC[bucketNum]; i++){
int newVolume = curVolume + i;
for(int j = bucketNum; j <= 3; j++){
if(ret == true)return ret;
return ret;
Warning: Code not tested
Here's a naïve recursive solution in python that works just fine (although it doesn't find an optimal solution):
def match_helper(lower, upper, units, least_difference, fail = dict()):
if upper < lower + least_difference:
return None
if fail.get((lower,upper)):
return None
exact_match = [ u for u in units if u['lower'] >= lower and u['upper'] <= upper ]
if exact_match:
return [ exact_match[0] ]
for unit in units:
if unit['upper'] > upper:
recursive_match = match_helper(lower - unit['lower'], upper - unit['upper'], units, least_difference)
if recursive_match:
return [unit] + recursive_match
fail[(lower,upper)] = 1
return None
def match(lower, upper):
units = [
{ 'name': 'Bucket 1', 'lower': 5, 'upper': 10 },
{ 'name': 'Bucket 2', 'lower': 15, 'upper': 25 },
{ 'name': 'Bucket 3', 'lower': 10, 'upper': 50 }
least_difference = min([ u['upper'] - u['lower'] for u in units ])
return match_helper(
lower = lower,
upper = upper,
units = sorted(units, key = lambda u: u['upper']),
least_difference = min([ u['upper'] - u['lower'] for u in units ]),
result = match(100, 175)
if result:
lower = sum([ u['lower'] for u in result ])
upper = sum([ u['upper'] for u in result ])
names = [ u['name'] for u in result ]
print lower, "-", upper
print names
print "No solution"
It prints "No solution" for 100-150, but for 100-175 it comes up with a solution of 5x bucket 1, 5x bucket 2.
Assuming you are saying that the "range" for each bucket is the amount of water that it may have when it reaches the tub, and all you care about is if they could possibly fill the tub...
Just take the "max" of each bucket and sum them. If that is in the range of what you consider the tub to be "filled" then it can.
Given that buckets can be used multiple times, this seems to me like we're looking for solutions to a pair of equations.
Given buckets x, y and z we want to find a, b and c:
a*x.min + b*y.min + c*z.min >= bathtub.min
a*x.max + b*y.max + c*z.max <= bathtub.max
If bathtub.min and bathtub.max are both multiples of the greatest common divisor of a,b and c, then there are infinitely many solutions (i.e. we can fill the tub), otherwise there are no solutions (i.e. we can never fill the tub).
This can be solved with multiple applications of the change making problem.
Each Bucket.Min value is a currency denomination, and Bathtub.Min is the target value.
When you find a solution via a change-making algorithm, then apply one more constraint:
sum(each Bucket.Max in your solution) <= Bathtub.max
If this constraint is not met, throw out this solution and look for another. This will probably require a change to a standard change-making algorithm that allows you to try other solutions when one is found to not be suitable.
Initially, your target range is Bathtub.Range.
Each time you add an instance of a bucket to the solution, you reduce the target range for the remaining buckets.
For example, using your example buckets and tub:
Target Range = 100..150
Let's say we want to add a Bucket1 to the candidate solution. That then gives us
Target Range = 95..140
because if the rest of the buckets in the solution total < 95, then this Bucket1 might not be sufficient to fill the tub to 100, and if the rest of the buckets in the solution total > 140, then this Bucket1 might fill the tub over 150.
So, this gives you a quick way to check if a candidate solution is valid:
TargetRange = Bathtub.Range
foreach Bucket in CandidateSolution
TargetRange.Min -= Bucket.Min
TargetRange.Max -= Bucket.Max
if TargetRange.Min == 0 AND TargetRange.Max >= 0 then solution found
if TargetRange.Min < 0 or TargetRange.Max < 0 then solution is invalid
This still leaves the question - How do you come up with the set of candidate solutions?
Brute force would try all possible combinations of buckets.
