configuration of yml file for cloud workflow - yaml

i want to write on yml file for create a workflow for scheduler et progrmmer my dataflow et dataproc serveless job, can you help me?
i try
# This is a sample cloud workflow YAML file for scheduling Dataflow jobs.
name: Scheduled Dataflow Job
# Replace [PROJECT_ID] with your Google Cloud project ID.
project: [PROJECT_ID]
# This workflow will run daily at 9:00 AM.
schedule: every 24 hours at 9:00
# The `dataflow` template will be used to run the Dataflow job.
# Replace [TEMPLATE_NAME] with the name of your Dataflow template.
# Replace [TEMPLATE_PROJECT] with the Google Cloud project where the
# Dataflow template is stored.
entrypoint: dataflow
tempLocation: gs://[TEMPLATE_PROJECT]/temp
region: us-central1
zones: us-central1-*
inputFile: gs://[TEMPLATE_PROJECT]/input/data.txt
outputFile: gs://[TEMPLATE_PROJECT]/output/data.txt
but it's not ok


How do you deploy cloudformation with a lambda function without inline code?

the lambda function size is over 4096 characters, so I can't deploy lambda function as inline codes in cloudformation template.
Your source code can contain up to 4096 characters. For JSON, you must escape quotes and special characters such as newline (\n) with a backslash.
I have to zip it first, upload to a s3 bucket, set s3 bucket and file details in cloudformation, and deploy it.
I can't find a way to deploy with one command. If I update the lambda code, I have to repeat the above steps
But with both AWS SAM or Serverless Framework, they can deploy lambda functions without inline codes.
The only issue is, AWS SAM or serverless framework create API gateway as default, that I don't need it to be created
Any solution or recommendations for me?
If you're managing your deployment with plain CloudFormation and the aws command line interface, you can handle this relatively easily using aws cloudformation package to generate a "packaged" template for deployment.
aws cloudformation package accepts a template where certain properties can be written using local paths, zips the content from the local file system, uploads to a designated S3 bucket, and then outputs a new template with these properties rewritten to refer to the location on S3 instead of the local file system. In your case, it can rewrite Code properties for AWS::Lambda::Function that point to local directories, but see aws cloudformation package help for a full list of supported properties. You do need to setup an S3 bucket ahead of time to store your assets, but you can reuse the same bucket in multiple CloudFormation projects.
So, let's say you have an input.yaml with something like:
Type: AWS::Lambda::Function
Code: my-function-directory
You might package this up with something like:
aws cloudformation package \
--template-file input.yaml \
--s3-bucket my-packaging-bucket \
--s3-prefix my-project/ \
--output-template-file output.yaml
Which would produce an output.yaml with something resembling this:
S3Bucket: my-packaging-bucket
S3Key: my-project/0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef
Type: AWS::Lambda::Function
You can then use output.yaml with aws cloudformation deploy (or any other aws cloudformation command accepting a template).
To truly "deploy with one command" and ensure you always do deployments consistently, you can combine these two commands into a script, Makefile, or something similar.
you can zip the file first then use aws cli to update your lambda function
aws lambda update-function-code --function-name <your-lambda-function-name> --zip-file fileb://
Within CloudFormation (last 3 lines):
Type: "AWS::Lambda::Function"
Handler: "backup_lambda.lambda_handler"
Role: !Ref Role
Runtime: "python2.7"
MemorySize: 128
Timeout: 120
S3Bucket: !Ref BucketWithLambdaFunction
S3Key: !Ref PathToLambdaFile
Re. your comment:
The only issue is, aws SAM or serverless framework create API gateway as default, that I don't need it to be created
For Serverless Framework by default that's not true. The default generated serverless.yml file includes config for the Lambda function itself but the configuration for API Gateway is provided only as an example in the following commented out section.
If you uncomment the 'events' section for http then it will also create an API Gateway config for your Lambda, but not unless you do.
handler: handler.hello
# The following are a few example events you can configure
# NOTE: Please make sure to change your handler code to work with those events
# Check the event documentation for details
# events:
# - http:
# path: users/create
# method: get

SAP Cloud SDK Jenkins pipeline s4sdk-pipeline.groovy - production deployment step is skipped

