Google Play Store Notification to remove the app || SSL Error Handler Security Vulnerability - google-play

I am recently getting security vulnerabilities regarding the SSL Error Handler.
I have checked many stackoverflow question but couldnt come to a conclusion to how to fix it. Some recent answers are saying to not override the onReceivedSslError but am not sure what will be the consequence of it.
Please suggest a fix for the below:
public void onReceivedSslError(WebView view, SslErrorHandler handler, SslError error) {
if (SslError.SSL_UNTRUSTED == error.getPrimaryError() &&
(error.getUrl().startsWith("https://localhost:" + Constants.TEST_SERVER_PORT) ||
error.getUrl().startsWith("wss://localhost:" + Constants.TEST_SERVER_PORT))) {
} else {
The method overided from SystemWebViewClient.
Please let me know how to fix this error as the google notified that the app will be removed from play store.


Xamarin.iOS: MobileService.InvokeApiAsync skips

I am developing an app using Xamarin.Forms to re-use as much code as possible.
Specifically, I have a static class that manages all the POST/GET requests to my Azure Web Server.
Everything single call works fantastically except for one call - this one:
public async static Task<Models.UserParkPosition> GetUserParkPositionForCurrentUserAsync()
var body = new JArray { App.User.Id };
var test = await AzureMobileServiceClient.Instance.MobileService.InvokeApiAsync<JArray, Models.UserParkPosition>(ConnectionsAPI, body, HttpMethod.Get, null);
return test;
The method above is called when the user presses a button - specifically like this:
private async Task OnGoingToTheParkClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
bool success = false;
var already = await viewModel.AlreadyHavePendingRequestAsync());
throw new Exception();
When the debugger hits the "var test" line mentioned, above.... nothing happens. The code doesn't deadlock, the UI is still responsive, but the code never returns. I never see the "TEST" word and the exception is not even thrown... what happens??
All my other APIs are called in the same way, and are working correctly.
- Same code works on UWP and Android
- The GET request arrives at the webservice, which responds in a timely fashion (< 1 sec)
Thanks to anyone who might help or even point me in the right direction!
Found the issue - InvokeApiAsync throws an exception which is not catched anywhere from any calling thread. It somehow just disappears without causing any error nor device log, nor crash. Weird, but that's how the world goes.

Xamarin iOS NetworkReachability.SetNotification not firing

I am trying to implement a simple notifier that will broadcast a message when the network connectivity changes in an app.
The problem I am having is that although the class returns the correct connection status when my code asks for it, the .SetNotification method of my networkreachability object does not get fired when the connection status changes.
Here is my connection status checking code, if anyone could help highlight what I have done wrong it would be much appreciated, thank you.
public event EventHandler ReachabilityChanged;
public NetworkStatus Status ()
if(_defaultRouteReachability == null)
_defaultRouteReachability = new NetworkReachability(new IPAddress(0));
_defaultRouteReachability.Schedule(CFRunLoop.Current, CFRunLoop.ModeDefault);
_defaultRouteReachability.TryGetFlags (out _flags);
return ParseFlags ();
NetworkStatus ParseFlags ()
if (_flags == 0)
return NetworkStatus.NotReachable;
if (_flags.HasFlag(NetworkReachabilityFlags.ConnectionRequired) ||
_flags.HasFlag(NetworkReachabilityFlags.InterventionRequired) ||
return NetworkStatus.NotReachable;
if (_flags.HasFlag (NetworkReachabilityFlags.TransientConnection) ||
_flags.HasFlag (NetworkReachabilityFlags.IsWWAN))
return NetworkStatus.ReachableViaCarrierDataNetwork;
return NetworkStatus.ReachableViaWiFiNetwork;
void OnChange(NetworkReachabilityFlags flags)
var h = ReachabilityChanged;
if (h != null)
h(null, EventArgs.Empty);
I can't say what's wrong with your approach, but I've done that a few days ago, so here's my working example:
You should try using ready Connectivity Plugin available in xamarin, really handy to use.
It is a Simple cross platform plugin to check connection status of mobile device, gather connection type, bandwidths, and more.

