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Sphinx's autodoc's automodule having apparently no effect
(1 answer)
Sphinx cannot find my python files. Says 'no module named ...'
(5 answers)
Closed 2 months ago.
I am new to Sphinx, and have tried to follow the documentation and guidance from books and YouTube videos.
My classes and functions are documented like using autodoc:
class Person:
This class describes a person
def __init__(self): = ''
self.birth_date =
self.gender = ''
def set_date_of_birth(self, year: int, month: int, day: int):
Sets the value of the birth date.
:param year: The year.
:param month: The month.
:param day: The day.
:return: None.
self.birth_date = date(year, month, day)
After launching sphinx-quickstart and make html afterwards, an index.html is created that only contains empty Index, Module Index, and Search Page, but no reference to the code whatever. contains extensions as follows:
extensions = [ 'sphinx.ext.autodoc',
Obviously something is wrong or missing, but what? The test project does not use virtual environment, but a global interpreter instead (Python 3.10, is this of importance?).
The project itself is in PyCharm.
I would be thankful for a working and comprehensible example.
What I'm trying to do
I am building a Jekyll ruby plugin that will replace the first occurrence of any word in the post copy text content with a hyperlink linking to the URL of a post by the same name.
The problems I'm having
I've gotten this to work but I can't figure out two problems in the process_words method:
How to only search for a post title in the main content copy text of the post, and not the meta tags before the post or the table of contents (which is also generated before main post copy text)? I can't get this to work with Nokigiri, even though that seems to be the tool of choice here.
If a post's URL is not at['url'], where is it?
Also, is there a more efficient, cleaner way to do this?
The current code works but will replace the first occurrence even if it's the value of an HTML attribute, like an anchor or a meta tag.
Example result
We have a blog with 3 posts:
And in the "Hobbies" post body text, we have a sentence with each word appearing in it for the first time in the post, like so:
I love mountain biking and bicycles in general.
The plugin would process that sentence and output it as:
I love mountain biking and bicycles in general.
My current code (UPDATED 1)
# _plugins/hyperlink_first_word_occurance.rb
require "jekyll"
require 'uri'
module Jekyll
# Replace the first occurance of each post title in the content with the post's title hyperlink
module HyperlinkFirstWordOccurance
POST_CONTENT_CLASS = "page__content"
BODY_START_TAG = "<body"
ASIDE_START_TAG = "<aside"
OPENING_BODY_TAG_REGEX = %r!<body(.*)>\s*!
CLOSING_ASIDE_TAG_REGEX = %r!</aside(.*)>\s*!
class << self
# Public: Processes the content and updates the
# first occurance of each word that also has a post
# of the same title, into a hyperlink.
# content - the document or page to be processes.
def process(content)
#title =['title']
#posts =
content.output = if content.output.include? BODY_START_TAG
# Public: Determines if the content should be processed.
# doc - the document being processes.
def processable?(doc)
(doc.is_a?(Jekyll::Page) || doc.write?) &&
doc.output_ext == ".html" || (doc.permalink&.end_with?("/"))
# Private: Processes html content which has a body opening tag.
# content - html to be processes.
def process_html(content)
content.output = if content.output.include? ASIDE_START_TAG
head, opener, tail = content.output.partition(CLOSING_ASIDE_TAG_REGEX)
head, opener, tail = content.output.partition(POST_CONTENT_CLASS)
body_content, *rest = tail.partition("</body>")
processed_markup = process_words(body_content)
content.output = << opener << processed_markup << rest.join
# Private: Processes each word of the content and makes
# the first occurance of each word that also has a post
# of the same title, into a hyperlink.
# html = the html which includes all the content.
def process_words(html)
page_content = html do |post|
post_title =['title'] ||
post_title_lowercase = post_title.downcase
if post_title != #title
if page_content.include?(" " + post_title_lowercase + " ") ||
page_content.include?(post_title_lowercase + " ") ||
page_content.include?(post_title_lowercase + ",") ||
page_content.include?(post_title_lowercase + ".")
page_content = page_content.sub(post_title_lowercase, "#{ post_title.downcase }")
elsif page_content.include?(" " + post_title + " ") ||
page_content.include?(post_title + " ") ||
page_content.include?(post_title + ",") ||
page_content.include?(post_title + ".")
page_content = page_content.sub(post_title, "#{ post_title }")
Jekyll::Hooks.register %i[posts pages], :post_render do |doc|
# code to call after Jekyll renders a post
Jekyll::HyperlinkFirstWordOccurance.process(doc) if Jekyll::HyperlinkFirstWordOccurance.processable?(doc)
Update 1
Updated my code with #Keith Mifsud's advice. Now using either the sidebar's aside element or the page__content class to select body content to work on.
