Secure FTP file download - download

I'm trying to download the most recent file with the extension via ftp
I'll preface this by saying I am not well versed in php and have created this frankenstein piece of code from a scattering of other codes.
here is my code
// set up basic ssl connection
$ftp = ftp_ssl_connect('');
// login with username and password
$login_result = ftp_login($ftp, 'username', 'password');
if (!$login_result) {
// PHP will already have raised an E_WARNING level message in this case
die("can't login");
// get list of files on given path
$files = ftp_nlist($ftp, '/1668161919_DATA/*') or die("Could not find file");
$mostRecent = array(
'time' => 0,
'file' => null
foreach ($files as $file) {
// get the last modified time for the file
$time = ftp_mdtm($ftp, $file);
if ($time > $mostRecent['time']) {
// this file is the most recent so far
$mostRecent['time'] = $time;
$mostRecent['file'] = $file;
ftp_get($ftp, "/home/mysite/public_html/wp-content/uploads/data-zipped/", $mostRecent['file'], FTP_BINARY);
ftp_delete($ftp, $mostRecent['file']);
After some testing
// set up basic ssl connection
$ftp = ftp_ssl_connect('');
// login with username and password
$login_result = ftp_login($ftp, 'username', 'password');
if ($login_result === TRUE) {
echo 'woot!';
} else {
echo 'doh!';
Returns a woot
// set up basic ssl connection
$ftp = ftp_ssl_connect('');
// login with username and password
$login_result = ftp_login($ftp, 'username', 'password');
// get list of files on given path
$files = ftp_nlist($ftp, '/1668161919_DATA/*');
if ($files === TRUE) {
echo 'files found!';
} else {
echo 'doh! files not found';
Cause a 504 error with no further information.
What am I doing wrong?
When I copy the URL to clipboard in FileZilla the data is s
Am I even close to getting this right?
When I have tried using similar FTP file downloads in the past, it was with
This is the first time I have been forced to use
Ok, so I set up a testing environment and ran the script using ftp_connect instead of ftp_ssl_connect and the code worked fine.
I think I need to define my port as 22. But
$ftp = ftp_ssl_connect('','22')
doesn't work. Can anyone assist?


Can't open file created with Google Drive API

I need to create a document using Google Drive API, then give writer permission to logged in user and redirect them to created file. I'm trying to do it like this:
$credentials = storage_path('credentials.json');
$user = Socialite::driver('google')->stateless()->user();
$token = [
'access_token' => $user->token,
'refresh_token' => $user->refreshToken,
'expires_in' => $user->expiresIn
$client = new Google_Client();
$client->setScopes([Google_Service_Docs::DRIVE, Google_Service_Docs::DOCUMENTS]);
$service = new Google_Service_Docs($client);
$serviceDrive = new Google_Service_Drive($client);
$body = new Google_Service_Drive_DriveFile(array(
"name" => 'Testing ' . Lang::get('')
$doc = $serviceDrive->files->create($body);
$permission = $this->insertPermission($serviceDrive, $doc->id, $user->email, 'user', 'writer');
$url = "" . $doc->id . "/edit#";
return Redirect::away($url);
This is the insertPermission function
function insertPermission($service, $fileId, $value, $type, $role)
$newPermission = new Google_Service_Drive_Permission();
if ($role == 'owner') {
$permission = $service->permissions->create($fileId, $newPermission, array('fields' => 'id', 'transferOwnership' => 'true'));
} else {
$permission = $service->permissions->create($fileId, $newPermission);
if ($permission) {
return $permission;
return NULL;
After I run this code, I can see that the file was indeed created (I can get its id too), I also receive a notification on email that the file was shared with me, but I can't open the file itself. I'm getting a notification that page does not exist and "Sorry, unable to open the file at this time".
P.S. The same approach works perfectly fine when I'm creating a spreadsheet, instead of document. I can access the spreadsheet without any issues afterwards
After some research and testing I managed to fix the issue. The problem was I was using google drive api to create the file. Instead, I used Google Docs API like so:
$document = new Google_Service_Docs_Document(array(
'title' => 'Testing ' . Lang::get('')
$document = $service->documents->create($document);
Everything worked like a charm

In Drupal, how to validate the contents of a file uploaded using webforms and *not* upload if it fails validation?