Here is my solution for finding the optimal solution (least number of buckets). It compares the ratio of the maximums to the ratio of the minimums, to figure out the optimal number of buckets to fill the tub.
private static void BucketProblem()
Range bathTub = new Range(100, 175);
List<Range> buckets = new List<Range> {new Range(5, 10), new Range(15, 25), new Range(10, 50)};
Dictionary<Range, int> result;
bool canBeFilled = SolveBuckets(bathTub, buckets, out result);
private static bool BucketHelper(Range tub, List<Range> buckets, Dictionary<Range, int> results)
Range bucket;
int startBucket = -1;
int fills = -1;
for (int i = buckets.Count - 1; i >=0 ; i--)
bucket = buckets[i];
double maxRatio = (double)tub.Maximum / bucket.Maximum;
double minRatio = (double)tub.Minimum / bucket.Minimum;
if (maxRatio >= minRatio)
startBucket = i;
if (maxRatio - minRatio > 1)
fills = (int) minRatio + 1;
fills = (int) maxRatio;
if (startBucket < 0)
return false;
bucket = buckets[startBucket];
tub.Maximum -= bucket.Maximum * fills;
tub.Minimum -= bucket.Minimum * fills;
results.Add(bucket, fills);
return tub.Maximum == 0 || tub.Minimum <= 0 || startBucket == 0 || BucketHelper(tub, buckets.GetRange(0, startBucket), results);
public static bool SolveBuckets(Range tub, List<Range> buckets, out Dictionary<Range, int> results)
results = new Dictionary<Range, int>();
buckets = buckets.OrderBy(b => b.Minimum).ToList();
return BucketHelper(new Range(tub.Minimum, tub.Maximum), buckets, results);

Use two random function to get a specific random funciton

There are two random functions f1(),f2().
f1() returns 1 with probability p1, and 0 with probability 1-p1.
f2() returns 1 with probability p2, and 0 with probability 1-p2.
I want to implement a new function f3() which returns 1 with probability p3(a given probability), and returns 0 with probability 1-p3. In the implemetion of function f3(), we can use function f1() and f2(), but you can't use any other random function.
If p3=0.5, an example of implemention:
int f3()
int a = f1();
int b = f1();
if (a==b) continue;
// when reachs here
// a==1 with probability p1(1-p1)
// b==1 with probability (1-p1)p1
if (a==1) return 1;//now returns 1 with probability 0.5
if (b==1) return 0;
This implemention of f3() will give a random function returns 1 with probability 0.5, and 0 with probability 0.5. But how to implement the f3() with p3=0.4? I have no idea.
I wonder, is that task possible? And how to implement f3()?
Thanks in advance.
p1 = 0.77 -- arbitrary value between 0 and 1
function f1()
if math.random() < p1 then
return 1
return 0
-- f1() is enough. We don't need f2()
p3 = 0.4 -- arbitrary value between 0 and 1
function f3()
left = 0
rigth = 1
middle = left + (right - left) * p1
if f1() == 1 then
right = middle
left = middle
if right < p3 then -- completely below
return 1
elseif left >= p3 then -- completely above
return 0
until false -- loop forever
This can be solved if p3 is a rational number.
We should use conditional probabilities for this.
For example, if you want to make this for p3=0.4, the method is the following:
Calculate the fractional form of p3. In our case it is p3=0.4=2/5.
Now generate as many random variables from the same distribution (let's say, from f1, we won't use f2 anyway) as the denominator, call them X1, X2, X3, X4, X5.
We should regenerate all these random X variables until their sum equals the numerator in the fractional form of p3.
Once this is achieved then we just return X1 (or any other Xn, where n was chosen independently of the values of the X variables). Since there are 2 1s among the 5 X variables (because their sum equals the numerator), the probability of X1 being 1 is exactly p3.
For irrational p3, the problem cannot be solved by using only f1. I'm not sure now, but I think, it can be solved for p3 of the form p1*q+p2*(1-q), where q is rational with a similar method, generating the appropriate amount of Xs with distribution f1 and Ys with distribution f2, until they have a specific predefined sum, and returning one of them. This still needs to be detailed.
First to say, that's a nice problem to tweak one's brain. I managed to solve the problem for p3 = 0.4, for what you just asked for! And I think, generalisation of such problem, is not so trivial. :D
Here is how, you can solve it for p3 = 0.4:
The intuition comes from your example. If we generate a number from f1() five times in an iteration, (see the code bellow), we can have 32 types of results like bellow:
1: 00000
2: 00001
3: 00010
4: 00011
32: 11111
Among these, there are 10 such results with exactly two 1's in it! After identifying this, the problem becomes simple. Just return 1 for any of the 4 combinations and return 0 for 6 others! (as probability 0.4 means getting 1, 4 times out of 10). You can do that like bellow:
int f3()
int a[5];
int numberOfOneInA = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
a[i] = f1();
if(a[i] == 1){
if (numberOfOneInA != 2) continue;
else return a[0]; //out of 10 times, 4 times a[0] is 1!
