use case for constructors for gsl::not_null taking value type - c++11

gsl::not_null has 2 constructors one taking a forwarding reference and another one taking a value type. What is the case where the forwarding constructor alone would not work? Implementation from here
template <class T>
class not_null
static_assert(details::is_comparable_to_nullptr<T>::value, "T cannot be compared to nullptr.");
template <typename U, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<U, T>::value>>
constexpr not_null(U&& u) : ptr_(std::forward<U>(u))
Expects(ptr_ != nullptr);
template <typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<std::nullptr_t, T>::value>>
constexpr not_null(T u) : ptr_(std::move(u))
Expects(ptr_ != nullptr);

Commit history gives the answer -
This allows compilers with c++17 support to infer template
instantiation types when calling not_null constructor:
int foo(not_null<const int*> x);
int main()
int t = 0;
not_null x{ &t };
return foo(not_null{ &t });
i.e. with this constructor you can write just not_null x{ &t } instead of not_null<int *> x{ &t }.


Create c-wrappers for c++ objects with default instance and deduce prototypes

I have a number of C++ structs with a number of methods. The C++ structs have a
"default" instance, and I would like to expose a "c" wrapper functions that uses
this default instance. But I would also like to avoid repeating all the
Alkind of C++11/14/17 and/or macro tricks are welcome, but I do not want to use
I have something that almost works, but I'm still struggling with a few
// C++ class that have a "default-instance" ///////////////////////////////////
struct Foo {
int a() { return 1; }
int b(int) { return 2; }
int c(int, int) { return 3; }
Foo *FOO = nullptr;
// emulating existing c code that can not be changed //////////////////////////
typedef int (*ptr_a_t)();
ptr_a_t ptr_a = nullptr;
typedef int (*ptr_b_t)(int);
ptr_b_t ptr_b = nullptr;
typedef int (*ptr_c_t)(int, int);
ptr_c_t ptr_c = nullptr;
// Wrapper code (almost generic) //////////////////////////////////////////////
template <typename T, T>
struct Proxy;
// Wrapper class that will use the defualt instance if initialized (FOO is
// hardcoded).
template <typename T, typename R, typename... Args, R (T::*mf)(Args...)>
struct Proxy<R (T::*)(Args...), mf> {
static R call(Args... args) {
if (FOO) {
// ^^^
return ((*FOO).*mf)(args...);
// HARD-CODED ^^^^
} else {
return -1;
// Helper function to deduce the Proxy-class (method 'b' is hardcoded)
template <typename T, typename R, typename... Args>
auto deduce_args(R (T::*mf)(Args...)) -> Proxy<R (T::*)(Args...), &T::b> {
return Proxy<R (T::*)(Args...), &T::b>();
// Wrap the methods ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//#define wrap_a decltype(deduce_args(&Foo::a))::call
#define wrap_b decltype(deduce_args(&Foo::b))::call
//#define wrap_c decltype(deduce_args(&Foo::c))::call
int main() {
// Test that it works
//ptr_a = &wrap_a; // does not work due to hard-coded method
ptr_b = &wrap_b;
//ptr_c = &wrap_c; // does not work due to hard-coded method
return ptr_b(0);
I can live with the hard-coded "FOO" in the proxy, as I only need one proxy per class, but it would be cool if the instance pointer could be passed as a
template argument.
The hard-coded method in "deduce_args" is really anoying, how can I eliminate
Is there a better way to do this (the function pointers can not be replaced with std::function).
Using C++14 alias turned out to be a much easier way of achieving what I wanted.
// compile using the "-std=c++14" flag
// C++ class that have a "default-instance" ///////////////////////////////////
struct Foo {
int a() { return 1; }
int b(int) { return 2; }
int c(int, int) { return 3; }
Foo *FOO = nullptr;
// emulating existing c code that can not be changed //////////////////////////
typedef int (*ptr_a_t)();
ptr_a_t ptr_a = nullptr;
typedef int (*ptr_b_t)(int);
ptr_b_t ptr_b = nullptr;
typedef int (*ptr_c_t)(int, int);
ptr_c_t ptr_c = nullptr;
// Wrapper code ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
template <typename T, T, typename P, P>
struct Proxy;
template <typename T, typename R, typename... Args, R (T::*mf)(Args...),
typename P, P p>
struct Proxy<R (T::*)(Args...), mf, P, p> {
static R call(Args... args) {
if (*p) {
return ((*(*p)).*mf)(args...);
} else {
return -1;
// Wrap the methods ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#define WRAP(n, obj, m, ptr) \
const auto &n = Proxy<decltype(&obj::m), &obj::m, obj **, &ptr>::call
WRAP(wrap_a, Foo, a, FOO);
WRAP(wrap_b, Foo, b, FOO);
WRAP(wrap_c, Foo, c, FOO);
int main() {
// Test that it works
ptr_a = &wrap_a;
ptr_b = &wrap_b;
ptr_c = &wrap_c;
return ptr_b(0);