I am implementing a site that accepts archives with directory structure in a specific fashion. I want to check the directory structure in the zipfile before accepting it. I tried the following (please see comments inline):
Using Webform Validation:
// using the webform validation module and its hooks
function testsuite_ziptest_webform_validation_validators()
return array(
"validate_zip_file"=> array(
'name' => "testsuite: Validate Zipfile" ,
'component_types' => array(
'description' => t('Verifies that the contents of the zipfile adhere to the specifications of testsuite.'),
function testsuite_ziptest_webform_validation_validate($validator_name, $items, $components, $rule)
$errors = array();
case "validate_zip_file":
drupal_set_message(t('Validate function called'));
foreach($items as $key=>$value)
$v = _webform_validation_flatten_array($value);
// tried to get the $fid and access the file using the fid.
// item_6 is the key of the file field that I selected while
// enabling webform validation.
// This fails saying no such file exists when the ziparchive
// object tries to open it.
$fid = $items['item_6'];
$za = new ZipArchive();
$file = file_load($fid);
for($i = 0; $i < $za->numFiles; $i++)
$stat = $za->statIndex($i);
return $errors;
Using hook_file_validate
// this works, but there might be other files that may
// be uploaded to the site and I only want it to trigger
// when the file is uploaded as a part of a webform, not
// for all file uploads.
function testsuite_ziptest_file_validate($file)
$za = new ZipArchive();
for($i = 0; $i < $za->numFiles; $i++)
$stat = $za->statIndex($i);
Using Forms API (?)
// The following two methods that uses the form api on the webform
// has the same issue as the webform validation module. I can't get
// any reference to the file.
// There is a reference through a "completed form" key but I don't know
// if this is best practice
// die statements were used for debugging
function testsuite_ziptest_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id)
if($form_id == 'webform_client_form_1')
array_unshift($form['#validate'], 'testsuite_ziptest_form_validate');
return $form;
function testsuite_ziptest_form_validate($form, &$form_state)
echo '<pre>'; print_r($form_state); echo '</pre>';
$fid = $form_state['values']['submitted']['attachment'];
$za = new ZipArchive();
$file = file_load($fid);
for($i = 0; $i < $za->numFiles; $i++)
$stat = $za->statIndex($i);
I think you miss a point when you've done your function. You simply forgot to send the error back.
In the Webforms validation process, you have to send back some elements in the $errors array if something gone wrong.
$errors[$key] = t('%item is not good', array('%item' => $components[$key]['name']));
Here is an example of using this method.
In the Drupal form validation process, you have to use form_set_error if something is not good, with the combo name and the error message. The validation then stop automatically and the form will not be submitted...
And in the hook_file_validate method, you also have to send back an array of errors, witch will be use by the validator to stop the submission (with form_set_error).
Its Working Example :
function yourmoduleNma_file_validate($file,$validators)
$errors = array();
$filename = $file->filename;
$isValid_Extention_Size = explode('.',$filename);
if(count($isValid_Extention_Size) > 2){
$errors[] = 'Extention is not valid of this file';
elseif($file->filesize <= 0)
$errors[] = 'File size should be greater than 0 Bytes and less than 5 MB';
return $errors;

Session not remember, and why the session created each time I load the page?

I start to work with my project using laravel 5. I realized that it work fine in my local directory with session after I login to my site, But I just know that I got problem when I hosted my project to server. After I login each time, the session could not remember and recreated each time I loan the page. That cause the problem to me.
Laravel Login
public function postLogin(){
$hit = 0;
$pw = Request::input('pw');
$admin_pass = AdminPassword::first(['admin_pass']);
$ip_address = Request::ip();
if(!empty($admin_pass) && trim($admin_pass->admin_pass) == trim($pw)){
if(Auth::attempt(['username' => Request::input('username'), 'password' => Request::input('password'),'status'=>1])){
$user = Auth::user();
$user->last_login = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$user->login_ip = $ip_address;
$permissions = Auth::user()->permission;
if(!empty($permissions) && count($permissions) >0){
$failed = FailedLogin::whereRaw('ip_address = INET_ATON(\''.$ip_address.'\')')->first();
}catch (\Exception $ex){}
$url = Request::session()->pull('url.intended', '/');
return ['url'=>$url,'msg'=>'Successfully.','status'=>true,'hit'=>$hit];
$hit = $this->updateFailedLogin($ip_address,Request::input('username'));
$hit = $this->updateFailedLogin($ip_address,Request::input('username'));
return redirect()->route('login');
return ['url'=>'','msg'=>'Try again.','status'=>false,'hit'=>$hit];
Please help me out. This is the final step of my project.
Thank you in advanced.
It's possible you have SESSION_DRIVER in your .env set to file - depending on your hosting environment, this could mean that your session isn't persisting due to each request being served from a different file server (common in cloud environments).
Try changing your SESSION_DRIVER to database.
Did you put the
in all your pages?
If not it might be your problem, I d suggest you to add this in your index directly

