Is there any algorithm to achieve some optimization for hanger placement? [closed] - algorithm

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Closed 2 months ago.
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I need to do a job where I need to place a particular object(Hanger) in a standard distance.
The rules are:
We should try to place each object in a given standard distance from each other.
There is a max distance from one object to adjacent object which in no way should be violated.
From the start and end also similar standard and maximum distance rule applies.
And there are some portions given where the objects placement needs to be avoided.
I'm not even able to start... which algorithm to use.
If anyone has any suggestion how I can achieve this or some related source please let me know.


Searching through an list [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm reading about AI and in the notes it is mentioned
A lookup table in chess would have roughly 35^100 entries.
But what does this mean? Is there any way we could find out how long it would take the computer to search through and find it's entry? Would we assume thereis some order or that there is no order?
The number of atoms in the known universe is estimated to be around 10^80 which is much less than 35^100. With current technology, at least a few thousand atoms are required to store a single bit. I assume that each entry of your table would have multiple bits. You would need some really advanced technology to implement the memory of your computer.
So the answer is: With current technology it is not a matter of time, it is simply impossible.

What is the function of state in a pseudorandom number generator? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm working on a pseudorandom number generator for an assignment and I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around how state is used in it. What does it mean to advance to the next one? I'm not looking for tips on implementation, just an explanation of the concept. Thanks!
A PRNG generates a sequence of numbers.
To calculate the next number, you have some internal state (variables set to specific values, if you will). That's the state referred to in the context of PRNG. This state can often be represented by just a single number.

how to efficiently work through algorithms on paper [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am currently reading a programming text book and as I discover different algorithms used in the book I'm finding it necessary to understand how they work by working through them. Is there a standard & efficient way to work through simple algorithms on paper?
Write the algorithm down on the paper. Write the corresponding graphs and variables that you use in algorithm.
Now follow algorithm step by step and note what changed with variables and graphs etc.
Time slices. Make a table, where the column headers are variables involved, and row headers are step numbers. Fill in row zero with initial values if any, and each row represents the result of the current step on the previous row.

Algorithm to calculate the sum of a mathematical series [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Recently I came across a online tool, which given a summation calculates its formula. I have tried for many such summations and has given me correct answer.
I was curious as to which algorithm does it use to solve it.
EDIT: It turns out the tool uses wolframaplha api's. But even if you search on wolfram alpha you will get the same result.

How to calculate the relevance of two words or pharse? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need a algorithm to calculate and measure the relevance of two words or phrase, e.g. "Apple" and "iPad".
Can anybody give me some hints or related books on such topics?
Have a look at mutual information and tf-idf. These are methods that are frequently used in information retrieval. The former quantifies the mutual dependence of two variables (each variable can be a phrase). The latter was traditionally used by search engines to prioritize results that were relevant to a particular query.