C++ template deduction couldn't infer template argument

I have the following scenario:
struct AP;
struct B
B() : m(2) {}
int m;
struct A : private B
A() : B(), n(1) {}
int n;
friend AP;
struct AP
AP(A& a) : a_(a) {}
template<typename T>
struct A_B {
using type = typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< typename std::remove_reference<T>::type,
A >::value,
T >::type;
template<typename T>
operator typename A_B<T>::type()
return static_cast<T>(a_);
template<typename T>
typename A_B<T>::type get()
return static_cast<T>(a_);
int& n() { return a_.n; }
A& a_;
int main()
A a;
AP ap(a);
ap.n() = 7;
const B& b = ap.get<const B&>();
//const B& b = ap; candidate template ignored: couldn't infer template argument 'T'
//auto b = static_cast<const B&>(ap); candidate template ignored: couldn't infer template argument 'T'
The commented lines wouldn't compile. Clang++ notes that "candidate template ignored: couldn't infer template argument 'T'"
Why am I not able to get a reference to A's base with the cast operator?
I think the code would look much nicer that way.
The answer that you posted works, but is overkill unless you really want a static_assert message.
Classic templating works just fine in this instance because A is already convertible to B:
struct AP
AP(A& a) : a_(a) {}
template<typename T>
operator T()
return a_;
template<typename T>
T get()
return a_;
int& n() { return a_.n; }
A& a_;
I found the answer here:
This is the key: "when you want the compiler to deduce argument types, those types must not be dependent types"
With this it compiles:
template<typename T>
operator T()
static_assert(std::is_base_of< typename std::remove_reference<T>::type,A >::value,
"You may cast AP only to A's base classes.");
return static_cast<T>(a_);

Possible to write the code once for a specific set of different types?