How can I correctly close an application in Application_Launching event

I want to close my app if network not available.
I check network in App.cs:
private void Application_Launching(object sender, LaunchingEventArgs e)
if (!NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable())
//close my app
//continue to work
Is there a better way to do it?
Thanks in advance.
just add reference to Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game i'm sure you can achieve exit with this code and it will be ok. if you wanna show message box you have to do it in main page
what i would do:
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
if (!NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable())
MessageBoxResult m = MessageBox.Show(Sorry, no internet connection is you want to exit the application , "Oops...", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel);
if (m == MessageBoxResult.OK)
var g = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game();
you should provide a "gentle" way for closing
5.1.2 - App closure
The app must handle exceptions raised by the any of the managed or native System API
and not close unexpectedly. During the certification process, the app is monitored
for unexpected closure. An app that closes unexpectedly fails certification. The app
must continue to run and remain responsive to user input after the exception is
for more information visit this link

Switch Screens in BlackBerry

I have a BlackBerry App that has a Listener for the Send Button implemented in the CheckIn Screen. Data is sent through a web service. If the data is sent successfully, a confirmation message of "OK" is received. I am trying to switch screens in my BlackBerry App depending on the response received.
FieldChangeListener sendBtnListener = new FieldChangeListener() {
public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context)
try {
String alertMsg=sendTextCheckIn();
UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater( new Runnable()
public void run ()
UiApplication.getUiApplication().pushScreen(new MyScreen());
} );
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
However, the above is throwing an App Error 104: IllegalStateException. Can anyone please guide on how to switch screens between a BlackBerry App.
EDIT: I can switch to any other screen but I CAN NOT switch to MyScreen. NOTE: MyScreen is the main (first) screen of the App. The above method sendTextCheckIn() calls another method that is placed inside MyScreen. Has this got anything to do with the error? Please advice.
The 'fieldChanged' event is already running on the UI event thread, so you shouldn't need to do the invokeLater call within it, just call pushScreen directly.
You mention that your problem with IllegalStateException only happens for MyScreen. That makes it sound like something specific with the implementation of MyScreen. Start narrowing down the problem - look at what happens in the constructor of MyScreen, and any events that might get called before the screen is visible. Some of that code is what is causing the problem.
Wrap everything that could possibly raise in exception in try/catch.
Don't do e.printStackTrace() - that won't give you much.
Instead do something like System.err.println ("KABOOM in method abc() - " + e); - seems like more effort, but trust me, that becomes INVALUABLE when debugging issues like this.
Catch Exception, unless you have a VERY good reason to catch a specific a subtype - otherwise you WILL end up with unexpected, and uncaught exceptions, which you will hunt for DAYS.

how to disable location services in my WP7 app

I'm making a windows phone app which displays where the closest campus shuttles are (among other things). Windows Phone requires apps to allow the users to turn off location services within the app.
So, I added a toggle for it on a settings page, but it doesn't seem to do anything.
Here's the viewmodel where I declared the geocoordinatewatcher.
public MainViewModel()
geoWatcher = new GeoCoordinateWatcher();
if (geoWatcher.TryStart(false, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30) )==false )
{ MessageBox.Show("The location services are disabled for this app. We can't detect the nearby stops. To turn location services back on, go to the settings page.", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.OK); }
private GeoCoordinateWatcher geoWatcher;
public GeoCoordinateWatcher GeoWatcher
return geoWatcher;
if (geoWatcher != value)
geoWatcher = value;
if(geoWatcher.Status== GeoPositionStatus.Disabled)
and here's the bulk of the settings page
public SettingsPage()
if (App.ViewModel.GeoWatcher.Status == GeoPositionStatus.Ready)
locToggle.IsChecked = true;
locToggle.Content = "On";
locToggle.IsChecked = false;
locToggle.Content = "Off";
private void toggleChecked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
locToggle.Content = "On";
MessageBox.Show("this is the status " + App.ViewModel.GeoWatcher.Status.ToString(), "Info", MessageBoxButton.OK); //for debugging
private void toggleUnchecked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
locToggle.Content = "Off";
MessageBox.Show("this is the status " + App.ViewModel.GeoWatcher.Status.ToString(), "Info", MessageBoxButton.OK); //for debugging
When i turn the toggle off and click away from the Settings page, and go back to it, the toggle is re-enabled again.
I tried putting in a message box on the functions to debug but the status always says "Ready" and my app still uses the location services, even when I turn the toggle to "off".
Is there something I should be adding to the code so that the toggle will properly make my app stop using location services across my app if it's disabled on the settings page? Or should I be checking something else besides GeoPositionStatus? I couldn't figure out a way to make my app actually change the location services permissions or PositionStatus.
I looked at this page here, but am still confused since I followed the example at the bottom of the page, to no avail. I searched StackOverflow but I couldn't seem to find a similar question with WP. I also posted this on the AppHub forums though.
In your MainViewModel you need to check if they have allowed location services before you use the geocoordinatewatcher.
{all your code for using location}
You should probably take into account a few factors/points, most of which, you have. Anyway, you might find these helpful.
Your application settings toggle should only show when the location service is switched on on the device
GeoPositionStatus is just an Enum which contains the types of statuses.
StatusChanged is the event which is to be handled to check for changes in the device settings. See this.
You cannot change the device settings from the application.
Add event handlers before you call start on the watcher.
