How to fix flaws of the type CWE 73 External Control of File Name or Path - veracode

Based on the below documentation/guide
How to fix flaws of the type CWE 73 External Control of File Name or Path
I am trying to pass fileName provided by the the user
amazonS3.putObject(path, fileName, inputStream, objectMetadata);
But is the enforcement of veracode is, we should not use any English word which was a part of http request file name field, then how we are suppose to assume a file?


For the use of the LocalizedResourceName property

I wish to customize my own folder style, I tried to make the folder get remarks by modifying the LocalizedResourceName property in desktop.ini.
I try to set LocalizedResourceName to a Chinese string. But it is displayed as garbled characters when it is actually displayed.
I noticed the following code in the desktop.ini of the system folder:
So I try to write a .dll file by myself, encapsulate the icon and string, and use it.
I already know how to make a resource-only dll file, but I don't know how to get a certain resource in the file. (ie, get the number -21798 in the above example code)
How should I do ?
By convention, a positive resource number is an index (0 is the first resource etc.) and negative numbers are resource ids. In this specific case, it is the string resource with the id of abs(-21798) that Windows would pass to LoadString.
If you want to create your own .dll, add a string with an id of 2 for example (any number between 2 and 0xffff) and in your .ini you would use #c:\path\mydll.dll,-2.
Before you go to all this trouble, just try saving the .ini as UTF-16 LE (Unicode in Notepad) and use Chinese strings directly without the #.

Are stringified MongoDB ObjectID's safe as folder names?

As it says on the tin. I'd like to name folders corresponding to "Channels." I'd personally rather use the human-readable name but I was told halfway through development that names cannot be static (for some reason)
Yes ObjectId's are safe as folder names if by safe you mean are they valid folder name.
For example, an ObjectId is a hex value of characters 0-9 and a-z of length 24, which will always be a valid folder name.
If you mean to ask if the ObjectId carries some sensitive information, you should know that it has the date its corresponding document was created embedded in it. Someone with access to the ObjectId would be able to discover when it was created. Whether this is a concern is up to you.

read known file extensions / types from the registry

I want to present the user with a list of known file extensions for him to pick. I know that these are stored in the Registry under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT usually like this:
.txt -> (default)="txtfile"
where txtfile then contains the information about associated programs etc.
Unfortunately that place in the registry also stores lots of other keys, like the file types (e.g. txtfile) and entries like
CAPICOM.Certificates (whatever that is)
How do I determine which of the entries are file extensions? Or is there a different way to get these extensions like an API function?
(I don't think it matters, but I am using Delphi for the program.)
There is no guarantee that every keys preceded by a dot in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT is intended for file association, but every file association requires creation of a key preceded by a dot. See MSDN on File Types topic.
AFAIK, the method I describe here conforms with how the Windows Set File Associations feature works to get a list of all known file types. It was based on my former observation when I delved into this subject.
To achieve that, you'll need to do intricate steps as follows:
Enumerating every keys preceded by a dot . , you can use RegQueryInfoKey() and RegEnumKeyEx() for this purpose.
In every keys preceded by a dot, look at the default value data:
a. If the default value is not empty, this is enough indication that the "preceding dot key" is intended for file association in all Windows NT version, then try to open the key name as mentioned by the value data, just says TheKeyNameMentioned.
a1) If there is subkeys shell\open\command under TheKeyNameMentioned, then test the existence of the path pointed by the default value of this key; if the path exists, there is a default application associated with the extension; if the path doesn't exists, the default application is unknown. To get the file extension description, look at the default value of TheKeyNameMentioned. To get the program description, first, test whether the following key contain a value-name equal to the EXE file path, that is HKCR\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\MuiCache. If it is there, then look at the value data to get the file description; if it is not there, use GetFileVersionInfo() directly to get the file description.
a2) If there is no subkeys shell\open\command under TheKeyNameMentioned, then the default application is unknown. To get the file extension description, look at the default value of TheKeyNameMentioned.
b. On Windows Vista and later, when the point [a] fails, you need additional check. If the default value is empty, test whether the key has a subkey named OpenWithProgIDs.
If OpenWithProgIDs subkey exists, use RegEnumValue() to find the first encountered value name that meets the criteria, that is, the name of the value name must point to an existing key (just says TheKeyNameMentioned.) with the same name as the value name. If TheKeyNameMentioned exists, this is enough indication that the "preceding dot key" is intended for file association. Read point a1 and a2 for the next steps.
If OpenWithProgIDs subkey doesn't exist, the default application is unknown. To get the file extension description, look at the default value of TheKeyNameMentioned.
Hope that helps. :-)
For a command-line alternative, the assoc command-line program included in Windows shows registered file extensions.
c:\> assoc
I'm not sure which verb this looks for. Open perhaps? I'm also not sure which extensions will appear in this list. Perhaps the extensions of files that can open from the command line.
To then find out which executable is mapped to each file type, the ftype command will tell:
c:\> ftype VLC.3g2
VLC.3g2="c:\vlc.exe" --started-from-file "%1"
IMHO - all those registry subkeys starting with the dot (.) - are for file extensions.
For instance in your case .txt stands for the "txt" extension, whereas txtfile doesn't start with the dot.
I don't know the details, but it seems you could use the IQueryAssociations interface.