I have setup Jenkins project piper ( I have then setup a basic SAP Cloud Application Programming model app with integration for the SAP Cloud SDK pipeline with default configuration and uncommented the 'productionDeployment' stage and completed cloud foundry endpoints/orgs/spaces etc. I have committed the applicatino to the master branch in the git repo.
The pipeline executes successfully but is skipping the production deployment step.
Pipeline execution results
When checking the logs I see:
[Pipeline] // stageenter code here
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Production Deployment)
Stage "Production Deployment" skipped due to when conditional
When I look at the script ( I see:
stage('Production Deployment') {
*when { expression { commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStage.PRODUCTION_DEPLOYMENT }* }
//milestone 80 is set in stageProductionDeployment
steps { stageProductionDeployment script: this }
Can anyone explain what is required to pass the commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStage.PRODUCTION_DEPLOYMENT check in order to execute the stageProductionDeployment script?
My pipeline_config.yml file (anonymized) is:
# This file configures the SAP Cloud SDK Continuous Delivery pipeline of your project.
# For a reference of the configuration concept and available options, please have a look into its documentation.
# The documentation for the most recent pipeline version can always be found at:
# If you are using a fixed version of the pipeline, please make sure to view the corresponding version from the tag
# list of GitHub (e.g. "v15" when you configured pipelineVersion = "v15" in the Jenkinsfile).
# For general information on how to get started with Continuous Delivery, visit:
# We aim to keep the pipeline configuration as stable as possible. However, major changes might also imply breaking
# changes in the configuration. Before doing an update, please check the the release notes of all intermediate releases
# and adapt this file if necessary.
# This is a YAML-file. YAML is a indentation-sensitive file format. Please make sure to properly indent changes to it.
### General project setup
productiveBranch: 'master'
### Step-specific configuration
collectTelemetryData: true
dockerImage: 'ppiper/cf-cli'
smokeTestStatusCode: '200'
org: 'XXXXXX'
space: 'XXXXXX'
appName: 'MTBookshopNode'
manifest: 'mta.yaml'
credentialsId: 'CF_CREDENTIALSID'
apiEndpoint: ''
### Stage-specific configuration
# This exclude is required for the example project to be successful in the pipeline
# Remove it when you have added your first test
- '**/OrdersService.class'
# integrationTests:
# credentials:
# - alias: 'mySystemAlias'
# credentialId: 'mySystemCredentialsId'
# s4SdkQualityChecks:
# nonErpDestinations:
# - 'myCustomDestination'
- org: 'XXXXXX'
space: 'XXXXXX'
apiEndpoint: ''
appName: 'myAppName'
manifest: 'mta.yaml'
credentialsId: 'CF_CREDENTIALSID'
My Jenkins file is unchanged:
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
* This file bootstraps the codified Continuous Delivery pipeline for extensions of SAP solutions, such as SAP S/4HANA.
* The pipeline helps you to deliver software changes quickly and in a reliable manner.
* A suitable Jenkins instance is required to run the pipeline.
* The Jenkins can easily be bootstraped using the life-cycle script located inside the 'cx-server' directory.
* More information on getting started with Continuous Delivery can be found in the following places:
* - GitHub repository:
* - Blog Post:
* Set pipelineVersion to a fixed released version (e.g. "v15") when running in a productive environment.
* To find out about available versions and release notes, visit:
String pipelineVersion = "master"
node {
sh "git clone --depth 1 -b ${pipelineVersion} pipelines"
load './pipelines/s4sdk-pipeline.groovy'
Any ideas what I am missing for a production deployment and how I get through this check in the script for production deployment?
the pipeline was built for multi-branch pipelines and will not work correctly in a single-branch pipeline job. There is no problem with running a project that has a single branch in a multi-branch pipeline job. To avoid confusion, we added a check to the pipeline in a recent version as documented here
Kind regards

How to specify pipeline for Filebeat Nginx module?

I have web server (Ubuntu) with Nginx + PHP.
It has Filebeat, which sends Nginx logs to Elastic ingestion node directly (no Logstash or anything else).
When I just installed it 1st time, I made some customizations to the pipeline, which Filebeat created.
Everything worked great for a month or so.
But I noticed, that every Filebeat upgrade result in the creation of new pipeline. Currently I have these:
filebeat-7.3.1-nginx-error-pipeline: {},
filebeat-7.4.1-nginx-error-pipeline: {},
filebeat-7.2.0-nginx-access-default: {},
filebeat-7.3.2-nginx-error-pipeline: {},
filebeat-7.4.1-nginx-access-default: {},
filebeat-7.3.1-nginx-access-default: {},
filebeat-7.3.2-nginx-access-default: {},
filebeat-7.2.0-nginx-error-pipeline: {}
I can create new pipeline, but how do I tell (how to configure) Filebeat to use specific pipeline?
Here is what I tried and it doesn't work:
- module: nginx
# Access logs
enabled: true
# Set custom paths for the log files. If left empty,
# Filebeat will choose the paths depending on your OS.
var.paths: ["/var/log/nginx/*/*access.log"]
# Convert the timestamp to UTC
var.convert_timezone: true
# The Ingest Node pipeline ID associated with this input. If this is set, it
# overwrites the pipeline option from the Elasticsearch output.
output.elasticsearch.pipeline: 'filebeat-nginx-access-default'
pipeline: 'filebeat-nginx-access-default
It still using filebeat-7.4.1-nginx-error-pipeline pipeline.
Here is Filebeat instructions on how to configure it (but I can't make it work):
how can I configure Filebeat module to use specific pipeline?
Update (Nov 2019): I submitted related bug:
In beats source code, I found that the pipeline ID is settled by the following params:
beats version
module name
module's fileset name
pipeline filename
the source code snippet is as following:
// formatPipelineID generates the ID to be used for the pipeline ID in Elasticsearch
func formatPipelineID(module, fileset, path, beatVersion string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("filebeat-%s-%s-%s-%s", beatVersion, module, fileset, removeExt(filepath.Base(path)))
So you cannot assign the pipeline ID, which needs the support of elastic officially.
For now, the pipeline ID is changed along with the four params. You MUST change the pipeline ID in elasticsearch when you upgrading beats.
Refer /{filebeat-HOME}/module/nginx/access/manifest.yml,
maybe u should set ingest_pipeline in /{filebeat-HOME}/modules.d/nginx.yml.
the value seems like a local file.
The pipeline can be configured either in your input or output configuration, not in the modules one.
So in your configuration you have different sections, the one you show in your question is for configuring the nginx module. You need to open filebeat.yml and look for the output section where you have configured elasticsearch and put the pipeline configuration there:
#-------------------------- Elasticsearch output ------------------------------
# Array of hosts to connect to.
hosts: [""]
pipeline: filebeat-nginx-access-default
If you need to be able to use different pipelines depending on the nature of data you can definitely do so using pipeline mappings:
hosts: [""]
- pipeline: "nginx_pipeline"
type: "nginx"
- pipeline: "apache_pipeline"
type: "apache"

