I am using private-L on heroku、I have a question about a metric called dyno load - heroku

I am using private-L on heroku
I have a question about a metric called dyno load.
dyno load is like below
Here is the description of dyno load
If your application has four physical cores and is executing four concurrent threads, the load value will show 4
I am using private-L dyno so I have 4 physical cores.
But as you can see in the image the dyno load is about 0.3 on average
Am I correct in assuming that this means that I am not taking advantage of the high performance CPU of the provate-L at all?


What is the suitable number of queue workers?

I was wondering if there is a relation between number of queue workers and CPU or RAM resources. I noticed that Laravel defaults to 8-10 workers, however on my own experience I've tried once to increase them to 50 workers and what a huge and fast performance I get with my Digitalocean VPS 8GB RAM and 4CPUs compared to only 10 workers.
So is there any relation between there number and resources ?

Choose Amazon EC2 Instance Types

What Amazon EC2 Instance Types to choose for an application that only receive json, transform, save to database and return a json.
Java(Spring) + PostgreSQL
Expected req/sec 10k.
Your application is CPU bound application and you should choose compute optimized instance, C4 is the latest generation instances in the compute optimized instances.
I had similar application requirement and with c4.xlarge , i could get 40k/min on a single server within SLA of 10 ms for each request. you can also benchmark your application by running a stress test on different types of C4 generation instances.
you must check out https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/instance-types/ doc by AWS on different types of instances and their use cases.
you can also check the CPU usage on your instance by looking into the cloud-watch metrics or running the top command on your linux instance.
Make sure that your instance is not having more than 75% CPU
You can start with smaller instance and then gradually increase to large server in C4 category, if you see CPU utilization is becoming the bottleneck.This is how i got the perfect instance type for my application , keeping the SLA within 10 ms on server time.
P.S :- in my case DB was also deployed on the same server , so throughput was less , it wil increase if you have DB server installed on other server.
let me know if you need any other info.
Let's say that every request requires 20ms of CPU processing time (thus not taking into account the waits between I/O operations), then each core will be able to process around 50 requests per second. In order to process 10k request per seconds you will need 200 cores, this can be achieved with 16 VCPU with 16 cores each.
Having said that you can then select the right instance for your needs using ec2 selector tool, for instance:
these are all the instance types with 16X16 cores for less than 10k$/y
if otherwise, you're fine with "just" 64 cores in total then take a look at these
If you have other constraints or if my assumptions weren't correct you can change the filters accordingly and choose the best type that suits your needs.

Heroku load average alarmingly high

I am currently trying to understand why some of my requests in my Python Heroku app take >30 seconds. Even simple requests which do absolutely nothing.
One of the things I've done is look into the load average on my dynos. I did three things:
1) Look at the Heroku logs. Once in a while, it will print the load. Here are examples:
Mar 16 11:44:50 d.0b1adf0a-0597-4f5c-8901-dfe7cda9bce0 heroku[web.2] Dyno load average (1m): 11.900
Mar 16 11:45:11 d.0b1adf0a-0597-4f5c-8901-dfe7cda9bce0 heroku[web.2] Dyno load average (1m): 8.386
Mar 16 11:45:32 d.0b1adf0a-0597-4f5c-8901-dfe7cda9bce0 heroku[web.2] Dyno load average (1m): 6.798
Mar 16 11:45:53 d.0b1adf0a-0597-4f5c-8901-dfe7cda9bce0 heroku[web.2] Dyno load average (1m): 8.031
2) Run "heroku run uptime" several times, each time hitting a different machine (verified by running "hostname"). Here is sample output from just now:
13:22:09 up 3 days, 13:57, 0 users, load average: 15.33, 20.55, 22.51
3) Measure the load average on the machines on which my dynos live by using psutil to send metrics to graphite. The graphs confirm numbers of anywhere between 5 and 20.
I am not sure whether this explains simple requests taking very long or not, but can anyone say why the load average numbers on Heroku are so high?
Heroku sub-virtualizes hosts to the guest 'Dyno' you are using via LXC. When you run 'uptime' you are seeing the whole hosts uptime NOT your containers, and as pointed out by #jon-mountjoy you are getting a new LXC container not one of your running Dynos when you do this.
Heroku’s dyno load calculation also differs from the traditional UNIX/LINUX load calculation.
The Heroku load average reflects the number of CPU tasks that are in the ready queue (i.e. waiting to be processed). The dyno manager takes the count of runnable tasks for each dyno roughly every 20 seconds. An exponentially damped moving average is computed with the count of runnable tasks from the previous 30 minutes where period is either 1-, 5-, or 15-minutes (in seconds), the count_of_runnable_tasks is an entry of the number of tasks in the queue at a given point in time, and the avg is the previous calculated exponential load average from the last iteration
The difference between Heroku's load average and Linux is that Linux also includes processes in uninterruptible sleep states (usually waiting for disk activity), which can lead to markedly different results if many processes remain blocked in I/O due to a busy or stalled I/O system.
On CPU bound Dyno's I would presume this wouldn't make much difference. On an IO bound Dyno the load averages reported by Heroku would be much lower than what is reported by what you would get if you could get a TRUE uptime on an LXC container.
You can also enable sending periodic load messages of your running dynos with by enabling log-runtime-metrics
Perhaps it's expected dyno idling?
PS. I suspect there's no point running heroku run uptime - that will run it in a new one-off dyno every time.