Also improved checking and replacing the correct term.
PS: The code base example I started with working on my plugin was #Keith Mifsud's jekyll-target-blank plugin
this code looks very familiar :) I suggest you look into the Rspecs test file to test against your issues:
I'll try to answer your questions, sorry I couldn't test these myself the time of writing.
How to only search for a post title in the main content copy text of the post, and not the meta tags before the post or the table of contents (which is also generated before main post copy text)? I can't get this to work with Nokigiri, even though that seems to be the tool of choice here.
Your requirements here are:
1) Ignore content outside the <body></body> tags.
This seems to already be implemented in the process_html() method. This method is stating the only process the body_content and it should work as it is. Have you got tests for it? How are you debugging it? The same string splitting works in my plugin. I.e. only content inside the body is processed.
2) Ignore content inside the Table of Contents (TOC).
I suggest you extend the process_html() method by further splitting the body_content variable. Search for content in between the opening and closing tags of your TOC (by id, css class etc..) and exclude it, then add it back in it's position before or after process_words string.
3) Whether to use the Nokigiri plugin?
This plugin is great for parsing html. I think you are parsing strings and then creating html. So vanilla Ruby and the URI plugin should suffice. You can still use it if you want but it won't be any faster then splitting strings in ruby.
If a post's URL is not at['url'], where is it?
I think you should a have method to get all all post titles and then match the "words" against the array. You can get all the posts collection from the doc itself and foreach post return the title. The the process_words() method can check each work to see if it matched an item from the array. But what if the title is made of more than one word?
Also, is there a more efficient, cleaner way to do this?
So far so good. I'll start with getting the issues fixed and then refactor for speed and coding standards.
Again I suggest you use testing to help you with this.
Let me know if I can help more :)
Total newbie here but I have a question. We are trying to simplify a second hand book sale and want to build an app which allows parents to scan the barcode of books they want to sell then send this barcode, along with their name and email address (plus maybe a few other questions) to a Google Sheet.
A) is it possible to do this.
B) Any pointers to get started?
EDIT: This is for python code
a) Yes, this is very possible
You are going to need a bar-code scanner that can be connected to a computer and will then, somehow, have to enable this to input into python variables.
In terms of adding to google sheets, it is very possible to do this via Googles current API - if this sounds like jumble, there are plenty of guides at there for doing this in various 'easy' ways.
Here is some basic code to help you get started: (Haven't had the time to test it, and apologies if it is not relevant as I do not know how good you are at python.)
import time
class barcode:
def init(self):
self.code = int()
def getBarcode(self):
print("Insert code to get barcode here. Assign barcode to variable: self.barcode")
if self.barcode != None or self.barcode != "":
return self.barcode()
return False
def getDetails(self):
name = input("Enter your full name: ")
email = input("Enter your email address: ")
return [name, email]
def sendInfo(self, barcode, details):
name = details[0]
email = details[1]
barcode = self.barcode
def main(self):
while True:
barcode = self.getBarcode()
if barcode != False:
details = self.getDetails()
self.sendInfo(barcode, details)
If you need more help, or are worse at python than I expect, feel free to comment below.
- Haven't had the chance to check it out or check its full relevance however this may help you:
Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have an array with ~24000 products. The hash will be saved as a CSV and uploaded to a Shopify shop using the products import method.
When I manually create a single product, the product url key/handle is automatically generated based on the product title. When using the products import method (CSV), I'll have to specify it myself.
How do I convert the titles into product url keys?
title_1 = "AH Verse frietaardappelen"
url_key_1 = "ah-verse-frietaardappelen"
title_2 = "Lay's Sensations red sweet paprika"
url_key_2 = "lay-s-sensations-red-sweet-paprika"
I'm currently using:
<title>.downcase.gsub(' ','-').gsub("'", '-')
but this doesn't remove %, $, &, / etc. from the title. I want to make sure the url key/product handle is as clean as possible.
There must be a better way to do this, what could I try next?
There's a (private) to_handle method in Shopify's Liquid gem:
def to_handle(str)
result = str.dup
result.gsub!(/\W+/, '-')
result.gsub!(/-+\z/, '') if result[-1] == '-'
result.gsub!(/\A-+/, '') if result[0] == '-'
to_handle("AH Verse frietaardappelen")
#=> "ah-verse-frietaardappelen"
to_handle("Lay's Sensations red sweet paprika")
#=> "lays-sensations-red-sweet-paprika"
Have a look at the gem String Urlize, it may help you write a script to do this.
