Jenkins Port 8080 to another alternative Port - jenkins-pipeline

I wanted to install Jenkins on my pc, but it support 8080 port which is already used by Xammp server, Can Anybody tell me what alternative port I can use and it will worked?
I had already tried 8081,8443 but next java step it gives warning.

There are 65,535 possible port numbers. It could be your firewall blocking the ports. Apps will often use more than one port. One for inbound and one for outbound etc.


Ways to host a web server with ports bellow 1024 blocked (except 22)?

My provider is Ask4 and they only provide 1:1 NAT which opens ports 22 and all above 1024. No UPnP. However, I want to use ports 80 and 443 for a web server.
Is there a way without changing those ports to host a web server?
Can SSH Dynamic port forwarding or Proxies/Tunnelling software help me with this?
I want to avoid VPNs as they tend to be a slower solution. The more responsive the better.
For me, i looked into it further and after a couple of days found that a reverse proxy was the best.
It works by running on one server running apache, nginx, etc and then basically sending that traffic to the designated IP. You can also select a port!

How to open HTTPS port in Google cloud?

Hello today configured vps on Google Cloud and put Vesta control panel, but the problem is not open one https that is, and the ip server and the domain itself does not open on https. Set up Google Cloud firewall and opened ports 80,443 but https does not open the site itself is not the ip of the server. Checked through online services port 443 is closed but settings of the server and a firewall of Google and ip tables say that port 443 is opened (checked by several services port 443) and in the browser through ip of the server and the domain on https do not open. Please tell me how to open port 443?
Same with ports 8443,8080.
I am not able to comment but here are some steps that might help to isolate the issue:
Check to see if the port is open or closed or filtered using nmap
nmap [ip_address]
Firewall rules are defined at the network level and therefore make sure that you follow this document while creating the firewall rules to allow incoming traffic on TCP port 80 and 443 (same for other ports). In this document in step 11, choose " specified protocols and ports" and enter tcp: 80, tcp: 443.
As you previously stated, you need to make sure there is no firewall running inside the VM blocking those connections.
You also need to verify if the application running on your vps is listening on port 443. To check this, try with this command.
sudo netstat -ntlp | grep LISTEN
In the output, if you don't see the application beside port number, check if your vps is rightly configured to ports for your application.
I was having the same issue with NGinx. And Found the root cause finally to be the Firewall (GCP VM Firewall) having a lower priority for the rule. ie: I had 65534 (which is super low priority) for the "Ingress 443" rule. Which did block the traffic coming into the SSL. Instead when I set this rule to 1, traffic started flowing and issue sorted.
What finally helped me was
Thanks #Md Zubayer for the tip.

Https alternative port for 443

I have two raspberry pi and I have two different services on every.
In one case I have open port for 443 (https). I would like to have the (https) on second machine. Is there any alternative port for 443, or I can set any I want?
Also is there any alternative port for 80?
I have two heavy (for rpi:D ) services on each, that is why I want to have alternative ports opened.
Is there any regularity I should follow?
If you setup your rpi to serve https on two different ports (which you can do in the daemons config), then you can access both easily :
The one on the default port can be accessed simply with https://hostname/ or https://ip-address/, whereas the one on the specific port can be accessed by specifying the port, for example : https://hostname:444/
(Same goes for http on port 80)

Port requirement for web server

I currently have a small socket server that I'm trying to convert to a web server. Basically it dumps XML to anyone connecting to it. At the moment, it's not a web server as it listens to a non-web port (1337).
I know that both 80 and 8080 are accepted web ports, but none of those are free on the machine I'm going to use. Are there any other web ports available? Or how do I configure a windows machine so that e.g. port 1337 is web?
Well for the most simplistic method append :port to your URL such as
I may be misunderstanding your question though.
You just start listening on the port. Viola. It's a server. That simple.
Oh, and you have to tell your audience which port to use.
To be more complete: it's a web server not because of the port, but because of the language spoken on that port. You can serve HTTP over any port, which is one of the ways back-door-style malware gets around misconfigured firewalls.
What you probably need is to implement (in order to implement an easily usable web service, which I assume is what you are aiming for) the http protocol and probably SOAP or REST, not select a port number. Tell us what language you are using, and we might be able to suggest a suitable framework.
What #fictoris said. Or setup your webserver to redirect to the correct port as well.
There's nothing really magic about the ports you are talking about. And really it's just port 80 that's standard HTTP. 443 is the standard for secure HTTP though (HTTPS).
If you have to run on a non-standard port you must specify that port in every (non-relative) URL: http://localhost:13828 ...
If you need to use port 80 you might be able to redirect the incoming client depending on what demain it requested though.
Here is a list of all the TCP/UDP ports that have official designations and the hi-jacked, oh I mean unofficial ports that are known. Hopefully that will give you an idea of what is going on "out there."
Note the "Dynamic, private or ephemeral ports: 49152–65535" section at the bottom.

TCP packet interception and redirection under windows

I have been trying to find some way of redirecting outbound TCP packets under windows, but so far have not been successful. Does anyone know of any software/code bit that would do something like that?
I am not even sure it is possible with the windows stack.
I am looking at doing something similar to what "-j REDIRECT" is to iptables.
EDIT: to be more precise, what needs to be done here, is to transparently(ie without the original application having to do anything) redirect outgoing tcp packet with a certain destination port to a specific ip.(alternatively redirecting them to a local port would be fine too since I can then just use something like rinetd or any port forwarder)
Netsh is a command-line scripting utility that allows you to, either locally or remotely, display or modify the network configuration of a computer that is currently running.
netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenaddress=localaddress listenport=localport connectaddress=destaddress connectport=destport
see BarbaTunnel here and use its port redirecting
BarbaTunnel project