Waiting to see a generalised solution.
Here is an idea that will work when p3 is of a form a/2^n (a rational number with a denominator that is a power of 2).
Generate n random numbers with probability distribution of 0.5:
x1, x2, ..., xn
Interpret this as a binary number in the range 0...2^n-1; each number in this range has equal probability. If this number is less than a, return 1, else return 0.
Now, since this question is in a context of computer science, it seems reasonable to assume that p3 is in a form of a/2^n (this a common representation of numbers in computers).
I implement the idea of anatolyg and Egor:
inline double random(void)
return static_cast<double>(rand()) / static_cast<double>(RAND_MAX);
const double p1 = 0.8;
int rand_P1(void)
return random() < p1;
int rand_P2(void)//return 0 with 0.5
int x, y; while (1)
x = rand_P1(); y = rand_P1();
if (x ^ y) return x;
double p3 = random();
int rand_P3(void)//anatolyg's idea
double tp = p3; int bit, x;
while (1)
if (tp * 2 >= 1) {bit = 1; tp = tp * 2 - 1;}
else {bit = 0; tp = tp * 2;}
x = rand_P2();
if (bit ^ x) return bit;
int rand2_P3(void)//Egor's idea
double left = 0, right = 1, mid;
while (1)
mid = left + (right - left) * p1;
int x = rand_P1();
if (x) right = mid; else left = mid;
if (right < p3) return 1;
if (left > p3) return 0;
With massive math computings, I get, assuming P3 is uniformly distributed in [0,1), then the expectation of Egor is (1-p1^2-(1-p1)^2)^(-1). And anatolyg is 2(1-p1^2-(1-p1)^2)^(-1).
Speaking Algorithmically , Yes It is possible to do that task done .
Even Programmatically , It is possible , but a complex problem .
Lets take an example .
F1(1) = .5 which means F1(0) =.5
F2(2) = .8 which means F1(0) =.2
Let Suppose You need a F3, such that F3(1)= .128
Lets try Decomposing it .
= (2^7)*(10^-3) // decompose this into know values
= (8/10)*(8/10)*(2/10)
= F2(1)&F2(1)*(20/100) // as no Fi(1)==2/10
= F2(1)&F2(1)*(5/10)*(4/10)
= F2(1)&F2(1)&F1(1)*(40/100)
= F2(1)&F2(1)&F1(1)*(8/10)*(5/10)
= F2(1)&F2(1)&F1(1)&F2(1)&F1(1)
So F3(1)=.128 if we define F3()=F2()&F2()&F2()&F1()&F1()
Similarly if you want F4(1)=.9 ,
You give it as F4(0)=F1(0) | F2(0) =F1(0)F2(0)=.5.2 =.1 ,which mean F4(1)=1-0.1=0.9
Which means F4 is zero only when both are zero which happens .
So making use this ( & , | and , not(!) , xor(^) if you want ) operations with a combinational use of f1,f2 will surely give you the F3 which is made purely out of f1,f2,
Which may be NP hard problem to find the combination which gives you the exact probability.
So, Finally the answer to your question , whether it is possible or not ? is YES and this is one way of doing it, may be many hacks can be made into it this to optimize this, which gives you any optimal way .

Facebook Hacker Cup: Power Overwhelming

A lot of people at Facebook like to play Starcraft II™. Some of them have made a custom game using the Starcraft II™ map editor. In this game, you play as the noble Protoss defending your adopted homeworld of Shakuras from a massive Zerg army. You must do as much damage to the Zerg as possible before getting overwhelmed. You can only build two types of units, shield generators and warriors. Shield generators do no damage, but your army survives for one second per shield generator that you build. Warriors do one damage every second. Your army is instantly overrun after your shield generators expire. How many shield generators and how many warriors should you build to inflict the maximum amount of damage on the Zerg before your army is overrun? Because the Protoss value bravery, if there is more than one solution you should return the one that uses the most warriors.