AWS Lamda function got deleted. Not able to retrieve

I am using serverless framework in c# to execute queries in athena. AWS Lamda function deleted automatically. When i am trying to deploy it, it's not happening.
sls deploy --stage dev -- To deploy function
sls remove --stage dev -- To remove function
When i tried to redeploy it, it's giving error like below:
As they have mentioned in above screenshot, for more error output i have browsed the link: which shows stack detail. I have attached it below
Refer this image:
[![enter image description here][2]][2]
# Welcome to Serverless!
# This file is the main config file for your service.
# It's very minimal at this point and uses default values.
# You can always add more config options for more control.
# We've included some commented out config examples here.
# Just uncomment any of them to get that config option.
# For full config options, check the docs:
# Happy Coding!
service: management-athena
defaultStage: dev
currentStage: ${opt:stage, self:custom.defaultStage} # 'dev' is default unless overriden by --stage flag
name: aws
runtime: dotnetcore2.1
stage: ${self:custom.currentStage}
role: arn:aws:iam::***********:role/service-role/nexus_labmda_schema_partition # must validly reference a role defined in your account
timeout: 300
environment: # Service wide environment variables
DATABASE_NAME: ${file(./config/config.${self:custom.currentStage}.json):DATABASE_NAME}
TABLE_NAME: ${file(./config/config.${self:custom.currentStage}.json):TABLE_NAME}
S3_PATH: ${file(./config/config.${self:custom.currentStage}.json):S3_PATH}
MAX_SITE_TO_BE_PROCESSED: ${file(./config/config.${self:custom.currentStage}.json):MAX_SITE_TO_BE_PROCESSED}
artifact: bin/release/netcoreapp2.1/
handler: CsharpHandlers::AwsAthena.AthenaHandler::DeletePartition
description: Lambda function which runs at specified interval to delete athena partitions
# The `events` block defines how to trigger the AthenaHandler.DeletePartition code
- schedule:
rate: cron(0 8 * * ? *) #triggered every day at 3:00 AM EST.Provided time is in UTC. So 3 A.M EST is 8 A.M UTC
enabled: true
I found out the solution!
Sometimes we won't be able to deploy lamda functions because of many reasons. as #ASR mentioned in comments, there might serverless framework's version issues. But in my case, that didn't solve. Just try deleting the logs group of your function from the cloud watch.
Go to aws -> expand services -> select CloudWatch -> select Logs -> search for your log group select it and delete it. Let's say if your function name is my_function then your log group name will be something like this: aws/lamda/my_function
Then just deploy your lamda function.
I am posting this thinking that it helps someone...! Please correct me if i am wrong.

task config not found

I am getting
task config 'get-snapshot-jar/infra/hw.yml
not found error. I have written a very simple pipeline .yml, this yml will connect to artifactory resource and run another yml which is defined in task section.
my pipeline.yml looks like:
- name: get-snapshot-jar
type: docker-image
source: <artifactory source>
repository: <artifactory repo>
username: {{artifactory-username}}
password: {{artifactory-password}}
- name: create-artifact
- get: get-snapshot-jar
trigger: true
- task: copy-artifact-from-artifact-repo
file: get-snapshot-jar/infra/hw.yml
Artifactiory is working fine after that I am getting an error
enter image description here
task config 'get-snapshot-jar/infra/hw.yml' not found
You need to specify an input for your copy-artifact-from-artifact-repo task which passes the get-snapshot-jar resource to the tasks docker container. Take a look at this post where someone runs into a similar problem Trigger events in Concourse .
Also your file variable looks weird. Your are referencing a docker-image resource which, according to the official concourse-resource github repo, has no yml files inside.
Generally i would keep my task definitions as close as possible to the pipeline code. If you have to reach out to different repos you might loose the overview if your pipeline keeps growing.