I would suggest you to use Rails ActiveSupport::Inflector#parameterize solution -
It handles a lot of edge cases and should work well for you.
The best thing is to use parameterize method:
title_1 = "AH Verse $frietaardappelen".parameterize
Output: "ah-verse-frietaardappelen"
title_2 = "Lay's Sensations red %sweet paprika".parameterize
output: "lay-s-sensations-red-sweet-paprika"
I want to create several files from a single template, which differ only by a variable name. For example :
.. |variable| replace:: 1
.. include template.rst
(template.rst) :
Variable |variable|
.. image:: ./images/|variable|-image.png
where of course I have an image called "./images/1-image.png". The substitution of "|variable|" by "1" works well in the title, but not in the image file name, and at compilation I get :
WARNING: image file not readable: ./images/|variable|-image.png
How can I get reST to make the substitution in the variable name too? (if this changes anything, am using Sphinx).
There are two problems here: a substitution problem, and a parsing order problem.
For the first problem, the substitution reference |variable| cannot have adjacent characters (besides whitespace or maybe _ for hyperlinking) or else it won't parse as a substitution reference, so you need to escape it:
./images/\ |variable|\ -image.png
However, the second problem is waiting around the corner. While I'm not certain of the details, it seems reST is unable to parse substitutions inside other directives. I think it first parses the image directive, which puts it in the document tree and thus out of reach of the substitution mechanism. Similarly, I don't think it's possible to use a substitution to insert content intended to be parsed (e.g. .. |img1| replace::`.. image:: images/1-image.png`). This is all speculative based on some tests and my incomplete comprehension of the official documentation, so someone more knowledgeable can correct what I've said here.
I think you're aware of the actual image substitution directive (as opposed to text substitution), but I don't think it attains the generality you're aiming for (you'll still need a separate directive for the image as from the |variable|), but in any case it looks like this:
.. |img1| image:: images/1-image.png
Since you're using Sphinx, you can try creating your own directive extension (see this answer for information), but it won't solve the substitutions-inside-markup problem.
You have to create a custom directive in this case as Sphinx doesn't allow you to substitute image paths. You can change Sphinx figure directive as follows and use it instead of the image directive.
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple
from typing import cast
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.nodes import Node, make_id, system_message
from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
from docutils.parsers.rst.directives import images, html, tables
from sphinx import addnodes
from sphinx.directives import optional_int
from import MathDomain
from sphinx.util.docutils import SphinxDirective
from sphinx.util.nodes import set_source_info
if False:
# For type annotation
from sphinx.application import Sphinx
class CustomFigure(images.Figure):
"""The figure directive which applies `:name:` option to the figure node
instead of the image node.
def run(self) -> List[Node]:
name = self.options.pop('name', None)
path = self.arguments[0] #path = ./images/variable-image.png
#replace 'variable' from th.e given value
self.argument[0] = path.replace("variable", "string substitution")
result = super().run()
if len(result) == 2 or isinstance(result[0], nodes.system_message):
return result
assert len(result) == 1
figure_node = cast(nodes.figure, result[0])
if name:
# set ``name`` to figure_node if given
self.options['name'] = name
# copy lineno from image node
if figure_node.line is None and len(figure_node) == 2:
caption = cast(nodes.caption, figure_node[1])
figure_node.line = caption.line
return [figure_node]
def setup(app: "Sphinx") -> Dict[str, Any]:
directives.register_directive('figure', Figure)
return {
'version': 'builtin',
'parallel_read_safe': True,
'parallel_write_safe': True,
You can add this directive in the of the project and use the customfigure directive across Sphinx project instead of the Image directive. Refer to add a custom directive to your Sphinx project.
I have the following function
def parseTitle(self, post):
Returns title string with spaces replaced by dots
return post.xpath('h2')[0].text.replace('.', ' ')
I would to see the content of post. I have tried everything I can think of.
How can I properly debug the content? This is an website of movies where I'm rip links and title and this function should parse the title.
I am sure H# is not existing, how can I print/debug this?
post is lxml element tree object, isn't it?
so first, you could try:
# import lxml.html # if not yet imported
# (or you can use lxml.etree instead of lxml.html)
print lxml.html.tostring(post)
if isn't, you should create element tree object from it
post = lxml.html.fromstring(post)
or maybe the problem is just that you should replace h2 with //h2?
your question is not very explanatory..