Gorm get all data from table with condition on nested table - go

I have a table with golang struct like this:
Order {
Transaction {
Profile {
How to get all the order with condition of account id with gorm?
I have tried this:
var orders []*Order
res := r.db.
Where("Transaction.Profile.account_id = 1").
But it does not work.

This solution should work based on the structs definitions you provided. First, let me show the code and then I'll go through each step:
package main
import (
_ "github.com/lib/pq"
type Order struct {
Id int
TransactionId int
Transaction Transaction
type Transaction struct {
Id int
ProfileId int
Profile Profile
type Profile struct {
Id int
AccountId int
Account Account
type Account struct {
Id int
func main() {
dsn := "host=localhost user=postgres password=postgres dbname=postgres port=5432 sslmode=disable"
db, err := gorm.Open(postgres.Open(dsn), &gorm.Config{})
if err != nil {
db.Create(&Profile{AccountId: 1})
db.Create(&Transaction{ProfileId: 1})
db.Create(&Order{TransactionId: 1})
// order + transaction + profile + account
var order Order
db.Debug().Preload("Transaction.Profile.Account").Joins("inner join transactions t on orders.transaction_id = t.id").Joins("inner join profiles p on p.id = t.profile_id").Joins("inner join accounts a on p.account_id = a.id").First(&order, "a.id = ?", 1)
Let's take a closer look at the code.
Structs definitions
Nothing changed here. Be sure to know the GORM conventions when you declare the structs as GORM will create relations, foreign keys, and constraints based on this.
Preparing the database
Here, you can find the connection to Postgres, the auto-migrating commands to synchronize the tables, and the insert of some dummy data.
The query
Here, we used a lot of methods provided by the GORM package for Go. Let's recap them in a short list:
Debug: it prints to the console the Raw SQL query. It's useful when dealing with complex queries
Preload: loads the related entities but it doesn't include them in the final query produced by Gorm
Joins: it specifies which tables have to be referenced in a JOIN clause. With the Joins we add the clause to the query.
First: it's used both for fetching only one record and also for specifying some filter such as in our case (e.g. a.id = ?).
Let me know if this clarifies your issue, thanks!


Gorm joined tables selects only few field

I have some of this code
type User struct {
Id uint `gorm:"column:id"`
Name string `gorm:"column:name"`
WalletId uint `gorm:"column:wallet_id"`
Wallet Wallet `gorm:"foreignkey:club_id"`
type Wallet struct {
Id uint `gorm:"column:id"`
Money uint `gorm:"column:money"`
Valute string `gorm:"column:valute"`
I can query users and their wallets like this
var users []users
this will generate stmt like this
SELECT user.id, user.name, user.wallet_id, wallet.id, wallet.Money, wallet.Valute from user join wallet on user.wallet_id = wallet.id
I need to query all users and only `Valute' field from their wallets
I want to use a gorm like
var users []users
db.Joins("Wallet", db.Select("Valute")).Find(&users)
for generate this stmt
SELECT user.id, user.name, user.wallet_id, wallet.Valute from user join wallet on user.wallet_id = wallet.id
For choose a wallet field. But it doesn't work at all. Although there is such a use in the function annotation
// Joins specify Joins conditions
// db.Joins("Account").Find(&user)
// db.Joins("JOIN emails ON emails.user_id = users.id AND emails.email = ?", "jinzhu#example.org").Find(&user)
// db.Joins("Account", DB.Select("id").Where("user_id = users.id AND name = ?", "someName").Model(&Account{}))
func (db *DB) Joins(query string, args ...interface{}) (tx *DB) {
In eager loading by Preload i can choose fields like
func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
return db.Select("valute")
But this isnt good usage for me, it has a bad perfomance when querying one object. I like to know how can i do the same with Joins
PS: I dont want to use a lightweigh model for wallet which queries only valute, i want to use single model for db presentation
I also want Gorm to support this feature but the best solution I came up with is Smart Select but it requires us to manually write query and select fields
type CustomUser struct {
Id uint `gorm:"column:id"`
Name string `gorm:"column:name"`
Valute string `gorm:"column:valute"`
var users []CustomUser
db.Raw("SELECT users.id, users.name, Wallet.valute FROM `users` LEFT JOIN `wallets` `Wallet` ON `users`.`wallet_id` = `Wallet`.`id`").Find(&users)

Am trying to create a database with gorm by taking the users inpute using and api like structure e.g c.BodyParser(new(User))

var (
err error
User []AcctDetails
type (
AcctDetails struct {
ID uint
AcctName string gorm:"default:John Doe"
AcctNumber string
UsersPhoneNo string
func CreateDb(c fiber.Ctx) error {
db := database.DB
// user := User
db.Create(&User{ID: AcctDetails.ID, AcctName: AcctDetails.AcctName, AcctNumber: AcctDetails.AcctNumber, UsersPhoneNo: AcctDetails.UsersPhoneNo})
return c.JSON(User)
You can try to use db.AutoMigrate(&AcctDetails{}).
This will create your table at the db.
db.Create will create a record and assign a value to the fields specified.

