How can I resolve error when trying to open Maven JAR file via cmd: Could not find or load main class, Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError - maven

I have a JavaFX Maven project and I created a JAR file with the Maven package phase. Then, I wanted to open the created JAR file via the command line but instead of opening, a could not find main class error is displayed.
The JDK I use is Oracle OpenJDK v17.0.4. My IDE is Intelli Idea.
This is my project structure:
Project Structure
This is my pom.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!-- -->
<!-- Default configuration for running with: mvn clean javafx:run -->
So, I have this JAR file in my target folder of my javafx maven project:
My JAR file in the target folder
This is the command I typed:
java -jar EmailSystem-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
And this is the result of the command line:
Error message in cmd
The error:
> Error: Could not find or load main class com.example.demo.Application
> Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javafx/application/Application
So what is this NoClassDefFoundError about? How can I resolve that issue? And why javafx/application/Application ?
I seems so simple wanting to open a JAR file, so can anybody help me out with that humble task? :'D
I'd be really grateful, thank you :)


'[TestNG] Couldn't find the testng.xml in the jar file, running all the classes' error while running test on AWS Device Farm

I am trying to run a test suite on AWS device farm, It is a Maven project, I get the following error on the device farm Parsing result document: [TestNG] Couldn't find the testng.xml in the jar file, running all the classes.
While creating the zip for AWS device farm from Maven I get the following warning:
[WARNING] The POM for org.testng:testng:jar:5.14.3 is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable debug logging for more details.
I have the latest version of testng and surefire plugin nothing seems to help. any help on this one will be much appreciated.
My pom.xml is as follows:">
<groupId>com.pankanis.cameraplus </groupId>
<!-- -->
You need to add the testng.xml to the root of the -tests.jar file created. To do this put it in the src/test/resources directory to take advantage of the super pom configuration. Alternatively, you can create some testResources tags to reference where the testng.xml is at currently.
Hope that helps
Just added a pull request here
There is now a premium support article about this

Maven try to download a <packaing>pom</package> pom as a jar file and cannot find it

my maven pom.xml is quite simple:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- -->
From the pom.xml ,I just want pentaho-aggdesigner which is a parent pom of two modules pentaho-aggdesigner-core.jar and pentaho-aggdesigner-algorithm.jar , my remote repo is :
so , I think ,maven will visit to download the parent pom ,then , according to the pom, it will download two sub modules pentaho-aggdesigner-core.jar and pentaho-aggdesigner-algorithm.jar. The content of pentaho-aggdesigner-5.1.5-jhyde.pom is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>Pentaho Aggregate Designer</name>
<description>Designs aggregate tables for the Mondrian OLAP engine</description>
<issueManagement />
<!-- Dependency versions for all sub-modules.
Sorted by groupId, artifactId. -->
<!-- Test dependencies. -->
<!-- If we don't specify gitexe version, git doesn't
commit during release process. -->
you can see , pom indicates clearly that I am not a jar pom but a package pom. But maven still consider it to be a jar pom and tries to download the pentaho-aggdesigner.jar from remote repo, of course , the jar file does not exist and throw this error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project adfafa: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.acb:adfafa:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact org.pentaho:pentaho-aggdesigner:jar:5.1.5-jhyde in springmaven ( -> [Help 1]
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal on project adfafa:
Could not resolve dependencies for project org.acb:adfafa:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact org.pentaho:pentaho-aggdesigner:jar:5.1.5-jhyde in springmaven (
I had the same issue with pentaho-aggdesigner:pom:5.1.5-jhyde, this site solved my problem
Basically, used aliyun as mirror in maven settings.xml. And for this case, do not use as mirror as it requires login and will have an "Authentication" error.
Nah, maven doesn't work like that. See also How to use POMs as a dependency in Maven?
A parent is just a trick to combine configuration for it's child modules. It doesn't automatically introduce transitive dependencies.
So you need to specify the exact jar dependencies. Probably something like:
There are pom's that you can use like this, by including type 'pom' in your dependency:
In this case, pentaho-all would be a pom with a list of direct dependencies that you then would import as transitive dependencies. But the aggregator pom you found does not have direct dependencies, only modules and dependency management, so that one won't work.
adding following dependency to pom.xml will help
<!-- -->
Just download the file from any available repo and store in the proper folder e.g.

Convert a batch of jrxml files into jasper files?

