Debezium / JDBC and Kafka topic retention - jdbc

I have Debezium in a container, capturing all changes of PostgeSQL database records. In addition a have a Kafka container to store the topic messages. At last I have a JDBC container to write all changes to another database.
These three containers are working as expected, performing snapshots of the old data in the database on specific tables and streaming new changes while there are reflected into the destination database.
I have figure out that during this streaming the PostgreSQL WAL is increasing, to overcome this situation I enabled the following property on the source connector to clear all retrieved logs.
"": 1000
Now the PostgreSQL WAL file is getting cleared in every heartbeat as the retrieved changed as flushed. But meanwhile even the changes are committed into the secondary database the kafka topics are remaining with the exact size.
Is there any way or property into sink connector that will force kafka to delete commited messages?

Consumers have no control over topic retention.
You may edit the topic config directly to reduce the retention time, but then your consumer must read the data within that time.


Can Kafka consume uncommitted data from oracle?

I know uncommitted changes are definitely contained in the redo logs file in oracle.the question is whether Kafka will consume them as they occur?
I need to read uncommitted data from a particular session in oracle using kafka.

Kafka Connect JDBC Source and Sink Connector Part of the Same Plugin

I've created a JDBC Source and Sink Connector for sending some changes on my Oracle XA Database Table to Kafka and also capture the Acknowledgement of the message published to Kafka. Some info regarding the Kafka Connect Plugin I've Deployed :
They're deployed in Distributed Mode. Works on a Single Pod but failing when I increase pod size to 2.
Both Source & Sink Connectors are created on the same Kafka Connect Plugin and running on the same JVM.
The Source Connector("connector.class": "io.confluent.connect.jdbc.JdbcSourceConnector") job is to poll the DB table(MY_APP_TABLE) on timestamp basis with a custom query and send data to Kafka.
For now I've set the batch Size to 500 and "tasks.max": "2"for both Source & Sink Connector that I'm gonna change to handle 300 TPS on the DB Table.
The Sink Connector("connector.class": "io.confluent.connect.jdbc.JdbcSinkConnector") job is to get the Acknowledgement on message published from Kafka. So, once the event is published to Kafka this Sink Connector updates an indicator on the DB table(MY_APP_TABLE) that indicates the specific record has been published to Kafka Topic Successfully.
Here are some configurations that's in my :
To Handle about 300 TPS on my DB Table and meet the SLA of 10 mins to have the DB changes relayed to Kafka(with Exactly-Once-Semantic) , I'm trying to have at-least 2 Pods(1 Core, 4GB), both running same Source & Sink Connector. Need Clarification & Suggestion on the following:
Can both Source & Sink Connectors be created in Distributed mode as part of the same Kafka Connect plugin and use the same and offset topic, config topic and status topics?
Is there a better alternative to capture the Acknowledgement of the messages published by Source Connector and have them recorded in the Source DB?
Though I've not generated the high TPS, functionally this is working for me with Single Pod. But getting below error with two pods : ERROR IO error forwarding REST request: ( IO Error trying to forward REST request: General SSLEngine problem. Is that related to these configs , listeners= in my ?

how to change settings of kafka engine in clickhouse

I have a Clickhouse table that uses a Kafka engine.
However, I want to modify the kafka broker list of the table.
Is this possible? There seems to be no documentation.
This can be done by deleting and recreating the table with the Kafka engine. Because the table with such engine does not store, but only receives data, this operation should not negatively affect the operation of the service

Delete data in source once data has been pushed to kafka server

I'm using confluent platform 3.3 to pull data from Oracle database. Once the data has been pushed to kafka server the retrieved data should be deleted in the database.
Are there any way to do it ? Please suggest.
There is no default way of doing this with Kafka.
How are you reading your data from the database, using Kafka Connect, or with custom code that you wrote?
If the latter is the case I'd suggest implementing the delete in your code, collect ids once Kafka has confirmed send and batch delete regularly.
Alternatively you could write a small job that reads your Kafka topic with a different consumer group than your actual target system and deletes based on the records it pulls from the topic. If you run this job every few minutes, hours,... you can keep up with the sent data as well.

Does Apache Kafka Store the messages internally in HDFS or Some other File system

We have a project requirement of testing the data at Kafka Layer. So JSON files are moving into hadoop area and kafka is reading the live data in hadoop(Raw Json File). Now I have to test whether the data sent from the other system and read by kafka should be same.
Can i validate the data at kafka?. Does kafka store the messages internally on HDFS?. If yes then is it stored in a file structure similar to what hive saves internally just like a single folder for single table.
Kafka stores data in local files (ie, local file system for each running broker). For those files, Kafka uses its own storage format that is based on a partitioned append-only log abstraction.
The local storage directory, can be configured via parameter log.dir. This configuration happens individually for each broker, ie, each broker can use a different location. The default value is /tmp/kafka-logs.
The Kafka community is also working on tiered-storage, that will allow brokers to no only use local disks, but to offload "cold data" into a second tier:
Furthermore, each topic has multiple partitions. How partitions are distributed, is a Kafka internal implementation detail. Thus you should now rely on it. To get the current state of your cluster, you can request meta data about topics and partitions etc. (see for an code example). Also keep in mind, that partitions are replicated and if you write, you always need to write to the partition leader (if you create a KafkaProducer is will automatically find the leader for each partition you write to).
For further information, browse
I think you can, but you have to do that manually. You can let kafka sink whatever output to HDFS. Maybe my answer is a bit late and this 'confluent' reference appeared after that, but briefly one can do the followings:
Assuming you have all servers are running (check the confluent
Create your connector:
topics='your topic'
Note: The approach assumes that you are using their platform
(confluent platform) which I haven't use.
Fire the kafka-hdfs streamer.
Also you might find more useful details in this Stack Overflow discussion.
This happens with most of the beginner. Let's first understand that component you see in Big Data processing may not be at all related to Hadoop.
Yarn, MapReduce, HDFS are 3 main core component of Hadoop. Hive, Pig, OOOZIE, SQOOP, HBase etc work on top of Hadoop.
Frameworks like Kafka or Spark are not dependent on Hadoop, they are independent entities. Spark supports Hadoop, like Yarn, can be used for Spark's Cluster mode, HDFS for storage.
Same way Kafka as an independent entity, can work with Spark. It stores its messages in the local file system.
You can check this at $KAFKA_HOME/config/
Hope this helps.