Accessing column in junction table in GORM

I have three tables users, todos and user_todos:
type User struct {
ID uint64
Email string
Todos []Todo `gorm:"many2many:user_todos"`
type Todo struct {
ID uint64
Title string
type UserTodos struct {
UserID uint64
TodoID uint64
Done bool
Now I want to get all users with all todos. db.Preload("Todos").Find(&users) does the trick for that.
But what if I want to get all todos and see if they are already done by the user?
I tried to create a SQL view checked_todos which joins the user_todos table and exchange the Todos attribute in the User struct with a CheckedTodo, which just extends Todo with a boolean field. Preloading never access the right table.
Couldn't find any hints in the GORM documentation how to access the columns in the junction table.
You might be able to achieve what you want with custom preloading. Two options you might want to try:
Option 1
db.Preload("Todos", func(grm *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
return grm.Where("user_todos.done = 1")
Option 2
db.Preload("Todos", func(grm *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
return grm.Joins("INNER JOIN user_todos ON user_todos.todo_id = todos.id AND user_todos.done = 1")

Foreign Key Constraint in gorm

I want to create a Booking-Class relationship, where every Booking can be assigned only one Class.
type Class struct {
Id int `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
type Booking struct {
Id int `json:"id"`
User string `json:"user"`
Members int `json:"members"`
ClassId int `json:"classid"`
I understand that it is similar to gorm's "belongs-to" relationship explained here https://gorm.io/docs/belongs_to.html but I was wondering if it's possible to achieve "foreign key constraint" without defining the field of type Class inside the Booking model (only ClassId int). To make sure that non-existent ClassId-s are used I defined functions:
func Find(slice []int, val int) bool {
for _, item := range slice {
if item == val {
return true
return false
func GetClassKeys(d *gorm.DB) []int {
var keys []int
rows, _ := d.Raw(`SELECT id
FROM classes`).Rows()
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var key int
keys = append(keys, key)
return keys
And perform this check before creating/updating a booking:
if !Find(GetClassKeys(db), booking.ClassId) {
log.Println("Wrong class id value")
But this doesn't handle the case of removed class id (which regular databases do automatically). I was wondering is there a way to achieve a normal database foreign key functionality with gorm by simply referencing the primary key of Class in a User model? Thanks in advance
I don't think the Migrator tool will help you because it assumes you're going to use the default Gorm patterns for defining relationships, and you've explicitly decided NOT to use these.
The only remaining option is to manage the constraint yourself, either through an SQL script or easier, some custom queries you run alongside your AutoMigrate call:
import "gorm.io/gorm/clause"
// somewhere you must be calling
db.AutoMigrate(&Class{}, &Booking{})
// then you'd have:
constraint := "fk_booking_classid"
var count int64
err := db.Raw(
"SELECT count(*) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.table_constraints WHERE constraint_schema = ? AND table_name = ? AND constraint_name = ?",
// handle error
if (count == 0) {
err := db.Exec(
clause.Table{Name: constraint},
// handle error
Of course, this negates the advantage of having an automated migration (which means when things change like the field name, the constraint will be updated without changes to the migration code).
I'd be looking at why you don't want to define the foreign key as gorm expects, as this smells of you trying to use the database model directly as your JSON API Request/Response model, and that usually doesn't lead to a good end :)

How to update with a many-to-many relationship

I'm facing a difficulty with the go orm gorm:
I have a structure like this:
type Data struct {
UserID int `json:"user_id,omitempty"`
AnswerID int `json:"answer_id,omitempty"`
Entities []Entity `gorm:"many2many:data_entities;"`
type Entity struct {
Name string
And now, either if I do:
db.Model(&data).Where(Data{AnswerID: data.AnswerID}).Assign(&data).FirstOrCreate(&data)
db.Model(&data).Where(Data{AnswerID: d.AnswerID}).Update(&data)
My many-to-many fields aren't updated but created... Leading to duplications if already exists.
If I try to play with the Related() function, it simply stop updating the foreign field.
Is there a way to update or create properly every tables linked?
I do it like this:
To update your data just pass a struct with only the fields you wanna update:
db.Model(&data).Updates(Data{UserID: 2, AnswerID: 2})
and to add new entities:
db.Model(&data).Association("Entities").Append([]*Entity{&Entity{Name: "mynewentity"}})
The way I handled it is using a custom join table and just inserting or deleting the rows manually.
type DataEntity struct {
DataID string `gorm:"primaryKey"`
EntityID string `gorm:"primaryKey"`
CreatedAt time.Time
DeletedAt gorm.DeletedAt
set up the join table
err := db.AutoMigrate(&Data{}, &Entity{}, &DataEntity{})
err = db.SetupJoinTable(&Data{}, "Entities", &DataEntity{})
Then for deleting entities:
To add entities:
dataEntities := []DataEntity{DataEntity{DataID:dataid,EntityID:eid}}
Slightly cumbersome but it's the only solution I've found so far.
So far the only I found is this one:
"id in (?)",
"data_id = ?",
Where("entity_name = ?", *entityName).
But I found 2 problems here:
1) Impossible to do a deeper subrequest:
"data_id = ?",
Won't work if instead of data.ID I want to go deeper with an other sub-request.
2) in case of multiple many-2-many I assume I would need to duplicate the query.
I was able to resolve according to the documentation using the Association.Replace
data.Name = "New Name"
db.Save(&data).Association("Entities").Replace([]Entity{{Name: "mynewentity"}})
