Performance impact of Spring Sleuth - spring-boot

I read somewhere that Spring Sleuth has performance impact. Whatever I read over internet are old posts.
Does anyone know whether with new version of Spring Boot this issue is resolved or it is still there.


How to fix or avoid CVE-2018-14335 H2 Security Issue?

In my Spring Boot 2 Project, I use H2 in memory Database.
My Nexus IQ Security Scan alerting about CVE-2018-14335. I dont understand the cause of this, so I cant fix it. I also dont understand the Explanation by Nexus-IQ.
Webconsole is deactivated
Newest H2 Version is used
Spring Boot 2.6.6 is used
Can someone explain me in a easy language what exactly the problem is and or how to fix it in Spring Boot?

Opentelemetry agent vs spring cloud sleuth

I’m looking for some distributed tracing technologies for our spring boot services, in the internet, I see we have 2 popular choices I.e opentelemetry agent and spring cloud sleuth.
I see both of the them have good integration support, I’m confused to which one to go for, please give me some suggestions
As of today, you can find the following announcement on the Sleuth's Spring page:
Spring Cloud Sleuth’s last minor version is 3.1. You can check the 3.1.x branch for the latest commits. The core of this project got moved to Micrometer Tracing project and the instrumentations will be moved to Micrometer and all respective projects (no longer all instrumentations will be done in a single repository).
Additionally, sleuth is not playing nicely when trying to integrate tracing with other java-but-not-spring-exclusive libraries. To afford any such implementation you would need to configure Sleuth to use the open-telemetry tracer.
Thus, my advice would be to go for open-telemetry, unless you have an exclusive reason not to do that.
As for my current approach, I was introducing otel into an established project that is due for a Spring Boot 3 migration next year. I thus opted to use non-sleuth Spring otel libraries to avoid coupling with Sleuth in this short period.
I am not sure if that's a good approach, but with a lack of proper Spring 2 -> 3 migration, this way will not be a blocker until you can migrate other deps over

Spring Data Projections stopped working after spring update

So I updated the spring version to 2.6.3, which upgraded all the starters and spring data versions which brought a curious problem, the projections used for spring data stopped working and spring is throwing a NPE unless I explicitly provide #Value("#{}") above the projection field. Problem is that you can't catch everything, and there is a good chance I miss something, so does anyone have an idea if there is a global solution to this or I should go for the downgrade?

Difference between Caching options provided by Spring Boot and Resilience4j cache

Resilience4j version: 1.2.0
Java version: 1.8
Problem description:
I am trying to explore different patterns provided by resilience4j. I am trying to stick to annotations vs functional programming. But when it comes to resilience4j cahce, I am bit confused, as I couldn't find an working example of the same. I was able successfully try out other patterns.
My confusion is around spring boot cache and resilience4j cache. Are they same or functionally different? Can I use them interchangingly? Is there any github repository giving an usecase and explanation for the resilience4j cache? Any input is highly appreciated.
I got an response from the author Robert Winkler on github, who wrote Resiliance4j-cache component. Below is his resonse.
You can stick with Spring Caching Abstraction and Annotations.
Resilience4j-cache is currently not part of the Spring Boot starter and there are no plans to add it.
Resilience4j-cache was created by me when I had to use JCache API and Hazelcast and I wanted to protect my application from runtime exception which were thrown by Hazelcast.

Spring or Spring boot

As part of a new web application project, I'm planning to learn Spring. I started to read through the Spring framework reference. While I was googling, I came across Spring boot. What I understood is that spring boot helps to build application much faster than spring by reducing configuration. Now I'm little confused whether should I continue learning spring or jump to spring boot. My intention is to understand how spring works as a framework rather than a few features. So please let me know, as a beginner what should I do? First, learn Spring and then spring boot or vice-versa.
Ok, I know it's a while since I asked this question. I kind of have an answer (personal one)
I started with Spring Boot and so far built one Spring Boot REST application. Yes, as others said, Spring Boot, helps you to get started quickly and being new to some language/technology, I would love to see a working module ASAP. So Spring boot helps you with that.
Later depending on your interest, you can start exploring in-depth how Spring boot does that magic.
So, in summary, go with Spring Boot and then deep dive to understand the underlying concept. Again this is my opinion.
Thanks, everyone for your inputs/suggestions.
If you want to develop web applications especially micro-services, I will recommend that you should learn Spring Boot first.
The first reason is that there are many resources and examples on
web, so you can easily find what you need.
The second reason is that Spring Framework (including Spring Boot) is
suitable for PaaS environment especially Pivotal. Therefore you can
rapidly deploy your applications without too much effort.
First of all, learn how Spring applications work.
Spring applications are based on the Object Relation Model. You need to understand the annotations and why we use them. Then you have to learn how Spring MVC works. Up to here, both Spring and Spring Boot are similar. Basically, Spring Boot is made so that a Spring-based application can be made very easily. Spring Boot is very good framework for the Web and other.
After learning the above things, then you can jump easily onto Spring Boot. However, if you jump directly to Spring Boot you will see there are many such things which are not described in the Spring Boot tutorials, since many of them expect that you have some prior knowledge of Spring.
