Visual Studio JIT Debugger hangs - visual-studio

I've always used System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch() as a quick way to debug web services. I get a dialog asking me to choose a debugger, I pick "New instance of Visual Studio" and it fires up VS and lets me step through the code.
That has suddenly stopped working. Now I get the dialog, and choose Visual Studio, and the VS splash screen appears, and then it just hangs. The dialog window says "Not Responding" and I have to force it to close. Even then, a VS instance is left hanging around in Task Manager and I have to kill it manually.
I've tried repairing Visual Studio, and uninstalling and reinstalling Visual Studio, and nothing fixes it.
In desperation, I completely flattened my PC and reinstalled everything from scratch. It lasted about a day and then JIT debugging started hanging again. I was on Windows 10 and Visual Studio 17.4.1 before, and I'm on Windows 11 and Visual Studio 17.4.2 now.
To make sure that it's not a problem with some particular code, I created a one-line console app System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch(); and that crashes just the same.
Has anybody experienced anything similar, or have any idea what could be going wrong?

I don't know why that fails, but I suggest to attach to a running instance of Visual Studio instead. Start Visual Studio first, and then when the "launch debugger" window appears, select the running VS instance. Preferably, you should even open the correct solution/project first. If you attach to that instance, all your source code and the project structure is available for debugging.
Another alternative: Instead of using Debugger.Launch(), use a code snipped such as
while (!Debugger.IsAttached)
at the beginning of your program and attach the debugger from within Visual Studio (using the menu option Debug->Attach to process)

I had the same exact problem and after updated to VS version 17.4.4 the issue disappeared. All good now.


Visual Studio hangs at Review Solution Actions dialog

When trying to open an older C++ project in Visual Studio 2019 Professional, I keep getting this "Review Solution Actions" dialog that hangs Visual Studio.
I've tried starting in safe mode and resetting my user settings but neither of those have done anything.
Once this dialog shows up it just hangs here and I cannot focus on this dialog or Visual Studio. It's as functional as the image of it posted in this question.
I can successfully "End Task" in Task Manager (as opposed to killing the process) so it's still doing something in the Windows message loop (and redrawing)-- but strangely won't obtain focus or allow drags. Haven't seen that before.
Is there a way to retarget this project via the command line? Is there something else I can do?
Version: VisualStudio.16.Release/16.4.5+29806.167
Updating to 16.5.2 resolved this, thankfully.

Visual Studio Hangs in debug?

For the past couple of days, Visual Studio 2012 and 2013 have been hanging during debug mode. Most of the time, i dont get this issue until further into my project. When i press the Start Button, everything continues as normal, but then hangs with this message at the bottom of visual Studio statusBar.
Inside Task Manager, when i try to force taskkill, or end process/process tree, this continues to stay present in my running processes.
Even after a reinstall, nothing seems to help it. I did see somewhere on the Microsoft Developer forums where a person was told it was something to do with the windows sybmol server?. What do i need to do to fix this issue i am having?
After this occurs once, i am forced to reboot my computer. Even if i open Visual Studio after this happens, it still has the same issue.

How to close a crashed Visual Studio debugger?

I feel pretty ridiculous having to ask this, but is there an easy way to close Visual Studio while it's debugging?
I'm debugging my application, and when switching to full screen it crashes. I am unable to alt-tab to visual studio to stop the debugger, and I'm unable to pull any other windows on top of the full screen application.
I can, however, see the start bar. I can right click on visual studio and click close, but it does nothing (same goes for the debugging application).
I'm unable to get the task manager to show in front of the full screen application.. However, I'm on Windows 8 and I've noticed the Metro interface still works (and all metro apps). If I could find a little command prompt metro app I'm sure I could get around this, but I'm unable to.
Is there an easier way to resolve the issue without having to restart my pc each time I crash?
Almost forgot to mention, I'm on Visual Studio 2013
Edit: Forgot to mention, I'm programming on-the-go on a laptop; I only have the one monitor for this situation
I found a solution:
I can toggle focus to Visual Studio via Windows' Alt-Tab hotkey. This won't bring up Visual Studio, though.
Usually the problem is an unhandled exception, which requires me to hit "break." Since I gave Visual Studio focus, I can hit enter to select break.
I then use the Shift+F5 hotkey to stop the debugger
You might be able to use Developer Command Prompt - see MDbg.exe (.NET Framework Command-Line Debugger) to debug and kill your process

Visual Studio 2010 hangs on attach to process / debugging

Whenever I try to debug a Visual Studio 2010 web project, VS hangs, and ultimately crashes. This happens if I try to start the project using F5, or through Attach to Process, before the process list even appears.
Hitting F5 in, for example, a Windows Form project works fine, but attach to process fails here too.
Any ideas on what can be causing this? Obviously attaching to the devenv.exe process won't work as I can't get the Attach to Process dialog to appear...
Oh, running W7 (x64), VS2010 SP1 (had same problems without SP1)
In Solution Explorer there is a Show All Files icon (highlighted in the photo below):
Make sure it's turned off,
When It's turned on, Visual Studio tries to index all the files in the solution and if you have a giant Solution it could take forever!
I hope this has helped someone :)
Have you recently installed Mono and/or Mono Tools for VS2010?
I found that to be the problem it my case. Not sure why, but it somehow got in the way.
In my case hangs when executable type was not correctly set, ex. Managed v4.0 and trying to attach to Native.

Visual Studio 2008 crashes and has to be restarted when I start the debugger

My Visual Studio crashes each time I try to debug my application.
I've been working on this application for months and only now has this issue come up. I've tried rebooting to no avail.
When I press F5, Visual Studio immediately freezes up and displays no error message. I also get the exact same behavior when I use the "Attach to Process" option to start the debugger.
The problem happens only with a particular application I'm working on. If I create a new project, I can debug that project, but as soon as I open up my original project, it's the same story all over again.
Also, I should point out that the "development server" icons appear in the System tray and do not disappear after the frozen Visual Studio 2008 is terminated.
Has anyone else encountered this?
I had the sysadmin re-install VS2k8 for me. That fixed the problem.
For some odd reason, the uninstall process took a very long time that surprised even the sysadmin who uninstalled and reinstalled it for me. I wonder if that could have anything to do with the problem.
Anyhow, the reinstall got me up and running again.
