WSL intergration with ADS login credentials - ansible

I've installed WSL ubantu flavor, Installed Ansible and sutable linux packages on it. Thought of running the playbook from WSL by passing our organization hosts details in hosts file of ansible. But WSL(ubantu) login is not configured with our ADS credetails to execute passwordless ssh. But WSL is installed in oganization network. How we can achive this intergration
I tried with gateway host which establish passwordless ssh to connect respective hosts which is defined in ansible hosts file. similar way trying to achive from WSL, created proxy to bypass the connection. But ADS login is blocker for this.

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Expand-Archive debian
cd distro
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getting error when using ansible Kerberos

I create 2 servers, windows and Linux. Linux is for ansible runner machine, windows as host machine.
Through the Linux ansible machine, login to host windows machine and install tools. In Linux ansible machine installed all tools, windows host machine is domain joined, but not for Linux. we don't have domain join for Linux. Now I'm trying to authenticate with Kerberos. I'm getting some errors.
Kerberos ref link I used: (user authentication process)
see above screenshot, I added Kerberos config file, and run kinit command.
How to config Kerberos in ansible, Kerberos need VM domain join or not?
No active directory accounts to authenticate, only VM username and VM password. what is the process to config VM username and VM Password in Kerberos config file, and login to host machine.
Please help me on this.
For me your KDC is wrong.
You need to go on your windows host. Open a command line and enter the following command :
nslookup -type=srv _kerberos._tcp.WSUS.COM
Expected result :
priority = 0
weight = 100
port = 88
svr hostname = REALKDC
Change your KDC in krb5.conf by REALKDC.
And now your kinit command will work normally.
Don't forget to use a username which exist in your AD :
kinit myuser

How to connect to a Windows EC2 instance using Ansible?

From reading the Connect to your Windows instance AWS EC2 docs page, my understanding is that it is not possible to SSH to Windows EC2 instances.
The typical procedure to connect to a Windows EC2 instance manually is to download the remote desktop file, get the password for the instance, and then use the Remote Desktop Connection tool to RDP to the instance (more detail is in the docs page above).
If I am correct that Windows EC2 instances do not support connecting via SSH, how can you connect to a Windows EC2 in an Ansible playbook?
I would prefer to be able to do this without installing any software on the Windows EC2 instance beforehand, but if that is necessary, I can do that.
I have found you need to do the following to connect to a Windows EC2 instance using Ansible:
You need to configure the EC2 to allow connections from Ansible using the ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1 script. This can be done either by setting this as the user data when you create the EC2, or by running this script after the EC2 is created.
You need add a security group, or configure a security group already added to the EC2 to allow the following incoming requests to the EC2 from the host(s) that the Ansible playbook will be running on:
TCP requests to whatever you configure as the Ansible port
You need to install pywinrm>=0.3.0 so Ansible can use WinRM to connect to the EC2.
You need to run the Ansible playbook with ansible_connection variable set to winrm, and the ansible_winrm_scheme variable set to http. This can be done with --extra-args or any other way that variables are set.
You need to provide the public IP address of the Windows EC2 host, either under hosts in the playbook, or in a host file passed to ansible-playbook with -i.
You need to get or set the EC2's Administrator password, and then provide this password with the ansible_password variable for the EC2.

How to configure Ansible with Cygwin on windows hosts

Since my company needs time to consider security issues with WinRM which is used by Ansible to manage windows hosts I was thinking about doing it via Cygwin ssh connection which we already have installed.
Is this even possible?
I tried to setup env variables like that:
ansible_connection: ssh
ansible_shell_type: cmd
End I'm trying to create a folder with the folliwng playbook:
- name: Ensure C:\Temp exists
path: C:\Temp
state: directory
Gathering Facts is succesfull, but I'm getting: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Unhandled exception while executing module: The system cannot find the path specified"}
In theory, Ansible, since v.2.8, supports doing connections through SSH, new windows even come with a Microsoft fork of OpenSSH.
I am having trouble to make it work (that's how I ended up here), but I recommend you to take a look to the following links:
If you can do SSH using the PK, but you get an unreachable from Ansible, you may need to check also this:
How to fix "Unreachable" when ping windows with ansible over ssh?
For Windows Server 2019/10's OpenSSH configuration:
Setting up OpenSSH for Windows using public key authentication

Ansible connectivity from Control Host to Remote Host : Alternate to Passwordless SSH

We are in the midway of implementing Ansible CI for app deployment. For connecting the Remote host from Control Host , we used passwordless SSH authentication (by adding SSH key to authorized_keys).
But with recent changes, Unix team not allowing this any more on higher env as corporate unix policy. So have to use the password way.
The user with which Ansible running & connecting to Remote machine is a sudo user & does not have a password for itself.
So in this case, how do we connect from Control Host to Remote host, without the SSH key?
while running the ansible playbook we get an option to provide the user using which we can do ssh --user . Also the same configuration can be achieved by providing the configuration in the inventory file.
For password you can use vault
I am editing the answer to provide info that we can use other user than the one with which ansible is installed. You can create a new user which has password or passwordless authentication setup.
Hope so this helps.

how to configure pycharm to ssh a bastion host using putty or OpenSSH

I am trying to ssh a bastion using pycharm PyCharm 2018.1 on a Windows 7 machine using putty.
I found some documentation to ssh a server and this work without any issues:
For the bastion server, it seems that pycharm doesn't allow such conection (in the config I only see login and server name as parameters). I tried to put in the putty configuration to the bastion server a tunnel to a localhost. On my window machine I see the port of my localhost.
The issue is that I don't manage to connect pycharm to the localhost. It expect a login and a pwd while I just have the localhost name.
I see in a post from last year that "if you are using a bastion host (also referred to as a jump host), you’ll be very happy to know that PyCharm 2017.3 supports SSH config files. Even on Windows."
Any idea how to have it working either with the localhoast of using OpenSSH and SSH config file ?
The issue was the localhost.Using plink directly is working with no problem using same commands than regular ssh: plink.exe -L 9009:server:22 user#bastion. With Putty it doesn't work (first the IP was instead of even with the right port pycharm failed to connect with it work when I use plink directly).
This thread was helping:
