AES Remove Block Padding - go

I have a program that decrypts a ciphertext (which I don't control) using this example from the go docs:
The problem is this part:
// If the original plaintext lengths are not a multiple of the block
// size, padding would have to be added when encrypting, which would be
// removed at this point. For an example, see
My original plaintext length is indeed not a multiple of the block size, so I need to remove the padding. How can I do this? If I do not remove the padding, I can not decompress the plaintext because of which go maintainers made clear is very strict about gzip compliance on purpose. Currently my workaround is to invoke gunzip as a shell command which can successfully decompress the plaintext (ignoring the trailing padding).
I checked the ietf link but I found no examples (or at least no go examples)

It turns out the encrypter and decrypter have to agree on a padding scheme in advance. In my case, the encrypter was using the padding scheme described here:
In other words, the plaintext is padded with 0x01 if there is one byte of padding, 0x02 0x02 if there are 2 bytes of padding, 0x03 0x03 0x03, etc.
So for a toy example, assume block size is 4 bytes. Here are some example plaintexts:
plaintext ... plaintext with padding
01 01 03 03 03
01 02 01 02 02 02
01 02 03 01 02 03 01
01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 04 04 04 04
Therefore, I was able to remove plaintext padding using:
func removePadding(pt []byte) []byte {
padLength := int(pt[len(pt)-1])
return pt[:len(pt)-padLength]
See also:


Error: syntax error, unexpected "Identifier", expecting EXTERNAL or GLOBAL

Hi I was wondering if yall could help me figure this error out. Im rather new to cobol as it is my first (and only) cobol class in my major.
I keep getting this error lab3a.cob:23: Error: syntax error, unexpected "Identifier", expecting EXTERNAL or GLOBAL
whenever I try to compile. And I cant seem to see what I'm doing wrong.
My Code
Author. Fielding Featherston
* Takes inputs from file and seperates.
ASSIGN to "lab3-in.dat"
FD InFile.
01 InString.
05 PIC X(13).
05 Instrument PIC X(12).
88 Brass value "Bugle" "Flugelhorn"
"Sousaphone" "Trombone"
"Trumpet" "Tuba".
88 Percussion value "Bass Drum" "Bells" "Bongos"
"Castanets" "Chimes" "Cymbals"
"Snare Drum" "Xylophone".
88 Strings value "Banjo" "Bass" "Cello" "Guitar"
"Harp" "Lyre"
"Mandolin" "Violin".
88 Woodwind value "Bagpipes" "Bassoon" "Clarinet"
"Flute" "Oboe"
"Piccolo" "Saxophone".
01 BrassCount PIC 9(3).
01 PerCount PIC 9(3).
01 StringCount PIC 9(3).
01 WoodCount PIC 9(3).
01 OtherCount PIC 9(3).
01 BrassStr PIC ZZ9.
01 PerStr PIC ZZ9.
01 StringStr PIC ZZ9.
01 WoodStr PIC ZZ9.
01 OtherStr PIC ZZ9.
01 InStringLength PIC 99.
01 EndFileStr PIC X VALUE "n".
88 EndFile VALUE "y"
When Set to False is "y".
Open Input InFile
Perform until EndFile
Read InFile
At end
Set EndFile to FALSE
Not at End
PERFORM 100-SeperateStrings
PERFORM 200-ClassCount
Move BrassCount to BrassStr
Move PerCount to PerStr
Move StringCount to StringStr
Move WoodCount to WoodStr
Move OtherCount to OtherStr
DISPLAY "Counts"
DISPLAY " Percussion: " FUNCTION TRIM(PerStr)
DISPLAY " String: " FUNCTION TRIM(StringStr)
DISPLAY " Woodwind: " FUNCTION TRIM(WoodStr)
MOVE FUNCTION Length(InString) to InStringLength
UNSTRING InString (14:InStringLength)
INTO Instrument
IF Brass
Add 1 to BrassCount
ELSE IF Percussion
Add 1 to PerCount
ELSE IF Strings
Add 1 to StringCount
ELSE IF Woodwind
Add 1 to WoodCount
Add 1 to OtherCount
An EXTERNAL or GLOBAL clause in the context of the error may only occur in a record description entry; that is, a data entry that begins with 1 or 01. Given that the error occurs between two 88 level items, it appears the compiler is confused about where it is while scanning the source code.
There is some unusual formatting that may be creating a problem with an the compiler. In particular, line 22 contains a number of TAB characters that should not, but may, confuse the compiler. Also, lines 33 and 46 contain a number of TAB characters at the end of each source line causing the lines to exceed 72 characters.
Another possible issue is expansion of tabs, whether each TAB character is replaced by 4 or 8 spaces by the compiler. Again this will affect whether the text exceeds 72 characters. In the absence of a SOURCE FORMAT directive, source text after column 72 is ignored.
Until you know the effect that tabs have on the source code, I suggest replacing all tabs with spaces.

COBOL "File not found" while opening a file

I am trying to familiarize myself with COBOL. I try to start the following program:
identification division.
program-id. Bestand.
date-written. 08.05.2020
environment division.
input-output section.
select bestand-datei-ein assign to
select bestand-datei-aus assign to
data division.
file section.
fd bestand-datei-ein label records are omitted.
01 bestand-satz-ein.
05 e-teile-nr PIC X(6).
05 e-bestand-menge PIC 9(5).
05 e-eingang-menge PIC 9(4).
05 e-stueck-preis PIC 999V99.
fd bestand-datei-aus label records are omitted.
01 bestand-satz-aus.
05 a-teile-nr PIC X(6).
05 filler PIC X(4).
05 a-bestand-menge PIC 9(5).
05 filler PIC X(3).
05 a-eingang-menge PIC 9(4).
05 filler PIC X(3).
05 a-stueck-preis PIC 999.99.
05 filler PIC X(3).
05 a-bestand-menge-neu PIC 9(5).
05 filler PIC X(3).
05 a-kosten PIC 9(6).99.
01 a PIC X.
working-storage section.
01 bestand-datei-ein-ende PIC X.
procedure division.
open input bestand-datei-ein
output bestand-datei-aus.
move 'N' to bestand-datei-ein-ende.
read bestand-datei-ein
at end move 'J' to bestand-datei-ein-ende.
perform b010-listen-bestandsdaten
until bestand-datei-ein-ende = 'J'.
close bestand-datei-aus
accept a.
stop run.
move spaces to bestand-satz-aus.
move e-teile-nr to a-teile-nr.
move e-bestand-menge to a-bestand-menge.
move e-eingang-menge to a-eingang-menge.
move e-stueck-preis to a-stueck-preis.
add e-bestand-menge, e-eingang-menge
giving a-bestand-menge-neu.
multiply a-bestand-menge-neu by e-stueck-preis
giving a-kosten.
read bestand-datei-ein
at end
move 'J' to bestand-datei-ein-ende.
I always get the error message "File not found: C: \ Users \ Michael \ Desktop \ Microfocus \ Program \ aus.txt" when I start the program and the should be opened.
I work with Micro Focus Visual Cobol for Visual Studio
Any idea ?
From comment:
The problem has now been solved. The file names were not displayed correctly in the code (cut and paste errors). It should read "ein.txt" and aus.txt. The problem was that the file names in the file system were set so that the extension is not displayed. I named the input file "ein.txt" and basically created a file named "ein.txt.txt". Therefore the file was not found.

getting extra bytes 82 00 in pc/sc response

I am trying to read data from sony felica card using pc/sc transparent session and transceive data object.
The response I am getting is for a read without encryption command is
c0 03 00 90 00 92 01 00 96 02 00 00 97 82 00 + Data
But according to the protocol, the response should be
c0 03 00 90 00 92 01 00 96 02 00 00 97 + Data
I am unable to figure out the last 82 00 appended in the response from the card.
Now when I try to authenticate with the card I get
c0 03 01 6F 01 90 00
which is a error in pc/sc. I want to resolve these extra bytes 82 00 which I believe will solve the issue with all the commands which require authentication and encryption.
The response data is BER-TLV encoded (see PC/SC 2.02, Part 3).
In BER-TLV encoding there are several possibilities to encode tag 0x97 with two octets of data 0xD0D1, e.g.:
97|02|D0D1 -- short form (see parsed)
97|8102|D0D1 -- long form with one octet with length (see parsed)
97|820002|D0D1 -- long form with two octets with length (see parsed)
97|83000002|D0D1 -- long form with three octets with length (see parsed)
Your reader is using two octets for sending the length of ICC Response data object (which is perfectly valid).
You should parse the response properly...Good luck!
PS: The above means, that the Data part of your truncated responses still contains one extra byte with the response length (i.e. Len|Data)

How to determine the major compiler version from .obj files compiled with /GL?

