I have a initialized a standard R-project in RStudio. I installed quarto package and can use the related R commands, such as quarto_version() or quarto_render("index.qmd"). But in my terminal RStudio says there is no "quarto".
I like to create quarto projects and render project from Terminal.
After some trials, I installed https://quarto.org/docs/get-started/ again, restart RStudio. Now quarto --version etc. works in the terminal.
I installed Jupyter Notebook on Windows 10. But I got an error when launching it in Visual Studio Code as:
jupyter : The term 'jupyter' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
After searching online, I decided to install Anaconda first and run Jupyter from it. But launching it from Anaconda was directed to a web address. It looks like Jupyter is only a web application.
I wonder if it is possible to run the Jupyter Notebook as a desktop application on Windows.
There is a JupyterLab Desktop App, see here and here. I don't know how old of a version of Windows works for it.
Rest was built from discussion in comments:
On Jupyter with VS Code:
Jupyter itself works with VScode to run Jupyter notebooks in VScode. You wouldn't need the JupyterLab Desktop App in that case. You do need Jupyter though. See here if you are interested in using Jupyter notebooks in VSCode.
On installing packages that worked before installed Anaconda:
The easiest solution would be to reinstall them. It is possible you could add the already installed ones to your path, but if you have room it is easiest to keep your Anaconda installed stuff where it is and separate from what you had. The easiest way to sort where to install them is to let Jupyter handle it. For example, if you want to work with Pandas in a notebook, in that notebook run %conda install -c anaconda pandas, based on here and the magic install command. For the packages that conda cannot install, and only for those, use %pip install <package_name>.
You can delete the install commands out of the notebook after if you want. You may just want to comment them out so you remember. For the short term you are fine re-running the commands because if the package is already installed by conda or pip it won't get reinstalled; however, if the package gets a new release and you aren't specifying versions, you'll get the latest when that install command next runs and if there is an error or incompatibility, then you'll have caused yourself an issue you could have avoided.
As the title says I installed Tesseract version 4.1.0 which is also shows under apps and features but when I type tesseract --version in cmd it shows 3.05.00dev
according to this tutorial:
it should show at least 4.0
then I uninstalled Tesseract and typed tesseract --version in cmd and it still shows up as 3.05.00dev but I can't find anything when I search for "tesseract" on the hdd.
What is wrong here?
That simple means you have another installation of tesseract (3.05.00dev) somewhere and you need to uninstall it.
If you can not find it in installed app, try this command in cmd:
where tesseract
It should reveal you where is tesseract installed and just remove it.
I downloaded the Spider Terminal plugin from Github via Anaconda Prompt though, I can't find the Terminal when I boot Spyder -_- .
Does someone know Where it is ?
For me it appeared as a tab next to the IPyhton consoles.
You can click View -> Panes -> Terminal to toggle it on and off, that should help you find where it is.
For Spyder 4.0.1, you need to install the terminal explicitly using
conda install spyder-terminal -c spyder-ide
Restart spyder and after installation, you'd see View> Panes > Terminal. The Terminal can be seen adjacent to the IPython console and History tab at the bottom.
Checkout this is repo for more info.
If you have Anaconda Prompt, you can change working directory to the project you are working on. Then you can write all the commands in anaconda prompt. No need for terminal.
Unfortunately, unlike PyCharm, Spyder does not have default terminal.
I have windows-7 64 bit machine and Python3.6.1(32-bit) installed on it. I wanted to try spyder as IDE for python. I don't have Anaconda or anything like that. So, I installed spyder from command line (cmd.exe) and it did install successfully and prompt returned.
I think it is installed because
I can see spyder3.exe under C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\Scripts
From cmd.exe when I enter spyder3 it doesn't throw any error and a rotating circle appears which indicates something is processing. But nothing is launched.
After running spyder3 from cmd.exe though nothing gets launched except the rotating circle for couple of seconds, I see spyder.lock folder under C:\Users\UserName\.spyder-py3
When I delete spyder.lock folder under C:\Users\UserName\.spyder-py3 and run spyder3 again in cmd.exe the folder is created again.
Question: How can I make spyder launch? Did I do something wrong while installing spyder or am I trying to launch it with an incorrect method?
I had to install PyQt5. It is a requirement for spyder on windows and I was missing it. After I installed it I can launch spyder3 from cmd.exe
Follow these steps, I successfully installed Tensorflow 1.0.0 of GPU version on my win10 laptop, using anaconda virtual environment (I know little about this, just follow the tips)
I run the HelloWorld code in interactive mode like this:
activate tensorflow
import tensorflow as tf
# ...
However, I cannot run it when I write in anaconda's editor or Visual Studio 2015 (community edition). It says
no module named tensorflow
My config in VS is:
So, can anyone give some tips on how to code tensorflow program happily in VS? Thx!
You will have to create an environment in Anaconda using the following command.
conda create -n tf tensorflow
Navigate to Anaconda -> Environments -> you will see tf environment. Select that, then launch VS code.
If you need other packages installed into the same environment you can use the following command. (Eg: to install pytest)
conda install -n tf pytest