Spring boot - room booking - make reservation date contorl - spring

I create a room booking system and I need to control date. I want to validate date in order not to make a reservation for the same room i the same time period.
Can you help me with needed steps to do/articles/ready solutuios where I can see the mechanism?
I have working CRUD for reservation, but without date control


I want to prevent user to make payout request from his wallet for specific time

I'm working on e-learning academy system like udemy every instructor have wallets and wallets have three type of balance
1- total balance and it present total earning
2- available balance and it present earning that he can make payout or transfer it to his bank account
3- hold balance and it present earning that is not available for specific time then will be available to transfer it.
Project build by Laravel my issue how can I hold money for 14 days and after that make this money available without any action from my side I need logical idea to make it
can use cron job, or is anyone have this experience before ?
Let me break down the issue as per my understanding so we make sure I'm answering the correct question;
You have a system that has a wallet feature.
This wallet needs to hold some money and make the money unavailable to be paid out (hold status)
Then after 14 days, the money gets paid automatically without any interaction.
If I'm correct, then keep reading the answer below. If i'm not, correct me with a comment and I'll update my answer accordingly.
We will create a new table. Let's call it pending_payments. It'll have the following information: user_id, payment_amount, pay_at
That table will hold information about pending payments and to which user they should be paid as well as the amount and the date it should be paid at.
We'll have a Laravel job that can be automated ( read this for more information: https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/scheduling) which will do the following:
a. Run daily on a specific time. Let's say at 13:00 daily for ease.
b. It'll check the pending_payments table for payments that should be paid today.
c. Pay them ( which means run whatever function/task you have to run in order to process the payment).
d. On a successful payment, remove the row from pending_payments table. And on a failure payment, log the error and insert the row again with a later date to be retried again later.
That's it.

Detect multiple intents

I am working on agent for restaurant tables reservation, I am detecting the reservation parameters and everything fine, I need to allow the users to update any previous parameters at any page, e.g assume the user in a page called get reservation date which responsible for getting the reservation date from the user, and at the previous pages the user entered the restaurant name and reservation time,at get reservation date page the user may say: "I want to update the restaurant name" or "I want to update the reservation time" or "I want to update the reservation time and the restaurant name", How to detect multiple update cases on a single message?
I hope I could justify what I am trying to do.

How to customize Django TimeField()?

There is a restaurant table reservation app which I am trying to make that has DateField() and TimeField() fields.
Now suppose there is a table booking for XX:xx time and XX/XX/XXXX date. Now in the rendered HTML form, I want the reserved time to not be available anymore. How can I do that?

Want to build an attendance management system using MEAN stack

I want to build an attendance management system using MEAN stack. The application should work like this -
There will be an admin who will control CRUD operations on User and as well as look into the Attendance of each user and have a detailed list of average attendance of the user per month and per year.
There will be a user page and when the user logs in i want to store the date and time in the client side and then send it to the database. So that based on the time and date the admin can see when the user has logged in and mark the user as present for that particular day.
I want to know how to store the date and time in the client side and then pass it onto the database for calculations. Also wanted to know that is it necessary to authenticate in the front end as well?
May be I am late, but I can try to answer your query.
You can store date and time as an object and pass it via request parameters to the backend to store it in the database.
You can take a look a the following on how to get date and time in Javascript How do I get the time of day in javascript/Node.js?

Managing transactions, spring boot

In my spring boot application , i want to avoid booking more than one appointment per date but when two requests of booking for a date x are done in the same time i have the two appointments saved in the database with the same date x.
How to resolve this, any help please?
If possible do not insert the second booking (e.g. check with a query before inserting or lock the booking pessimistic). This should be the best way - there are several ways to prevent concurrent bookings. You will also find a lot of discussions on stackoverflow.
If this is not possible in your use case: Use a database constraint (this will throw an exception if booking and date is already in your database and you can handle the error in our application) https://stackoverflow.com/a/2570810/5978781
