Spring Data Mongo Db transactional annotation error handling of TransientTransactionError - spring

I have multiple operations on Mongo which I want to be considered as one operation so I enabled transactions. I'm using Mongo version 5.
The configuration class contains the following bean definition:
#Bean(name = "transactionManager")
MongoTransactionManager transactionManager(MongoDatabaseFactory dbFactory) {
return new MongoTransactionManager(dbFactory);
My business logic is similar to below snippet. Assume inside this method there are changes done on different collections.
public MyResult create(String payload) {
//operations omitted for brevity
Based on the Mongo documentation (https://www.mongodb.com/docs/v5.0/core/transactions/) I quote:
The new callback API also incorporates retry logic for TransientTransactionError or UnknownTransactionCommitResult commit errors.
Also this as reference: https://github.com/mongodb/specifications/blob/master/source/transactions/transactions.rst#error-labels
Does Spring data Mongo db know how to handle the TransientTransactionError (including the retry described in the docs)? If not what are the alternatives?


Primary/secondary datasource failover in Spring MVC

I have a java web application developed on Spring framework which uses mybatis. I see that the datasource is defined in beans.xml. Now I want to add a secondary data source too as a backup. For e.g, if the application is not able to connect to the DB and gets some error, or if the server is down, then it should be able to connect to a different datasource. Is there a configuration in Spring to do this or we will have to manually code this in the application?
I have seen primary and secondary notations in Spring boot but nothing in Spring. I could achieve these in my code where the connection is created/retrieved, by connecting to the secondary datasource if the connection to the primary datasource fails/timed out. But wanted to know if this can be achieved by making changes just in Spring configuration.
Let me clarify things one-by-one-
Spring Boot has a #Primary annotation but there is no #Secondary annotation.
The purpose of the #Primary annotation is not what you have described. Spring does not automatically switch data sources in any way. #Primary merely tells the spring which data source to use in case we don't specify one in any transaction. For more detail on this- https://www.baeldung.com/spring-data-jpa-multiple-databases
Now, how do we actually switch datasources when one goes down-
Most people don't manage this kind of High-availability in code. People usually prefer to 2 master database instances in an active-passive mode which are kept in sync. For auto-failovers, something like keepalived can be used. This is also a high subjective and contentious topic and there are a lot of things to consider here like can we afford replication lag, are there slaves running for each master(because then we have to switch slaves too as old master's slaves would now become out of sync, etc. etc.) If you have databases spread across regions, this becomes even more difficult(read awesome) and requires yet more engineering, planning, and design.
Now since, the question specifically mentions using application code for this. There is one thing you can do. I don't advice to use it in production though. EVER. You can create an ASPECTJ advice around your all primary transactional methods using your own custom annotation. Lets call this annotation #SmartTransactional for our demo.
Sample Code. Did not test it though-
public #interface SmartTransactional {}
public class SomeServiceImpl implements SomeService {
public boolean someMethod(){
//call a common method here for code reusability or create an abstract class
public class SomeServiceSecondaryTransactionImpl implements SomeService {
public boolean usingTransactionManager2() {
//call a common method here for code reusability or create an abstract class
public class SmartTransactionalAspect {
private ApplicationContext context;
public void smartTransactionalAnnotationPointcut() {
public Object methodsAnnotatedWithSmartTransactional(final ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
Method method = getMethodFromTarget(joinPoint);
Object result = joinPoint.proceed();
boolean failure = Boolean.TRUE;// check if result is failure
if(failure) {
String secondaryTransactionManagebeanName = ""; // get class name from joinPoint and append 'SecondaryTransactionImpl' instead of 'Impl' in the class name
Object bean = context.getBean(secondaryTransactionManagebeanName);
result = bean.getClass().getMethod(method.getName()).invoke(bean);
return result;

Configuring Spring transactions support for MongoDB

I am using spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb:2.2.1.RELEASE and trying to add transaction support for Mongo DB operations.
I have the account service below, where documents are inserted into two collections accounts and profiles. In case an error occurs while inserting into profile collection, the insertion into accounts should rollback. I have configured Spring transactions using MongoTransactionManager.
public class AccountService {
public void register(UserAccount userAccount) {
userAccount = accountRepository.save(userAccount);
UserProfile userProfile = new UserProfile(userAccountDoc.getId());
userProfile = profileRepository.save(userProfile);
Enabled Spring transaction support for MongoDB.
public abstract class MongoConfig extends AbstractMongoConfiguration {
MongoTransactionManager transactionManager(MongoDbFactory dbFactory) {
return new MongoTransactionManager(dbFactory);
As per Spring reference doc https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/mongodb/docs/2.2.1.RELEASE/reference/html/#mongo.transactions that is all required to enable transactions for MongoDB. But this is not working. Insertions into accounts collection are not rolled back in case error occurs while inserting into profiles collection. Any suggestions if I am missing anything?
I would use command monitoring or examine query logs on the server side to ensure that:
session ids are sent with queries/write commands
transaction operations are performed (there is no startTransaction command but there is a commitTransaction)

AsyncCassandraOperations examples

I am reading up on AsyncCassandraOperations to perform async inserts to improve performance based on another post here. But I am unable to find a lot of help on google or spring data documentation.
Previously I was using Cassandra Repository for all data extraction and insert/updates which I found to be super slow. As per recommendation I am now using AsyncCassandraOperations for the insert operation alone, but it wont let me. I encounter required a bean of type 'org.springframework.data.cassandra.core.AsyncCassandraOperations' error.
What would be the correct way to use AsyncCassandraOperations please?
#Autowired private MyRepository repository_name;
#Autowired private AsyncCassandraOperations acops;
public void persist(List<POJO> l_POJO)
System.out.println("Enter Persist: "+new java.util.Date());
List<l_POJO> l_POJO_stale = repository_name.findBycol1AndStale("sample",false);
l_POJO_stale.forEach(s -> s.setStale(true));
l_POJO_stale.forEach(s -> acops.update(s));
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("Error in persisting new data");
Don't know whether spring boot is used, if so the AsyncCassandraOperations(AsyncCassandraTemplate is the implementation class) should be created automatically.
If the error shows you need an AsyncCassandraOperations bean, the straight way is to create one as shown below.
AsyncCassandraTemplate asyncCassandraTemplate(Session session) {
return new AsyncCassandraTemplate(session);
Since you are using Spring data Repository interface, you can alse use the ReactiveCrudRepository interface to update or insert entity objects to Cassandra, which is shown in this spring data example project , as an alternative way to using the AsyncCassandraTemplate class.
In the case of using ReactiveCrudRepository and regarding what you want to do, your code needs the following changes.
change the return type of WRRepository.findByCol1AndCol2AndCol3(String, boolean, String) from List<WRpojo> to Flux<WRpojo> , in order to fully utilize the reactive functionality.
change the return type of persist(List<WRpojo>) from boolean to Mono<Void> , making the result non-blocking too.
change your persist(List<WRpojo>) to the following.
public Mono<Void> persist(List<WRpojo> l_wr) {
Flux<WRpojo> l_old_wr = objWRRepository.findByCol1AndCol2AndCol3("1", false, "2").doOnNext(s -> s.setStale(true));
return objWRRepository.saveAll(l_old_wr).thenMany(objWRRepository.saveAll(l_wr)).then();
In reactive programming, basically we don't block any code, this means that somewhere the returned Mono<Void> should be subscribed somewhere downstream, if you do want to block and wait for all operations complete, you can call block() on Mono<Void> , which is not recommended.