How to create a maven target to convert a batch of jrxml files into jasper files which are in the same folder?
The folder path can be the input argument of the command?
**- A full example of POM file.**
Command to Build All **Jrxml** to **Jasper File** in maven
If you used eclipse then right click on the project and Run as maven Build and add goals antrun:run#compile-jasper-reports
compile-jasper-reports is the id you gave in the pom file.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<echo message="Start compile of jasper reports" />
<mkdir dir="${}/classes/reports"/>
<echo message="${basedir}/src/main/resources/jasper/jasperreports" />
<taskdef name="jrc" classname="net.sf.jasperreports.ant.JRAntCompileTask"
classpathref="maven.compile.classpath" />
<jrc srcdir="${basedir}/src/main/resources/jasper/jasperreports" destdir="${basedir}/src/main/resources/jasper/jasperclassfile"
<classpath refid="maven.compile.classpath"/>
<include name="**/*.jrxml" />
You have to specify configuration as below
</configuration> <!-- like here -->
<!-- We need to wait until after the java classes have been compiled
to compile the reports -->
See this post. It specifies the same.

Maven Plugin Development - Include Current Project's Resources to Plugin - "include-project-dependencies" - "NoSuchElementException"

I am trying to develop a maven plugin that uses resource files of the project that uses it as a plugin. I implemented that suggestion into my maven-plugin project and it was builded well. But when i clean & build my project that uses the plugin, i get this exception:
"Failed to execute goal
sample.plugin:maven-plugin:1.0-SNAPSHOT:convertproperties (default) on
project temp: Unable to retrieve component configurator
include-project-dependencies for configuration of mojo
role: org.codehaus.plexus.component.configurator.ComponentConfigurator
roleHint: include-project-dependencies"
POM file of the maven-plugin:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<version>[1.5.0, 1.5.1 ]</version>
POM file of my project that uses the maven-plugin:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
Any help would be very useful, thanks.
I have found a very good solvation to use the resources of the project inside maven-plugin.
Firstly i gave up using that suggestion.
My plugin's aim was to convert some resource (.properties) files and save them into the location where jsp pages are stored inside the project. So, first step is to copy the needed resource files and rename them as needed by using another maven-plugin called "maven-antrun-plugin" by setting it like that:
<copy file="${basedir}\src\main\resources\"
tofile="${basedir}\src\main\webapp\x\y.z" />
After that movement, I send the opened properties file and destination file into my plugin as variables typed "file" and converted the properties file and stored into the converted file ==> --> y.z
I said opened because maven does the job exactly like tihs; at build time opens the files that are set as variables for some maven-plugins and sends those objects that are references of those files. The maven-plugin gains the ability to change those files by this way.
Like this:
And those files are taken inside the code (class extends AbstractMojo) of my plugin like this:
* #parameter
private File[] properties;
* #parameter
private File[] convertedFiles;
Those are the steps that fully achieves the aim on converting .properties files into another files and storing inside somewhere of a project.
In addition, i have faced with an exception that tells some classes are not found while executing the maven-plugin on the build time of the project which uses it. This is caused by not being able to find needed jar files of the maven-plugin at the build time of the current project. The solvation of that is to use plugin called "maven-assembly-plugin" that builds the jar of your maven-plugin including the dependency jar libraries that your maven-plugin uses. The configuration of the plugin inside the pom file of your maven-plugin :
<id>make-assembly</id> <!-- this is used for inheritance merges -->
<phase>package</phase> <!-- bind to the packaging phase -->
If in some cases, the plugin fails to compile your jar as described, it may be caused by not containing a main class inside your maven-plugin. Because the resason to use such plugins that compile all jar files into one is to be bale to execute the jar of the current project alone itself, not needing any other classes on runtime (building standalone jar files). So, simply create a main class that uses the class of your maven-plugin (class extends AbstractMojo) and try to compile again. After a successfull compilation you can delete your main class, it would build your maven-plugin successfully again without a main class.
I vould be very happy if this post is helpful for somebody.

axis2, Maven and IntelliJ

I am trying to generate Java classes for a Web Service client using axis2. I keep getting a Cannot resolve symbol 'wsname_ServiceStub' The java file is not being picked up. Meanwhile the 'wsname_ServiceCallbackHandler' the java file in the same directory is getting picked up and I can reference to it from the rest of my project.
The file is showing up as a "not a class file" for some reason
I'm using IntelliJ 11.1.2 and Maven 2.2.1
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