I have a template class TC who's constructor takes parameters who's values are dependent on, as well as being of type Tn.
So, I want to create a helper template function htf that will call the same functions of a Tn object to generate a TC for a set of types X0 to Xn. The helper function takes only one parameter from that set. Is it possible, perhaps with variadic templates, to write the function once for the set of types, instead of having to write the same function over and over again for each type?
Now, I could just use a template to allow all types, but I don't want that as there may be another function with the same name written for a specific type later that's not based on this TC. And, IIRC I think SFINAE works with member functions, not pure functions.
This is just an idea in my head at the moment, that's why the question is very general. However, here is roughly the code I'm thinking of, simplified, in an more concrete and in an over generalized fashion:
struct X0
int value;
int& fn() { return value; }
struct X1
double value;
double& fn() { return value; }
struct X2
float value;
float& fn() { return value; }
struct Y0 // don't accept this class in helper function
int value;
int& fn() { return value; }
template<typename T1, typename Tn>
class TC
T1* m_pT1;
Tn* m_pTn;
TC(T1* pT1, Tn* pTn) : m_pT1(pT1), m_pTn(pTn) {}
friend TC htf(Tn& tn);
~TC() {}
// concrete functions:
TC<int, X0> htf(C0& x) { return TC<int, X0>(&x.fn(), &x); }
TC<double, X1> htf(C1& x) { return TC<double, X1>(&x.fn(), &x); }
TC<float, X2> htf(C2& x) { return TC<float, X2>(&x.fn(), &x); }
// or in an over generalized template function but it'll accept
// Y0 and others which I don't want:
template<typename X>
auto htf(X& x) -> TC<decltype(x.fn()), X>
return TC<decltype(x.fn()), X>(&x.fn(), &x);
So the htf function that I want is to work for classes X0, X1, and X2, but not Y0. However, I don't want it to interfere with any other function called htf that takes a parameter of type Y0, or any other type for that matter.
Is it possible to make it so that the collection of accepted classes can also include template classes taking an specified (or unspecified) number of parameters?
Write a function that is only enabled when a trait is true, then specialize it for all the desired types.
template<typename T>
struct enable_htf : std::false_type { };
struct enable_htf<X0> : std::true_type { };
struct enable_htf<X1> : std::true_type { };
// etc.
template<typename T, bool enable = enable_htf<T>::value>
struct htf_helper { };
template<typename T>
struct htf_helper<T, true>
using type = TC<decltype(std::declval<T&>().fn()), T>;
template<typename X>
typename htf_helper<X>::type
htf(X& x)
return { &x.fn(), &x };
But it seems you want something like this instead:
template<typename Needle, typename... Haystack>
struct is_one_of;
template<typename Needle, typename Head, typename... Tail>
struct is_one_of<Needle, Head, Tail...>
: conditional<is_same<Needle, Head>::value, true_type,
is_one_of<Needle, Tail...>>::type
{ };
template<typename Needle>
struct is_one_of<Needle> : false_type
{ };
template<typename X,
typename Requires = typename enable_if<is_one_of<X, X0, X1, X2>::value>::type>
htf(X& x) -> TC<decltype(x.fn()), X>
return { &x.fn(), &x };
But personally I don't consider that clearer, even if is_one_of is reusable elsewhere.
This is an even more simplified version of my original question, but it relates to enabling a template function based on the type passed to it being part of a list of accepted types.
class A{};
class B{};
class C{};
class D{};
class collection1 : A, B, C {};
class collection2 : D {};
template<typename X>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<X, collection1>::value, X>::type fn(X x)
return X();
Then the following would work appropriately:
fn(A()); // works
fn(B()); // works
fn(C()); // works
fn(D()); // compile time failure
Having a 2nd function like this:
template<typename X>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<X, collection2>::value, X>::type fn(X x)
return X();
Would result in:
fn(A()); // works
fn(B()); // works
fn(C()); // works
fn(D()); // works
Using this method, I can enable function fn to work with types I want and not others and I can write the list with ease. Also, this should be faster than iterating through a list of variadic template parameters.
Thanks Jonathan Wakely, you helped a lot in my thought process. I just thought that this is simpler and can be made even clearer if I use a helper template which would encapsulate the enable_if clause which would be good as I have many other functions that would require this.
Looks like this answer isn't good enough as I need to be able to determine if a template class is in the collection I'm looking for.