I'm trying to determine Visual Studio version (2002/2003, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015) from the .obj file generated with the link time code generation option.
The file I have, generated with MSVC2012, has following COFF header contents:
File Header
+0 00 00 Machine - Unknown Machine
+2 FF FF NumberOfSections
+4 01 00 4C 01 TimeDateStamp
+8 70 94 F9 55 PointerToSymbolTable
+12 38 FE B3 0C NumberOfSymbols
+16 A5 D9 SizeOfOptionalHeader
+18 AB 4D Characteristics
Optional Header
+20 AC 9B Magic
+22 D6 B6 Linker Version Major/Minor
It seems that the initial 4 bytes being 00,00,FF,FF mark it as a LTCG object, and what follows is proprietary. None of the usual file header members make "sense" (maybe the timestamp is OK, I didn't check).
Does anyone know offhand if any part of this header is compiler-specific? All I need to determine is the MSVC major version used to compile the object...
It appears that there is a version, coded as <MAJOR:16:LE> 0x80 <MINOR:16:LE>, stored shortly after the header. E.g.:
17.00.61030 -> 0x11.0xEE66 -> 11 00 80 66 EE
19.00.23026 -> 0x13.0x59F2 -> 13 00 80 F2 59
What's needed is to figure out how to get to it reliably by offsets from preceding data.
This is a related question, with no resolution...
You can't get the compiler version with this file format, I guess ...
Complete answer :
It looks like some variation of the "anonymous file format", described in the "winnth.h" by various ANON_OBJECT_HEADER_XXX structures (replace XXX by V2 or BIGOBJ).
Here is a copy of the ANON_OBJECT_HEADER_BIGOBJ found in winnt.h :
/* same as ANON_OBJECT_HEADER_V2 */
WORD Sig2; // Must be 0xffff
WORD Version; // >= 2 (implies the Flags field is present)
WORD Machine; // Actual machine - IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_xxx
DWORD TimeDateStamp;
CLSID ClassID; // CLSID is a 16 bytes struct (not original comment)
DWORD SizeOfData; // Size of data that follows the header
DWORD Flags; // 0x1 -> contains metadata
DWORD MetaDataSize; // Size of CLR metadata
DWORD MetaDataOffset; // Offset of CLR metadata
/* bigobj specifics */
DWORD NumberOfSections; // extended from WORD
DWORD PointerToSymbolTable;
DWORD NumberOfSymbols;
The description match:
Sig1 : 00 00
Sig2 : FF FF
Version : >=2
Machine : 0x14c`
The other header structures (i.e, ANON_OBJECT_HEADER and ANON_OBJECT_HEADER_V2) are basically the same, but with less fields.
For the Version field, I found some information here :
Looks like the Version field is "1" for anonymous files, and it seems like the anonymous files and the so called "import files" shared the same characteristics, only that Version = 0 for import file format (I do not really know what it is admittedly).
But yeah, by just looking at the header, it seems that we have no information on what compiler version was used. And even then, when looking at .obj files generated with the /GL switch, they do not exactly follow this format and I didn't find much information about them. I'll be glad that someone prove me wrong.

snmptrap unsigned type not working as expected

I am using snmpV3 adapter and passing V2 traps to it by using commands as below. It looks like the range for type u (i.e. unsigned) is upto (2^31) - 1 (i.e. 2147483647). I was expecting it to be (2^32) - 1 (i.e. 4294967295).
snmptrap -c public -v 2c clm-pun-009642 '' u 2147483647
Above command generates following log:
trace: ..\..\snmplib\snmp_api.c, 5293:
dumph_recv: Value
dumpx_recv: 42 04 7F FF FF FF
dumpv_recv: UInteger: 2147483647 (0x7FFFFFFF)
Where as for:
snmptrap -c public -v 2c clm-pun-009642 '' u 2147483648
Above command generates following log:
enter code heretrace: ..\..\snmplib\snmp_api.c, 5293:
dumph_recv: Value
dumpx_recv: 42 05 00 80 00 00 00
dumpv_recv: UInteger: -2147483648 (0x80000000)
Refer to:
I am using net-snmp v5.5.
Is this the correct behavior or am I missing something?
I have discovered various problems with net-snmp over the years. This is apparently one more. The standards are quite clear. RFC 2578 defines Unsigned32 as follows:
-- an unsigned 32-bit quantity
-- indistinguishable from Gauge32 Unsigned32 ::=
IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..4294967295)
As noted, this is identical to Gauge32, which is identical to Gauge in SNMPv1 (RFC 1155):
Gauge ::=
IMPLICIT INTEGER (0..4294967295)
The encoding is correct; all integers within SNMP are encoded as signed, meaning a value above 2^31-1 must be encoded in 5 bytes. Thus the proper translation of the encoding is:
42 Type: Gauge32 or Unsigned32
05 Length: 5 bytes
00 80 00 00 00 Value: 2^31
net-snmp is incorrectly decoding the value.