1 ≤ G (cost for one shield generator) ≤ 100
1 ≤ W (cost for one warrior) ≤ 100
G + W ≤ M (available funds) ≤ 1000000000000 (1012)
Here's a solution whose complexity is O(W). Let g be the number of generators we build, and similarly let w be the number of warriors we build (and G, W be the corresponding prices per unit).
We note that we want to maximize w*g subject to w*W + g*G <= M.
First, we'll get rid of one of the variables. Note that if we choose a value for g, then obviously we should buy as many warriors as possible with the remaining amount of money M - g*G. In other words, w = floor((M-g*G)/W).
Now, the problem is to maximize g*floor((M-g*G)/W) subject to 0 <= g <= floor(M/G). We want to get rid of the floor, so let's consider W distinct cases. Let's write g = W*k + r, where 0 <= r < W is the remainder when dividing g by W.
The idea is now to fix r, and insert the expression for g and then let k be the variable in the equation. We'll get the following quadratic equation in k:
Let p = floor((M - r*G)/W), then the equation is (-GW) * k^2 + (Wp - rG)k + rp.
This is a quadratic equation which goes to negative infinity when x goes to infinity or negative infinity so it has a global maximum at k = -B/(2A). To find the maximum value for legal values of k, we'll try the minimum legal value of k, the maximum legal value of k and the two nearest integer points of the real maximum if they are within the legal range.
The overall maximum for all values of r is the one we are seeking. Since there are W values for r, and it takes O(1) to compute the maximum for a fixed value, the overall time is O(W).
If you build g generators, and w warriors, you can do a total damage of
w (damage per time) × g (time until game-over).
The funds constraint restricts the value of g and w to W × w + G × g &leq; M.
If you build g generators, you can build at most (M - g × G)/W warriors, and do g × (M - g × G)/W damage.
This function has a maximum at g = M / (2 G), which results in M2 / (4 G W) damage.
Build M / (2 G) shield generators.
Build M / (2 G) warriors.
Do M2 / (4 G W) damage.
Since you can only build integer amounts of any of the two units, this reduces to the optimization problem:
maximize g × w
with respect to g × G + w × W &leq; M and g, w &in; ℤ+
The general problem of Integer Programming is NP-complete, so the best algorithm for this is to check all integer values close to the real-valued solution above.
If you find some pair (gi, wi), with total damage di, you only have to check values where gj × wj &geq; di. This and the original condition W × w + G × g &leq; M constrains the search-space with each item found.
let findBestSetup (G : int) (W : int) (M : int) =
let mutable bestG = int (float M / (2.0 * float G))
let mutable bestW = int (float M / (2.0 * float W))
let mutable bestScore = bestG * bestW
let maxW = (M + isqrt (M*M - 4 * bestScore * G * W)) / (2*G)
let minW = (M - isqrt (M*M - 4 * bestScore * G * W)) / (2*G)
for w = minW to maxW do
// ceiling of (bestScore / w)
let minG = (bestScore + w - 1) / w
let maxG = (M - W*w)/G
for g = minG to maxG do
let score = g * w
if score > bestScore || score = bestScore && w > bestW then
bestG <- g
bestW <- w
bestScore <- score
bestG, bestW, bestScore
This assumed W and G were the counts and the cost of each was equal to 1. So it's obsolete with the updated question.
Damage = LifeTime*DamagePerSecond = W * G
So you need to maximize W*G with the constraint G+W <= M. Since both Generators and Warriors are always good we can use G+W = M.
Thus the function we want to maximize becomes W*(M-W).
Now we set the derivative = 0:
W = M/2
But since we need the solution to the discrete case(You can't have x.5 warriors and x.5 generators) we use the values closest to the continuous solution(this is optimal due to the properties of a parabel).
If M is even than the continuous solution is identical to the discrete solution. If M is odd then we have two closest solutions, one with one warrior more than generators, and one the other way round. And the OP said we should choose more warriors.
So the final solution is:
G = W = M/2 for even M
and G+1 = W = (M+1)/2 for odd M.
g = total generators
gc = generator cost
w = warriors
wc = warrior cost
m = money
d = total damage
g = (m - (w*wc))/gc
w = (m - (g*gc))/wc
d = g * w
d = ((m - (w*wc))/gc) * ((m - (g*gc))/wc)
d = ((m - (w*wc))/gc) * ((m - (((m - (w*wc))/gc)*gc))/wc) damage as a function of warriors
I then tried to compute an array of all damages then find max but of course it'd not complete in 6 mins with m in the trillions.