Is there a better way in C++11 to construct classes on the stack

If I have two classes D1 and D2 that both derive from class Base, and I want to construct a particular one based on say, a boolean variable, there are various well known techniques, eg use a factory, or use smart pointers.
For example,
std::unique_ptr<Base> b;
if (flag)
b.reset(new D1());
b.reset(new D2());
But this uses the heap for allocation, which is normally fine but I can think of times where it would be good to avoid the performance hit of a memory allocation.
I tried:
Base b = flag ? D1() : D2(); // doesn’t compile
Base& b = flag ? D1() : D2(); // doesn’t compile
Base&& b = flag ? D1() : D2(); // doesn’t compile
Base&& b = flag ? std::move(D1()) : std::move(D2()); // doesn’t compile
My intention is that D1 or D2 whichever is chosen is constructed on the stack, and its lifetime ends when b goes out of scope. Intuitively, I feel there should be a way to do it.
I played with lambda functions and found that this works:
Base&& b = [j]()->Base&&{
switch (j)
case 0:
return std::move(D1());
return std::move(D2());
Why it doesn’t suffer from the same issues as the others that do not compile I do not know.
Further, it would only be suitable for classes that are inexpensive to copy, because despite my explicit request to use move, it does I think still call a copy constructor. But if I take away the std::move, I get a warning!
I feel this is closer to what i think should be possible but it still has some issues:
the lambda syntax is not friendly to old-timers who havent yet
embraced the new features of the language ( myself included)
the copy constructor call as mentioned
Is there a better way of doing this?
If you know all the types, you can use a Boost.Variant, as in:
class Manager
using variant_type = boost::variant<Derived1, Derived2>;
struct NameVisitor : boost::static_visitor<const char*>
template<typename T>
result_type operator()(T& t) const { return; }
template<typename T>
explicit Manager(T t) : v_(std::move(t)) {}
template<typename T>
Manager& operator=(T t)
{ v_ = std::move(t); return *this; }
const char* name()
{ return boost::apply_visitor(NameVisitor(), v_); }
variant_type v_;
Note: by using variant, you no longer need a base class or virtual functions.
The way you are trying to do it, you are going to get a dangling reference. Having the std::move is just hiding that.
Generally I just structure the code so that the logic is in a separate function. That is, instead of
void f(bool flag)
Base &b = // some magic to choose which derived class to instantiate
// do something with b
I do
void doSomethingWith(Base &b)
// do something with b
void f(bool flag)
if (flag) {
D1 d1;
else {
D2 d2;
However, if that doesn't work for you, you can use a union inside a class to help manage it:
#include <iostream>
using std::cerr;
struct Base {
virtual ~Base() { }
virtual const char* name() = 0;
struct Derived1 : Base {
Derived1() { cerr << "Constructing Derived1\n"; }
~Derived1() { cerr << "Destructing Derived1\n"; }
virtual const char* name() { return "Derived1"; }
struct Derived2 : Base {
Derived2() { cerr << "Constructing Derived2\n"; }
~Derived2() { cerr << "Destructing Derived2\n"; }
virtual const char* name() { return "Derived2"; }
template <typename B,typename D1,typename D2>
class Either {
union D {
D1 d1;
D2 d2;
D() { }
~D() { }
} d;
bool flag;
Either(bool flag)
: flag(flag)
if (flag) {
new (&d.d1) D1;
else {
new (&d.d2) D2;
if (flag) {
else {
B& value()
if (flag) {
return d.d1;
else {
return d.d2;
static void test(bool flag)
Either<Base,Derived1,Derived2> either(flag);
Base &b = either.value();
cerr << "name=" << << "\n";
int main()
gives this output:
Constructing Derived1
Destructing Derived1
Constructing Derived2
Destructing Derived2
You can ensure you have enough space for allocating either on the stack with std::aligned_storage. Something like:
// use macros for MAX since std::max is not const-expr
std::aligned_storage<MAX(sizeof(D1), sizeof(D2)), MAX(alignof(D1), alignof(D2))> storage;
Base* b = nullptr;
if (flag)
b = new (&storage) D1();
b = new (&storage) D2();
You can make a wrapper type for aligned_storage that just takes two types and does the maximum of size/alignment of the two without needing to repeat yourself in the code using it. You can emulate aligned_storage for non-over-aligned types fairly trivially too if you need C++98 support. The custom type without over-aligned support would be something like:
template <typename T1, typename T2>
class storage
double d; // to force strictest alignment (on most platforms)
char b[sizeof(T1) > sizeof(T2) ? sizeof(T1) : sizeof(T2)];
} u;
And that can be given protections against copies/moves if you so wish. It can even be turned into a simplified Boost.Variant with relatively little work.
Note that with this approach (or some of the others), destructors will not be called automatically on your class and you must call them yourself. If you want RAII patterns to apply here, you can extend the example class above to store a deleter function that is bound during construction into the space.
template <typename T1, typename T2>
class storage
using deleter_t = void(*)(void*);
sizeof(T1) > sizeof(T2) ? sizeof(T1) : sizeof(T2),
alignof(T1) > alignof(T2) ? alignof(T1) : alignof(T2)
> space;
deleter_t deleter = nullptr;
storage(const storage&) = delete;
storage& operator=(const storage&) = delete;
template <typename T, typename ...P>
T* emplace(P&&... p)
deleter = [](void* obj){ static_cast<T*>(obj)->~T(); }
return new (&space) T(std::forward<P>(p)...);
void destroy()
if (deleter != nullptr)
deleter = nullptr;
// usage:
storage<D1, D2> s;
B* b = flag ? s.emplace<D1>() : s.emplace<D2>();
And of course that can all be done in C++98, just with a lot more work (especially in terms of emulating the emplace function).
How about
B&&b = flag ? static_cast<B&&>(D1()) : static_cast<B&&>(D2());
If you just need them to be freed when the reference goes out of scope, you could implement another simple class (maybe named DestructorDecorator) that points to the object (D1 or D2). And then you just have to implement ~DestructorDecorator to call the destructor of D1 or D2.
You haven't mentioned it, your flag is known at compile time?
As far as a compile-time flag is concerned, you can use template magic to deal with the conditional construction of the class:
First, declaring a template create_if which takes two types and a boolean:
template <typename T, typename F, bool B> struct create_if {};
Second, specializing create_if for true and false values:
template <typename T, typename F> struct create_if<T, F, true> { using type = T; };
template <typename T, typename F> struct create_if<T, F, false> { using type = F; };
Then, you can do this:
create_if<D1, D2, true>::type da; // Create D1 instance
create_if<D1, D2, false>::type db; // Create D2 instance
You can change the boolean literals with your compile-time flag or with a constexpr function:
constexpr bool foo(const int i) { return i & 1; }
create_if<D1, D2, foo(100)>::type dc; // Create D2 instance
create_if<D1, D2, foo(543)>::type dd; // Create D1 instance
This is valid only if the flag is known at compile time, I hope it helps.
Live example.