Check if a file exist on remote server and save th url path in a magento attribute

Hi im trying to check if a file exist on a remote server and then save the url path to the file in a attribute on the product in magento.
This is how far i have got . i use some code from another function i have that imports images to my magento store. But i have never tested to only get the url path .
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
$_productCollection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection();
$url = "";
foreach($_productCollection as $product)
$thispro = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($product->getId());
$attributeValue = $thispro->getFaktaId();
$imgupdate = $thispro->getImgupdate();
if($thispro->getFaktaId()=="" || $thispro->getImage()=="no_selection")
if($attributeValue != "")
copy($url.$attributeValue );
$im = $attributeValue.".mp4";
file_exists - Checks whether a file or directory exists
To Check if Remote File Exists using PHP
$url = $url.$im;
$exist = file_exists_remote($url);
if($exist) {
echo 'File Exists';
} else {
echo 'File not found';

Session expiring for twitter oAuth

I am using Abraham Williams' oAuth library to update a status. The application does not have a UI (other than the prompt from Twitter for credentials. Instead, the user enters a URL in the browser.
When the URL is called, I get an error: "Could not post Tweet. Error: Reason: 1".
I inserted some test code, and it seems as if the session is getting lost in between transitions: $_SESSION['tweetmsg'] is set on initial call in index.php, but then when the switch to connect.php happens, it seems as if the session is lost. Any ideas?
Following is the source code:
include_once '../../winsinclude/tw_config.php';
require_once "../../winsinclude/twitteroauth.php";
require_once "../../winsinclude/OAuth.php";
if (empty($_SESSION['access_token'])) {
$_SESSION['tweetmsg'] = create_tweet_text();
print "<script>self.location='./connect.php');</script>";
$connection = new TwitterOAuth(
if (!isset($_SESSION['tweetmsg'])) {
exit('No tweet value in session or from form');
$tweetmsg = $_SESSION['tweetmsg'];
$result = $connection->post('statuses/update', array('status' => $tweetmsg));
if (200 === $connection->http_code) {
echo 'Tweet Posted: '.$tweetmsg;
else {
echo 'Could not post Tweet. Error: '.$httpCode.' Reason: '.
function create_tweet_text () {
return 'this is a test';
include_once '../../winsinclude/tw_config.php';
require_once "../../winsinclude/twitteroauth.php";
require_once "../../winsinclude/OAuth.php";
$connection = new TwitterOAuth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET);
$request_token = $connection->getRequestToken(OAUTH_CALLBACK.'callback.php');
$_SESSION['oauth_token'] = $request_token['oauth_token'];
$_SESSION['oauth_token_secret'] = $request_token['oauth_token_secret'];
$url = $connection->getAuthorizeURL($request_token);
print "<script>self.location='$url';</script>";
include_once '../../winsinclude/tw_config.php';
require_once "../../winsinclude/twitteroauth.php";
require_once "../../winsinclude/OAuth.php";
if (
&& $_SESSION['oauth_token'] !== $_REQUEST['oauth_token']
) {
echo 'Session expired';
else {
$connection = new TwitterOAuth(
$_SESSION['access_token'] = $connection->getAccessToken($_REQUEST['oauth_verifier']);
print "<script>self.location='index.php';</script>";
Recently Twitter deactivated a number of http urls for oAuth and replaced them with https equivalents. If you can see the URL string in the includes then it means you need to follow and change all the calls to https...