Using JScript or VBScript for CustomActions

In my installer I need to do the following: obtain location of the external application from registry and create folders for my application executive and various files in this “parent” directory. I know how to get this directory from registry, but unfortunately the string I get looks like this: C:/Programm Files/Manufacturer/ExtApplication/extapp.exe.
For sure, it does not suit me. So, as I understand, I need to remove the “extapp.exe” part from it. I tried to do it via CustomAction using VBScript or JScript, but I am not experienced enough nether in both these scripts, nor wix itself. I read about Type51, Type 35, etc. CustomAction types, but I cannot get how I should 1) remove the part of the string; 2) use it in Directory element; 3) do all this before the installation of the files.
Will be grateful for any advice (without using Scripts as well).
First, you shouldn't use script custom actions. They are very fragile:
Here is how I would roll:
Use RegLocator/AppSearch to pull the registry value into a property at the beginning of the isntall. Then call out to a C++ custom action that parses off the file name. This custom action should be scheduled before CostInitialize.
You won't use a 51 or a 35 here, you'll use a Type 1 with a call to MsiSetProperty() which is equivilant to Type 51. The difference between 51 and 35 is you use 51 before costing and 35 after costing.
The name of the property you set should match the name of the Id for the Directory table row you are using. Any children of that row will be relative path'd to what you set it to.

What does Canonical Representation mean and its potential vulnerability to websites

I searched on google for a meaning of canonical representation and turned up documents that are entirely too cryptic. Can anyone provide a quick explanation of canonical representation and also what are some typical vulnerabilities in websites to canonical representation attacks?
Canonicalisation is the process by which you take an input, such as a file name, or a string, and turn it into a standard representation.
For example if your web application only allows access to files under C:\websites\mydomain then typically any input referring to filenames is canonicalised to be a physical, direct path, rather than one which uses relative paths. If you wanted to open C:\websites\mydomain\example\example.txt one input into that function may be example\example.txt. It's hard to work out if this goes outside the boundaries of your web site, so the canonicalisation function would look at the application directory and change that relative path into a physical one, C:\websites\mydomain\example\example.txt. This is obviously easier to check as you simply do a string compare on the start of the file path.
For HTML inputs you take inputs like %20 and canonicalise them by unencoding, so this would turn into a space. This is a good idea as the number of different ways of encoding are numerous, canonicalisation means you would check the decoded string only, rather than try to cover all the encoding variations.
Basically you are taking input which is logically equivalent and converting them to a standard form which you can then act upon.
The following explanation is from the "Application Security and Development STIG" found here:
3.11 Canonical Representation
Canonical representation issues arise
when the name of a resource is used to
control resource access. There are
multiple methods of representing
resource names on a computer system.
An application relying solely on a
resource name to control access may
incorrectly make an access control
decision if the name is specified in
an unrecognized format.
For example,
in Windows, notepad.exe may be
represented by the following file and
path name combinations:
An application attempting to restrict
access to the file based solely on the
file path and name may improperly
grant or deny access. The same issue
may apply to other named resources on
a system, such as a hard- and
soft-links, URL, pipe, share,
directory, device name, or within data
files, if alternate encoding
mechanisms are used with the data.
following items may indicate potential
canonical representation issues in an
• Access control
decisions based upon a resource name.
• Failure to reduce a resource name to
its canonical form before use.
order to minimize canonical
representation issues in the
application, implement the following
• Do not rely solely on
resource names to control access.
• If
using resource names to control
access, validate the names to ensure
they are in the proper format; reject
all names not fitting the known-good
• Use operating system-based
access control mechanisms such as
permissions and ACLs.
Canonicalisation means reducing the data received to its simplest form, it's used for Input validation.
Canonical (I think) means that console input is "typical behavior". Non-canonical means that input is non-standard and requires special knowledge, such as the input behavior of "vi" on linux.