Spring #Transactional issue/challenge while placing in service layer

My Spring application is layered as Bean, Service and DAO. All the #Transactional annotations are in service layer.
This is the pseudo code in one particular scenario.
saveUser() {
public void manageUser() {
createUser() {
//insert user record in database
updateParentUser() {
//update parent user's database record
In my save user test case, the update parent user operation can fail in some cases due to primary key violation which is kind of expected.
As the #Transactional annotation is implemented in service class, this violation exception will be notified in bean class only.
What is the option to get this PK violation notification in my service class?
[Then I can handle it from there in a different business process.]
If I add a new method in service class and call manageUser() from there the #Transactional annotation will not work properly. This is due to the limitation/property of AOP. Spring expects external call to #Transactional methods.
The create/update won't be committed until you return from the #Transactional method. If the create/update is flushed to the database before that then you may get the exception within the method, but in your case it's not being flushed until the commit.
You can force the create/update to be flushed before the commit. You don't say whether you're using Hibernate or JPA, but session.flush() or entityManager.flush() should do the trick.
Use programmatic transaction management and handle exceptions in try catch block
Introduce a delegate class and do manageUser in a transaction there:
public void manageUser() {
} catch (Exception ex ) {
And in delegate class
public void manageUser() {
Instead of Spring proxy based AOP I moved to AspectJ approach. This gives me the flexibility to make my manageUser() method call from another method of same service class and I can handle the exception there.

Adding #Transactional causes "collection with cascade="all-delete-orphan" was no longer referenced"

I am upgrading a working project from Spring2+Hibernate3 to Spring3+Hibernate4. Since HibernateTemplate and HibernateDAOSupport have been retired, I did the following
Before (simplified)
public List<Object> loadTable(final Class<?> cls)
Session s = getSession(); // was calling the old Spring getSession
Criteria c = s.createCriteria(cls);
List<Object> objects = c.list();
if (objects == null)
objects = new ArrayList<Object>();
return objects;
Now (simplified)
public List<Object> loadTable(final Class<?> cls)
Session s = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
Criteria c = s.createCriteria(cls);
List<Object> objects = c.list();
if (objects == null)
objects = new ArrayList<Object>();
return objects;
I also added the transaction annotation declaration to Spring XML and removed this from Hibernate properties
"hibernate.current_session_context_class", "org.hibernate.context.ThreadLocalSessionContext"
The #Transactional annotation seems to have worked as I see this in the stacktrace
at com.database.spring.DatabaseDAOImpl$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$7d20ef95.loadTable(<generated>)
During initialization, the changes outlined above seem to work for a few calls to the loadTable function but when it gets around to loading an entity with a parent, I get the "collection with cascade="all-delete-orphan" was no longer referenced" error. Since I have not touched any other code that sets/gets parents or children and am only trying to fix the DAO method, and the query is only doing a sql SELECT, can anyone see why the code got broken?
The problem seems similar to Spring transaction management breaks hibernate cascade
This is unlikely problem of Spring, but rather issue with your entity handling / definition. When you are using deleteOrphans on a relation, the underlying PersistentSet MUST NOT be removed from the entity itself. You are allowed only to modify the set instance itself. So if you are trying to do anything clever within your entity setters, that is the cause.
Also as far as I remember there are some issues when you have deleteOrphans on both sides of the relation and/or load/manipulate both sides within one session.
Btw. I don't think "hibernate.current_session_context_class", "org.hibernate.context.ThreadLocalSessionContext" is necessary. In our project, this is the only configuration we have:
public LocalSessionFactoryBuilder sessionFactoryBuilder() {
return ((LocalSessionFactoryBuilder) new LocalSessionFactoryBuilder(
setProperty("hibernate.id.new_generator_mappings", "true").
setProperty("hibernate.dialect", dataSourceConfig.dialect()).
setProperty("javax.persistence.validation.mode", "none"));
public SessionFactory sessionFactory() {
return sessionFactoryBuilder().buildSessionFactory();
The issue was with Session Management. The same block of transactional code was being called by other modules that were doing their own session handling. To add to our woes, some of the calling modules were Spring beans while others were written in direct Hibernate API style. This disorganization was sufficient work to keep us away from moving up to Hibernate 4 immediately.
Moral of the lesson (how do you like that English?): Use a consistent DAO implementation across the entire project and stick to a clearly defined session and transaction management strategy.
