I implementing Distributed tracing in microservices. I'm using feign client for inter service communication and using micrometer for tracing. But I'm getting different trace id when I call Service B from Service A using feign Client. I read a lot of articles regarding this issue, but didn't find any solution. Could anyone please help me in this? I'm using spring boot 3.0.0-Snapshot.
I expect someone will help me in this problem so I can move forward with my work, I'm stuck due to this issue.
A spring integration project pulls emails from Exchange Server using imap-idle-channel-adapter; it transforms the message; it invokes some SOAP webservices and persists data in DB using Spring Boot and JPA. All works fine.
This needs to be deployed in a four-weblogic-server cluster environment.
Could someone please help with some hints on what needs to be done? Is there any configuration needed?
As long as your logic is just like you show and there is no any more endpoints polling shared resource, your are good so far do nothing more. The mail API has built-in feature to mark messages in the box as read or at least seen, so other concurrent session won’t poll those messages again.
I want to get the InstanceInfo of the disconnected client with EurekaInstanceCanceledEvent event on Spring Boot for accessing the client metadataMap. Is there any way to do so without rolling my own solution? Can't seem to find any way around!
Thanks for your time!
I am using Reactive Spring Boot (Flux) for infinite streams and #Tailable in a Reactive Mongo Repository to enable server side events. For each request to the Flux controller, it is creating a brand new MongoDB connection, although I am using the reactive Mongo client to create the connection. Because of this after 100 connections the application is throwing a MongoDB connection timeout exception. Below is my code.
REST Controller
Reactive Mongo Repository :
Please advise, if anyone knows how to fix this!
I'm trying to find examples of kafka connect with springboot. It looks like there is no spring boot integration for kafka connect. Can some one point me in the right direction to be able to listen to changes on mysql db?
Kafka Connect doesn't really need Spring Boot because there is nothing for you to code for it, and it really works best when ran in distributed mode, as a cluster, not embedded within other (single-instance) applications. I suppose if you did want to do it, then you could copy relevent portions of the source code, but that of course isn't using Spring Boot, and you'd have to wire it all yourself
The framework itself consists of a few core Java dependencies that have already been written (Debezium or Confluent JDBC Connector, for your mysql example), and two config files. One for Kafka Connect to know the bootstrap servers, serializers, etc. and another for the actual MySQL connector. So, if you want to use Kafka Connect, run it by itself, then just write the consumer in the Spring app.
The alternatives to Kafka Connect itself would be to use Apache Camel within a Spring application (Spring Integration) or Spring Cloud Dataflow and interfacing with those Kafka "components" (which aren't using the Connect API, AFAIK)
Another option, specific for listening to MySQL, is to use Debezium Engine within your code.