To find the max you'd have to differentiate that equation and find when it equals zero, which I forgotten how to do seing I haven't done math in about 6 years
Not a really a solution but here goes.
The assumption is that you already get a high value of damage when the number of shields equals 1 (cannot equal zero or no damage will be done) and the number of warriors equals (m-g)/w. Iterating up should (again an assumption) reach the point of compromise between the number of shields and warriors where damage is maximized. This is handled by the bestDamage > calc branch.
There is almost likely a flaw in this reasoning and it'd be preferable to understand the maths behind the problem. As I haven't practised mathematics for a while I'll just guess that this requires deriving a function.
long bestDamage = 0;
long numShields = 0;
long numWarriors = 0;
for( int k = 1;; k++ ){
// Should move declaration outside of loop
long calc = m / ( k * g ); // k = number of shields
if( bestDamage < calc ) {
bestDamage = calc;
if( bestDamage > calc ) {
numShields = k;
numWarriors = (m - (numShields*g))/w;
System.out.println( "numShields:" + numShields );
System.out.println( "numWarriors:" + numWarriors );
System.out.println( bestDamage );
Since I solved this last night, I thought I'd post my C++ solution. The algorithm starts with an initial guess, located at the global maximum of the continuous case. Then it searches 'little' to the left/right of the initial guess, terminating early when continuous case dips below an already established maximum. Interestingly, the 5 example answers posted by the FB contained 3 wrong answers:
Case #1
ours: 21964379805 dmg: 723650970382348706550
theirs: 21964393379 dmg: 723650970382072360271 Wrong
Case #2
ours: 1652611083 dmg: 6790901372732348715
theirs: 1652611083 dmg: 6790901372732348715
Case #3
ours: 12472139015 dmg: 60666158566094902765
theirs: 12472102915 dmg: 60666158565585381950 Wrong
Case #4
ours: 6386438607 dmg: 10998633262062635721
theirs: 6386403897 dmg: 10998633261737360511 Wrong
Case #5
ours: 1991050385 dmg: 15857126540443542515
theirs: 1991050385 dmg: 15857126540443542515
Finally the code (it uses libgmpxx for large numbers). I doubt the code is optimal, but it does complete in 0.280ms on my personal computer for the example input given by FB....
#include <iostream>
#include <gmpxx.h>
using namespace std;
typedef mpz_class Integer;
typedef mpf_class Real;
static Integer getDamage( Integer g, Integer G, Integer W, Integer M)
Integer w = (M - g * G) / W;
return g * w;
static Integer optimize( Integer G, Integer W, Integer M)
Integer initialNg = M / ( 2 * G);
Integer bestNg = initialNg;
Integer bestDamage = getDamage ( initialNg, G, W, M);
// search left
for( Integer gg = initialNg - 1 ; ; gg -- ) {
Real bestTheoreticalDamage = gg * (M - gg * G) / (Real(W));
if( bestTheoreticalDamage < bestDamage) break;
Integer dd = getDamage ( gg, G, W, M);
if( dd >= bestDamage) {
bestDamage = dd;
bestNg = gg;
// search right
for( Integer gg = initialNg + 1 ; ; gg ++ ) {
Real bestTheoreticalDamage = gg * (M - gg * G) / (Real(W));
if( bestTheoreticalDamage < bestDamage) break;
Integer dd = getDamage ( gg, G, W, M);
if( dd > bestDamage) {
bestDamage = dd;
bestNg = gg;
return bestNg;
int main( int, char **)
Integer N;
cin >> N;
for( int i = 0 ; i < N ; i ++ ) {
cout << "Case #" << i << "\n";
Integer G, W, M, FB;
cin >> G >> W >> M >> FB;
Integer g = optimize( G, W, M);
Integer ourDamage = getDamage( g, G, W, M);
Integer fbDamage = getDamage( FB, G, W, M);
cout << " ours: " << g << " dmg: " << ourDamage << "\n"
<< " theirs: " << FB << " dmg: " << fbDamage << " "
<< (ourDamage > fbDamage ? "Wrong" : "") << "\n";