Rapid AWS autoscaling

How do you configure AWS autoscaling to scale up quickly? I've setup an AWS autoscaling group with an ELB. All is working well, except it takes several minutes before the new instances are added and are online. I came across the following in a post about Puppet and autoscaling:
The time to scale can be lowered from several minutes to a few seconds if the AMI you use for a group of nodes is already up to date.
Is this true? Can time to scale be reduced to a few seconds? Would using puppet add any performance boosts?
I also read that smaller instances start quicker than larger ones:
Small Instance 1.7 GB of memory, 1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit), 160 GB of instance storage, 32-bit platform with a base install of CentOS 5.3 AMI
Amount of time from launch of instance to availability:
Between 5 and 6 minutes us-east-1c
Large Instance 7.5 GB of memory, 4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual cores with 2 EC2 Compute Units each), 850 GB of instance storage, 64-bit platform with a base install of CentOS 5.3 AMI
Amount of time from launch of instance to availability:
Between 11 and 18 minutes us-east-1c
Both were started via command line using Amazons tools.
I note that the article is old and my c1.xlarge instances are certainly not taking 18min to launch. Nonetheless, would configuring an autoscale group with 50 micro instances (with an up scale policy of 100% capacity increase) be more efficient than one with 20 large instances? Or potentially creating two autoscale groups, one of micros for quick launch time and one of large instances to add CPU grunt a few minutes later? All else being equal, how much quicker does a t1.micro come online than a c1.xlarge?
you can increase or decrease the time of reaction for an autoscaller by playing with
"--cooldown" value (in seconds).
regarding the types of instances to be used, this is mostly based on the application type and a decision on this topic should be taken after close performance monitor and production tuning.
The time to scale can be lowered from several minutes to a few seconds
if the AMI you use for a group of nodes is already up to date. This
way, when Puppet runs on boot, it has to do very little, if anything,
to configure the instance with the node’s assigned role.
The advice here is talking about having your AMI (The snapshot of your operating system) as up to date as possible. This way, when auto scale brings up a new machine, Puppet doesn't have to install lots of software like it normally would on a blank AMI, it may just need to pull some updated application files.
Depending on how much work your Puppet scripts do (apt-get install, compiling software, etc) this could save you 5-20 minutes.
The two other factors you have to worry about are:
How long it takes your load balancer to determine you need more resources (e.g a policy that dictates "new machines should be added when CPU is above 90% for more then 5 minutes" would be less responsive and more likely to lead to timeouts compared to "new machines should be added when CPU is above 60% for more then 1 minute")
How long it takes to provision a new EC2 instance (smaller Instance Types tend to take shorted times to provision)
How soon ASG responds would depend on 3 things:
1. Step - how much to increase by % or fixed number - a large step - you can rapidly increase. ASG will launch the entire Step in one go
2. Cooldown Period - This applies 'how soon' the next increase can happen. If the previous increase step is still within the defined cooldown period (seconds), ASG will wait and not take action for next increase yet. Having a small cooldown period will enable next Step quicker.
3 AMI type- how much time a AMI takes to launch, this depends on type of AMI - many factors come into play. All things equal Fully Baked AMIs launch much faster

AWS AutoScaling not working / CPU Utilization stays sub 30%

I have setup AWS AutoScaling as following:
1) created a Load Balancer and registered one instance with it;
2) added Health Checks to the ELB;
3) added 2 Alarms:
- CPU Usage -> 60% for 60s, spin up 1 instance;
- CPU usage < 40% for 120s, spin down 1 instance;
4) wrote a jMeter script to send traffic to the website in question: 250 threads, 200 seconds ramp up time, loop count 5.
What I am seeing was very strange.
I expect the CPU usage to shoot up with the higher number of users. But instead the CPU usage stays between 20-30% (which is why the new instance never fires up) and running instance starts throwing timeout errors once it reaches anything more than 100 users.
I am at a loss to understand why CPU usage is so low when the website is in fact timing out.
This could be a problem with the ELB. The ELB does not scale very quickly, it takes a consistent amount of traffic to the ELB to let amazon know you need a bigger one. If you just hit it really hard all at once that does not help it scale. So the ELB could be having problems handling all the connections.
Is this SSL? Are you doing SSL on the ELB? That would add overhead to an underscaled ELB as well.
I would honestly recommend not using ELB at all. haproxy is a much better product and much faster in most cases. I can elaborate if needed, but just look at how Amazon handles the cname vs what you can do with haproxy...
It sounds like you are testing AutoScaling to ensure it will work for your needs. As a first pass to simply see if AS will launch a new instance, try reducing your CPU up check to trigger at 25%. I realize this is a lot lower than you are hoping to use moving forward, but it will help validate that your initial configuration is working.
As a second step, you should take a look at your application and see if CPU is the best metric to have AS monitor for scaling. It is possible that you have a bottleneck somewhere else in your app that may not necessarily be CPU related (web server tuning, memory, databases, storage, etc). You didn't mention what type of content you're serving out; is it static or generated by an interpreter (like PHP or something else)? You could also send your own custom metric data into CloudWatch and use this metric to trigger the scaling.
You may also want to time how long it takes for an instance to be ready to serve traffic from a cold start. If it takes longer than 60 seconds, you may want to adjust your monitoring threshold time appropriately (or set cool down periods). As chantheman pointed out, it can take some time for the ELB to register the instance as well (and a longer amount of time if the new instance is in a different AZ).
I hope all of this helps.
What we discovered is that when you are using autoscale on t2 instances, and under heavy load, those instances will run out of CPU credits and then they are limited to 20% of CPU (from the monitoring point of view, internal htop is still 100%). Internally they are at maximum load.
This sends false metric to Autoscaling and news instances will not fire.
You need to change metric or develop you own or move to m instances.