false behaviour of is_base_of when used together with bind

Using variadic template arguments together with a simple template argument I have experienced some strange behaviour of is_base_of when it was instantiated from a binded functor.
Here is the code:
template <class T, class Index>
class Base{};
template<typename T>
struct Checker {
typedef int result_type;
// Returns 1 if a given T type is descendant of Base<T,First>
template<typename First, typename ...Args>
result_type operator()(First&& first, Args&&... params)
return check(std::is_base_of<Base<T,First>, T>(),
template<typename ...Args>
result_type check(const std::true_type&, Args&&... params)
return 1;
template<typename ...Args>
result_type check(const std::false_type&, Args&&... params)
return 0;
struct A {};
struct B : Base<B,int> {};
int main()
Checker<A> ch1;
Checker<B> ch2;
std::cout<<ch2(1 ,3.14)<<std::endl; // output is 1
std::cout<<std::bind(ch2, 1, 3.14)()<<std::endl; // output is 0 but it should be 1 !
return 0;
The program output is:
But I would expect:
Am I using the variadic templates in a wrong way? Is there any other (correct) way to get the first type of a variadic type list like Args? Why this is a problem only when it is used with the bind expression?
Note, if I am modifing the Base template to have only one template parameter, then the bind expression works:
template <class T>
class Base{};
template<typename T>
struct Checker {
typedef int result_type;
// Returns 1 if a given T type is descendant of Base<T>
template<typename ...Args>
result_type operator()(Args&&... params)
return check(std::is_base_of<Base<T>, T>(),
template<typename ...Args>
result_type check(const std::true_type&, Args&&... params)
return 1;
template<typename ...Args>
result_type check(const std::false_type&, Args&&... params)
return 0;
struct A {};
struct B : Base<B> {};
int main()
Checker<A> ch1;
Checker<B> ch2;
std::cout<<ch2(3.14)<<std::endl; // output is 1
std::cout<<std::bind(ch2, 3.14)()<<std::endl; // output is 1 this time!
return 0;
You're not getting the expected output because the data-type of First in your Checker function object when called after std::bind() is of type int&, not int.
Therefore std::is_base_of<Base<B,int&>, B> does not instantiate to a std::true_type for the call to Checker::check.
The problem is that std::bind is creating an object that internally stores the arguments for the function you are passing to it. Therefore there is a named l-value as a non-static data-member of the object returned by std::bind that is holding the value you passed as an argument to be bound to your function. When that non-static data-member is then passed to the r-value reference at the time you call the operator() of the functor, it's passed as an l-value reference, since it is no longer a temporary object. You would have a similar problem if you did something like:
int x = 1;
Checker<B> ch2;
std::cout<<ch2(x, 3.14)<<std::endl;
The named-value x is an l-value, and would be passed to the first argument in your operator() method as an l-value reference, not as temporary, since first is a r-value reference. Therefore your type would end up again as an int& and not an int, and you'd print a value of 0.
To fix this problem, you can do something like:
template<typename First, typename ...Args>
result_type operator()(First&& first, Args&&... params)
if (std::is_reference<First>::value)
return check(std::is_base_of<Base<T, typename std::remove_reference<First>::type>, T>(),
return check(std::is_base_of<Base<T,First>, T>(),
This will strip off the reference-type of the object and give you the results you want.
Unfortunately std::is_reference did not give me the expected result on a more complicated issue.
So finally I choosed providing the reference and const-reference overloads:
template<typename First, typename ...Args>
result_type operator()(First& first, Args&&... params)
return check(std::is_base_of<Base<T,First>, T>(),
template<typename First, typename ...Args>
result_type operator()(const First& first, Args&&... params)
return check(std::is_base_of<Base<T,First>, T>(),
